Orphaned (Any) The Onyx House and Within Autumns Embrace

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Orphaned (Any) The Onyx House and Within Autumns Embrace


Certified Rambler. Nostalgia junkie.
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Yesterday 10:26 PM
Howdy, you can call me Writer or happy. I have been rping off and on for 15+ years now. I rp as my female OC. She is always pansexual and polyamorus. I also rp as any side characters I bring in, which usually are quiet a few. They are of varying gender, sexual orientation ect. I rp in the third person, past or present tense. Whatever works for you works for me on that front. The minimum I write for a reply is two - three paragraphs. I am descriptive writer, and my longest reply to date was 5 pages long.

I'm seeking folks whom will take over the characters, that my former partners made. Preferably with only a few changes or no changes to them please.


This rp only just started. My partner did make bios for their people. Though theres not much personality wise to them. So feel free to give them a personality you'd like. I do ask though, that the changeling keeps their ability to change sexes at will. That the warden keeps his mask on, whenever my OC is around. That the four heros are already in a romantic Polyamorus relationship. Also my OC's soulmark remaining the same.

Plot: Nearly four hundred years ago, an elf warlord by the name Eovaine sought to conquer the world. Four brave heroes stood against him.

They sacrificed their lives to destroy the evil that was Eovaine—but the elf proved far too powerful. Every time they killed him, he would simply rise again. Thus, they did what they could. They trapped themselves with him, using their combined powers to turn themselves and Eovaine to stone.

Four hundred years have passed. The sorcery the four heroes used has worn away, and Eovaine, the mad elf, has escaped, stronger than ever. But the oracles of the world have been whispering of a prophecy. A fifth is to join them and bond to them as their fated soulmate, and with it, she will be the key in ending Eovaine's reign of terror.

My OC is the prophesied soulmate. She enters the hero's life, at first as a roommate. As she is going to college in the town they now live in. Shes also going to be their new roommate. Shenaniganry ensues.

Name: Talas Lahal
Species: Drow
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Age: 776

Talas Lahal has the dusky, dark blue skin of all drow, but his long hair is black instead of white and his eyes glow purple. He has the look of one that is arrogant and overly proud, as if he's looking down on everyone. But this is just his face. Above his purple eyes are a thick pair of eyebrows, perfectly tapered as if they were done by hand, and his face is sculpted with a powerful jawline, his ears pointed, and lips that are somewhat full.

Talas was born before the modern world. When modern conveniences didn't exist, and one still traveled with horses, and magic was rampant throughout the world. He grew up in a drow kingdom, now lost to time, on the surface world where his particular people had long since adapted to the sun. He was born the second son to King Krondar, and in his early life, he was never to forget that.

He was trained as a knight to always serve his brother, spending the first hundred and fifty years of his life training to become a knight. By the time he was two hundred, he was one of the most skilled knights in their kingdom, and long years of training and perfection made him far more skilled than most humans.

When the call came that Eovaine had risen an army, his kingdom had answered the human's plea for help. Talas was there during that first 5-year long conflict, and as things heated further, they realized they needed to strike at Eovaine himself. Four heroes were gathered. One from each sentient species. He was chosen from the drow.

Four hundred years have passed since that fated battle with Eovaine. And Talas now wakes up in a new world, familiar in some ways, and drastically diff
erent in others.
Name: Sylenas Elfine
Species: Changeling - currently looks like a female Tiefling
Gender: Currently femme appearing
Height: Currently 5'6
Age: 428

Sylenas is a changling. Her true appearance is that of an agender stark white being, as white as bleached bone, with eyes as dark as the night, no nose and no mouth, and too long arms with too long fingers, each hand having eight fingers and long legs that end in spikes instead of feet. A truly alien figure. But because Sylenas, and all changelings, have the ability to change at will, she currently chooses to look like a tiefling. In her current for, her skin is light purple with a heart shaped face framed by luscious purple curls. A pair of circular spectacles rest of her her pink eyes and her pointed ears are lined with earrings and studs. And a pair of blue horns curl around her head.

Sylenas was born in faewild, as her parents chose to live there instead of the mortal world. Their early life was simple, elegant and full of wonders, especially because they were in the faewild. Eventually, politics between the summer and autumn courts forced them to leave the faewild as things were getting dangerous, and Sylenas was brought to the mortal world.

The sentient species did not take kindly to their original appearance. As it was far too strange and unnatural looking. But, because of their innate ability, Sylenas chose to look like a female tiefling and chose that as her main go-to form. However, because of her abilities, she could change at will into anything, and because of this ended up getting into quite a lot of trouble early on, sneaking into places she was never meant to go, and going into top secret areas just because she could

However, she was caught one day, sneaking through an early college when she was caught by the headmaster. Amused by her, he offered to teach her magic and because she grew up in the faewild, her affinity towards sorcery was immediate. She grasped difficult concepts quickly and before long, was a powerful mage. Within ten years, she was already a professor at the college and was quickly making moves start her own college.

Then, the war happened. The mages and wizards of the world were called in, and she answered their call. Being part of the five-year conflict before eventually a select group of heroes were selected. She was chosen from among the fae-kind, as the elves had sided with Eovaine. She and her three other companions faced Eovaine, and made the ultimate sacrifice to bind him.

Four hundred years have passed since that fated battle with Eovaine. And Sylenas now wakes up in a new world, familiar in some ways, and drastically different in others.

Name: Karegall Olludur
Species: Orc
Gender: Male
Height: 6'9
Age: 434

Appearance: Olludar is part of an Order of Ranger called the Wardens, who guard the wildlands and the frontiers from monsters and creatures wishing harm on civilizations. Because of his ties with this order, the Wardens demand every ranger be masked, and they are never to take the mask off under no circumstances. Unless to sleep or eat, and when with others, they sleep on their own to ensure their faces are hidden.

But beneath the mask, Karegall is quite handsome. He has the typical green skin of all orcs, with a chiseled and kind face, green eyes underneath thick eyebrows, he's got full lips that are always turned up in a small smile and a scar on his cheek. But no one has seen his face since he became a Warden. Otherwise, he is very tall, and very broad, and quite muscular.

Karegall grew up in the massive capital city of Durgrum, within the orc kingdom. His early life was simple, and happy even. His parents were caring and loving, but tough and were wont to coddle him too much, expecting him to grow up as quickly as possible. Which he did. At the age of ten, he was enrolled into a fighting school as all orcs at his age were. To not only become strong, but to build discipline, good manners, and strong character.

Although he was good with the sword, he found his preferred weapon was the bow. And he was good. His shots were, for a first timer, far better than expected but still terrible. This caught the attention of the Ranging Masters. Year after year, he kept improving and impressing his masters, until at age fifteen, he was chosen by the Ranging Masters to join their select and elite classes, where he trained specifically to become a Ranger. To protect his kingdom. Karegall flourished and his instructors were more than pleased with him.

When he joined the rangers at 20, he distinguished himself with his skill and acumen with hunting and tracking elusive creatures. At 21, he was contacted by the Wardens and told he was going to be tested, and if he passed he would join them. But if he failed, he would likely die. He accepted, and their task was to go beyond the kingdom and kill a hydra that had been plaguing a human village. He agreed, and three months later, returned with the skulls of the hydra. Thus, he joined the ranks of the Wardens, given his mask, and wore one of the hydra skulls on his shoulder as a badge of honour.

Once he donned the steel mask, he could never remove in front of others, unless they were fellow Wardens. Thus was his life for years after. Then, Eovaine struck. The call was made and the orcs answered, especially the Wardens, who harassed the corrupted elves and caused them severe losses. Karegall witness the 5-year conflict, and when the time came to choose the heroes, his name was chosen.

Thus, he went off to fight Eovaine. Struggling against the mad elf, and making the ultimate sacrifice to ensure his plague never touched the civilized world again.

Four hundred years have passed since that fated battle with Eovaine. And Karegall now wakes up in a new world, familiar in some ways, and drastically different in others.

Name: Desmond Burns
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Age: 430

Desmond is a tall figure with long red hair, and beard that frames a hawkish face. His eyes are green beneath thin eyebrows and a somewhat heavy brow-ridge, and his lips are always upturned in a smirk, as if he knows something you don't. He's a handsome man by many standards, and he keeps himself clean at all times to ensure that handsomeness is maintained. He wears a blood-jewel around his neck, that signifies him as a profiteer and pirate.

Desmond was born in a town of little significance, ruled over by a governor of little significance. It was a town of humans and elves mostly, before the elves went crazy. His early life wasn't the best, but it was happy. His parents always put food on the table, and they always reminded him and his three siblings that they were capable of doing just about anything. But Desmond wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother and join the army, and that's exactly what he did.

He joined the military and after basic training was conscripted by one of the many lords of the kingdom. His early days in the military were spent guarding locations, writing paperwork, and patrol. Occasionally a skirmish would happen after the elves had gone insane, but no full out war happened. Eventually, he was assigned on a ship, and after two years of serving on the waters, he and his crew mutinied against their terrible captain and became pirates.

They sailed the seas, and he created a pirate haven--that has, in the modern world, turned into a resort location--and called all pirates to come to his haven. Desmond became infamous. He harassed trading ships, making a name for himself for being ruthless but fair, charismatic and wild. He plundered trade ships, plundered fortresses for all their wealth and drank like a legend.

Things changed when the elves attacked his safe harbour. Enraged by their audacity, he and the other pirates joined the conflict against the elves, fighting them in the oceans and seas. And when the time came for the heroes to be chosen, his name was not chosen. The human prince was chosen, but because Desmond wanted the glory and the fame, he tampered with the wine of the human army.

And while they were busy with their stomachs, he joined the three heroes as their fourth, claiming the prince sent him in his stead. They went off and faced Eovaine. Yet, Desmond, despite his selfish nature, sacrificed himself to save the world and keep Eovaine's evil from ever going forth again.

Four hundred years have passed since that fated battle with Eovaine. And Desmond now wakes up in a new world, familiar in some ways, and drastically different in others.



Plot: This story, is about a young lady basically trying to turn over a new leaf. Starting a new life in a new city where no one knows who she is. Where her past will (hopefully) not be able to ruin anything for her. She ends up moving into basically a mansion, where three very powerful beings live. All of them drop dead gorgeous. Which makes her have to be on guard, so as to not fall back into bad habit. They all are not use to a woman living with them. Shenaniganry ensues.


This is Nexus Phinyil. Nex for short, or Sir when things are ✨spicy✨.
Traits/things: Werewolf/Wolf demi-human, Corse on the outside soft on the inside/Tsundere, Blunt, Alpha. He runs a fraternity outside of the household. Which he is quiet proud of.
Age: 23 - 25

This is Limut. No know last name.
Traits/things: Charismatic, quirky, bit terrifying. He is a ancient and powerful vampire. One if his allies was "The graceful count" several decades ago. He was a very good friend to my OCs bio family, during his time as "The graceful count".
Age: Unknown

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This is Sixxus. No know last name.
Traits/things: Boisterous, Charismatic, Open-minded. He is a very powerful sun-elf. He is currently in an open relationship with Elixtrix. He can and has beaten both Nex and Limut in a fight. He's often off on "adventures" as he calls them. Really he's traveling around the world, looking for strong opponents to fight. He won his car from a fight actually.
Age: He's minimum 100 years old.

This is the lovely Elitrix, no know. last name.
things/traits: She was very recently brought into the rp, so she's a fairly blank slate. She is in an open relationship with Sixxus. She is a dragon-demi, or dovakiin as they are called in the stories world.
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