Closed The New Guard superhero universe (Open to new players)

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Closed The New Guard superhero universe (Open to new players)

I am not going to lie, while I was writing that, I totally forgot that Leviathan was a claimed name. Changing it shortly.
Okey-dokes, fixed my posts. "Leviathans" are now "FAULTs" - Fatal, Active, Universal, Latent Targets.

Don't worry, Cicadis is not dead: he'll get better. I'll wait on OI to reply with EE / Coach Iason
This is based on comics. In comics people who die get better. So that could say: Don't worry, Cicadis is dead; he'll get better.

Fun fact: I don't read comics because dead people get better. I do make exceptions for Agent Coulson.
Not so fun fact: Yesterday and today I had to get up at 4 so anything after 8 pm I haven't read except for PMs and this thread. I will catch up this afternoon after work.

If I don't it is only because I will be passed out from exhaustion and/or pain.
"What's this? You just mashed up Hellboy and Ghost Rider?" "Yes."

Real name: Nick Ryder
Codename: Hell Rider
Species and appearance: Cambion (Human/Demon Hybrid)
Age: 36
Alignment: Heroic
Occupation: Courier/Drifter

Backstory: Nick grew up believing himself to be the son of a roadside diner waitress and a passing businessman in a sharp suit and with a charming personality. It was only after he watching his mother, Maria wither away from some unknown disease at the age of fifteen did she tell him the real story, that she had been a practitioner of witchcraft in her younger years and had summoned and married a demon by the name of Baal-Amon. At first they were deeply in love, but as it became clear that Baal-Amon had dark plans for the human race that she could not abide she used up most of her strength to banish him back to Hell - shortening her life dramatically in the process.

That was not the only consequence of summoning Baal-Amon, for Maria was pregnant with their child. After Nick was born Maria placed a seal on him disguised as a birthmark to keep his demonic side hidden, but as soon as she died it was broken and Nick discovered he could tap into a new side of himself that he never knew existed. Then his father appeared before him as an apparition, offering Nick a place by his side as one of the Dukes of Hell if he acted as his father's servant in the mortal realm, spreading his influence and corrupting mortal hearts.

Nick refused, swearing he would use his powers to help others as his mother always taught him. It would not be easy, as people did not trust his demonic nature easily. And his father had other followers on the mortal plane, who he tasked with hunting his son down and killing so his father could claim Nick's soul in Hell for himself. And so Nick has become a drifter, delivering packages and doing odd jobs on his bike whilst occasionally becoming the demonic Hell Rider when he sees others in danger.

Powers: Can shift between human and demon form at will. In demon form, he gains the following powers:
  • Superhuman strength and durability
  • Immune to fire
  • Resistant to the effects of dark magic
  • Gains a prehensile tail with a sharp tip and horns
  • Can summon the Infernal Blade to his hand, a burning sword infused with demonic energy.
  • Can infuse his sawn-off with demonic power, allowing it to shoot blasts of hell-flame.
  • Can also infuse his bike with demonic energy, bringing it to like as a mechanical demon with burning wheels.

Weaknesses (if any): The presence of holy icons causes him to feel physical nausea unless he shifts back into human form. He is also vulnerable to magics that can bind or harm demons.

Personality traits and interests: A loner who likes to express himself in as few words as possible. Tries to keep to himself but keeps getting dragged into adventures by his urge to help people.

Sexuality: Bisexual
"Now you're just mashing up Huntress and Kate Bishop!"

Real name: Beth Scott
Codename: Night-Arrow
Species and appearance: Normal human
Age: 26
Alignment: (Anti-)Heroic
Unemployed, can access all the money she needs from her father's offshore accounts

Backstory: Beth Scott is the only child of Jack and Clarence Scott, a pair of genius gadgeteers who traded in created advanced tech to sell to criminals and supervillains on the black market. Beth grew up unaware of this side of her parents, thinking them to simply be everyday wage slaves. They tried hard to keep her out of danger, instead encouraging her to follow her athletic pursuits in gymnastics and archery. She seemed to have a bright future ahead - although that all changed the day her parents fell afoul of the mob.

Beth was luckily at gym practice the day the mob showed up to her parents home and murdered them. When she got home and found their bodies she was ambushed by a mafioso who had stuck around to wait for her, but he was dispatched by an old family friend, Bob 'the Eliminator' Black. Bob took the then-sixteen year old Beth in and trained her in the ways of an assassin so that when she was ready she could seek revenge. He also provided her with a package that her parents had entrusted him with that contained several cards for offshore accounts full of money just in case they were ever killed, as well as a key and coordinates to a hidden warehouse where her father and mother had been crafting new gear for their own use.

Inside Beth found prototypes they had made for various gadgets and tools to make more, including a high-tech mechanical bow. With Bob's help Beth fashioned as many of the gadgets that she could into devices that could be mounted on arrowheads, and took to the streets in a one-woman war against the criminal underworld as Night-Arrow.

  • Olympian-level skill in athletics and archery;
  • Blackbelt in martial arts and knife-fighting;
  • Utilises a highly advanced tech-bow that adds extra power to her shots. She has access to a number of different types of arrows, including:
- Standard armour-piercing arrows with a titanium tip​
- Explosive arrows​
- Electric shock arrows​
- Net arrows​
- Grapping hook arrows​
- Smoke bomb arrows​
Among other ones she can create as required;​
  • Also utilises an adamantium-edged knife in close quarters combat;
  • Has been trained in stealth and skulduggery techniques;

Weaknesses (if any):
- Is a normal, squishy human being with gadgets.

Personality traits and interests: Rather strong headed and impatient, often has trust issues due to her past. Can be friendly, even playful once she gets to know someone, but otherwise has a habit of being suspicious of others.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Night-Arrow looks like she has two black eyes. Not a good look for a (anti-)hero.
Might make an NPC: A gal who designs/finances/builds/pilots explicitly counter-super mecha on her own initiative. The whole series of projects is something of his raison d'etre, so she's not super picky about where she gets her funding from: mostly from the government but potentially also from Xand's corporation and even organized crime groups (provided she thinks she can keep an arms length).

(All of this said by a guy desperately struggling to maintain his current PCs, but still)
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