MxF The Prince's Gift

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MxF The Prince's Gift

Jazzy Elaine

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ze Hills of Boro
Taking place in the medieval period, A cold-hearted and perverse prince is given a beautiful, young, virgin peasant woman for his twenty-fifth birthday. Having had many concubines in his past years, every one of them had been sentenced to death because they had displeased him. The twenty-one-year-old virgin is unwillingly forced to do his bidding in hopes that she can survive as long as she can. Over time, the prince grows fond of the mistress and romance ensues...

This is my first request so bear with me, my lovelies. >^<

1~~~~Obviously there will be smut, and I'm a hopeless romantic/passion freak, but there is certain degree of explicit that I will probably limit to. The prince is, especially at first, deviant and rough with his new concubine, so I definitely want to get that point across. Probably more Fetish Dungeon-level smut. If I feel the detail is getting too explicit for me, I'll politely let my RP partner know. Just a heads up there.

2~~~~I'm looking for someone who is experienced and enjoys writing detailed and multi-paragraphed responses.

3~~~~I prefer playing the female role, so anyone who'd like to be the prince and who is interested in being the dominant male...well, don't be shy! ;D

4~~~~I'm pretty active, so I'd favor someone who can reply quickly; at least a few posts a day. If, however, you fit all of the above requirements, I can make an exception.

I hope my terms are not too strict. XD I'm really an easygoing person who just loves to roleplay and who really wants to execute this plot!
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