Closed The New Guard superhero universe (Open to new players)

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Closed The New Guard superhero universe (Open to new players)

Doc Arachnid's spider horde was emerging from underneath the street - if Crosshairs is approaching the scene from underground, he might encounter a whole nest of them, plus maybe some webbed up civilians. Hope he's got a lot of ammo...
Oh dang, didn't realize that. Thanks for the heads up.
Tabitha has chosen the option of: Chaos
Nobody is safe
Giant feet for Bubble Girl and Jade Lightning to dodge
Earthquakes to disturb the sewers Crosshairs is in
And a nice car hurdling at Jay

Yup. All in a day work for a Chaotic Neutral/Evil Tabitha
So I think I should clarify in regards to the NPC heroes/villains, I'm not going to describe how they act or react in regards to the PCs. They're not meant to be 'my' characters, they're meant to be everyone's characters; narrative tools you can use to tell your PC's story. So if you're fighting one of them or have one as an ally I've leave it up to you guys to describe how you want the fight with them to go down.
Aaaalright. Posted Properly. Let me know if I screwed any composition or anything up.
Awesome post! How is Enforcer able to see Crosshairs? It was my understanding that the mutant spiders were emerging from the sewers beneath the street, and that's where Crosshairs was.
Awesome post! How is Enforcer able to see Crosshairs? It was my understanding that the mutant spiders were emerging from the sewers beneath the street, and that's where Crosshairs was.
Oh my bad—I thought he was surfaceside. I'll edit it!
It also goes without saying, if anyone has any ideas for plots or NPCs or even setting elements they'd like to introduce, happy for you to go ahead (so long as it doesn't contradict established info).
Okay I need y'all's input,
I was thinking that the guy who speaks with otherworldly terrors could possess an ability to create portals, but I need some ideas on how to limit his capacity to create portals since that sounds overpowered.
I was thinking that portals would be fitting since this character learns esoteric secrets about the multiverse via communing with eldritch entities, and I'm assuming he would learn how to utilize their power from them to some extent. I thought that portals or something else related to spacetime or some aspect of the cosmos would be fitting for eldritch abilities.
If not portals, I do have another idea where he could conjure small projections of astronomical objects, but what do you guys think?
This character would also be a terrible fighter; he prefers finishing his vigilante duties quickly and discretely, and for the most part he tries to avoid physical fights.
Okay I need y'all's input,
I was thinking that the guy who speaks with otherworldly terrors could possess an ability to create portals, but I need some ideas on how to limit his capacity to create portals since that sounds overpowered.
I was thinking that portals would be fitting since this character learns esoteric secrets about the multiverse via communing with eldritch entities, and I'm assuming he would learn how to utilize their power from them to some extent. I thought that portals or something else related to spacetime or some aspect of the cosmos would be fitting for eldritch abilities.
If not portals, I do have another idea where he could conjure small projections of astronomical objects, but what do you guys think?
This character would also be a terrible fighter; he prefers finishing his vigilante duties quickly and discretely, and for the most part he tries to avoid physical fights.
Depending on how much you want to limit the portal power, a simple way that would fit with the theme would be to have portal creation require some sort of ritual or a little blood sacrifice or something.
Okay I need y'all's input,
I was thinking that the guy who speaks with otherworldly terrors could possess an ability to create portals, but I need some ideas on how to limit his capacity to create portals since that sounds overpowered.
I was thinking that portals would be fitting since this character learns esoteric secrets about the multiverse via communing with eldritch entities, and I'm assuming he would learn how to utilize their power from them to some extent. I thought that portals or something else related to spacetime or some aspect of the cosmos would be fitting for eldritch abilities.
If not portals, I do have another idea where he could conjure small projections of astronomical objects, but what do you guys think?
This character would also be a terrible fighter; he prefers finishing his vigilante duties quickly and discretely, and for the most part he tries to avoid physical fights.
I mean to me it depends on what you're doing with those portals—are they to summon beasts at will? Are they teleportation? It doesn't sound super OP to me at the moment, but the devil is in the details here.
Feels like Leah is going to be like The Flash of this team. Positive, supportive, willing to try to talk people down. If you had to send someone to read books to sick kids in the hospital or make an appearance at a birthday party or do a 'Be sure to recycle!' commercial, you'd probably want to send her and she'd have a blast doing it. 😄
Courtney is all about recycling garbage into useful stuff. With the exception of the building, all of her stuff is made out of trash.
Oh that humanoid entity.
Real name: Cassius "Cas"/"Buzz" Carter
Codename: Asset 227 / Cicadis
Species: Human-Insect Chimera
(Not shown: black cicada-like wings reaching down from the tops of his shoulder blades down to his waist).

Age: 19 - Birthday is June 6, 2003
Alignment: CIA / Independent, Neutral Evil
Costume/clothing: (see above)
Occupation: Assassin, intelligence agent, secret police, eco-terrorist.
Cicadis was "born" in a secret laboratory on June 6, 2003. The result of a top-secret genetic experiment combining human embryos with DNA harvested from different types of insects. While the project was largely a failure, producing a large number of unviable human infants, they did encounter one success moments before they were going to be ordered to close: a bug-winged baby they named Cassius Carter. Belonging entirely to the CIA, Cas was groomed to become a deep-level asset since the moment he emerged from his nameless surrogate mother.

Years of relentless training, constant sophisticated education, and abuse followed. Although Cas never asked to be made the way he was, those secret workers tasked with taking charge of the twisted child and turning him into an asset—no more valuable to national security than a filing cabinet—did not hide their disgust and disinterest, even as they pushed him further and further to higher heights. Although the human part of him grew into a handsome boy, the chittering of his wings and his occasionally disturbingly insect like behavior (odd twitching movements, cocoon building, unblinking staring) made him something to be avoided and dealt with at a distance, not cared for. He was subject to constant medical, physical, and psychological experimentation to determine the results of the test before he inevitably died of some mysterious genetic defect.

But Cassius did not die: his genetics were perfectly stable and his overall health (not counting the effects of neglect, abuse, and experimentation) was perfect. By the time he hit puberty, this was starting to become clear to the researchers, and a new plan had to be developed. He was entrusted to the care of a team of veteran field agents in deep cover in the forests of Virginia, where they would give him agent training in combat, socialization, and other important skills. In their home, he received his first true glimpse of the world outside, and was equal parts awed and dismayed by what he saw: a vast, beautiful world, more full of life than he could have imagined which he instantly fell in love with, packed side-by-side with the venal, destructive masses of humankind. As he was trained into an individual operative by these agents, in his own spare time Cassius read more and learned more about the world—about climate change, about habitat loss, about history and evolution, and about superhumanity—the more he grew not just to hate the individual humans who treated him like dirt, but to hate all of humankind as well. Seeing in himself the obvious fact he was a superhuman, as well as the numerous superhumans that did marvelous things as villains and heroes, his ideology of anti-human, superhuman supremacy was formed.

However, that has to wait. Though the Agency treats him much more kindly than when he was a simple research test subject, they still own Cassius and keep him on a tight leash. From the time he was fifteen, they began to send him on missions: assassinating targets, gathering and planting evidence, collecting surveillance, all sorts of dirty work that haunt the dreams of conspiracists and dissidents worldwide. Judging that he would have no loyalty to anything but the CIA, they now have assigned him shadow with a "recently uncovered" agent, both to teach him better morals and combat skills and for Cicadis to keep an eye on the asset—The Captain. Time would tell how this would unfold…

+Tymbal: using a specialized organ in his chest and the cells in his body (as well as the wings on his back and his own voice box), Cicadis is able to produce intense, piercing waves of sound—similar to the song of a cicada. This sound can be used for long distance communication (even transmitting Morse code), and at short ranges can be used as an incapacitating weapon, capable of bursting unprotected eardrums at 10 meters and disrupting bodily functions at 2.
+Vibrating Frequency: Cassius' insectoid cells are capable of vibrating at intense frequencies, allowing him to use the resultant friction to produce heat and fire and to drill though wood, soft stone, and flesh—more with the proper focus and tools. This takes up much of his energy, however, and has to be sparingly used.
+Insect Mobility: Cassius is able to use his wings and his surprisingly powerful limbs to make very rapid movements, hopping around the place like a very quick human-sized flea.
+Durability: His cells have a thin, invisible layer of chitin that makes them more able to withstand physical punishment than the usual human—not quite at the level of bulletproof, but still significant in hand-to-hand or adverse environments like sandstorms.
+Breathing Pores: Cassius does not need to use his lungs to breathe, and is instead able to process oxygen through his skin—although eventually strangulation would cause a stroke or a broken spinal column/neck, it would not result in hypoxia.
+Cocoon Regeneration: In a safe location with stable temperatures, Cassius can put himself into a cocoon/dormant state, where his body is enveloped in a thick biological envelope. Over days, weeks, or even months, this can be used to recover from many injuries—including nervous damage and lost limbs—with the exception of major internal organs and the brain.

Weaknesses (if any):
-High Metabolism: needs to constantly load up on sugar to keep up with the energy demands of his metabolism (supplemented with nicotine, caffeine, and occasionally cocaine and amphetamines).
-Highly reactive to chemical pollution, poisoning, or chemical weapons, even from things usually considered food grade or otherwise harmless. Often wears a face mask in civilian settings to prevent this from impacting him—blames "severe asthma and allergies". His standard gear includes a CRBN rebreather and a skin-tight filter wetsuit for protection—breathable so he can breathe from his skin, but dense enough to prevent most hostile chemicals and particles.
-Hydrophobia: Gets anxious around large bodies of water, and cannot really swim.
-Sensitive to cold, which reduces his speed and agility. Frequently wears
-When in his cocoon, is completely senseless and helpless, unable to defend himself or even understand what is going on outside.

Personality traits and interests:
A self-described sadist. Enjoys puzzles, riddles, and enigmas. Fights dirty and like a coward. Gets a rush from hurting and being hurt. Has a thoroughly dark and cynical worldview, viewing everything through jade-colored glasses. Not really a feminist, but definitely is a misandrist. Despite his hatred for humanity, he does quite admire their cultural works: his favorite artists are Francisco Goya and Auguste Rodin, he likes poetry by Robert Frost and novels by Steven King, and he likes to go to the symphony and, oddly enough by his own admission, to music festivals—he hopes to somehow preserve these. Cas is an easy and brilliant conversationalist, but he is not an easy man to make friends with. Has a dark, often self-effacing sense of humor, frequently with a nasty bite. Cassius enjoys the finer things in life: is aware of all etiquette and protocol, enjoys fancy clothes and fine dining in luxury hotels and neighborhoods. Also has an appreciation of nature.

Cassius believes that superhumans are the "next dominant species of evolution," that humans are inherently inferior to superhumanity. In addition, since humanity is unwilling to reform itself, he believes that the common goal of superhumanity should be to stop the ongoing Sixth Mass Extinction event through annihilating the fossil-fuel guzzling, habitat wrecking, myopic and greedy and foolish human global civilization, and by doing so quickly—preferably by a bioweapon, but aside from wanting to limit ecological fallout from the extinction he is not super picky about the "hows". Because of this, he has zero compunction about ending human life—man, woman, or child—but his racist/speciesist "code of honor" will prevent him from outright killing a non-technologically based superhuman if other options are available (although violence, kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture are still on the menu). Cassius is willing and unflinching in his ability to steal, lie, cheat, maim, murder, and destroy if it will advance his main goal of superhuman supremacy and human extinction: he does not necessarily lack empathy, but he seems to lack a conscience. He is obedient to those with authority and power over him, content to bide his time.

Sexuality: Asexual, heteroromantic. Though Cas is disgusted by sex, he is flexible enough to go both ways if it gets him what he wants—he's unlikely to enjoy it, though. As he is a misandrist, he only likes to associate on a romantic level with women.
meet The Bastard
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