Either Needed 'The Stars Are Yours' -- The Multiverse Mafia

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Either Needed 'The Stars Are Yours' -- The Multiverse Mafia

Wade Von Doom

God Among Men
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So who wants to do an RP where you play gang members in a mafia that can somehow travel between universes?

The idea is simple enough. People from all different worlds are 'recruited' into a gang of sorts. Each person is by no means, good. Each have their vices, demons, and personal agendas, but their skills make them wanted by the leader of this 'unique' gang. Each one is recruited by him, and what do you know? He can somehow travel between universes! With such an impossible ability, opportunity arises.

The borders between worlds are completely removed, and with it, an almost godlike power. Imagine acting out horrid crimes upon medieval worlds, with technology barely able to compete against you. You could ravage a world, then hope to the next for a fun vacation. Get rich, own a world, create an empire, whatever your heart desires, the stars are yours for the taking.

We'll be starting off light, the gang just starting out. No name, no fortune, only a base camp, with characters that don't know each other. They can be from wherever you want them to be from, all that I ask for are unique and interesting characters to bounce off each other. We're exploring dark themes here, and having fun with our own little macguffin plot device.

If this interests you, all you need to do is put down a sheet. Hope you find the idea interesting, and thanks for reading!




Description: (You can use a picture if you wish)


Name: Novaline Sparx

Age: 26

Gender: Female


Personality: Nova is like a spark, always eager to be involved in something. Some would even say she looks for trouble wherever she can. She's kind to the meek and the weak but can be rude and often times downright offensive to those who would abuse them. She suffers from a slight case of bipolarism, meaning she's often prone to extreme emotional reactions. She's known for holding a grudge against those who offend her and can be very protective of those she cares about.

Background: Novaline comes from a Steampunk/Dieselpunk world where a Nazi-like regime oppresses all other cultures and people. It's a hard world to live in to say the least. She grew up on the streets, mostly alone running on fear of the Gestapo who would take any homeless and make them part of the War Machine. Like most loners living on the streets, she did drugs, abused alcohol and participated in gambling and other debauchery.

But as the war and oppression of the Nazi-regime continued it became harder and harder to survive alone, so she joined a group of rebels and helped them by using the talents God had given her. And these talents were rather impressive. In addition to being attractive, agile and quick, to being a skillful actress and con-woman she was born a Tinker. To be a Tinker is to have an uncanny ability to understand all manner of Tech, regardless of where it came from. She could build and repair things with only a few rudimentary parts. She could strip down an item and dissect it and then fully comprehending how it worked and how to duplicate its effect. It didn't matter the tech level or where it had come from.

But as thrilling and exciting the life of a rebel was, it all came crashing down around her one day. Their cell was betrayed and everyone but Nova was executed. She was spared at the last minute. Someone had ordered her off the block… Then before she knew it was whisked away to some base camp by a stranger. The stranger had told her why she had been selected and spared. It was her gifts as a Tinker that had brought her to this new place.
Hello there, I remember you from GP!
You had that same piercing blue eye that was trying to suck your soul out and eat it, like a demonic girl.

Anyway, I like Nova. Should probably put my lad up there.

Name: Ben Forbes

Age: 26

Personality: Ben's a sociopath from top to bottom, but the man is a charmer. He's suave with the ladies and charismatic to no end, like a Sean Connery James Bond type. He's calm and collected, with a voice similar to that of Christian Bale. Admittedly, Ben isn't shy when it comes to his looks, he's doesn't brag much, but he loves his body and enjoys admiration from people who take an attraction to him. A bit of the egomaniac in him, though he isn't sensitive to any negative remarks about him. While Ben from the outside seems somewhat normal, underneath the skin, he's a ruthless individual. He's quite cold, calculating, and massively manipulative, whether to control someone important to his own cause, or simply woo someone he finds an interest with into bed. He's also a bit..... Well, the best way to put it is hyper sexual, the man barely ever says no, whether to partners both male and female, or kinks and fetishes no matter how strange they may be. He's quite the explorer in bed. As for relationships with people, it's less than desirable. For him, they're just objects to use, machines made of flesh and bone that can be an obstacle or an ally, depending on what his current goal is. He'll treat you nicely, but he doesn't consider you an equal, or even see's you as human on an emotional level. Emotional connections for him come from sex, and most of the time they're usually one night stands, or partners he can easily manipulate emotionally. If it's the latter, 'cult of personality' comes to mind, as Ben treats them more like pets than actual humans. While not abusive, he can surprisingly give his 'pets' an environment of luxury and relaxation when he takes one in, the atmosphere feels more like a cult than a commune, with Ben as their leader and savior.

However, if you are someone Ben considers more than just a 'pet,' an actual resource that will benefit him in the long run, he'll be your best friend. Though, if you see the pattern with Ben, you might guess that doesn't make him and you actual friends. Even if he acts like you both are.

His sanity has never been put into question, but he has his own mental demons. Many of his sexual fantasies go from mild kinks and fetishes, to serial killer behavior, such as having sex with the slit throat of a corpse and then wearing its skin to see how it feels, or mentally breaking someone down until they are trained to act like mindless husks for his sexual behavior. He knows these thoughts are quite alarming, and tries his best to keep them from emerging, but the more he tries to find the ultimate sexual bliss, the more those thoughts creep in.

Many of these thoughts are Ben trying to find some sort of purpose in life. His birth and childhood were quite strange, as he was adopted after his parents were killed. (Admittedly, by the actual killer himself, but they share a good relationship surprisingly.) He doesn't quite see any reason he was born or should exist, like he's an anomaly to this world. He doesn't belong, so he is constantly trying to find purpose in his life. He believes his answer lies in power, and how he attains that power is either political, criminally, or power over those he see's is weak willed. A scumbag without question, but at least he gives a good smile.

Background: ......... For the purposes of the RP, let's keep it a mystery, eh? He is the leader of the group, and I think it'd be more fun for them to try and find out his past and how he got his ability to travel.​
Nah, Ben brought them together.

How he got the ability, I'll leave a mystery, but to leave some hints: How he attained it involves his father working for a higher power.

This higher power though isn't involved with Ben, nor will she appear in the story..... Depending on where we go, but he loves his dad, and his dad is a bastard.
Name: Max Mortimer

Age: 134 (looks 28)

Gender: Male


Personality: Max doesn't like following orders. Part of what got him kicked out of the Technomancer corps. He doesn't really have a good grasp on reality. Doesn't deal with ultimatums particularly well, often finding loopholes. What Max does do, he does with conviction. Max doesn't see value in any life, aside from the physical properties of their blood.

Background: Max Mortimer is from a futuristic world that has fantasy elements. Similar to Shadowrun.
Max started off as a member of the Technomancer Corps. A specialised group that combined various forms of technology and magic to not only combat supernatural threats, but also regular humans arming themselves with more powerful technology. He joined up when he turned eighteen and served for eight years. He was discharged for disobeying orders a number of times.
Max went through a rough patch, where he started looking into darker Magics. Eventually, he came across an old Vampire who turned him.
He spent the next hundred years making ng life hard for the Technomancer Corps. Using his Technomancer implants and magic, as well as his new vampire powers, he became a real problem.
He even started his own operation so to speak. Turned a few people into vampires and sent them out to cause trouble. Even opened his own bar. That was when Ben found him. Recruited him for his muscle.
Abilities include:

Name: Frey
Age: 22
Personality: Frey is a cautious but clever individual who never stays in one place for long. He typically acts alone but if working a group heist acts in the background. He's not all that strong but his quick thinking and tech savy nature makes up for that shortcoming. While usually calm or mild mannered he's actually quite vengeful and will do his best to ruin the lives of people who crossed him.

Background: Frey is from an technology advanced world full of corruption and a vicious line drawn between the rich and poor in means of living and protection. He was known under the name X by the officials he robbed and ruined the lives of. He gets a thrill out of it all and has a track record for targeting politicans.
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