Site Update The Inner Sanctum 2.0

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Site Update The Inner Sanctum 2.0

Hello Sanctum Dwellers!!!

For some time now, when asked about tech issues and new features, staff have been giving the same answer: "We're working on it". Well, now the time has come for everyone to know what we're working on, how it affects you and how it will make the Sanctum a better site. For our 4 year site anniversary, the Sanctum Admin Team proudly presents: The Inner Sanctum 2.0 (preview)

Long story made VERY short for those of you that don't care about the details: The Sanctum currently runs on Xenforo 1.5, an effective but unfortunately outdated version of the Xenforo software. In order to keep improving the site, adding features and receiving security updates, we will be updating in the very near future to Xenforo 2.1, which is built for more modern devices and adds a number of features that are not possible to get on current site software.

The details:

1. We have not currently set a date for the update, but as with past ones, we will give plenty of advance notice. You will know well in advance when the change takes place

2. Right now, our plans will require the site to be down for a time (24 hours at the absolute maximum, probably far less). This allows us to make a full backup copy of the site, upgrade, replace essential add-ons and come back online without risking any work that is posted in the interim. Again, you will receive PLENTY of notice, so there is no chance that the site will drop out on you halfway through a reply.

3. As this is a major software upgrade, some site features WILL be lost temporarily and might be replaced with new systems. Major features like Chat will be installed as soon as possible, others will follow as quickly as we can manage.

4. Due to the incompatibility of themes from Xenforo 1.5 to 2.1, ALL existing site themes will be lost. Rest assured, however, that many will be recreated and new ones will be made as well.

5. Certain features, in particular the site blogs, do not have updated add-ons and will be lost. The current plan is to implement a replacement system in a different way, but if you have anything in your blogs you want to save, making a backup is advisable. Do note that this applies only to the blogs. All content stored in the forums will update without issue.

We will be posting more details, including the timeline, more in-depth explanations of the changes and possibly some details of features we plan to add in the near future. If you have any questions or concerns, please post them below.

@Otys will be overseeing the upgrade, @DarkestPaladin will be leading the effort to create our themes and @Mia is probably already plotting ways for everyone to remain entertained and informed while the Sanctum is getting its newest tune-up.

Thanks for reading and we hope you'll all enjoy The Inner Sanctum 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What the new site software will add:

1. EMOJI Support. While our classic and much-beloved emoji set shall remain in spirit :(, Xenforo 2.1 will allow full access to most unicode emojis, allowing you to use the ones from your phone :D

2. Improved mobile support, meaning that most mobile-related glitches shall be a thing of the past

3. A slew of quality of life improvements, including improved site design, editing, and user statistics.

4. Much requested BBCode improvements, which will be supported natively by the site software

5. A huge number of back-end improvements, which will make add-ons function better and improve user experience

6. A truly massive number of site add-ons that will let us improve your experience immensely
Everything that is in the forums will be completely safe—request threads, roleplay threads, character threads, etc.
Due to the incompatibility of themes from Xenforo 1.5 to 2.1, ALL existing site themes will be lost. Rest assured, however, that many will be recreated and new ones will be made as well.
I just ask that the revised site opens back up with a dark theme off the bat. I can't use the forum without one (everything else hurts my eyes, quite literally).

Thanks for making the time for all of this.
I just ask that the revised site opens back up with a dark theme off the bat. I can't use the forum without one (everything else hurts my eyes, quite literally).

Thanks for making the time for all of this.
I sympathise as I am stuck in the opposite park,
Unfortunately I can't read off a dark theme background so I guess it will just be a case of see what The great Paladin provides.
It all sounds good anyway.
@DarkestPaladin would need to weigh in on any specific plans she has (As I value my fingers to much to let her catch them anywhere near her site themes), but I think it's safe to say that light on dark and dark on light backgrounds will be at the top of the pile, as most people prefer one or the other. Anything more specific might take time, but we'll try our best to cover all bases.
@DarkestPaladin would need to weigh in on any specific plans she has (As I value my fingers to much to let her catch them anywhere near her site themes), but I think it's safe to say that light on dark and dark on light backgrounds will be at the top of the pile, as most people prefer one or the other. Anything more specific might take time, but we'll try our best to cover all bases.
The username is apropos to the discussion. :p
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