Time for an introduction!

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Time for an introduction!


A peculiar sense of déjà vu.
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Today 1:10 PM
Hello everyone! I'll try not to bore you all and keep this (fairly) short! 🙃

I've been roleplaying for 8+ years, and I'm desperately in need of some new writers. I would consider myself literate, though certainly nowhere near perfect.

Writing length: Multipara-Novella. This can vary depending on the preferred length of my partner.

Third person is my speciality. I enjoy the following: fantasy, adventure, historic, medieval, romance, thriller, drama, comedy, and many many more.

Almost everything is okay with me, but like everyone I lean towards some genres over others. I enjoy plotting the story together, and then throwing a mix of surprises and drama in there. Keeping me on my toes? I love it.

My activity level can vary as I work a lot, but expect around 3-4 replies minimum a week. Often it is more, but if I get busy I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Look forward to meeting you all.
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Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
Hello Imperium, Welcome to I.S. I'm sure you will find more than a few people who fit into the categories of what you are looking for. There's a huge section of co-authors looking for people to write with, please take your time and look through it. Make sure to go several pages back as not everyone bumps their threads often. Have fun and happy writing Imperium.
Hello Imperium, Welcome to I.S. I'm sure you will find more than a few people who fit into the categories of what you are looking for. There's a huge section of co-authors looking for people to write with, please take your time and look through it. Make sure to go several pages back as not everyone bumps their threads often. Have fun and happy writing Imperium.
Thanks for the tip, much appreciated:))
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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