FxF The Stoned Leo's thread

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FxF The Stoned Leo's thread

The Stoned Leo

The Story Seeker
Local time
Today 8:29 PM
Greetings and salutations

I am The Stoned Leo!

About Me:

Hello everyone! i like to start off by stating i love to do any and all OOC, just wish to express any interest to be sent to PMs, and will jump right to the main questions! My replies usually adapt to my partner, but I need and will do at least a paragraph for a reply. Would love to do two or more preferably. My perspective that I use and like is third-person, but again, will adapt based off of my partners needs and likes. For my characters, I play as both male and female characters, can play against both female and male. the only pairing I will not do is male against a male. I can and will do any genre, as well as both light and dark themes. Next is my smut level. I can do extremely low smut, all the way up to only smut. But I require some smut in ALL my role plays. I say that, but story will always be the main factor in all my stories.

Please note! Not all of these are needed for a Role Play! These are also always updated as well!


Aphrodisiac, Drug/alcohol use, Multiple orgasms, Sex toys, Sexual exhaustion, Teasing, Foreplay, Younger characters (18+), Size differences, Anal sex (Giving), Fingering (anal and vaginal), Squirting, Vaginal sex (giving), Vaginal virginity, Face cucking, Saliva, Bukkake, Cream pie, Tightness, Real life face claims, Private Roleplays, Third person perspective, Non-con, Dub-con, Blackmail, Degradation, Dirty talking, Discipline, Humiliation, Hypnotism/mind control, Aftercare, Blindfolds, Caging, Heavy bondage, Light bondage, Pleasure control, Sensory deprivation, Squirting


Stomach bulging, Interracial, Smoking, Large ass, Large breasts, Sexual frustration, Shaving, Nonsexual piercings, Older characters, Tattoos, Anal virginity, Cervical penetration, Clit play, Kissing, Oral sex (Giving/receiving), Ass to mouth, Throat penetration, Multiple penetration, Gangbangs, Artist face claims, Adultery, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Fighting, Incest, Kidnapping, Voyeurism, Begging, Fear, Master/slave, Restraints, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Stockholm syndrome, Biting, Face slapping, Hair pulling, Sexual pain, Spanking


ice, Strap-Ons, tickling, condom, flexibility, stuckage, Sweat, Pubic hair Small breasts, tentacles, Fingers in mouth, Excessive semen, Sloppy seconds, All the way through, Horror, kidnapping, Scene – night clubs, Scene – office, Scene – locker room (college), Scene – college, Scene - shower, Abuse


Food play, Natural musk, tails, Nonsexual roleplays​

Favorite themes/pairings/genres!

Humanxhuman, supernatural beingxhuman, dom/sub, horror, dark themes, love triangle, medieval, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, future, cheating, adultery

Premade plots!

Character a is a new college student, who becomes roommates with one of their classmates. After their flight back home to visit family is cancelled, they decide to go back to their dorm. When their roommates sibling(Character B) is visiting and was told they could crash at their place, and even in A's bed. When A arrives home, B is already in bed. So, A believes it to be their ex, and crawls into bed with B. Will B be quiet in the dark room, or will they have to fight A off but not be able to?
Character A is on an expedition with their crew to discover if the world is really a ball in the sky, or is in fact just flat and has a dome. When their theory points the crew to Antartica, stating its really just a wall, that is the destination. However, what happens when they arrive at the wall and find a gate that leads to land that is undiscovered. Will the ruler (character B) go easy on A, who is the only survivor?
Character A drives a taxi at night, picking up strangers to take them home. However, A has a secret. The taxi is just a cover for their real job, as well as their true passion. What happens when A picks up Character B at a bar and has to decide on either selling or killing them?
character A has had a dramatic life, forced to change their name and run away to a few states away. They are really sweet, and if their outer shell could open up a bit, just wants to be with someone. Character B is the famous singer, known to never been found in public with anyone. They have flings, but keeps everything on the low to make sure no one finds out and tries to do anything about it. but the truth is they are just like character A, just wanting only one. was wanting this to be like a love at first sight/obsessionish? kind of idea. not wanting B out A's window looking in, but like B feels like they will do anything to have A, as long as they wants the same. A has been abused, physically and sexually, so sex is going be hard for them to accept, will B be able get A to trust some one again?
Character A is all alone in a new city, it completely different than what they was used to in their hometown. After fleeing their home due to a abusive parent. Now going by a different name and beginning to work at the first job they could get, things are slowly getting better. What happens when character B meets them and feels as if they have to have them? Will A be able to get over their past to not ruin things with B? What happens when the parent also finds A and comes after them.
okay, i usually dont post a actual fandom as a plot, but i am dying to have this done. i am wanting to play as damian and raven from the new titans, just aged up of course. i actually have two main ideas for this plot, but will take other ideas as well! both has the titans mostly killed, like all the other heros. one idea is they are in hiding, damian taking control over the league of assassins up in the mountains. could have them just live till something happens and the length of that is up to us to decide. can be long, could be short. two, deathstroke has enslaved raven, as well as a few other heros. we would be playing the time it takes for the heros to be saved or to escape.
just like the plot above, i dont usually request fandoms, but i am dying to play as darkseid against really any hero! i want to play the time that he has beaten the heros and has enslaved a few of the heros.
Character A is the most wanted person in the world. they run everything, having thier hands in everything. taking them down would be any officers career. thats where character B comes in. local offiver that is requested to go undercover to help take them down. this plot, i actually really love, and would be able to go many ways. could have them fall for each other and for one to help the criminal get away, the officer to remain undercover with many almost caught moments that actually get them arrested, or my favorite where the criminal knows they are undercover and quickly make them theirs.
Character A and Character B are twins, who both decide to go to camp as a councilor. character C would be another councilor that is there to work on their issues. what happens when the three all drink together at a party and decide to go talk at their place? original idea has them go drink, and we go from there. but i would love to keep this as a long term and go from there and the rest of their time together.
Character A and character B are a couple, young, and in college. what starts off as a night of fun and investigating a local myth in the woods, turn into a nightmare. but what happens when they both wake up the next morning as if nothing ever happened and they have to figure out what happened to them, and what was coming to their town.. this could go many different ways, but original idea was werewolves.
character A is a very successful and famous hypnotist. they work a plan out and record the entire session to share with the client if requested. the sessions are for whatever the client is requested, and they have nothing but great reviews. Character B is coming to character A for whatever reason. but Character A is instantly fallen for Character B. what happens when they decide to use their abilities for the wrong intentions?
character A had it all at one time. perfect job, amazing career and everyone looked up to them. now, people look away from. this plot i can go multiple different ways. one way i was thinking was a simple catfish first date, gets drugged and taken, and then go from there. but if anyone has suggestions, please send me a mesage.
Character A has it all. they are married to the CEO of a big law firm, has the best of the best in every way. but, love is not something they have. their partner is to obsessed with their work and think that gifts are more than enough. however things change as they are out with friends at a club and spot character B. they are dressed nice and after all friends convince them to cheat, they go for it. what happens when they wake up and find that character B is not as successful as their partner? could they really give everything they are use to up, for true love?
Character A is invited to the Vatican to take their final vows, and is partnered with another nun that is going to take her final vows as well. While staying, A begins to see things that other churches do not do. Character A soon has to go on a quest to find out just what this church is doing and why.
character A just barely got into the college of their dreams. While their grades were not perfect, they were good enough, especially with the sports scholarship they received. Character B is one of Character A's professor's, and coach for the football team, who soon discover that Character A is failing their class. Sadly, the class is needed for the scholarship. How desperate will A get to pass their class?
Character A is obsessed with being the best in their field. They will do anything and everything to get there. Including sleeping with their boss. However, once they get the promotion, they find their partner (Character B) unneeded. So, they break it off with them. Only thing is that their now ex, just bought their company and fired her boss and is now her boss. What will happen now?
Character A is asked to interview one of the most successful CEO's in the world, as well as ask them to talk at character A's college. Character B is the CEO, who instantly falls in love with Character A. what will the CEO do to get what he wants, which just so happens to be Character A.
A mafia leader (Character A) trying to collect a debt that they quickly realize they will never get. To show that they mean business and not let others think they can not pay them back, they kill the man that borrowed the money. However, after doing so, the partner of the one that borrowed (Character B) is caught recording the murder. The leader quickly takes them and gives them a month to decide on what they want to do.
Character A is a doctor that works for the government. As a zombie world wide outbreak begins, they quickly are taken to a base that is safe, to find a cure. Character B is the partner that is told they were killed. However, years later, B comes across the base and sees A with the commander. He makes his way in to see her, only to get caught in front of them. A finds out the truth and frees B and tells them to leave, because A is the slave to the commander and is unable to leave.
character A is homeless, right on the verge of dying from how long its been since they got both food and any assistance. Character B is a CEO that sees Character A, and offers them a bed at their place for a night. Character A agrees and goes with B, ignoring every warning they are having. They have a amazing night, great meal and everything. However, what happens when they wake up and its time to leave and they find out they can not leave?
Character A is about to marry the biggest asshole they had ever seen, just to please their families. However, the night before the ceremony, they decide to run. Character B is the one at the gas station that Character A comes to, begging for a ride. What happens when they agree and they find out that the fiancé has mafia ties as well ties to the police?
Character A is the leading scientist that is trying to confirm if the hollow earth theory is true or not. After finding an entrance however, they get a team together to explore. Character B is the gun for hire that is hired for security of the team. What happens however when they go to hollow earth and find out they are not alone.
character A is FBI that is placed undercover to find the team that is behind all the semi jackings. Character B is the sibling to the leader of the crew. What happens when the two begin to sleep together at the same time that A finds the truth out?
After moving to a new school from moving with their parents to going to the college of their dreams, back in their hometown. Character A would come to find out that they are the target of the local mafia, after A's father killed the previous leader. A quickly find themselves attracted to Character B after B offers A a ride. What happens when they fall for one another and find out it was all a set up because of their name and B is being ordered to do as they are told from their master, Character C?
Character A has a terrible history with their partners, until they find their now fiancé. Their fiancé is everything they want. Successful, famous, and money is no issue. However, the only negative is they are absolutely terrible in bed. Soon, Character A quickly decides that while they don't want to, they have to have sex with someone, to see if they can really stay t with them. they decide the best person to test it with, would be their ex (Character B), which was the only person they had ever slept with that they had the best sex in their life with.
Character A just got a new drone from their parents, and after playing hooky to play with the drone, they begin to play with the drone. He soon catches the neighbor inviting someone that is not their partner into their home, nude, and take them upstairs and quickly begin to fuck. What will they do when they get a video recording of everything?
Character A just got sentenced to life in prison. Upon arrival, Character A quickly finds out that the assistant to the warden, happens to be the nerdy kid that they use to pick on in school (Character B). Character B despised their bully, and now that they are in their prison, payback is a bitch. Can also include another prisoner as Character C, who is the leader of the prisoners.
Character A is living a normal life. They hang out with friends, work, and whatever else they want. Character B is a loner, but has to much money to know what to do with. They have to have them. they stalk them, make her be friends with him by making their friends unable to come around. When Character A has no one to socialize with but Character B, that is when they drug and kidnap her.
new to the big city, Character A is quickly forced to result to crime just to stay afloat. Believing that a rich couple would be gone, they decide to break in. only to find the couple to still be there. quickly, they threaten the couple, tying them up and everything. However, the newbie criminal quickly finds themselves attracted to one of them. A find more similarities between them and the partner (Character B), and soon demand B to have sex with A for the intruder to let both live. But B grows addicted to the rush and feeling that A made B feel that night. What happens when they begin to try to find the intruder?
to stop the bully from bullying their child, Character A makes a deal with the bully (Character B). The deal is simple at first. dressing up and allowing pictures, oral sex, etc. As B starts treating A's child better and better, the child is happier and has a social life. B then escalates their demands more. How far does A go to keep their child happy? Will the child find out? How will they hide it from them? Or worse, their partner!
this plot has our characters siblings. (step or blood, up to you) Character A has been wanting Character B for some time, until finally, they snap. A forces B to sleep with them as B is staying with A at their place. Will A need to blackmail B, or will B want A as much as Them?
Character A was the child of a very wealthy CEO, that had no idea they was even born. After Character A does some digging and finds their father, she is then invited to their home. Of course character A leaves their home to go visit them, trying to reconnect. What happens when they find out why their mother left and did not tell her who her father was because of his best friend (Character B)?
Character A is finally eighteen, living the best life they can. They have loving parents, got amazing grades and just got accepted into the college of their dreams. However, all of that changes when the babysitter (Character B) that used to watch her, moves back into town. They are very successful, had the house of their dreams built in the same subdivision to be close to their family. However, once they see how Character A has grown, things take a much darker twist for the pair.
Character A has had a crush on the celebrity of their dreams since they were kids. now older, now having money, they decide to go meet the celebrity at a meet and greet. they get backstage passes and everything. however, upon meeting the celebrity (Character B), they offer them to come to a after party for celebration later. however, upon arrival, Character A quickly finds out that they were invited for much more than a after party, and quickly find out how evil their crush really is.
Character A just got married to their partner, and convince their partner to give their estranged sibling (Character B) the chance to redeem themselves. They all three end up drinking together, with the partner passing out, and leaving the sibling and partner alone. What happens when Character B forces themselves on Character A, recording the whole thing to blackmail them as well?
Character A just married their partner. However, soon after the honeymoon, character B(the in law) must move in due to their divorce. When money grows tight, and he child of the in law not wanting character b to give them money, character B offers character A a proposal to get some money.
One night after hanging out with a group of friends, Character A sticks around after everyone else leaves like They always does to chat and help Character B clean up. Character A's partner has gone to bed, but A and B hang out on the couch for a bit before A goes home. The two have always been comfortable with each other physically since they had been friends for so long, so it was nothing unusual for B to be leaning on A's shoulder or even laying across their lap while they are talking. After a while, the conversation drifts to B complaining a little about her relationship and their sex life. Their partner does not really care about their pleasure, just getting their own. Slyly, B offers to help A. What happens when B accepts?
character A is married to their high school sweetheart, Character B, who went into marines. After a failed mission, that had their partner as the only survivor, the partner leaves the marines. Now on a trip to celebrate them leaving the marines, they stop to get gas. That is when Character C steps in, the leader of the gang, and takes her with them.
Bored at staying at home, character A gets a job working at a filming agency as a secretary. However, Character B thinks that Character A would be much better off being in the movies themselves. The only problem? The filming agency only does porn. With a significant increase in pay, is it worth it?
Character A just got to Vegas to have one last trip with their friends before they get married. Character B is the entertainer that got hired by Character A's friends for the first night. What happens when they all drink a little too much and the Character A gets to experience one last night with someone else?
Character A is on vacation and rents an air BNB online. However, what happens when it is all a trap, and the rental is all set up for the owner (Character B) to do whatever they want?
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