Inner Sanctum Nobility

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Hello! I'm Midnight and I've been roleplaying for several years in both English and Swedish. I hope (or rather expect) that people who want to roleplay with me reads through this thread before sending me a message! Please, do send me a PM instead of posting in this thread. Also, this isn't a must but it would be really nice if you could name the PM something else than the title of my RT, I have so many PMs with that title and it's getting difficult to separate them.
Here's two writing examples from me!
What I want:
I'm open to FxM, MxM, FxF and FxFuta pairings. In FxM and FxFuta pairings I'm only interested in writing as the female. Overall I prefer to play the character that is more submissive or a switch, at least to some degree.
I'm working on a F-list but hard limits are: Scat, vore, furries, toilet play, godmodding, violence that goes beyond just having some rough sex, gore during smut scenes and so on. If you are interested in something and you are unsure that I'm into it, please just ask me about it!
When it comes to smut overall: I love to have it in roleplays, but what amount is up for discussion. I can do 20/80, 30/70 or even 50/50 smut to plot depending on what we are going for. Maybe even more if we feel like it! BUT! What I don't want is just smut all the time or that the smut is one liners or first person or something, it's smut but it should still be well written! I especially love smut if it's combined with love and passion and an excellent story. I don't want it to be just mindless fucking (not all of the time at least).
Now let's get to the fun stuff!
The roles that are in bold are the ones I want to roleplay as. Do keep in mind that while I've listed pairings and plots below, I am open to other things! If I haven't written it out in this thread it may very well be because I haven't thought of it.
Now I'm going to list some ideas/plots I have! I'm open to changing/adjusting them a bit if there is something specific my partner wants. Right now I'm not as interested in Foreign Invaders or the Master x Slave one, but I'm very interested in the other ideas I have down below!
If you are interested in roleplaying with me, have any questions or just want to chat, send me a PM.
Looking to do an Outlander inspired story!
Not necessarily related to my Outlander craving I'm overall right now I'm looking for something with more smut than what I usually have in my roleplays. Not a roleplay with only smut as I still want some story, but somewhat smut heavy. I'm of course still interested in more story focused roleplays as well.
Not necessarily related to my Outlander craving I'm overall right now I'm looking for something with more smut than what I usually have in my roleplays. Not a roleplay with only smut as I still want some story, but somewhat smut heavy. I'm of course still interested in more story focused roleplays as well.
- I work full time and at times I won't have energy to reply every single day, but most of the time I will! But, during more stressful work weeks I may just give a couple replies per week. I love writing back and forth if we're both online and have the energy to write. If I know I'm going to be unable to reply for more than a week I'll let you know! Weekends are when I'm the most active and when I'm in the mood to write. EDIT: Right now I feel like I got a lot of free time once work is done so replies are quite frequent! Especially on the weekends.
- Good grammar and overall good writing skills if I say so myself and I always strive to become better.
- At least two-three paragraphs per post, though often I like to do more than that.
- I write in third person.
- Submissive or switch/neutral characters (though even if they are submissive they are submissive they aren't a pushover).
- I like to chat!
- I will help to drive the story along with you!
- I will be on and available mostly afternoons and evenings/nights Central European time.
- I'll lett you know if there's something I want to change in the roleplay, if I'm going to be unavailable for some time or if I want to end the story.
Here's two writing examples from me!
From Rise of Centaurus
"After having washed her makeup off and thrown her clothes onto a nearby chair, Harper had gone into bed and fallen asleep. When she woke up the next morning, one of the first things she thought about was her previous night. Tay. A smile appeared in her face as she stretched herself out on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. It had been an amazing evening, hot but not sloppy or awkward in any way. She really hoped that he would text her. It would certainly be something to meet with him sometime again. It didn't have to be for something serious, just another fuck would be as nice, though this time she hoped it would be on a proper bed. Of course she didn't expect him to text her that very day. It would come off as a bit desperate or too much then. But in a way day, maybe up to a week would be the perfect time to get in touch again, at least in her mind.
Despite knowing that it was fine if it took some time, Harper still thought of it at least once a day, checking if she hadn't gotten any new messages. But nothing. She tried to not care about it, but when it neared the weekend and a week had passed since she met him, she was starting to lose hope. Still, she tried to not care, thinking that he may be busy or that perhaps he hadn't been so interested. That latter thought hurt just a bit, had she been more amazed by the experience than he had?
It wasn't until two weeks had passed that she truly thought he wouldn't text her. After all, even if Tay was busy and couldn't met with her, shouldn't he have sent her at least a 'What's up?' to show that he was interested at least? No, in her mind he wasn't interested and she was starting to feel foolish for thinking he had ever been. Perhaps he had only asked for her number to get her panties off, which had succeeded. Harper felt almost stupid, though she didn't regret anything. Not talking to him or having sex with him in the bathroom. The only thing she regretted was that she had spent so much time hoping that he would text her, it felt pathetic now almost.
During the next few weeks, Harper tried to not think of him at all. Of course, sometimes when she laid alone in bed at night, she couldn't help but remember their hot action in the bathroom stall. Though she had given up any hope of ever seeing him again. Instead she spent more time working, taking more shift at the restaurant she was being a waitress at. She wanted to save up more money, so she could travel and do whatever she wanted. One day at work, while being in the staff room she listened to the songs on the radio. Suddenly, a very familiar one came on. Centaurus, 'Hear me now'. It brought her right back to the live performance and Tay and she sighed deeply. During the next few days, she continued to hear that song, and another one while at work. It seemed like they were starting to blow up. She couldn't blame him for not texting her then, he was probably too busy with everything else.
It was now close to a month since that night at the bar. Harper was once again working, having her small break outside the restaurant, out by the back. She was smoking and looking at her phone, dressed in her work uniform which consisted of a knee long black skirt and a white shirt while she had her hair up in a bun. While scrolling through Instagram she suddenly got a new message and opened it. It was only after reading through it a few times that she realized what it was.
"You fucker" she stated out into the open air, as if Tay somehow could hear her. She blew in some smoke and shook her head to herself, though after she had exhaled she smiled. She felt like it was quite a dick move to not text her at all in one month, though they had also not been so close that she felt that she had the right to become really upset. So she decided to say yes to him, but to not make it too easy. She didn't want to seem desperate after all.
Wanting to leave him hanging for a bit. Harper finished smoking her cigarette and stopped the butt on the ground before heading back inside to finish work. Two hours later she was on her way home, still wearing her work uniform and texting while walking. Well, some sort of apology or something to prove that he is sorry is a good start. Then, maybe.
She did want him to feel the burn a little bit. Soon enough she came home and after changing into some casual clothing she laid on her bed and looked at her phone, waiting to see if he would text her now or if he would take another month."
"After having washed her makeup off and thrown her clothes onto a nearby chair, Harper had gone into bed and fallen asleep. When she woke up the next morning, one of the first things she thought about was her previous night. Tay. A smile appeared in her face as she stretched herself out on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. It had been an amazing evening, hot but not sloppy or awkward in any way. She really hoped that he would text her. It would certainly be something to meet with him sometime again. It didn't have to be for something serious, just another fuck would be as nice, though this time she hoped it would be on a proper bed. Of course she didn't expect him to text her that very day. It would come off as a bit desperate or too much then. But in a way day, maybe up to a week would be the perfect time to get in touch again, at least in her mind.
Despite knowing that it was fine if it took some time, Harper still thought of it at least once a day, checking if she hadn't gotten any new messages. But nothing. She tried to not care about it, but when it neared the weekend and a week had passed since she met him, she was starting to lose hope. Still, she tried to not care, thinking that he may be busy or that perhaps he hadn't been so interested. That latter thought hurt just a bit, had she been more amazed by the experience than he had?
It wasn't until two weeks had passed that she truly thought he wouldn't text her. After all, even if Tay was busy and couldn't met with her, shouldn't he have sent her at least a 'What's up?' to show that he was interested at least? No, in her mind he wasn't interested and she was starting to feel foolish for thinking he had ever been. Perhaps he had only asked for her number to get her panties off, which had succeeded. Harper felt almost stupid, though she didn't regret anything. Not talking to him or having sex with him in the bathroom. The only thing she regretted was that she had spent so much time hoping that he would text her, it felt pathetic now almost.
During the next few weeks, Harper tried to not think of him at all. Of course, sometimes when she laid alone in bed at night, she couldn't help but remember their hot action in the bathroom stall. Though she had given up any hope of ever seeing him again. Instead she spent more time working, taking more shift at the restaurant she was being a waitress at. She wanted to save up more money, so she could travel and do whatever she wanted. One day at work, while being in the staff room she listened to the songs on the radio. Suddenly, a very familiar one came on. Centaurus, 'Hear me now'. It brought her right back to the live performance and Tay and she sighed deeply. During the next few days, she continued to hear that song, and another one while at work. It seemed like they were starting to blow up. She couldn't blame him for not texting her then, he was probably too busy with everything else.
It was now close to a month since that night at the bar. Harper was once again working, having her small break outside the restaurant, out by the back. She was smoking and looking at her phone, dressed in her work uniform which consisted of a knee long black skirt and a white shirt while she had her hair up in a bun. While scrolling through Instagram she suddenly got a new message and opened it. It was only after reading through it a few times that she realized what it was.
"You fucker" she stated out into the open air, as if Tay somehow could hear her. She blew in some smoke and shook her head to herself, though after she had exhaled she smiled. She felt like it was quite a dick move to not text her at all in one month, though they had also not been so close that she felt that she had the right to become really upset. So she decided to say yes to him, but to not make it too easy. She didn't want to seem desperate after all.
Wanting to leave him hanging for a bit. Harper finished smoking her cigarette and stopped the butt on the ground before heading back inside to finish work. Two hours later she was on her way home, still wearing her work uniform and texting while walking. Well, some sort of apology or something to prove that he is sorry is a good start. Then, maybe.
She did want him to feel the burn a little bit. Soon enough she came home and after changing into some casual clothing she laid on her bed and looked at her phone, waiting to see if he would text her now or if he would take another month."
From Ask not what your kingdom can do for you.
"Elenore was fuming. In these last few months, Plimond had gone through so much. Both she and her father had thought that by marrying Sion, peace would at last be restored and give them a secure future. She and the kingdom had gone through losses but this was the final drop. After all, she was a woman who took a great lot of pride in her country and her noble birth and she was used to speaking her mind. She could not remain silent, even if Sion was her future husband and king.
His words only served to fuel her fury and she couldn't believe that he was defending what he had done. Before she could reply though, his tone changed. She stood still as he took a step closer to her and she gasped as he said that he had taken the throne by force. Before she could protest, he had slammed her against the wall with his hand on her throat. She stared at him with pure shock for a few moments. No one had ever laid hands on her before, no one. She knew the situation was quickly becoming more dangerous, but his violence continued to just anger her.
"You are a fool, Prince Sion!" she told him, still staring defiantly into his eyes with her brown ones. "You thought you gave them a choice, but you have just turned all those soldiers against you! Don't you think they want to go home to their families? Instead of continuing to fight without a cause? You have in particular turned the nobles against you! You could have implemented the tax simple enough when you were King and had legitimacy, but instead you went and threatened them!". She had to pause to catch her breath before continuing.
"You say that you don't need me to legitimize your claim to the throne, but you do! By your actions, you have turned the people of Plimond against you! They will never see you as their true King if you do things like this, only as a foreign invader! I am their Princess, they know I will always keep their best in mind and fight for them, without me by your side, they would revolt and you would in the end be King of nothing!". She finally stopped talking, now catching her breath and breathing rather quickly as she had gotten so upset."
"Elenore was fuming. In these last few months, Plimond had gone through so much. Both she and her father had thought that by marrying Sion, peace would at last be restored and give them a secure future. She and the kingdom had gone through losses but this was the final drop. After all, she was a woman who took a great lot of pride in her country and her noble birth and she was used to speaking her mind. She could not remain silent, even if Sion was her future husband and king.
His words only served to fuel her fury and she couldn't believe that he was defending what he had done. Before she could reply though, his tone changed. She stood still as he took a step closer to her and she gasped as he said that he had taken the throne by force. Before she could protest, he had slammed her against the wall with his hand on her throat. She stared at him with pure shock for a few moments. No one had ever laid hands on her before, no one. She knew the situation was quickly becoming more dangerous, but his violence continued to just anger her.
"You are a fool, Prince Sion!" she told him, still staring defiantly into his eyes with her brown ones. "You thought you gave them a choice, but you have just turned all those soldiers against you! Don't you think they want to go home to their families? Instead of continuing to fight without a cause? You have in particular turned the nobles against you! You could have implemented the tax simple enough when you were King and had legitimacy, but instead you went and threatened them!". She had to pause to catch her breath before continuing.
"You say that you don't need me to legitimize your claim to the throne, but you do! By your actions, you have turned the people of Plimond against you! They will never see you as their true King if you do things like this, only as a foreign invader! I am their Princess, they know I will always keep their best in mind and fight for them, without me by your side, they would revolt and you would in the end be King of nothing!". She finally stopped talking, now catching her breath and breathing rather quickly as she had gotten so upset."
What I want:
- Preferably at least a reply a day/every other day, though I will more than understand if it sometimes can take a few days. Though if you are going to be unable to reply for more than a few days, please give me a heads up! Also, if we both are online I'm very happy for more than a reply per day!
- Good grammar and overall good writing skills (Don't need to be perfect)
- At least two-three paragraphs per post or more. Though I prefer quality over quantity!
- If you can't reply for some time or no longer wish to continue the story, tell me! I much rather prefer to know and adapt my expectations than be left hanging. I will do the same to you.
- Writing in third person.
- Wants to chat some
- Helps to drive the story
- Besides casual chatting wants to plot and discuss the roleplay. I love to share music that we think fits the roleplay, or pictures or whatever! It's not a must, though.
I'm open to FxM, MxM, FxF and FxFuta pairings. In FxM and FxFuta pairings I'm only interested in writing as the female. Overall I prefer to play the character that is more submissive or a switch, at least to some degree.
I'm working on a F-list but hard limits are: Scat, vore, furries, toilet play, godmodding, violence that goes beyond just having some rough sex, gore during smut scenes and so on. If you are interested in something and you are unsure that I'm into it, please just ask me about it!
When it comes to smut overall: I love to have it in roleplays, but what amount is up for discussion. I can do 20/80, 30/70 or even 50/50 smut to plot depending on what we are going for. Maybe even more if we feel like it! BUT! What I don't want is just smut all the time or that the smut is one liners or first person or something, it's smut but it should still be well written! I especially love smut if it's combined with love and passion and an excellent story. I don't want it to be just mindless fucking (not all of the time at least).
Now let's get to the fun stuff!
The roles that are in bold are the ones I want to roleplay as. Do keep in mind that while I've listed pairings and plots below, I am open to other things! If I haven't written it out in this thread it may very well be because I haven't thought of it.
Supernatural/fantasy pairings:
Werewolf x Human
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Demon x Demon
Huntress x Orc/Vampire/Demon/werewolf/Mage/Hunter/Whatever
Persephone x Hades (Look at my plot 'A living hell')
Mermaid/Siren x Sailor/Pirate/Something else
OC version of Alice from Alice in Wonderland x OC version of Mad Hatter or some other character inspired from Alice in Wonderland.
Slice of life -ish pairings:
Daughter of a gang leader x Bodyguard/Gang member from another gang or something else!
Something set in the wild west, not sure about what yet.
Something set in the viking age!
Something else in a historical setting. Maybe something in the Regency-era like Bridgerton?
Bad boy/girl x Good girl
OC version of Christine x OC Version of the Phantom of the Opera
Outlander inspired: Woman from modern times x Man or woman from an older time period.
Fantasy/slice of life pairing:
Princess x Servant/Guard
Prince x Maid/Commoner
Captor x Prisoner (Like Beauty and Beast)
Pirate x Captured princess/lady, stowaway, mermaid etc.
Werewolf x Human
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Demon x Demon
Huntress x Orc/Vampire/Demon/werewolf/Mage/Hunter/Whatever
Persephone x Hades (Look at my plot 'A living hell')
Mermaid/Siren x Sailor/Pirate/Something else
OC version of Alice from Alice in Wonderland x OC version of Mad Hatter or some other character inspired from Alice in Wonderland.
Slice of life -ish pairings:
Daughter of a gang leader x Bodyguard/Gang member from another gang or something else!
Something set in the wild west, not sure about what yet.
Something set in the viking age!
Something else in a historical setting. Maybe something in the Regency-era like Bridgerton?
Bad boy/girl x Good girl
OC version of Christine x OC Version of the Phantom of the Opera
Outlander inspired: Woman from modern times x Man or woman from an older time period.
Fantasy/slice of life pairing:
Princess x Servant/Guard
Prince x Maid/Commoner
Captor x Prisoner (Like Beauty and Beast)
Pirate x Captured princess/lady, stowaway, mermaid etc.
Now I'm going to list some ideas/plots I have! I'm open to changing/adjusting them a bit if there is something specific my partner wants. Right now I'm not as interested in Foreign Invaders or the Master x Slave one, but I'm very interested in the other ideas I have down below!
I would love a roleplay with our characters as Persephone and Hades or characters inspired by them. It could be modern, set in the past or whatever! I just want to do something with them! xD
I'm thinking it could be similar to Bram Stoker's Dracula. Hundreds of years ago, character A and B were married and deeply in love with each other when character B died for some reason, murdered perhaps. Either A was already a vampire or became one afterwards, but either way is devastated and never loved another person again. Then, one day A sees someone who looks like B, who is a reincarnation of the lost lover and who doesn't remember their past life. I'm looking to play B in this.
Also I'm interested in other takes on this, like it being more a slice of life thing without vampires, that both doesn't remember each other or something.
Also I'm interested in other takes on this, like it being more a slice of life thing without vampires, that both doesn't remember each other or something.
Maybe not a plot, but I would really love something with vampires. Especially if my partner plays a seductive vampire while MC is someone else, like their reincarnated lover, a random person, a hunter or an enemy.
I would love a master and slave roleplay of some kind. It could be that YC is a king or prince and MC a servant, or that YC actually owns MC.
I would also love if we could get a fantasy twist in this, like if YC is a vampire, or MC could be a witch or something like that. I'm open to a lot. But I don't want there to just be something forced and dark, I want passion, maybe even their relationship blossom into love. Obviously this idea would contain a lot of smut, but we could get a good story in here as well.
I would also love if we could get a fantasy twist in this, like if YC is a vampire, or MC could be a witch or something like that. I'm open to a lot. But I don't want there to just be something forced and dark, I want passion, maybe even their relationship blossom into love. Obviously this idea would contain a lot of smut, but we could get a good story in here as well.
I really want to have a roleplay set in the wild west. Maybe MC could be the daughter to a landowner who inherits it all when her father dies, and YC a bandit who one night tries to rob her but falls in love, or a sheriff that wants to help her out. MC could also be a prostitute at a saloon, the new school teacher coming to the small town or whatever! I'm up for a lot of things but I want there to be drama, passion and some action!
Not that interested in this one right now.
I have two ideas for a werewolf roleplay. Not really that interested in idea number 1 right now though!
1. YC, the werewolf, tries his best to stay low and fit into the human society, though is still very connected to the world with werewolves, vampires and so on. Every Friday YC goes to the bar where MC works as a bartender. YC always enjoys seeing MC and she is one of the reasons he goes to that particular bar. One night after being there, YC leaves and sees MC getting mugged in some alleyway, not being able to help himself he transforms and helps her out. Though now, MC has seen him... I was thinking that maybe YC could take MC home to his place for the night, to try and explain the whole thing, and both of them gets dragged into a whole mess of werewolves and other supernatural beings all while falling in love.
2. There are two rival werewolf packs in this city, and both keep to their territory. Still, either pack would love to wipe out the other and do what they can to gain an advantage. One day, YC's pack kidnap MC, the step sister to the leader of the rival pack. MC isn't a werewolf, but knows all about them anyway. YC is assigned to keep her locked up, guard her and try and get information out of her. Which doesn't prove to be an easy feat, especially since they find each other to be attractive as hell....
I have two ideas for a werewolf roleplay. Not really that interested in idea number 1 right now though!
1. YC, the werewolf, tries his best to stay low and fit into the human society, though is still very connected to the world with werewolves, vampires and so on. Every Friday YC goes to the bar where MC works as a bartender. YC always enjoys seeing MC and she is one of the reasons he goes to that particular bar. One night after being there, YC leaves and sees MC getting mugged in some alleyway, not being able to help himself he transforms and helps her out. Though now, MC has seen him... I was thinking that maybe YC could take MC home to his place for the night, to try and explain the whole thing, and both of them gets dragged into a whole mess of werewolves and other supernatural beings all while falling in love.
2. There are two rival werewolf packs in this city, and both keep to their territory. Still, either pack would love to wipe out the other and do what they can to gain an advantage. One day, YC's pack kidnap MC, the step sister to the leader of the rival pack. MC isn't a werewolf, but knows all about them anyway. YC is assigned to keep her locked up, guard her and try and get information out of her. Which doesn't prove to be an easy feat, especially since they find each other to be attractive as hell....
"Come swim to me in a forward motion
Lie with me in the arms of the ocean"
I'm starting to get interested in mermaids and sirens and would love to write as one. YC could be a pirate, a random sailor, perhaps even a distraught man or woman who throws themselves into the ocean to try and drown themselves, but gets saved by MC instead. The roleplay could go many different ways. Like if YC is a pirate he could capture MC and have her sing for him, or she knows the way to some treasure.
I'm thinking that MC could be a mermaid or siren that can turn into a more human form with legs, though similar to the little mermaid it's painful and every step feels like walking on glass shards, and she can't be out of the water forever.
Maybe MC has gotten cursed and can't turn back into a mermaid and seeks YC help for some reason. Or whatever, I'm quite open on all of this really.
Lie with me in the arms of the ocean"
I'm starting to get interested in mermaids and sirens and would love to write as one. YC could be a pirate, a random sailor, perhaps even a distraught man or woman who throws themselves into the ocean to try and drown themselves, but gets saved by MC instead. The roleplay could go many different ways. Like if YC is a pirate he could capture MC and have her sing for him, or she knows the way to some treasure.
I'm thinking that MC could be a mermaid or siren that can turn into a more human form with legs, though similar to the little mermaid it's painful and every step feels like walking on glass shards, and she can't be out of the water forever.
Maybe MC has gotten cursed and can't turn back into a mermaid and seeks YC help for some reason. Or whatever, I'm quite open on all of this really.
I really want a roleplay involving royals in some way. Perhaps a princess and her knight falls in love? Or a queen is captured by a foreign king and forced to marry him? It's up to us.
If you are interested in roleplaying with me, have any questions or just want to chat, send me a PM.
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