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MxF The Koi arii


Wyrd Sister
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The Otherside
In the beginning there was dust within which seven elements formed.

These came into being in their purest form as the Koi arii. A sentient element that alone is inert but bound to an agent becomes a force to be reckoned with. Agents of the Koi arii work for Fate maintaining balance throughout the multiverse. Some deeds are good, some may seem less so, that is not their concern. The balance is their concern.

Each Koi arii imparts abilities upon its bearer. However it can only enhance abilities the agent has an affinity for.
If the bearer is 6'5 225lbs and hits like a sledge hammer. They will not suddenly become a light fingered pickpocket who vanishes in the blink.of an eye.

With this in mind Fate chooses his agents carefully. For once bound the union can last millennia.

Bleidd Deveney(aka McConnell) is the bearer of the Dark . A thief and obtainer of information and occasional curse breaker and assassin.
When asked by Fate to become an agent she turned him down. He in turn killed her and removed her heart binding her to the Dark. This is not the usual way agents are bound most accept the invitation. However after over 10'000 years of no bearer for the Dark Fate intervened. That was 2'000 years ago.
Bleidd enjoys conflict and a challenge, she likes to make her opponents squirm, and kudos to them if they can do the same. It's been a very long time since anyone has come close to being a test on her abilities.

Agents can travel from the hunting halls a place outside of time and space, to any place and time in the multiverse in order to help maintain balance throughout the realms.

(( This is an original concept, with an original character. If this has given you an idea please pm and let me hear it. This is intended to be quite action filled with graphic content,))

For more info on me.
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