MxF There Once Was A Goddess...

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MxF There Once Was A Goddess...


The Goddess
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Today 11:52 AM
Hey there! So, like everyone else, I'm looking for roleplay. Let me not bore you with about-me details, I already have that posted elsewhere.

Here's my character information in case you haven't seen it:

Now, onto the ideas.

First off, let me start by saying that I prefer long-term. If you're not here for that, doesn't look like this place is for you. Secondly, I love character development. So give me something good to work with. Plenty of these ideas are just general scenes/settings/starting points that can evolve into anything else. Doesn't have to be involved with the main plotline for my character at all. Also note, this is mostly all in a fantasy setting.

Temple Ruins (Fantasy)

Leola is a goddess, and therefore requires more than just adoration from followers. She has temples all over plenty of lands, some maintained well and others not. Mayhaps your character treks to the temple out of sheer curiosity, desperation, heathenism, what have you. Either way, the appearance of your character will summon mine. Regardless of what your character brings or doesn't bring, in this scenario it will be incorrect and therefore "anger" (not really, just irritate) Leola. She'll tell your character that they've stepped out of line by doing so and confront your character. What happens next, well. It's open-ended for a reason.​

Champion of the Goddess (Fantasy)

Leola, who still journeys from time to time, seeks a champion of sorts. Your character happens to be that champion. She may have heard from them and sought them out or stumbled across them. But no matter what, something within your character has caught her eye and she believes that they're worth gracing. However that status of "Champion" comes with a price. Your character will have to undergo a few tasks and errands for and with her before they get the full title and perks to go with it. (Said tasks will be determined based on your character and what they're capable of.)
Revenge (Fantasy)

Leola has recently been in battle and, like every living thing, has been harmed. She comes to your character, the first person/creature she stumbles upon since the battle for aid. She promises great things if you aid her in not only healing her, but exacting revenge against her enemy. However, her enemy is much larger than your character anticipates, and has a backing that will take quite a while to rid of. Not wanting to jeopardize her empire by trekking there and having warship fleets follow, she settles for your character, herself, and whatever rag-tag band following they can get against her current and most immediate enemy.
CEO Corp (Modern)

In Modern times Leola would still have an empire - but in the form of a CEO owning multiple branches of other businesses. The time comes for her to feel the need to get a new face, label, and usurper as she feels too restless to continue as the head of it. She seeks/finds your character and decides they should be the new CEO and face of her company. Whatever deals she has to make to get your character to agree, she will (within reason), as she sees something entirely unique within your character that could not be captured in another.
New Religion (Modern)

After watching mankind transform into the modern era, her following was lost in the ostracizing of old ways and progressive ideals. Now, with her existence and powers waning, she needs to establish a new following or she runs the risk of failing to exist in her entirety. Thus, Leola embarks to seduce, convince, blackmail, buy, or befriend any hope and chance of a following and attempting to re-create a modernized version of her new religion in modern times. Your character can either aid her in doing this, or simply be one of the people she attempts to ring into her new religion by any means necessary, while also aiding her in understanding the new concepts and changes of the modern era.
Brother's Illness (Fantasy) - Main Plotline

It's ages after she's killed her brother, Lucius, and the wound still cuts deeply. Often times when she wakes up she still feels the pain scratching at her chest like she'd killed him yesterday. And in her nightmares, she likely did. Again. However this day is different. She wakes up with strange, webbed, black markings beneath her skin on her left hand. And it only spreads with each passing day. No medicine man or shaman has been able to show or find her a cure. Thus she must embark on a journey in attempts to find one, for each time the mark spreads her memory is being bleached of color and emotion, and she's beginning to lose hope and empathy for mankind as a whole. If left to spread within her, she knows she would bring about its very destruction. The same chaos that she killed her brother for in attempts that it would not come to pass. Your character helps her on this journey, depending on who and what they are.

- If none of these suit your fancy but you're still interested, just tell me an idea you have or even a desire and we can work something out.-
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