This is how we meet...

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This is how we meet...

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Today 1:21 AM
Hello, you can call me Aria, Asteria, or something else once we start talking and you feel like another name might be more fitting that you'd like, but do respect my feelings if I say I don't like a certain nickname. I will always be respectful of others and I ask for it in return.

I'm new to the site but I am not new to role playing. I have been role playing going on sixteen years. Now during those years it was not a constant thing, it was a hobby I would pick up and drop here and there but it is always something I come back to. Role playing is something I just can't drop fully, there is something that is so alluring to writing, creating a story with someone else. So, here I am, I am here to meet people and hopefully start to write some new stories. But, if we don't write together for whatever reason I'm more than happy to be friends.

I enjoy writing stories that all have a sense of realism to them, I like characters to have emotions, to have reactions to each other and the world they are in. I do not like stories where its simply boy meets girl and they love each other because they do. I want there to be reason for the love, I want them to have fights and disagreements.

I enjoy writing stories that have some sort of romantic element, but that doesn't have to be all of it. I'm comfortable with adventure stories whether they are set in the real world or a fantasy world. I'm a sucker for stories set in a kingdom about princesses and princes, it doesn't have to be those roles, I just enjoy the setting. I'm comfortable doing stories based on established universes and playing our own characters in them, such as the Harry Potter universe or Riverdale universe. I also always write in 3rd person when writing a story.

Disclaimer: I'm new to the site and am looking to get back into the hobby of role playing but I still have a life outside of this so I can't promise to be on everyday or send replies daily. But I will do my best to get back to people as soon as possible.

I hope this answers some questions about who I am and why I'm here.
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