- Local time
- Today 10:27 PM
- Messages
- 2
- Age
- 39
My typical username is Mage Clawhammer, but for simplicity sake, I just go by Mage. I've been roleplaying for over twenty years now.Gonna step back and review that a moment......God, I feel old.
Anyway, I started in yahoo, back in the days of Ayenee and the user created chat rooms. I've been participating in play by post forum roleplays since 2002. I live in North Carolina, operate on Eastern Standard Time, and tend to do most of my writing at some ungodly hour of the morning.

~Code of Conduct~
Format: I'm not really sure what to tell you about my writing style. In short, I tend to be wordy. It's not a preference, it's just how I am. Otherwise, my tastes lean more towards quality over quantity.
Activity: I'm almost always around in some form. I have Hangouts on my phone, and my phone is rarely out of reach. Plotting and planning are usually pretty easy for me, but my time to actually sit down and write out a post is often limited, and it may take me a few days to work up a good response.
Platforms: I prefer to work either in the forum, or on google docs. I'm not opposed to writing or roleplaying real time in chat, but it's been so long since I did anything like that, I'm sure it would be a mess.
Dinosaurs (I seriously want to do something with dinosaurs)
Preferred Genres: Fantasy (All types), Scifi, Thriller/Suspense, Horror
~Bitter Taste~
Not fan of Smut, Romance, or Slice-of-Life
Honestly, romantic storylines make me uncomfortable. If a romantic connection forms naturally between characters, I'm all for it, but I don't approach a story with that objective in mind.
Also not a fan of gore or senseless violence. A visceral scene meant to convey a point or emotion to the reader is one thing, but writing something disgusting for pure shock value is a no go.
I play older male characters the majority of the time. It's comfortable, and I feel that a character with a few years under their belt is both more interesting, and more believable, than some young gun prodigy. I also enjoy writing supporting characters. I don't have to be front and center in a story. I personally feel that characters placed to help the hero along the way tend to be more intriguing than the hero's themselves.
While I lean towards male characters, I'm not opposed to playing a woman. I thoroughly enjoy it, actually.
If given the choice to write something other than human, I almost always do so.
~Last Thoughts~
I'm incredibly excited to be here, and look forward to exploring this site more. What I have seen so far looks amazing, and I want to thank you in advance for having me.
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