MxF the search begins!

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MxF the search begins!

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Today 7:39 AM

nice to meet you! i have been roleplaying for around 5 years now, and i am searching for a means to write again!

just what am i looking for?​

i am looking for someone to play the male counterpart to a romantic, slice-of-life, modern roleplay. i want to create a realistic landscape for both characters, and establish some sort of reality with our combined words!
this does mean i like to write female. since i am indeed, female, i can guarantee a sort of honesty and fluidity to my writing.


my reply rates will vary, but i can promise 1-2 replies per day, with pretty long and multiple paragraphs. i would expect the same in terms of replies back, yeah? a detailed paragraph to me is 10+ sentences. if there is a lull in the story, don't fret. i am not really strict will post length, because i don't believe a good writer should be constricted to an expectation imposed upon them.

importancies to consider​

i would like the story to be, well, a story. smut is okay, but it shouldn't be the primary focus at all. i want to develop emotional connections with our characters. i believe physicality is an effect of such a relationship as a result. maybe an 80-20 ratio? i feel that's very fair.
i am really not into writing kinks. sorry. i'm pretty vanilla. no incest, please. also, i have a vomit phobia.
also, i like my stories to have characters that are human. i like writing about humans; their emotions, mentalities, etc. magical and anthropomorphic characters aren't what i'm looking for.


with that being said, i am listing some very very rough plot ideas. i like to have a general story, but leave the details open ended. i want to hear what YOU have to say!

- two childhood friends have always been really close. a little too close with each other. they've had numerous and numerous times where they could have announced that they were a couple, but they didn't. character b finally starts seeing someone, and after less than a month, is engaged. however, character a's so unsure of the marriage, and starts to question their own feelings...

-(craving this one) two high school exes, now in their 20's, are back in town for a mutual friend's wedding. character b (the boy) is currently dating, or engaged, while muse a is obviously single. will the candle of their love be lit once more?

- an unrequited love scenario. you know the drill. it's a little cheesy, but it's pretty fun to write. extremely open ended.

- two coworkers that have a friendly and playful bond. character a is dating someone pretty seriously, and character b has been unrelentingly single. after getting drinks with their other peers, the night ends with an unfortunate one-night stand. awkwardness ensues, but now they're both a little unsure of how they feel.

- i'd like to see how a business tycoon, possibly wealthy and successful, but also married, and a rather average and probably barely-scraping-by barista or other pay-by-the-hour job, would be.
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