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Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Corrupting Influence
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The World
The year is 1925 President Calvin Coolidge was in office. The world was going through major changes, smaller wars were taking place all across the world, while Prohibition in the United States was just starting to become a hot topic of debate. Crime had started to greatly increase to levels the US had not seen before. Criminal gangs quickly gained control of the beer and liquor supply across many cities. Critics were debating that the policy of prohibition was actually causing crime not lowering it. Police were strongly in support of the ban because of the sheer number of convictions and money they were making on illegal distributors, not to suggest they didn't partake themselves in quietly approved establishments.
The era also saw a boom in fashion with dresses, skirts, coats, suits, overblouses, and blouses all taking on a unique style to the time. Movies like The Gold Rush with Charlie Chaplin were booming, and the mafia was growing daily getting their fingers into nearly every aspect of quick money they could find.
The FBI also known as BOI (Bureau of Investigation) was at its wit's end attempting to control the growing crime that was establishing itself all across America. J. Edgar Hoover had just recently been appointed Director and was starting to form teams to deal with the growing criminal activity.
How were women treated?
Women had really started to make big changes to their way of life and their equality during this decade. They gained more access to education; they were able to work better jobs, and some were starting to change the domestic roles they were often forced into. However, women still faced a number of challenges and were widely considered subservient to men.
Women had finally gained the right to vote in this era, however, even that was limited as they were expected to follow a patriarchal head when it came to politics and mirrored the voting choices of the men in their family. This also marked a steep decline in women's rights, and women's movements because they had gained the right to vote, and the momentum lessened.
Even with all this happening with a woman's rights. They still faced general prejudice as members of society and were expected to follow rules. Sexual liberation and independence were a dream for most women as that simply wasn't an option for them. They were expected to take care of domestic responsibilities and many people did not think that a woman could live in a man's world and treated them as such.
A new style of women started to show up in society and that was a flapper. A young woman who had short hair, knee-length dresses, rolled up stockings, and unbuttoned rain boots that would flap when they walked (hence the name) because of this American culture took a more open attitude toward premarital sex. While birth control spared many women from unwanted pregnancies it was still frowned on if they took it.
One example of things women could not do was wear anything they wanted. Many states like Virginia and Utah had laws regarding the length of their dress, being no shorter than three inches off the ankle and three inches below the neckline. While California women were not allowed to wear heels taller than two inches. Another thing they couldn't do in New York for example where this story takes place was work night shifts. This wasn't just a request but a law to protect women from rough men. Female restrooms were still very uncommon during this era as most women were expected to be at home.
Transatlantic accent (Midatlantic)
If you watch any old-style movies or shows from 1920 to the 1950s, you'll notice that actors and people talk in a particular way. This wasn't only common in Hollywood however, it popularly was widespread among the upper class. The accent itself is sort of a British and American highbred. It typically had three main aspects to it. First drop the R from words, like fathah rather than father. The second one would be to increase the value of the T in words like writah. Finally, you would soften your vowels like Caah. There is a very popular book that most wealthy people owned at the time by Edith Skinner called Speak with Distinction. This was used to help teach others how to speak in this manner.
While this accent will not be used grammatically in the story. This section was added to explain what the Transatlantic accent was and how it would sound or work.
Beretti Crime Family
The Beretti crime family, also known as the Jersey Mafia, is an Italian American organized crime family that operates mainly out of New Jersey. Particularly in the area of Elizabeth. They have larger connections to the New York and Philadelphia crime families but are not part of the big five that run New York. They have been known for illicit activities which include but are not limited to bookmaking, bootlegging, drug trafficking, extortion, fencing, fraud, illegal gambling, loansharking, money laundering, murder, pornography, prostitution, racketeering, and other such activities.
The government did not recognize the Beretti's as a crime family until their leader Filippo Beretti took part in a Commission meeting held by the big five. During that meeting, the Beretti's quickly established a name for themselves and cut a section of territory out. After this, the government quickly attempted to establish agents inside the family itself. However, each attempt failed as the family had a very rigorous and unique method for joining that the big five did not require.
The Beretti family is quite a bit smaller than other more well-known organized crime families. Their chart consists of a Boss, Underboss, Acting Boss, Consiglieri, four Capos, nine lead Soldiers, and about forty lower soldiers or made men.
Gambetti Crime Family
Cassamento Crime Family
Cuneo Crime Family
Pavano Crime Family
Forelli Crime Family
The Royal Silver
The Royal Silver Tavern is an underground casino that hosts many events and high-class members of society. It is also known that members of the government and local law enforcement will go to this Casino for their own entertainment. Because of this most government agencies tend to leave underground casinos like this one alone. The biggest problem associated with the underground casinos especially The Royal Silver is the fact that they are regularly hotbeds for criminal gangs.
It's a perfect front to turn over quick dirty money and keep the black-market economy rolling. Aside from the ability to quickly launder money using this underground casino. They were also able to operate slot machines without regulations. That means no maximum line bets for instance consequentially leading to huge jackpots. The bad side however was that the machine could be designed to take advantage of the user. There was really no way of knowing if the slot machine you were playing was fair or jaded.
The games that take place in this establishment can change but typically include. Poker, Roulette, Dice, Horse Races, Profession Fights, Slots, and the wheel. There were other games of course some would come and go but there were always a few that stuck around.
Berretti Crime Family Structure
The Boss, (The Don, The King, The Emperor, The Caesar, The Dictator)
The Boss is the dictator or leader of the entire organization. They typically rule their families with an iron fist. They make all the crucial decisions regarding the family. They are easily one of the wealthiest members of the family. Incredibly powerful, ruthless, extremely dangerous, they can be intelligent and clever but most importantly is they are greatly respected and widely feared by all their subordinates. All people from the Underboss to the Consigliere and other associates pay him a family tribute and must obey any of his orders regardless of what those orders might be.
The Underboss (The Second-in-command)
His level of authority can change based on what the Boss wants. But he's ready to stand in for the boss at any given moment. He is the second most powerful man in the crime family. Has power and control over the Capos, Soldiers, and associates. He typically will run the bosses' organizations and day-to-day operations. He tends to be more directly involved with the Capos and those under them and keeps them in line. He's also responsible for money and makes sure it keeps flowing in their direction no matter what. If a hit squad is established, it's most likely this man who did it.
Consigliere (Chief Advisor, Counselor, Bosses Right Hand Man, Trusted Confidant)
The consigliere plays a particularly significant role in the family. Aside from being a trusted friend and confidant of the family boss he offers strategic information, diplomatic counsel, and sound advice. He will mediate disputes within the crime family and often acts as a representative or aide for an organization in meetings with other crime families. His job will also include bribes to politicians, law enforcement, and government officials to protect the organization. The consigliere will also handle money and finances or lawyers when needed. He is supposed to be able to offer unbiased information based on what he sees as the best advice for the crime family and is one of the few people that will openly disagree and dispute the boss's line of thinking.
Caporegimes (Capo, Caporegime, Captain)
These are the leaders of a crew, hitmen, and associates. The captain can head a crew of anywhere from 15 to 3,000 soldiers. He can further order them to do absolutely anything. Captains tend to report directly to the Boss or Underboss who will hand down orders. Captains only tend to answer to the Boss, Consigliere, or Underboss and have total control over their crew of soldiers and associates. They typically receive at least 30% to 40% of a soldier and associate's weekly earnings and they kick that up 14% to 25% toward the upper bosses. They will keep the rest to themselves.
Soldiers (Wise guy's, Men of Honor, Made Men, Untouchables)
Soldiers are the lowest ranking members of the criminal family. They are the grunts of the organization, generally sticking their necks out and hoping to make a name for themselves by demonstrating loyalty to the family. Soldiers can be used to commit murder, beatings, torture, assassinations, bombings, arson, kidnapping, extortion, death threats, blackmailing, bribery, witness intimidation, jury intimidation, and extortion among other things. They are the workers of the family and typically work the streets.
These are not members of the family but do work for the family. They cannot turn down an order from any family member and if they are given an order, they must follow it. Refusing can and typically does get them killed. Associates can be employed as drivers, bodyguards, hitmen, enforcers, errand boys, or money collectors for higher-ranking members. A good money maker or hitman associate will turn over 30% or more of their earnings to their soldier.
Beretti Family Rules
It should be noted that while the family rules are in place and can be enforced, they are not always followed. Some of the rules are taken more seriously than others, but there are always a few people who will break a rule or two. While they are not guidelines and they are rules, typically they are used for enforcement reasons. For example, if a hothead is causing problems and you really want this guy to put down but don't have a real solid reason to bring this up the chain. You would start looking at Rules that he might have broken, to give your case a little more weight.
- Presenting needs to be accomplished by a third party, always!
This rule means that if a made man from another family is going to meet another made man someone needs to introduce them. You can't just walk up and speak. "I'm so, and so a mad man from such and such family." If that happened the other person would walk away. This is a safe way to assure the person they are meeting is legit. - Wives are untouchable!
This rule encompasses quite a lot. First, no one should or is allowed to flirt, or more with another man's wife. Another aspect here is that wives are really off limit when it comes to family involvement, public abuse, violence, etc. Basically, treat them with respect in public and really don't bring family matters up in front of a wife. This does not apply to girlfriends or side pieces. - Family First!
With this, it's really all about priorities. The Beretti family comes first in all things. It doesn't matter if your wife is in labor or something else. If you are called stop what you are doing and go. - The Truth!
This rule really gets into the heart of lying. You are not allowed to lie when asked a question by a member of the family and should always speak the truth. This doesn't mean people don't lie but there is a rule that clearly states they shouldn't. - Appointments must be kept!
If a person is told to be here at this time, that appointment must be kept, don't show up late don't skip it. Appointments can be really important, and you never know what's going to happen so being late can have very serious consequences. - Silence!
So this is really the heart of the rules. Never rat out or speak out about other family members. Never divulge information about the secrets of the family. Never speak to law enforcement. - Obedience!
This rule is basically the groundwork for following the orders of those above you. Associates obey Made Men; they obey everyone above them and so on. Like a large pyramid, everyone respects and obeys the Boss. - Provide Assistance!
This rule really regards providing assistance to your fellow members and other respected or befriended members of the Family. For example, someone stated they know so and so and really could use some help. You should do what you can to provide assistance. This is not always followed but encouraged and is a rule. - Vengeance is key!
Any attacks on the family must be avenged. An eye for an eye really holds true here. Don't go to law enforcement or outside the family to handle a family attack unless directed to do so. - Purity!
All members must be Italian, no members who are without an Italian heritage will be accepted into the family. - Theft/Money!
Do not steal from other family members ever! If someone has earned their share pay them if someone has a club or something else don't steal from them. Respect the family and their positions and wealth. - Death of a Made Man!
No one is allowed to end the life of a made man or higher without a sit down (Meeting). - Respect the family!
Always respect the Don! (Dress nicely, speak when spoken to, don't interrupt, mind your manners.) This respect extends to the under-boss the consigliere and the capos. Made Men should be respected as well. Everything goes downhill, the higher you go on the tree the more respect you should show. - Appearances are important!
This Rule speaks about keeping yourself clean, showered, shaved, well dressed, (Doesn't have to be a suit.) Don't bring shame to the family and dress or act like a bum. Maintain a respectful appearance. - Conflicts!
If there is a conflict with a made-man or between made-men, you should request a sit-down, (Meeting.) To resolve this. Do not take matters into your own hands. - Tribute!
Tribute must be paid up the line. Associates pay made-men, they pay Capo's, They Pay upward. This is not negotiable all members of the family must pay their tribute. The amount of Tribute paid is not set in stone and is subject to change.
Lizzy's Underground Brothel
The 1920s were an exciting time for American's, some of those reasons were the sheer number of brothels, prostitution, bootlegging, bank robberies, and gambling that was taking place. More American's lived in cities than on farms in this era and for the first time, people had expendable money. Cars were becoming more popular and establishments like Lizzy's were showing up all over the place.
Lizzy's Brothel is mostly owned and run by the Beretti family. It's used to move girls in and out of this location as needed. Anything from someone who might owe them a debt, to a girl who got on their bad side could be transferred into Lizzy's. Between 1911-1913 Slave Trafficking was a noticeably big deal and brothels were an easy source to move them. However, while that still happened and was prevalent in brothels in the 1920's it was more carefully monitored.
What made Lizzy's stand out aside from the fact it was mostly owned by The Beretti family, was its underground section for all levels of society. Between human traffickers and openly slave traders, Lizzy's rarely took random girls off the street. The basement or as they referred to it the Red Room, was for the dark side of life. Snuff, Murder, Torture, and more took place down there. It was widely believed that if a girl was sent to the basement they did not come back. Aside from being used as a deterrent to keep the girls in line, slavers would arrive and sell or buy girls for this reason alone. During slave trader's visits which they referred to as traders. All guests were to leave the brothel was closed and all the girls were restricted to their rooms until the transfer of products was completed. Most of the time the upstairs girls didn't even see who was sold or who was bought as they would immediately be transferred to the basement area and never spoken of again.
Client Prices
Door Fee = $2
Lobby Services
HJ = $5
BJ = $10
BJ+ = $11
Client Full Service
Stage 1 = $15-20
Stage 2 = $20-30
Stage 3 = $40
Red Stage = $100-1000+
Girls Payout Fee's
Lobby Services
HJ = $0.50
BJ = $1
BJ+ = $1.50
Full Service
Quota based (number 10+) = $50 per day +Tips
Lizzy's was extremely exploitative; all the girls would be charged for countless things. Room and Board, Showers, Meals, Safe Storage for earned profits, Regular products such as soaps, protective contraceptives, pads or feminine products, towels, sheets, wash, and so on.
It was absolutely made impossible for a woman to pay back her debt this way. However, they were given enough trust and money to make it appear as if they could.
In this era money for a female was an extremely challenging thing to get. Most women could not find work and when they did it was barely considered acceptable. Not even mentioning the discrimination and harassment they would need to deal with for less than half of what a man would make. Sex work was a female's field and treated most of them fairly. While Lizzy's was not the best example of this making prisoners and slaves of their girls. Most brothels promised fair prices and gave a woman a chance to really make something of herself if she saved so she was able to restart her life.
Escaping Lizzy's was nearly impossible. It could be done but was never easy. If caught the girls would have three options before them depending on the mood of Lizzy herself. Death, Being Sold, or The Red Room. This was so frequent with the new girls that others actively acted like wardens if only to save their lives.
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