Any The Twisted World of Wonderland

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Any The Twisted World of Wonderland


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Today 9:54 PM
We have all heard the story of Alice in Wonderland, right? The story of the little girl who fell down a hole and went into a world that was just brimming with madness. And we also know how she escaped, right? Well, sometimes things don't go as intended, and things can go horribly wrong.

The Wonderland that Alice found herself in wasn't the colorful world we all know. No, instead she found herself in a dark and twisted world filled with monsters and very few heroes willing to stand against the Queen of Hearts. She found herself running for her life, screaming at the top of her lungs as the Cheshire Cats chased her, hiding from the Mad Hatter and his machinations of inhumane experiments, and finally trying to free herself from losing her head, literally and figuratively.

The land of the Queen's Wonderland is ruled over by the Queen, her army, and whatever creatures that the Mad hatter creates for her, mainly the Jabberwock, his most twisted and vile creation.

The White Hares are creatures that can change into small rabbits and lure people into Wonderland, it's so much easier to lure in children when they chase after a small rabbit.

The Cheshire Cats are enforcers of the Queen's will, twisted creations of the Mad Hatter. They chase, kill, and do as the Queen orders them, though some have broken free and joined in on a small resistance movement, we'll touch in on that later.

The Mad Hatter, he who rules from his twisted castle, winding hallways of mirrors, he blasts the screams of his "patients" over the megaphones that sit upon the towers of his castle. He makes the twisted creatures that serve the queen. The Cheshire Cats, her card army, even her personal wind up toy servants are from him, he is but an artist in his mind, but an artist with the most twisted taste.

The Jabberwock, the Queen's loyal pet. Hardly anyone knows what it looks like, say but the Queen and the Hatter, but those who have seen it in the inky black darkness of the night can only recall its eyes. Two bright red eyes that burn with glowing hellfire, piercing the black vale as the sound of its massive claws dig into the earth. Some say it is made of metal, some say the bodies of the Queen's enemies, no one outside of the castle really knows.

The Queen of Hearts, she who rules from her massive castle and oversees the darkness of her land. She is a childish ruler who wishes nothing more but to obtain all that she sees. She is addicted to the power she has gained and has personally twisted the minds of a few of Wonderland's people, mainly the Hatter. She never leaves her castle, but it is said that she is often seen carrying around a bloody headsman's axe, and supposedly the skull of her late husband. Though her rule has not come without pushback, there is a small resistance movement in the land that is gaining ground.

The resistance, a small group of Wonderland inhabitants, and those from other worlds, who are fighting back against the Queen. They are led by the White Queen, a woman who is said to be the Queen of Heart's rival from another royal family. She has her own army which uses chess pieces instead of playing cards. Throughout Wonderland there are small pockets of free towns they live in, fighting in the shadows for right now.

Now, whatever happened to Alice? Well, the Queen always did want a personal wind up maid.

Now, who are you in this story? Are you a person who is pulled into Wonderland? A resident of Wonderland who is rebelling against the Queen? The choice is yours, so have some maddening fun.


Hey, I just want to thank you for taking the time out to read this, and hope that it wasn't too much. This is a setting I've been sitting on for a while and thought that maybe someone here would enjoy doing this roleplay with me. This has taken inspiration from a few different things, mainly American McGee's Alice games. Though it didn't end too well for her this time.

If you are at all interested in doing this, then please send me a PM so we can talk about it.

All main characters in this roleplay must be 18 or older.
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