Challenge Submission The wheels on the bus.

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Challenge Submission The wheels on the bus.


Time walker
Dangerous Business Who Are You? September Challenge Participant August Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 9:38 PM
North Carolina,USA
Daisey Tanner is a precocious 3rd grader. She dresses herself and looks in the mirror. "Blonds have all the fun!" She admires her long blond curls. "Eat your heart out Mary Johnson!"
From downstairs her mother Jackie Tanner calls for her. "Daisey, breakfast!"
Daisey rolls her eyes. And replies in a quick response. Knowing her mother all too well. "Yes mother!"
William Tanner her father is at the kitchen table with a kindle fire. "My god where did it go!" He states rather annoyed while staring at the small screen.

Daisey opens the door to see her older brother Brian. She walks past him. "You pervie brainiac get dressed we have school."
Brian gives her a little push. "Oh my! A twisted sister" And meanders into the bathroom.
Daisey looks as he closes the door. "Thanks for nothing pizza face."
Jackie Tanner calls out. "Daisey is that you?"
"Yes mother." She replies reluctantly.
"Well stop fighting with your brother and come downstairs.

Jackie Tanner looks at William Tanner. "What did you, loss now?"
William looks up at his wife. "The Jones report."
Jackie shakes her head and looks at the ceiling of the kitchen.

"The bus schedule Willie! I need to know when the bus will be out front to pick up Daisey!'
Daisey reaches the top of the stairs and looks out one of the front windows.
It is still dark out and she cannot tell what the weather is outside.
She calls out. "Is it raining? Do I need my rain jacket?"

Jackie Tanner pauses and looks at the back door.
Then she glares at her husband. "Well Willy?"
He replies guardedly. "What?"

Jackie opens the back door and looks outside into the darkness.
"I swear Willie I will call Doc Howard and have you declared brain dead!"
William Tanner looks at her and smiles. "If you do, you will never get the bus schedule. Will you?"

Daisey not hearing a response decides to descend the stairs and take a chance or see for herself.
Jackie stares out into the morning darkness quietly prying for the dawn.
Jackie now satisfied she knows what she needs to know turns and sees Daisey has descended the last step and is kitchen bound.
Jackie is mildly relieved to see her daughter.

"Come sit down. I made eggs and toast and orange juice."
Daisey slides into her breakfast chair. She looks at the food and then starts to pick at it.
"Willie please!" Jackie is trying to restrain herself in front of Daisey.
"Ok fine!" He replies as he feverishly taps the tabulate.

He looks up at his wife. "6:48. Out front."
Jackie Tanner looks at the kitchen clock. She exhales loudly. "6:35!"
She looks Daisey. "Come on eat. You are going to be late for your bus!"
William Tanner looks at his daughter. "It's your first day back to school. Are you excited?"

Daisey looks up from her half-eaten eggs. "Mary Johnson is a frog face and I plan to tell her to her frog face as soon as I get there."
Jackie Tanner is shocked to hear her daughter use such references. "Daisey, that is not nice. You be nice in school."
William Tanner shrugs. "Yes, like your mother said."
"Gee thanks Willie. You're a lot of help."

As if he were looking for some escape he looks up at the clock. 6:38.
"Come on kid. I'll walk you out to the bus."
Daisey takes one last bite and slides out of her chair.
William Tanner lifts his jacket off the hook near the front door.

As he slides the jacket on. He opens the front door. Then flicks the light switch and the front lights come on.
He turns and Daisey is by his side. "Ready Dad!" He smiles at her noticing his daughter is being less formal with him.
They walk out to the street in silence. When they reach the end of the driveway. They both look down the darkened street. The nearest streetlamp is further down the way. Near the main drag.
"Your mother loves you. You know that right?"

Just then a pair of headlight makes the turn. It moves forward 50 feet and stops. It's red warning lights flashing.
Two children climb aboard the bus. And the light in front of the house goes out.
The bus starts to move forward again and comes to a stop in front of Daisey.
As the doors open a boy's voice can be heard. "The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round.

Just as she is about to board the bus. She looks at her father. "Tell Mr. Jones to stick it up his ass. Don't settle for anything less than 200k"
He father smiles at her. "Have a great day at school."
She climbs the steps and turns the corner by the first set of seats. "Who is making all that noise first thing in the morning. " The bus doors close. And William Tanner watches as the bus moves away.

He sings quietly to himself. "The wheels on the bus........."
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