MxF The Witch Collector(Long-term, Multi-para, Detail heavy, Fantasy/Adventure)

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MxF The Witch Collector(Long-term, Multi-para, Detail heavy, Fantasy/Adventure)


The Cloud Walker
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(Closed but if I seem like your type of partner contact me!)

The Witch Collector


Many centuries ago mortals feared magic and sought for it to be wiped from existence. Witches were seen as evil, using dark magic to toy with human's lives. Witch hunters were paid in gold for bringing a witch to the pyre. This cycle of death and killing continued until one man made a discovery. A scholar from a prestigious university had been studying magic and the use it may carry for mortals. Some wold say his tests were inhumane, but those people would be called 'Witch Lovers' and outcast by the people around them. You see, this man used witches in his studies, using them and practically torturing them in the name of science. But they were just witches... no more human than an animal, according to many. There was no sympathy for 'The wicked ones'. Thanks to these studies though it was discovered that magic could be taken from Witches, pulled forcefully from their bodies and contained within gems to be harnessed and used by mortals.

For hundreds of years this practice has continued. Witches were once hunted to be killed but now they are hunted and captured for reward. Magic gems are far too valuable for regular citizens to carry, at least according to the Crown. Naturally those in power sought to control it, enacting laws in regards to magic gems, and offering rewards for witches so they could harness the most power for themselves. The crown created a group of elite hunters, called Witch Collectors. They hunt witches to bring back to the capital but also pay and collect witches from regular citizens that have caught them. They're highly respected across the land, and feared by those who carry magic within them.


Maeve Ballard is one that fears Witch Collectors, one that stays to the shadows, one who drifts town to town trying to go unnoticed. She has spent her life hiding not only herself but the magic that flows just under the surface. She is a Witch, a magic wielder, cursed, a dark one, black blooded... a demon. There were many names people gave her kind. She was born into a small coven, raised in secret, taught to hide what she was. Fear and distrust were encouraged, she needed to be wary of every person who met her eye. This fear only grew when the coven was found by collectors, and in her young teen years she was thrust into the cruel world to survive on her own. Many years have passed since then and now, as a young adult, she continues to travel. Moving from town to town, selling herbs and poultice, spending her nights under the stars. But trouble always has a way of catching up with her.

This story is about a witch and a witch collector. In a turn of events, Maeve is caught by the guards in a town. A collector is called to come and take her to the capital, and that is where our story begins. It is a long journey back to the capital and the two are made to travel weeks together, but what will change over those weeks? What truths will be spoken, what trust will form? Perhaps they are more alike than either of them realize... and the journey to the capital begins to turn into something neither of them expected. Will they grow close? Will he hand her off to have her powers taken? Or will their journey take an unexpected turn?


Hi there,

I'm Nef. I'm returning from a long hiatus to start writing again.

What I'm looking for and what I offer
  • A Long term partner
  • Long and detailed posts
  • Story development
  • 18+ themes of blood, violence, sex, ect...
  • Minimum weekly posts
  • OOC chat to discuss the story
  • NPC characters written by us both

I write in a very detailed way, making my post lengths rather long. I enjoy writing as much as I enjoy reading so I would appreciate someone who writes in a similar style. I am hoping for a lot of tension in this story not only from their distrust for each other but from their attraction to each other as the story goes on. I would really like to discuss this story further in private messages so if you're interested shoot me a message. I'm planning for this story to be very adventure based where they are constantly moving and encountering new situations that help build their relationship. It will be a slow burn but those are so worth it. I would like a partner that isn't afraid to world build with me and lead the story forward as much as I am. This is our story once we get started so lets get creative together.​
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