Any The Post Apocalyptic Salvage Crew [1x1 or just friends :] ]

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Any The Post Apocalyptic Salvage Crew [1x1 or just friends :] ]


The Forest Witch
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Today 6:36 AM
I have a love hate relationship with zombies
I am a huge fan of them but also I can get super on edge because of post apocalyptic zombie settings
They can wig me out and get to me at times, however I still enjoy them!

So here I am talking about this concept I have, basic rules before you get to far so you don't have to be disappointed:

If we do romance it's going to be m/m
If we go the friendship route fantastic! that works too [they can be any gender, if this is what you pick]

We will have our default characters/ the main character we play and a handful of others we default to when doing stuff with the crew in rp [Mine is Rafael the crew leader]

Please for the love of god be mature about this; it sounds weird to ask but I don't need any blood thirsty idiots, this rp is/ has the theme of humanity when they are getting their shit together and we don't need maniacs going in a mercing a bunch of zombies alone for the hell of it

I want more than one sentence- please I'm begging you, where's the flavour? where's the spice?

my short replies average about a small paragraph if I am just not in the mood but want to get something out

I needs breaks, I need time away from the rp so if I don't respond it's high key most likely that reason, I'll come back eventually [or I am asleep] so take as long as you need to respond, I am patient

I don't have everything figured out so this is what I have at this time:

Rifts started opening up randomly around the world, they didn't do anything for about 3~ years, and then it happened, the day that the first wave of zombies attacked. In the world there are random pockets where Zombies don't roam, this was very important for humanity to find and start rebuilding, however that was just the first wave, and the waves show up randomly, so progress was slow and hard.

5 years into Z.R.A. [Zombie rift attack] is when random shit started popping up around the rifts [mainly plants, however other things as well] Turns out these plants are magic, potions and helpful medicine was to be worked with these plants and weapons made out of weird ore popping up around the rifts.

There are 5 known types of zombies at the 17th year in the Z.R.A. era
1] Walkers; "Zoms" [Normal zombies, they move in hoards/swarms however and can overpower groups, can't climb ladders, or rope or beams/structures held up by supports]
2] Predators also know as; "preds", "Stalkers" "hunters", "Ghouls", and "ferals", they are fast and run about, won't climb anything 100 feet or taller, normally alone or in groups of 2-5, have claws and sharp teeth]
3] Brute [Large very strong zombies, roam in small groups 3-8, can't climb but can topple buildings if the structure is weak enough]
4] Screechers also called; "Howlers", "Screeches", "Screamers" [Screaming zombies, if they are able to exist long enough they learn to mimic voices and other noises to draw people in]
5] Locators "Echos" [can call other zombies to them by sound or vibrations if they know people are around, have claws]

There is internet however it can only be accessed in the cities/ forts/ safe zones and it can be laggy, power is all natural, so solar, wind, water or animal/people powered, latter one is less common in the 17th year.

There are a few different places to live
floating cities [Large boats such as military, cruse, and, freight, safest however most isolated]
Under grounders [Massive sprawling complex bunkers found miles under the earth, commonly have many peoples and animals and other stock piles]
Bunkers[Smaller bunkers with less than 500 people on average]
safe zones/ forts/ cities [Places above ground that have been found to not have any rifts or zombies roam, have turned into large settlements in the none zombie action, each none zombie roam pocket is random so outward growth is based on the size]

It's been very recent and tentative for imports from other places to start coming in from around the world, most common would be things like tea, coffee, spices.

Basic kingdoms have cropped up all over the world, governments crumbling and reforming, though the term kingdom is loose here, it depends on place to place around the world.

Guns are... expensive, sure they are very helpful, but at this time ammo can't be mass produced so they are only really used in desperate situations, melee weapons are/ have made a come back [along with long ranged] traditional 'old time' weapons [think bow n' arrows, swords, spears, ect]

Humans and animals can't get infected by these zombies, tests and things have been done, they just kill you horribly

Dead bodies attract zombies, so there are generally three ways people go about the dead:
Cremation[Most common for being able to keep loved ones safe and remembered]
Organ donation[Organs are still needed in the medical field, the rest of the unused body gets cremated]
just,,,,, throw me away[Sometimes used- people will generally request to just be thrown outside far away into nature and let fate handle the rest]

Salvagers are a long standing job since they go out into the world to get whatever they can, they can be commissioned for a higher price to get specific things for people, also common for them to have other side things on top of salvaging [hunting for meat/furs, gathering plants, so on]

There's are commissioning rules and salvagers 'guild/ group/ committee' where all the salvage group leaders meet to discuss what's going on, they form the salvage crew rules. Like the commission rule that unless it's a scientific commission salvagers can't/ are not allowed to take another commission right after getting back from one.

Salvagers form in small groups [5] to largest [25] with each salvager having a guard, so groups can get huge, though some guards outnumber salvagers, the bigger the salvage group the more dangerous and further out the commissioned work is [Generally, some smaller groups get commissioned for risky things because less numbers = less chance of disaster, getting potion plants near rifts is a prime example]

Salvage groups overall are close knit, yes even the larger ones, you have to trust these people will keep you alive as best they can/ won't throw you under the buss if danger [zombies] show up.

Being able to retire from salvage work is an honour because you fucking lived that long [Retire age is around 40, though if you are in good shape you can retire at older ages, such as even 75, if you live that long that is]

Most crews colour code themselves- yes I'm serious, they generally pick a 'team colour' and then add whatever extra colour in designs they have to, to show what crew they work in.

Crews can be hard to form, can be pricey to get the base things needed, however it can be done as long as you have 5 salvage members and minimum 5 guards.

Most inner city people don't ever see salvage crews unless there is a specific reason or the safe zone is small enough for a smaller sized settlement.

Salvage crews kinda have it rough, unless married or they have a partner it's like 90% likely they share a living space in their crews chosen place of contact, they have an 'office' and 'salvage' holding area with their living spaces above it

The living spaces either have two people to a room or four [it depends on crew size and home base size honestly]

Salvage crew can be whatever gender most don't give a shit in this time and age as long as you can get the work done.

The minimum age requirement to join a salvage crew is 17, guards are at least 20 because of physical demand reasons and training.

If a whole crew and guards get whipped out their crew colour gets put on hold/ unusable for 5 years [seems excessive, but it gives those who could be related to any of the members time to remake the crew if they so choose and time for the salvaged materiel to be sold and families compensated ]

Here's my boy Rafe! and here's some lore of him:
It can be problematic when you don't know when a wave is coming and get stuck out there in the middle of a job; that's what happened to this man, it was his fifth salvage trip at 17 and everyone except for like 3 people plus him survived a surprise wave, he is now the leader of a small salvage crew :]
salvage crew leader.png
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