They didn't tell you I was a savage

Currently reading:
They didn't tell you I was a savage


The Goddess
Local time
Today 5:02 AM
So, yeah, Rhianna's line on that begins my life and ends it the same way.

I'm a female writer, full-time college student with a job. Creative Writing major and Religious Studies minor, so don't argue with me on the topics because I'll get frustrated. Anyway, been at the roleplay game for a while, though I quit my last place because it got too toxic and just got around to finding this one. So hey.

Quick facts. I like dogs, fruit, and chicken nuggets. I'm allergic to cats, coolest thing I've ever done is hold a baby lion, and I like to fuck around (as in joking, not fuck everyone around. Difference.) I dig roleplaying a lot (obviously) and firmly believe it helps fine tune my writing to interact in situations and settings I wouldn't have originally thought of alone. Sometimes I'll be online for hours at a time and can roleplay all day. Other times I'll be super busy and won't be able to reply at all, or won't feel like it. Either way, I'll keep you updated.

That said. I'm not the type to be all "RP ONLY." Nah man, I like friends. So hit me up just to chat if you want, too. I've got a multitude of stuff to add/talk to you on aside from this place.

So yeah. Intro over. Good enough, right?
Yep, good enough. You'll fit in fine around here. See ya around.
Well then welcome love. You and I share a similarity, being that we both are in school. hopefully you'll find more time to be on here than I will XD
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