Challenge Submission The Sunflower's Bud

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Challenge Submission The Sunflower's Bud

Lore N. Fables

Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility Corrupting Influence Challenge Champion Confirmed Responsible Adult 10000 Likes!
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Today 9:38 AM
The Spring had fed the lands with the showers and warmth and the Sunflower had felt the first rays of the spring sun, melting away the snow-covered ground. Reaching its stem up through the softened ground from the dissipating winter that had kept the flowers asleep for far too long. Each day as the sun's rays would shine down, the little sunflower could feel her stalk getting stronger and her buds begin to form.

The spring rains aided in the flower's thirst, as it was not just the one sunflower that was in need of a drink. This year, the little sunflower noticed a pungent odour that had been present in the garden. Strange and unfamiliar and not the same sweet of the lavender that had been planted a few rows over.

"My, you are strange," the Sunflower said one fine Spring morning. "Your leaves... they're so long! And your buds... That is a lovely purple shade." Despite the oddness of the plant, the sunflower was intrigued.

"Why are you so damn perky," the strange plant replied, not at all seeming interested in the conversation. "I was planted, I have grown, why must you prattle on so?"

"Why it is Spring!" The Sunflower replied happily. "The sun is out! The rain has given us a light drink this morning! Why wouldn't one be pleased to be alive?"

"Maybe because we are pleased with life, but enjoy the silence," the strange plant replied, again in a tone that said it wanted nothing to do with the Sunflower.

"I know that is your way of saying that you do not wish to chat, but you keep replying so it leads me to believe you do wish to chat," the Sunflower happily said, oblivious of it talking in circles. "Oh, look! They come! Everyone, look alert and preen for the sheers!"

A little while later, the Sunflower did not seem as talkative as it had earlier in the day. While the men had come with their sheers to clip away the weeds, the Sunflower noticed that the purple buds from the strange plant next to her had been stripped away. "I am sorry they took your buds... They were very pretty."

"I'm used to it," the plant replied, stretching its leaves in the twilight breeze that whispered past its stems. "The name's Mary, by the way. Mary Jane."

"Just wait until the Summer months," the Sunflower said, also stretching its leaves in the breeze. "They pluck all of the seeds from my face! Oof, I am quite a sight to be seen!" With what would have been a chuckle, the leaves wiggled only a teeny bit as a bee came by for the last of its pollen for the day. "It is good to meet you, Mary. I'm just Sunny."

"Figures you'd have a perky name too," Mary replied.

"Have you seen me? How could I not be happy," Sunny said almost in defence, but let it slide knowing how her new friend was. "So, why do they take your buds every time you grow them? And why do you smell the way you do?"

"Next time they come out, take a long sniff... you'll smell me on them. I am a Hippie's Best Friend, just ask Willy Nelson," Mary replied with a yawn.

"Willy Who?" Sunny was curious and had never heard that name before. She had noticed that the men who had come to the garden lately had been solely focused on plants that looked like Mary. That would explain quite a bit since she hadn't been groomed or preened of late. "It is likely that I might not have my seeds stolen this year!"

"You're welcome," Mary simply said. "Now, will you please shut up. I'm trying to enjoy the moonlight and your voice is killing the mood."

"Good night, Mary Jane," Sunny replied to the harshness of her new friend.

"Goodnight, Sunny," Mary returned, a little softer and friendlier than usual. "See you tomorrow."

And so it went. Every day, Sunny would pester the positivity into Mary Jane and her buds would grow bigger and fluffier than any of the other Mary Jane plants in the garden. Could it have been the friendship the poor plant never wanted that had helped her buds grow? Or had it been all of the angst she held for the plant next to her stored in the buds, making them bloom fuller? Who's to say? The unlikely friendship went on, each season, the blooms on each would blossom and the cycle would continue.

Thank you to all that read this! I thought I had more, but this is what I got... I hope it was fun! <3
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