World The World Where Argentium Is

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World The World Where Argentium Is


The None, The Nonely
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Down Under
she, her
Despite having worked a great deal with this world, I have no official name for it. So I am titling this thread based off of the most notable location in the world, the city of Argentium (which will earn its own threadmark because of how much is developed about Argentium versus the myriad other places in the world)

This is a WIP thread where I will attempt to transcribe the established base facts (independent of any RPs that have taken place here that would have expanded the lore in plot-specific ways beyond the mere universal truths), since a lot of them are sparsely grouped in various notes I have on the laptop I used when I came up with it (the same one I use for RP).

This is going to be a placeholder for now but I will gradually fill in the actual details over time when I have the energy, as there is a *LOT* of lore around this world.

For reference, this is the world where "Ignore the Voice, Heed the Call" and "Hope Against All Evil" take place, although some of the details from HAAE will be relegated to the world/char thread for that thread, rather than this one, which is intended to be RP-independent lore.
  • The majority of the population of the world resides on a single island continent.

    This continent is divided into a western and eastern half by a long mountain-range that is oriented North-South, known as the Great Divide, which is situated along the rough longitudinal midpoint of the continent, extending all the way to the north and south shores.
  • The western half is generally arid, and its northeastern region is comprised mainly of the Sunamir Desert.

    To the far west, there are scattered mountains and numerous minor rivers.

    Lake Elomir and the forest bordering its shores can be found in the South-East.

    The southern coast has strong currants and tidal waves.

    Wanderer's Crossing is the closest settlement to the southern shores, and it is built along the river that runs from the nearby mountains and flows out into the Bay of Sorrow.

    South of the Bay of Sorrow are two islands, which serve as stop-off points for ships travelling north, which must either brave the treacherous waters of the Bay, or follow the Western coast to safer harbors further north.

    The northwestern mountains are hubs for settlements, both in the mountains themselves, and for nearby port-cities.

    Ryuujima is a mountainous volcanic island off the north shore of the continent, west of the Great Divide.
  • The eastern half is generally temperate, with moderate rainfall in lowlands.

    There is a major mountain range to the far east, forming an uninterrupted ring that extends beyond the shores on either edge onto nearby islands. The tallest mountain in this range is known as Ironpeak.

    The southern half contains lush hilly plains

    To the east of these southern hills is a massive natural fissure known as Earth's Maw.

    To the south of Earth's Maw is a barren rocky flatland known as the Plane of Desolation.

    Just east of the Great Divide is a large forest.

    In the north is a large crescent-shaped freshwater lake known as the Lake of the Silver Moon,

    The northeast cove houses the safe waters of the Bay of Prosperity.

    There are various islands of note around the eastern shore of the continent, both to the north and south.
  • The majority of the elven population is found in the West, primarily near Lake Elomir. This includes both High-Elves and Wood-Elves, as well as more exotic and lesser-known offshoots of the elven lineage.

    Ironpeak itself, and the mountain-range it belongs to, are the homeland of mountain-dwarves, with the highest dwarvish population concentrated in the mountain-city of Ironhold.

    In the caverns of the Great Divide can be found the homeland of drow (dark-elves) and their ancestral kin, blood-elves.

    Most halflings take up residence in the quiet lush hills of the southeast.

    Humans can be found most anywhere, from the Lake of the Silver Moon, to the Bay of Prosperity, as well as throughout the West. Human cultures are different between the West and East, with the culture of the western half closer to East Asia, and the eastern half closer to pre-industrial Britain.

    Dragons, for reasons of historical import, are generally found almost exclusively on Ryuujima and other islands. It is uncommon, but not outright rare, to find dragonkin (dragonborn, wyvarans, and others with draconic ancestry besides True Dragons) on the mainland, but they are commonly seen as outsiders, except by Dragon Cultists, who revere them as god-like beings.

The world largely takes place on a single large continent, divided east-west by a long mountain-range. The western region is somewhat arid, so settlements are mostly near bodies of water, though the southwestern coastline is dangerous and most stay away. The western region is mostly occupied by elves and similar creatures, and tends towards more traditional world-views: magic is commonplace, and nature is valued over "modern" technology. Human settlements in this region are roughly similar to Asia. To the East of the Great Divide, the climate is more hospitable, and plains and grasslands outnumber deserts. There are also more port-cities due to the calmer coastal currents. In the far east is a ring of mountains, with Ironpeak the tallest mountain on the continent by far; this area is home to the underground dwarven capital of Ironhold, with a population of over 10,000. To the northwest of Ironpeak is Goldport, along the shores of the Bay of Prosperity; this is the most active seaport in terms of oceanic trade, but is far less prominent than the largest city, which is Argentium to the southwest. Argentium has a population exceeding 100,000, and is founded on the edge of the Lake of the Silver Moon, a crescent-shaped body of water that is fed into by rivers starting on Ironpeak. To the south of Argentium is a hilly plane, and further south is Water's Edge, the only southern port-city. Just to the east of Water's Edge is the Plane of Desolation, which is split by the massive natural fissure known as Earth's Maw. No settlements of over 1000 were ever established in that region. The East tends to be more economically and technologically active, but established artisans might be wary of magic as a means of competition. Of all the Eastern cities, Argentium is the most diverse and most accepting of magic, and there are even several major magical institutions founded there. The limit of prejudice against magic is that a store-owner might raise the pricing of their wares for a customer they can tell is a spellcaster.
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Argentium City layout

Districts: 8
Campus: 1
Guild Halls: 16 (15 + 1 empty)

      C  GH
D1  D2  D3
 D4  D5 D6
  D7  D8
Argentium is the most populous city, with over 100,000 residents, due in no small part to the existence of the Argentium Institute for Arcane Studies, virtually the only established school of magics, both arcane and divine.

It is organized into 8 districts, and borders on the Lake of the Silver Moon.

It was shielded from harm during the destruction in the Draconic Wars by the patron guardian Argos, the Silver Great-Wyrm after whom the city was named.


District 1: Westgate North
Moderately wealthy, academic, residential

District 2: Arcane Alley

District 3: <Unnamed>

District 4: Midgate

District 5: Silver Heart

District 6: <Unnamed>

District 7: <Unnamed>

District 8: <Unnamed>
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