Tis I, Weary Soul!

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Tis I, Weary Soul!

Weary Soul

Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 10:31 PM
I am terrible at these introductory threads, but here goes nothing...

I've been roleplaying forever really, but that doesn't mean I know everything about it. Roleplaying is my greatest past time. Getting to be whomever I wish, getting away from the craziness of the world, if only for a little while (hence my username).

Other favorite past times I enjoy are reading, diamond paintings, listening to music, drawing / painting, and baking.

Favorite genres are fantasy, dark fantasy, modern-day, and occasionally some medieval. I can't do pure fluffy romance stories though...I find that dark-themed-plots have more to them...

Looking forward to hopefully many creative and long lasting roleplays!
Welcome to the Sanctum!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hello Weary Soul, Welcome to I.S. I hope you have a great time while you are here and find what you are looking for. Happy writting.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
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