MxF The Killer Kind Of Love

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MxF The Killer Kind Of Love

Cerosene Cabot

Sexy, Naughty, B****y Succubus
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Today 7:59 AM
Your Darkest Desires
You were my target, and I should have killed you, but I couldn't. I don't know why, not exactly, but when i saw your face and got to know you, I just couldn't do it. This kind of thing never happens to me.

I come from a long line of top notch, unknown, of course, assassins, well that isn't entirely true. You see my real family was killed by the self same assassins who took me in and raised me from the age of 5 to the age of 19. They had slaughtered my entire family in the blink of an eye, right in front of me, but when they came to the last one, me, I don't know why, but they spared me, took me home and raised me to be an amazing assassin, and I am a very good one, after all these years, not that I would brag about it, because this line of work really isn't anything to be bragging about. I mean, we kill people.

I went through years upon years of training to get this far though, only to become the thing that murdered my entire family, well the one I had before, not my family that I have now.

As an assassin, you have to have clients, and mine was vast, it was mainly of people who had been very wronged by a person, or criminals that escaped judgement, but the people the hurt, they still wanted their own revenge, so they paid me a lot of money, and I made their problems go away, permanently, though I would always make them look like suicides, that they died from a guilty conscience, or whatever you would like to think. Well that isn't entirely true, at first they came to see my parents to see if they would do it, but since my parents are retired and living the good life, they sent the people to their children, which happened to be me and my little sister.

With all the clients I had, I was never in need of anything. All I had to do was do the client's dirty work, and I always did it, no matter the job, or how dirty it was on the soul, or even the clothes.

I had one client though, and as I said, I would do any job, no matter how dirty it was; don't you start judging me now. You knew I was an assassin from the very beginning of this. Anyway, as I said, there was one client who wanted me to kill his ex-girlfriend. I don't ask questions, so I never found out why. A job is a job, no matter the ifs, ands, or buts about it. Though he would never tell me what she had looked like, just said he would send me a picture of her.

I left my client, just waiting for him to send me what I needed to do my job, I happened upon this tiny café. I went inside, and from the inside it was so cute. I sat down, with a coffee in my hand, trying to catch my breath, it was turning out to be a bit of a stressful day for me. I had been deep in thought, wondering about this ex-girlfriend of my client. She must have been a very horrible person to him or something, I thought to myself, but just then, I see someone walking up to my table out of the corner of my eye, causing me to be a little cautious, me being who I am and all, you know how it is, wait, you probably don't. When I looked up, there was this breath-takingly beautiful woman standing in front of me, asking if she could sit at my table, and how could I say no? We talked for hours, and I purposely ignored my phone when it let me know I had a new message. When I left, I felt amazing, that is until I looked at my phone and saw the picture my client sent me, of his ex-girlfriend, the one who I was supposed to kill. Yeah guess who was on the phone, the nice and friendly girl I just met. How could I kill such a nice woman? I really didn't want to kill her, but it was my job.

I followed you home so many times, and could have killed you a number of times, but I just couldn't bring myself to, and what's worse, is that I just continue to see her at the café, learning more and more about her. God, I'm stupid. What should I do? Guess it is good I didn't get paid for my job yet, but I hate to leave a job unfinished. Though I feel that way, I also feel like as we continue to get closer, I feel as though you are really MINE. My woman, the question is are you my woman to love, or my woman to kill?

Reno Cortezeon
Age: 25
Personality: *puts fingers to your lips.* Shhh. It's a secret.
Bio: If you read my storyline, then you would know. *Flips danger in his hand.* Now that you know though, you may not be able to leave this room alive.
This sounds really interesting! I wouldn't mind trying this out if it's still available!
Reno glanced over the top of his newspaper, looking at his current victim not a few feet away from him, in her own place, well her own cafe. Elizabeth Monroe, quite the classy lady, was the target of quite the wealthy man's wrath. Must have spurred his affections something fierce, but hey, a job was a job to him, so it didn't matter to him. Yeah, he felt bad for her, but only because she had the worst luck in the world to have to be hunted down by a top assassin like him. Most of the other assassins he had met in his life agreed that he was one of the fiercest assassins out there.

He usually kept his distance, not wanting to get to actually get personal with his victims until he had to, but for some reason, he had been in this cafe for the fourth time in the last month, and he didn't understand why, not one bit. And he could have ended her so many times in that month, almost did a number of times too, but something kept stopping him right when he was going to end her. Yes Elizabeth was cute, but he had killed a bunch of cute women in his life. Why should this little, small, and she was small, woman be any different, but for some unknown reason she was slightly different, not that that would change anything. It only meant that she was a bit different from the others. Good he needed a bit of a challenge.
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