Either Needed The Vikings Fame: Rise of the Stonefist ( interest check)

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Either Needed The Vikings Fame: Rise of the Stonefist ( interest check)


Renigades husband no really, I'm her husband.
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 1:11 PM

The golden years of the Viking. They were full of blood and violence, the myth of a man that could go so crazed he would eat his own shield or fight like that of twenty men. This story in particular focuses on the rise and rule of StoneFist clan. The StoneFist clan is lead by a mighty berserker named Velk and he is generous to his allies and yet violent towards those who are his enemies. So, raise your clans and create your alliances. Fight with or against the StoneFist clan or be a part of it as you fight the invading British and goth armies or wage war on British soil. There is no way to go wrong. This is a story abot friendship and treachery, bond and war. I hope I see you there.


No rape: many are triggered and I wish all to feel safe to join.

No racism: again, against the rules and totally uncalled for.

Sexism: keep it classy and a minimum.

Triggers: come to me or an admin. I may not be staff, but this is a rp that I created. I will calmly speak for you if you wish me too. If need be I will remove said person via death. This is a safe place for all.

Godmodding: it's in the rules, don't do it. Characters can die, it might happen. If they do then I will allow you to bring in another. I'm not permanent deathing. Also no one likes their character being controlled.


Women had a lot of power in viking Culture. So clans lead by women are allowed.

Stonefist tribe: devilsgun101

Vacant clans will be edited for the names that you choose. Make them Viking friendly please.

Elmheart clan: Shadey.

Vacant clan:

Vacant clan:

Vacant clan:

Name (& pronunciation):
Date of Birth (& age):
Place of Birth:
Social Class/Community Status:
Viking Liniage:

Physical Description

Physical Description:
Typical Clothing/Equipment:


Most Hated/Dislikes:
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life:
Attitude Toward Death:
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
Education/Special Training:
Place/Type of Residence:
Place of Work:
Work-related Skills:
Past Occupations:
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Name (& pronunciation): Grimvald [ˈgʁεmˀvalt] Northman
Date of Birth (& age): December 21st (27)
Place of Birth: Roskilde
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Danish
Social Class/Community Status: Seer
Language: Germanic
Viking Lineage: Unknown father, Völva mother from the forests of Roskilde.

Physical Description
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Physical Description: Short and nimble, Grimwald is not built like a warrior. Rather his frame is built small, his limbs thin and his features delicate. While his hair is ebony dark, his skin is pale as the mist. His eyes are traditionally blue, but with an epicanthic fold. His features are relatively monochromatic, except for his lips that peak darkly red.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Not a fighter, Grimwald doesn't wear armor, but rather he moves in clothing of either cotton or linen, typically in dark blue hues. With him at all times, he carries his ritual staff and a leather bag with his ritual objects placed in them.

Personality/Attitude: A private character, Grimwald is a quiet creature that only speaks when spoken to. Even then his words are carefully chosen and softly delivered. He has much respect for the gods and their signs, and while he will use his gifts to help his clan, he would never go against the wishes of the gods, gladly going to his death if it meant a place at Folkvang. All this can make him come off as cold and standoffish, when in reality he cares a great deal about his clansmen.

Skills/Talents: Grimwald is a practitioner of the ancient magic of seid. This sorcery is part of the religious life of the vikings, and as such he uses various means to prophecize, heal and cast curses. As the clans seer, he is the religious leader and the yearly holidays and rituals are carried out by him.

Favourites/Likes: Grimwald is a quiet man, and as such he likes peace. He is at his happiest when there are no disputes in the clan and no bad omens on the horizon. He has a love of fruit, especially blueberries, plums, strawberries and apples.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Grimwald is greatly discouraged when his clansmen fight among themselves. It makes him uneasy, and he finds it hard to relax during these times. He both respects and hates the moon. While it is a source of great magical power, it is also completely impossible for him to sleep during the three nights of the full moon.

Goals/Ambitions: Having found his place in the StoneFist clan, all he wants is to use his magic to help the clan as much as possible, guiding them to the victories they seek, and when the time comes, die peacefully, surrounded by friends.

Strengths: Knowledge of seid magic, including herbalism and ointments, cool temper and a diplomatic mind.

Weaknesses: Physically not strong, very affected by his surroundings and he worries easily when things don't go as planned.

Fears: That his skills will one day be used as a weapon against him and his clansmen will turn on him when things don't go as he foretold.

Hobbies/Interests: Seid, herbs, life after death, and the gods.

Regular Routine: In tune with the world around him, Grimwald takes many walks in nature, looking for signs of ill omens. Daily he will check in on the chieftain to ask him of his needs and offer his service. He spends most of his time with the women of the clan, helping with the ritualistic slaughter of livestock, casting blessings on pregnancies and reading the future.
Philosophy of Life: He believes in devotion to the gods, and that goodwill will come to those that follow the gods' will.

Attitude Toward Death: This life is only a test to get into the gods' lands in the afterlife.

Religion/Beliefs: Seid and the Nordic gods (particularly concerned with Frej), elves, jotuns etc.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Talks to himself, often gets distracted by seemingly mindless things, rubs the roots of his nails when he gets nervous.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: While it is not something he talks about, he has on several occasions been hunted for his background as a seer. Not all places are in favor os such things, especially when it comes to male practitioners.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Seid rituals are often of a sexual art. As Grimwald needs to be able to perform these acts, he has not taken a partner. He doesn't wish feelings to be hurt, and he takes his role as a seer too seriously to simply cut out the sexual rituals. It is his duty.

Education/Special Training: Trained in the arts of seid by the women from his mother's coven in Roskilde.

Place/Type of Residence: He lives in a modest hut, complete with a fireplace and a iron cauldron, a bed, the bigger objects of ritualistic use and a series of shelves with various jars of herbs in them.

Occupation: Seer

Place of Work: Nature

Work-related Skills: Cursing, blessing, seeing, sacrificing to the gods, soul-travel, healing, spiritual communion.

Past Occupations: None

Family: One mother, somewhere in the forests of Roskilde and an unnamed father.
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if i may ask, what Clan did you want him to be a part of. If you want him to be a part of the stonefists thats fine. or if you want make your own clan of seers ^^ I approve this character, just genuinely curious.
Derp I meant to write that he was in the StoneFist clan somewhere. I'm thinking he's more of a sole practitioner within the clan than having a whole coven of his own

Name (& pronunciation): Ivan Stonefist, The Mad Crow. Brother of Velk and Bension
Date of Birth (& age): March 19 (36)
)Place of Birth: Northern Netherlands
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Social Class/Community Status: Viking Commander
Language: Nordic
Viking Lineage: Son of Cronos StoneFist, the berserker king and Maril StoneFist, Brother of Velk The Mad

Physical Description

Height: 6'7
Weight: 250 muscle
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Physical Description: Scarred, a mountain of a man
Typical Clothing/Equipment:leather armor, easier to strike fear if he keeps going after being hurt in it.


Personality/Attitude: angry, charming, insane while in battle.
Skills/Talents: good at throwing axes, can block out pain and laugh at it for a short period
Favourites/Likes: war, good mead, food
Most Hated/Dislikes: disrespect from his men
Goals/Ambitions: to drive the goth and British from his lands
Strengths: No fear in battle, the ability to strike fear in his enemies with his crazed personality in battle.
Weaknesses: when the pain tolerance runs out, the pain hits him like a brick, while he loves war, he does have nightmares.
Fears: his clans legacy being forgotten.
Hobbies/Interests: taking care of his clan, making sure everyone has food, tabacco
Regular Routine: train, drink, hunt
Philosophy of Life: i die hear, in battle. i will be welcomed at the gates of Valhalla. so kill me, it's a blessing.
Attitude Toward Death: it's a reward.
Religion/Beliefs: peganism
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: being caused pain via blood letting. ( masochist)
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: the British beheading his father and mother.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: bi, likes making his Submissive partner cause him pain.
Education/Special Training: very intelligent
Place/Type of Resibody guarddence: the hut next to Velks
Occupation: Velks bodyguard, Viking Commander, Berserker
Place of Work: The Battlefield
Work-related Skills: well versed in Axe play.
Past Occupations: Has none
Family: Velk the Mad, Bension the Charming

Bio: the Drums, the Drums of war had nothing on his screams. He could get his men into a religious fervor, they would beg to die for him. Hell there was a Britsh officer that wrote in his diary that he could have sworn that he saw Ivan eat a wooden shield and spit out the splinters. They only found the diary amonst the bodies, the dead all hacked up and left for the crows. So thats what the nicknamed the berserker..... The Mad Crow.
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Name (& pronunciation): Grimvald [ˈgʁεmˀvalt]
Date of Birth (& age): December 21st (27)
Place of Birth: Roskilde
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Danish
Social Class/Community Status: Seer
Language: Germanic
Viking Lineage: Unknown father, Vala mother from the forests of Roskilde.

Physical Description
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Physical Description: Short and nimble, Grimwald is not built like a warrior. Rather his frame is built small, his limbs thin and his features delicate. While his hair is ebony dark, his skin is pale as the mist. His eyes are traditionally blue, but with an epicanthic fold. His features are relatively monochromatic, except for his lips that peak darkly red.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Not a fighter, Grimwald doesn't wear armor, but rather he moves in clothing of either cotton or linen, typically in dark blue hues. With him at all times, he carries his ritual staff and a leather bag with his ritual objects placed in them.

Personality/Attitude: A private character, Grimwald is a quiet creature that only speaks when spoken to. Even then his words are carefully chosen and softly delivered. He has much respect for the gods and their signs, and while he will use his gifts to help his clan, he would never go against the wishes of the gods, gladly going to his death if it meant a place at Folkvang. All this can make him come off as cold and standoffish, when in reality he cares a great deal about his clansmen.

Skills/Talents: Grimwald is a practitioner of the ancient magic of seid. This sorcery is part of the religious life of the vikings, and as such he uses various means to prophecize, heal and cast curses. As the clans seer, he is the religious leader and the yearly holidays and rituals are carried out by him.

Favourites/Likes: Grimwald is a quiet man, and as such he likes peace. He is at his happiest when there are no disputes in the clan and no bad omens on the horizon.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Grimwald is greatly discouraged when his clansmen fight among themselves. It makes him uneasy, and he finds it hard to relax during these times. He both respects and hates the moon. While it is a source of great magical power, it is also completely impossible for him to sleep during the three nights of the full moon.

Goals/Ambitions: Having found his place in the StoneFist clan, all he wants is to use his magic to help the clan as much as possible, guiding them to the victories they seek, and when the time comes, die peacefully, surrounded by friends.

Strengths: Knowledge of seid magic, including herbalism and ointments, cool temper and a diplomatic mind.

Weaknesses: Physically not strong, very affected by his surroundings and he worries easily when things don't go as planned.

Fears: That his skills will one day be used as a weapon against him and his clansmen will turn on him when things don't go as he foretold.

Hobbies/Interests: Seid, herbs, life after death, and the gods.

Regular Routine: In tune with the world around him, Grimwald takes many walks in nature, looking for signs of ill omens. Daily he will check in on the chieftain to ask him of his needs and offer his service. He spends most of his time with the women of the clan, helping with the ritualistic slaughter of livestock, casting blessings on pregnancies and reading the future.
Philosophy of Life: He believes in devotion to the gods, and that goodwill will come to those that follow the gods' will.

Attitude Toward Death: This life is only a test to get into the gods' lands in the afterlife.

Religion/Beliefs: Seid and the Nordic gods (particularly concerned with Frej), elves, jotuns etc.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Talks to himself, often gets distracted by seemingly mindless things, rubs the roots of his nails when he gets nervous.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: While it is not something he talks about, he has on several occasions been hunted for his background as a seer. Not all places are in favor os such things, especially when it comes to male practitioners.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Seid rituals are often of a sexual art. As Grimwald needs to be able to perform these acts, he has not taken a partner. He doesn't wish feelings to be hurt, and he takes his role as a seer too seriously to simply cut out the sexual rituals. It is his duty.

Education/Special Training: Trained in the arts of seid by the women from his mother's coven in Roskilde.

Place/Type of Residence: He lives in a modest hut, complete with a fireplace and a iron cauldron, a bed, the bigger objects of ritualistic use and a series of shelves with various jars of herbs in them.

Occupation: Seer

Place of Work: Nature

Work-related Skills: Cursing, blessing, seeing, sacrificing to the gods, soul-travel, healing, spiritual communion.

Past Occupations: None

Family: One mother, somewhere in the forests of Roskilde and an unnamed father.
Approved officially.
Name: Ea Lelypsis (EE-uh luh-LIP-sis)

Date of Birth & Age: January 3rd (222)

Place of Birth: A small town in the middle of nowhere

Gender: Female

Race: Blood Angel (Valkyrie/Demon)

Social Class/Community Status: Warrior/Healer

Language: Nordic, Germanic, (and another unknown language)

Viking Lineage: Daughter of a Valkyrie


Height: 5'6

Weight: 140 lb

Hair: Jet black, red tips

Eyes: Blood red

Physical Desc: Short and fragile, but strong and lovable. Ea has long black hair down to her waist, black horns that twirl as they go up, blood red eyes and wings to match, the wings so large they drag behind her as she walks.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Iron armor, doesn't cover everything. Two weapons, a javelin and a spear, summonable by her command. Iron leggings, and armored boots that go up to her knees. Two pouches on her sides, both seem to glow with some sort of enchantment.


Personality/Attitude: Gentle and sweet for the most part, but can be extremely destructive and powerful if she needs to be, only if she needs to. She's rather naïve, but gets along with people rather well.

Skills/Talents: The art of divine magic and war. She exceeds in the healing arts as well, and is fairly great at cooking.

Favorites/Likes: As much of a war person as she is, she enjoys the peace and quiet, the beautiful sounds of nature, and the occasional song or so.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Death of her allies, caged animals, lack of any sort of sense, and a badly cooked meal.

Goals/Ambitions: Find the cure to the illness that killed her father, and find out how he got so sick in the first place.

Strengths: Her wings, weapons, magic, and allies are all she needs.

Weaknesses: Children, gentle small animals, cages and confined spaces, and water. She can swim, but not very well.

Fears: A long, drawn out, painful death, to herself and her allies. Torture in particular. She's also terrified of losing her ability to fly, she loves the freedom.

Hobbies/Interests: Music, cooking, poetry, flying, medicines, and art.

Regular Routine: She wakes up, eats, and gets on the move whenever she can. She's never in one place for too long, as war drives her from place to place constantly. Occasionally she stops to enjoy the natural world, and even draws the landscapes and creatures she comes across.

Philosophy of Life: Live while you can, it's a short existence for most people.

Attitude Towards Death: It comes to everyone, but how it comes is what you have to worry about.

Religions/Beliefs: Mishakal is her guide.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Lip biting, anything that makes her teeth grind, oddly enough the taste of blood, and getting caught in odd predicaments.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Fighting off a whole army on her own. They weren't even real soldiers, just civilians defending their hometown. Another time, she witnessed the earth of an entire city due to an unnatural earthquake made by destroying a magic orb.

Sexual Preferences/Experience/Values: Anything dominant and tall, buff, and untamed. She has these thoughts sometimes, but never takes it upon herself to search for someone for sexual relation.

Education/Special Training: She's been trained to fight since she was barely able to fly. She's been trained in the art of healing magics and destructive magics, and has learned how to use a lute, sing, and cook.

Place/Type of Residence: She used to live in the middle of the forest in a clearing with her father. Ever since her father died, she's been out and about, never staying in the same place for long.

Occupation: Healer/Warrior

Place of Work: The battlefield.

Work-Related Skills: Healing and destructive magic, charming, and calming.

Past Occupations: Healer and cook for her father.

Family: Mother- Sri Lelypsis, Valkyrie; Kyadius Lelypsis, Half-Demon
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View attachment 2501
Name: Ea Lelypsis (EE-uh luh-LIP-sis)

Date of Birth & Age: January 3rd (222)

Place of Birth: A small town in the middle of nowhere

Gender: Female

Race: Blood Angel

Social Class/Community Status: Warrior/Healer

Language: Nordic, Germanic, (and another unknown language)

Viking Lineage: Daughter of a Valkyrie


Height: 5'6

Weight: 140 lb

Hair: Jet black, red tips

Eyes: Blood red

Physical Desc: Short and fragile, but strong and lovable. Ea has long black hair down to her waist, black horns that twirl as they go up, blood red eyes and wings to match, the wings so large they drag behind her as she walks.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Iron armor, doesn't cover everything. Two weapons, a javelin and a spear, summonable by her command. Iron leggings, and armored boots that go up to her knees. Two pouches on her sides, both seem to glow with some sort of enchantment.


Personality/Attitude: Gentle and sweet for the most part, but can be extremely destructive and powerful if she needs to be, only if she needs to. She's rather naïve, but gets along with people rather well.

Skills/Talents: The art of divine magic and war. She exceeds in the healing arts as well, and is fairly great at cooking.

Favorites/Likes: As much of a war person as she is, she enjoys the peace and quiet, the beautiful sounds of nature, and the occasional song or so.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Death of her allies, caged animals, lack of any sort of sense, and a badly cooked meal.

Goals/Ambitions: Find the cure to the illness that killed her father, and find out how he got so sick in the first place.

Strengths: Her wings, weapons, magic, and allies are all she needs.

Weaknesses: Children, gentle small animals, cages and confined spaces, and water. She can swim, but not very well.

Fears: A long, drawn out, painful death, to herself and her allies. Torture in particular. She's also terrified of losing her ability to fly, she loves the freedom.

Hobbies/Interests: Music, cooking, poetry, flying, medicines, and art.

Regular Routine: She wakes up, eats, and gets on the move whenever she can. She's never in one place for too long, as war drives her from place to place constantly. Occasionally she stops to enjoy the natural world, and even draws the landscapes and creatures she comes across.

Philosophy of Life: Live while you can, it's a short existence for most people.

Attitude Towards Death: It comes to everyone, but how it comes is what you have to worry about.

Religions/Beliefs: Mishakal is her guide.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Lip biting, anything that makes her teeth grind, oddly enough the taste of blood, and getting caught in odd predicaments.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Fighting off a whole army on her own. They weren't even real soldiers, just civilians defending their hometown. Another time, she witnessed the earth of an entire city due to an unnatural earthquake made by destroying a magic orb.

Sexual Preferences/Experience/Values: Anything dominant and tall, buff, and untamed. She has these thoughts sometimes, but never takes it upon herself to search for someone for sexual relation.

Education/Special Training: She's been trained to fight since she was barely able to fly. She's been trained in the art of healing magics and destructive magics, and has learned how to use a lute, sing, and cook.

Place/Type of Residence: She used to live in the middle of the forest in a clearing with her father. Ever since her father died, she's been out and about, never staying in the same place for long.

Occupation: Healer/Warrior

Place of Work: The battlefield.

Work-Related Skills: Healing and destructive magic, charming, and calming.

Past Occupations: Healer and cook for her father.

Family: Mother- Sri Lelypsis, Valkyrie; Kyadius Lelypsis, Half-Demon

Approved. Did you want her to hbe a leader of a clan?
Ok. Sounds good :3
i like her though.

Name (& pronunciation):Velk StoneFist
Date of Birth (& age): 37
Place of Birth: Stone Fist Territory
Gender: male
Race: Caucasion
Social Class/Community Status:: Warrior, Stratagist
Language: Nordic, English
Viking Liniage: StoneFist

Physical Description

Height: 6'9
Weight:250 muscle
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Physical Description: Scarred from battle and but handsom
Typical Clothing/Equipment: chain mail, two axes


Personality/Attitude: angry, powder keg and berserker
Skills/Talents: high pain tolerance, high stamina, very charismatic
Favourites/Likes: chocolate, his wife and war
Most Hated/Dislikes: bad mead, british, goths
Goals/Ambitions: rid the word of the british legion
Strengths: strong and charismatic.
Weaknesses: would cave if his wife was caught and when pain tolerance fails, it hits him like a brick
Fears: his wife dying or family in general
Hobbies/Interests: throwing axes, playing with the village children, teaching the weak how to fight
Regular Routine: work, farm, fight
Philosophy of Life: if i die. its on my terms.
Attitude Toward Death: its a reward
Religion/Beliefs: pegan
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: he likes to worship the one that looves him, that loves the monster. he likes the let her know that she keeps him grounded. his neck twitches when hes agitated.
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: losing his mother and father.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: being dominant. though the wif has power over house, he likes to have it and needs to have it in bed.
Education/Special Training: very intelligent and yet most wont see it
Place/Type of Residence: a long house
Occupation: warrior, provider, clan leader
Place of Work: battlefield
Work-related Skills: proficiant in axes
Past Occupations: farmer

Name: Astrid Gelargo
Date of Birth & Age: June 18 (27)
Place of Birth: near the mountains
Gender: Female
Race: Scandinavian
Social Class/Community Status: Warrior/Healer
Viking Lineage: Daughter of Eir Gelargo, famous travelling healer, and Cratos Gelargo, the grim reaper


Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lb
Hair: light blonde hair
Eyes: amber
Physical Description: slim and athletic body with a symmetrical face. Curves on the right places, seducing ones eyes and flaunted when needed. Unruly, wild light blonde hair that reaches to her waist. Sharp eyes that could look into ones soul and creamy, tanned skin adorned with hidden scars under her clothes.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: leather and furry clothing to provide warmth, under it, is a light and durable chainmail for protection from blows. She's a dual wielder, two swords made by unique materials that could withstand a blow and light enough for a woman of her stature to wield it with no haste. As well as a skilled archer, primarily used for hunting. Leather wrapped skirt adorned with furr fringe and a small pouch for her medicinal pills. Furr boots covering her cold feet.


Personality/Attitude: loyal, cautious and determine. Doesn't like strangers that look odd, but could be open minded when needed.
Skills/Talents: animals are her friends, one lone wolf follows her around. She's good at aiming, crafting and quite agile.
Favorites/Likes: nature, leisure walk, and food.
Most Hated/Dislikes: lies and discreet.
Goals/Ambitions: to follow the path of her parents or make her own path.


Strengths: able to think of a strategy and act on it while in a dire situation and do the impossible; even with a high cost.
Weaknesses: Children, easy to trust and giving chances to those who doesn't need it.
Fears: losing the ones she love and losing her trust.


Hobbies/Interests: medicine, hunting, crafting and songs.
Regular Routine: what every travelling shield-man do. Wake up, hunt, look after the sick in some villages and goes back to the forest she lives at.

Philosophy of Life: "It happens. You can't change the past.. Just keep on moving and something worthwhile will come."

Attitude Towards Death: be brave and do what you can. If that isn't much, trust her allies and trust her self. Destiny can be change with the right choices.
Religions/Beliefs: One God and no name.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: those with determine, unwavering goals and people who could submit her. Her eyebrow twitch, a habit she didn't notice, if she were to feel annoyed. Seeing someone crush an opponent's bone makes her shiver with lust(bloodlust, maybe(?)).
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: unknown men coming to a village she stayed and ruthlessly kill the children and babies in front of their family, the close friend of her mother betrayed and murdered her mother, and the time where she met her wolf companion.
Sexual Preferences/Experience/Values: anyone that could dominate her in a fight, but also bed.
Education/Special Training: She's been trained to fight and art of healing with herbs and unusual incantations.


Place/Type of Residence: She used to live at the village near the mountains, occasionally accompanying her mother and travel from places to places to heal and do good deeds. Now, her house is located near a lake and miles away from her birthplace. She would visit her father there once in three months.
Occupation: Healer/Warrior
Place of Work: anywhere
Work-Related Skills: Healing and destructive magic, charming, and calming.
Past Occupations: hunter and healer
Family: Mother- Eir Gelargo (deceased); Father- Cratos Gelargo (unknown)

Name: Astrid Gelargo
Date of Birth & Age: June 18 (27)
Place of Birth: near the mountains
Gender: Female
Race: Scandinavian
Social Class/Community Status: Warrior/Healer
Viking Lineage: Daughter of Eir Gelargo, famous travelling healer, and Cratos Gelargo, the grim reaper


Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lb
Hair: light blonde hair
Eyes: amber
Physical Description: slim and athletic body with a symmetrical face. Curves on the right places, seducing ones eyes and flaunted when needed. Unruly, wild light blonde hair that reaches to her waist. Sharp eyes that could look into ones soul and creamy, tanned skin adorned with hidden scars under her clothes.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: leather and furry clothing to provide warmth, under it, is a light and durable chainmail for protection from blows. She's a dual wielder, two swords made by unique materials that could withstand a blow and light enough for a woman of her stature to wield it with no haste. As well as a skilled archer, primarily used for hunting. Leather wrapped skirt adorned with furr fringe and a small pouch for her medicinal pills. Furr boots covering her cold feet.


Personality/Attitude: loyal, cautious and determine. Doesn't like strangers that look odd, but could be open minded when needed.
Skills/Talents: animals are her friends, one lone wolf follows her around. She's good at aiming, crafting and quite agile.
Favorites/Likes: nature, leisure walk, and food.
Most Hated/Dislikes: lies and discreet.
Goals/Ambitions: to follow the path of her parents or make her own path.


Strengths: able to think of a strategy and act on it while in a dire situation and do the impossible; even with a high cost.
Weaknesses: Children, easy to trust and giving chances to those who doesn't need it.
Fears: losing the ones she love and losing her trust.


Hobbies/Interests: medicine, hunting, crafting and songs.
Regular Routine: what every travelling shield-man do. Wake up, hunt, look after the sick in some villages and goes back to the forest she lives at.

Philosophy of Life: "It happens. You can't change the past.. Just keep on moving and something worthwhile will come."

Attitude Towards Death: be brave and do what you can. If that isn't much, trust her allies and trust her self. Destiny can be change with the right choices.
Religions/Beliefs: One God and no name.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: those with determine, unwavering goals and people who could submit her. Her eyebrow twitch, a habit she didn't notice, if she were to feel annoyed. Seeing someone crush an opponent's bone makes her shiver with lust(bloodlust, maybe(?)).
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: unknown men coming to a village she stayed and ruthlessly kill the children and babies in front of their family, the close friend of her mother betrayed and murdered her mother, and the time where she met her wolf companion.
Sexual Preferences/Experience/Values: anyone that could dominate her in a fight, but also bed.
Education/Special Training: She's been trained to fight and art of healing with herbs and unusual incantations.


Place/Type of Residence: She used to live at the village near the mountains, occasionally accompanying her mother and travel from places to places to heal and do good deeds. Now, her house is located near a lake and miles away from her birthplace. She would visit her father there once in three months.
Occupation: Healer/Warrior
Place of Work: anywhere
Work-Related Skills: Healing and destructive magic, charming, and calming.
Past Occupations: hunter and healer
Family: Mother- Eir Gelargo (deceased); Father- Cratos Gelargo (unknown)
no problem. for someone whos not familiar. you did amazing
nothing wrong with researching. it's a good idea ^^
Name (& pronunciation): Scarlett Burrlong

Date of Birth (& age): July 5 ((27))

Place of Birth: she was supposed to be born North of the Netherlands but her parents became lost at sea when they decided to travel to find food or some other when the crops in their homelands were dying and anyany that did survive that year didnt last long. Her mother. Carvalla of elmHeart married Ferrid of Burrlong. Home to the small viking hamlet somewhere North of the Netherlands. Now a growing village. The family trade being fighting, protecting their home and fishery.

Gender: Female

Race: caucasian

Social Class/Community Status: viking/hunter

Language: English/Nordic

Viking Liniage: Daughter of Ferrid of Burrlong and Carvalla of elmHeart and granddaughter of Elder Cromwell of destructive magic and healing residing in the elmHeart viking clan like her daughter who wished for her granddaughter to be raised in the same tribe as she and Carvalla. In which Scarlett learned to hunt fish, fight, defend and the destructive arts of flame and healing wounds and ailments. For it is believed that you cannot have destruction without peace to maintain a sense of order.

Physical Description

Height: 5 ft 8
Weight: thats my secret to tell

Hair: long wild curly red hair

Eyes: forest green

Physical Description: tall and lith with a slender form with light muscle all over her slender frame. Scarlett has sharp forest green eyes. Faded scars all over body, including a long deep one that goes down her eye and reaching to her chin when she and the other warriors of her clan fought off and killed a bear that attacked her village.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: green long sleeved tunic and brown pants with a biege leather sleeveless jacket which is replaced with heavy leather jacket with a fur fringe and boits for the winter. The female warrior is often seen with light chainmail for protection when in battle and her choice of weapon being a blade, a spear or her very own flame she can summon at will. Scarlett almost always has several pouches on her belt. Filled with herbs, powders coins and such.


Personality/Attitude: short tempered, stubborn and perhaps a little hot headed especially when push comes to shove. Scarlett is a merciless warrior who isnt afraid to get her hands dirty and is fiercely loyal to her people.

Skills/Talents: can summon flames at will. Studies the art of healing with her grandmother in her free time and can hunt fish and is constantly training to hone her skills as a warrior .

Favourites/Likes: salmon, honeycomb, hunting, the smells of the forest and her wild cat companion Reignfire

Most Hated/Dislikes: disloyalty and betrayal. Scarlett also hates when people give up easily. Sees it as a sign of weakness. Note shes also allergic to lavender so she isnt fond of the plant in the slightest but is ecen less fond of fishing.

Goals/Ambitions: to become a great healer/mage like her grandmother and mother as well as a great warrior like her father and becoming a more patient and calm person.

Strengths: though she is not extremely strong. She is fast and agile and uses that as an advantage in battle

Weaknesses: short tempered so she can be reckless sometimes in a fight and thus sometimes patience is not in her favor and there has been more than a couple times were shes purposefully snapped a spear whilst dishing so she both loves and loathes the sport. Her anger can be a weakness so she tries to get past it and because of the scar on the right side of her face that goes over her eye. On occasion everything will go white in the one eye and cant see so she fears that one day she will go completely blind in the one eye.

Fears: becoming half or completely blind making her a weak length to her people. Initially her greatest fear is being weak or useless.

Hobbies/Interests: playing the ocarina because it helps her find peace in a chaotic world. Hunting and spending nights by the fire with her cat and family. Which as a whole her tribe.

Regular Routine: rise before dawn. Cook the days meal for her grandmother and father for the day. Hunt, explore and occasion travel to other lands by sea to fight in the battle against the britsh soldiers or gather supplies needed for their survival by trade.

Philosophy of Life: as to the code of elmHeart you cannot have destruction without peace and ypu cannot have peace without destruction.

Attitude Toward Death: thougha small part of her fears death she also welcomes it. Knowing that this is just the first life to prepare her for the next.


Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: when nervous or stressed out she has a bad habit of sucking on a strand of hair. Scarlett also has a signature mark when taking someone down. Whether did or just simply as a way to warn them not to mess with her or her people. She will always take at least one of their eyes and collects skulls of her prey on occasion when hunting.

MostInstructive/Painful/MemorableExperience: at a young age her village. Elmheart was nearly destroyed during a british imperial invasion and saw that her eldest brother Norva was beheaded during the fight that nearly became a merciless slaughter.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Bi

Education/Special Training: healing and the ways of a warrior

Place/Type of Residence: a small wooden hut that has a small living space with a black iron cauldron hanging over the fire place in front of an old wooden bench with a leather covering over it and Two bedrooms. One her and her father share and the other were her grandmother resides and heals in. So its the biggest room in the hut.

Occupation: warrior/mage/healer

Past Occupations: mage/healer. It wasnt until her brother was killed that she began her trsining as a warrior.

Family: mother: Carvalla ElmHeart. (Deceased) Father: Ferrid of Burrlong and Elder Cromwell of Elmheart. (Grandmother and mage/healer of the village) Siblings; Norva ElmHeart (deceased)


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