MxF The Summoner -- Modern Fantasy RP -- Harem Themes Optional

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MxF The Summoner -- Modern Fantasy RP -- Harem Themes Optional


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About Me

  • 20+ years of RP Experience.
  • Native English speaker.
  • Generally High-Casual to Advanced roleplayer. I typically write between 2 and 4 paragraphs depending on what needs to be said and what's going on. Sometimes more. Almost never less.
  • Willing and able to play characters of all genders. (The character mentioned in this post is a placeholder. They can be changed as needed)
  • Willing and able to play side characters and introduce NPCs as needed, but prefers to play one main character.
  • OOC chatter is preferred, but not required.

Expectations for You

  • High Casual to advanced roleplayer. (High Quality, at least 2-4 Paragraphs per post, and reasonable attention to spelling and grammar!)
  • Attention to detail.
  • Okay with mature themes including sexual content and reasonable levels of violence.
  • Can post at least once a week, preferably more.
  • Willing to let me know if something is preventing you from posting on the regular schedule.
  • Drawn or Anime-style Reference, if any. No photos of real people please, they're the one thing that makes me uncomfortable.

The Summoner

Our story begins in the not too distant future, in the year 2118 where we find a young James Masters. James is 19 years old, and has just moved away from home for the first time in his life, traveling to another city for University. James, as you might expect, is a pretty standard example of a teenager having just become an adult -- that is to say, he's woefully unprepared for life without the support of his family, but determined to make it work. Unfortunately, after the first few months, James is down on his luck. He's broke, jobless, and if it weren't for the infrequent help of his family to pay his rent, he'd have been homeless by now. That's not even considering his grades in his classes. All in all, the future is looking pretty bleak for James. Then, without warning, James -- along with several thousand other people across the globe -- blacks out.

James wakes up again almost a week later, apparently fine. After being kept at the hospital for observation for a few days, he finally returns home. Unfortunately for James though, his problems aren't over. As it turns out, the several thousand people across the globe who all blacked out at the same time he did woke up to discover that they had new abilities; some might even call them superpowers. All of them were a little bit different, but James discovers that his was the ability to summon things. Not monsters, or spirits like any normal summoner, but people. People from... somewhere else. Another time. Another place. Another dimension even. He's not even sure that some of these people are human! And to make things more complicated, all of the people he can potentially summon are absolutely stunning young women with powers and abilities of their own!

Now then, that's the story as I see it thus far. I'm looking for someone willing to play one of the summoned girls -- the primary one, most likely. Maybe the only one, but if possible, I'd like to find a partner who's willing to play a collection of girls that James can summon. I don't expect he'd be able to summon them all at once -- He's a brand new summoner after all! He's probably limited to one girl to start with, but if you're up for it, he could work his way up to creating a whole team of girls to help him face the challenges presented by a world with entirely too many superhumans trying to carve out a piece of it for themselves, and government entities pulling out all the stops to hold on to the reigns of power and control.

And I think that's where I'll leave things. If you're curious, have questions, or are just interested, feel free to PM me and we'll start making some initial plans as we decide on characters, iron out some of the details, and get the ball rolling on this!
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