MxF The Paths Untold

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MxF The Paths Untold


Welcome to the Sanctum Confirmed Responsible Adult
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Today 7:53 AM

A Little About Me

My name's Wayborn but you can call me Way if you like. I live on the west coast of America using Pacific Time but I am usually on or near a computer most hours of the day which means I can usually check in fairly often. Occasionally, I may have a few days at a time when I will be away; I will communicate this to all my roleplaying partners ahead of time. I am a male seeking female partners and my pronouns are he/him.

I have years of scattered roleplay experience ranging from the rare online forum to the occasional Dungeons and Dragons group and the frequented RPGs. I live for medieval fantasy settings. There's something about it that has just always enthralled me. I do however also enjoy science-fiction and modern fantasy but these are not limits. I am open to settings of all kinds and am glad or even eager to discover something new.

Unfortunately, I have not had any formal writing training since my English class in high school. I will do my best to be literate, having gone so far as to install Grammarly in my browser in hopes that it will keep me from making a fool of myself. I welcome all constructive criticism as it is my goal to become a better writer and maybe one day author.

I am a big fan of communication. I'm looking for someone who will add to the conversation not only in character but out of character as well. I enjoy worldbuilding and discussing plot themes and character development outside of the story forums. That does mean that I want everything planned out or want to know what you're gonna do before you do it. Please surprise me and keep me engaged. I only mean to say that if I want my character to experience or achieve something but I feel the story is veering away from that I might communicate that to you in hopes that we can find a way to steer the story in a direction that works for both of us.

I have no problem admitting I am a fan of romance, to an extent that is. I prefer a 25/75 - 40/60 smut/story ratio. Now that I think about it I'm not sure if romance is considered smut but in this regard, it's not. Smut to me is anything with a sexual nature to it. An innocent innuendo I think in this context counts as smut but one character realizing that his previous annoyance towards another character is fueled by an unforeseen attraction is not. Either way, it's up for discussion but I consider myself to be pretty open. I do not do any bathroom, animal/cross-species, or heavy abuse-involved smut. No shaming anyone that is into any of that, it's just not for me. If you have any questions please ask.

Story Ideas And Concepts

There is a hermit, a young man only a few years into adulthood who lives secluded just outside a particularly treacherous mountain path. He lives off the land in a small makeshift cabin he has built for himself. His plague is a curse that transforms his human body into a variety of beasts at random times throughout the day. Sometimes these beasts are harmless, a small feathered cat with a tail that illuminates like a firefly but other times they are dangerous monstrosities, a towering humanoid lion with venomous fangs and wings of a raven. He secluded himself for the protection of others but one day during a snowstorm a young woman is lost and alone. In danger of frostbite and death, the hermit brings her into his home and sets a fire to warm her. He returns to the storm and finds shelter in a nearby thick tree with a hollowed-out trunk. What happens when she wakes and will he be able to control himself long enough for her to leave in one piece?

There is a world filled with magic, chaos, and order. A world where different schools and monasteries of magic tentatively exist. Filled with a history of war and violence the long-found peace has been maintained by the users of light magic. As victors of the thousand-year war, the diviners rule all other forms of magic with a powerful yet merciful iron fist. Kingdoms have grown and flourished and class systems based on forms of magic have emerged with the magicless or the otherwise known disparate occupying the bottom rung of that latter. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and all matter of fantastical races exist no longer feuding over race but instead finding reasons to love and hate based on one's attunement to magic. It is in this world that war once again threatens. Political upheaval and a growing disdain for the diviners are teetering the wheels of balance. The great kings and queens rally their forces for potential battle once again.

The year is 257 A.D. (after discovery) and humankind has infiltrated the stars. Mankind was in an era of discovery and it was during this time that a pocket of Ilidium, a previously unknown metal, was discovered under the earth's crust. Protruding from the earth's core this Ilidium was the key to mankind's shackles. It allowed for deep space exploration. What we learned from our neighboring planets and celestial bodies changed the way we viewed the laws of nature. Scientists learned to break previously unbroken limits and allowed for the first time faster-than-light travel. As we explored we found higher intelligent species who welcomed and taught us so much. Humankind flourished and soon established itself among the great species of the cosmos. Unfortunately, the good times could not last. Scientists on Melevorn, a human/vasar colony unearthed an obelisk that unleashed an ancient plague upon the galaxy. Those affected become enslaved to an unknown entity referred to only as Haven, their skin becomes laced with a luminescent shade of green and the pupils of their eyes whiten. It seems that Haven's only goal is to control all organic life. A team of researchers has found the chemical formula to make one immune to the effects of the plague but they do not have the resources to mass produce it. A military collective has been assigned to retrieve these scientists and escort them and the formula to New Eden, a multi-species effort to establish a homeworld not bound to one but bound to all.

These are all that I could come up with off the top of my head but I will add more as they come to me. I am open to any story ideas and if you have an original idea please let me know. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you have and I hope to hear from some of you.
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