MxF The Thickening Mist of Passion & Desire...

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MxF The Thickening Mist of Passion & Desire...


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1. This thread is an updated version of my previous title. It is meant to include more of my interests, as well as incorporate more detail into what it is I am looking for out of my partners, as well as any and all potential storylines. While of course, remaining the simplicity and to the point narrative that I always try to convey.

2. Please do not reply to this thread. I want to keep it neat. If what you read below should spark any interest in you, feel free to shoot me a private message.

3. I unfortunately don't have much time these days due to real life. If you're looking for someone who can pump out multiple replies a week, I won't be the partner for you. Honestly, it's really hard to say just how much I can give you in a specific amount of time. Some weeks will be better than others, and you may hear from me more often. Though do not expect this all of the time. My schedule isn't the best for a passionate writer like myself, but I simply enjoy it all far too much to stay completely away. For me, such a task is utterly impossible. Also, please bare in mind that I am not one to leave another hanging for a response. I will always provide a notice regarding my potential absences should my schedule come between us and our story.


Hey there, all! My name is William, and I've been in the writing pool now for a very long time. If someone were to ever ask me just how long, well, I don't believe I could answer that question. Writing and storytelling has been apart of me for the better part of my life. And while being twenty-three years old, I'd think that it's fair to say that I am no novice when it comes to such subjects.

I'm sure you're all probably wondering just what exactly I enjoy as far as writing. Lucky for you all, that is a question that I can answer wholeheartedly! When it comes to the nitty-gritty of storytelling, I enjoy a multitude of genres. Everything from a good, steamy, erotic adventure to the more carefully woven plots of romance. Though who exactly is to say one couldn't do both, right?

I've also dabbled in a few fantasy settings, as well, but find that the modern day slice-of-life style stories are my profound comfort zones. However, that isn't to say that I won't/couldn't engage in a fantasy setting. Or even science fiction! I actually have something in the works revolving around these subjects down below under the plots section of this thread if you're curious at all.

My Partners.

When it comes to finding the right writing partner(s) for a story, I must be honest and admit to the fact that I am quite selective. I don't want to come off as some over confident jerk, but I will not write with just anyone. I look for certain qualities that are simply a must for a good, well written story. Qualities that I will dive more specifically into now.
1. Detail is a big one for me. I can't get invested into any story if my partner doesn't put forth equal effort. Tell me what your character is feeling, describe the world/setting that's taking shape, and leave me yearning for your next reply. As for myself, I normally mirror what my partner gives me. However, I do tend to get a little carried away at times and deliver an over abundance of words, letters, and paragraphs. It really just depends on how invested I am into the story, and how well my partner and I click. Which is why that I'm so keen on finding only the best matches that fit my style. I don't want to waste their time, anymore than they want to waste mine. Proper grammar and punctuation will also be a necessity. Mistakes and type-os are bound to happen, I get that. However, I still want to be able to piece together what it is that you're saying, or trying to describe in an orderly flow.

2. While detail is extremely important and an essential factor in storytelling, there has to be a balance. That is where quality over quantity comes in. Certain parts of any story may involve two or more characters chatting back and forth, with not much going on around them. In this case, less quantity might be necessary for a better flow to said story, while still retaining the same level of quality throughout the play through. This is a common ground that we as writing partners must find with one another to establish just how we want the story to flow. One thing that I've found during my years of writing, is that quality over quantity is a bit of a wide spectrum, having different meanings to different people. As long as this common ground is found, the story can flow at a better pace, and provide all parties involved with the story to have a much more exciting, relaxing time.

3. As I stated above, I don't have every minute of every day to sit down and write. I have a busy schedule and it does require my attention more often than not. With that being said, you can expect my communication to be fair regarding this matter. Also, don't be afraid to give me a little poke if you haven't heard from me in a little while. I don't bite, I promise! I just ask that any of my potential partners be understanding that I have a life outside of this site, as well as even my own writing. You can surely expect myself to return this courtesy.

Plots & Pairings.

If you have hopefully made it this far, I commend you. You're already one step above most, and we haven't even spoken yet!

What you will find here is a list of a few plots and pairings revolving around the stories that I enjoy, and am currently craving. Some are more put together than others, while others require that special partner to assist in putting together the final pieces. Some are more erotica heavy, while others will tend to be a mixture of erotica and romance. Perhaps a little science fiction? Maybe some fantasy? You'll just have to scroll down to see for yourself...

Also, please note that before you read on, nothing you read below is set in stone. If you should spy something that catches your eye, but have an idea that you think might add something to the story, speak up! I love to brainstorm with my potential partners to build a plot that works for both parties.

Happen to have your own original story? Hit me with it! I'm all ears and open to anything you want to throw my way.

Character names are another subject that is open for debate. The ones you read below, are merely just fillers for the sake of the plot summary to give a better representation of said plot as a whole. As well as to paint a more lively, vivid picture for the sake of imagination. I welcome any and all original characters that my partners may have, or create.

1. Hell's Angel- William, a well respected man of the cloth in his early thirties, is a preacher at a well established church in San Francisco, California. He is a very successful man, and shares such success with his loving wife, Elizabeth, of eight years. The happy couple are also soon to be parents for the first time, with two twin girls being expected in just three short months. To sum it all up, William has more than he could ever want and lives a grand, blessed life. Carly, a young woman in her early twenties is a seemingly good natured, innocent soul with good morals and a background to match. Having moved to the San Francisco area to pursue a career in real estate, she is quickly wrapped around the finger of her newly found neighborhood and is welcomed warmly by its naive residents... You see, under this clever facade she portrays, lies a wicked and lustrous soul that shamelessly craves the attention of a man just as hungry and horny as she. Hard cocks and a mouth full of warm, sticky cum are what this delicious little treat of woman dreams about and night. Carly is also very keen on acquiring that these specific needs be met accordingly, and will stop at nothing to do so. Never taking no for an answer as she relentlessly pursues just whoever it might be that finds themselves to be her target. It isn't long until the temptress sets her sights on the handsome man living happily in the home just across the street from her own. The very thought of laying down and corrupting such a powerful soul such as William's, ignited a flame inside of Carly that simply burned too hot to ignore... When she joins the Church as the new leader for the youth foundation, her little games begin. Preacher William's morals are brought to their very limit as the delicious young Carly tempts him further and further into sin in this game of cat and mouse.

2. Forbidden Romances in all of the Wrong Places- William and Scarlet have never met before. Two young adults that have both been equally estranged from either of their single Father and Mother for an entire three year cycle. Dating back to the very divorces that ignited such drama between them all. Divorces that viewed significantly unfair to William and his Mother, regarding his Father. As well as Scarlett and her Father regarding her Mother. Both estranged parents having been unfaithful to the other...When the Christmas season arrives one chilly, snowy December day in upstate Maine, both William and Scarlet receive a letter from either of their now distant Father and Mother. Both letters inviting them to their new home in Maine for the Christmas holiday to reconnect and leave what was in the past, in the past for good. Both invitations also stating that they are happily remarried, and simply longing for the closure lying in the forgiveness of their children. Reluctantly, both William and Scarlet decide to make the journey as they themselves also hope to patch up old wounds.


Upon arriving to what they both believed to have been the right house in the desolate, quiet, snow covered country of northern Maine, there is strangely no sign of either of their parents. The two young adults quickly find themselves in a slightly awkward situation upon first meeting as neither of their parents had bothered to mention that their new spouses had also invited their son and daughter to commemorate the occasion. Oblivious to the blizzard about to hammer the entire state, how with these two seemingly unfamiliar strangers cope with being trapped in their parents' new home as they ride out the storm together? Both have been taking glances at one another since their arrival...longing for a warm body to slide up next to as the temperature continues to plummet.

Unfortunately, these two plots are the only two that I've had the time to really put together and make whole. As for the settings revolving around fantasy/sci-fi, I have a few extremely vague plots running about my brain, but no idea what direction I want to go with them. A story revolving around a Neko or Vixen would be fun. If that sounds like something that you might want to explore, hit me with your best shot!

Again, I love to brainstorm and bounce ideas off of my partners. I'm stating all of this once more because I just can't stress it enough. I am negotiable with the details revolving around my plot. After all, finding common ground is key to a good story. However, in order to obtain this key, strong communication is a necessity between both parties in the story building process. That being said, don't be afraid to hit me with any and all ideas that you might have! I'm all ears to see what you've got hidden up your sleeve, and am very much looking forward to it.

I don't plan on doing everything myself, by the way. ;) Feed me your ideas! Let's make some magic together!

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