Both Needed To Be A Guardian(OPEN)

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Both Needed To Be A Guardian(OPEN)

Lynx Hatter

Emperor of Romance
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Today 5:01 AM
The Mysterious Island
This rp will be focused on a mysterious island that appears from no where. This is a land of magic and technology. A land of gods and mortals.. but this island is bound by something different. Something ancient. Older than the gods and not bound by magic. The Guardians are facing something like they have never seen before and the Guardians have fought literal Gods and Titans. How will they manage to survive on the island? What is waiting for them?

This will be a mysteriously dark role play. Intense and exciting. It will touch on multiple lores, theory and spirits from many, many cultures. Some things will be utterly new, there will be surprises and powerful opponents and lots of characters development. You can make up to 2 characters. Some Angel's will be corrupted and become dark. Others will lose touch with the gods and become a Fallen. Or maybe your character will be tortured for experiments, mentally and physically. Maybe they will die. All is up for grabs as this will all be DRAMA.

A brief History
The year is 202248, war has ravenged the world, first with a sickness that removed nearly every human, then a nuclear apocalypse to seal the deal. Over time, beings have risen from the darkness to create a new world. They are gods, and they brought humanity back to protect.
Technology is highly advanced for the few who have it. Magic is something nearly everyone has, but few can use it, and even fewer can master it.
To protect humanity, the Gods need help, so they formed a new species. Angels, basically humans with wings, as the gods watched their angels fly to humanity, the began to notice that humans had this... strength about them that could not be remade.
So they watched humanity, a chosen few, were resurrected as the most powerful kind of angel: Guardian Angels.

The Gods
Guardian Angels are, by nature, sinful beasts. Unable to control their lust for power and lenience for evil. They look similar to their human form, but perfected. Every human is born with physical flaws, guardians have none. Guardians never die, the age their human life ended is how they will appear for ever.
Guardians are divided into 4 areas, representing the gods who picked them:
Odin: God of all gods and mortals, the leader of the four, dont trust him. The leader of the gods.
Lucifer: God of the underworld and rival to Odin. Is most likely to assist Guardians out of spite for his brother.
Juipter: God of the Skys, leader of all other Angel's. Arrogant and lazy. Basically useless.
Gaea: Goddess of earth and oceans. Bringer of life and overseas supernatural beasts as well as mortals.

As I'm sure you noticed, the gods are names after different lores. Because they represent all of them and none of them. Juipter is Thor and Zues, some stories of him are correct, others are wrong. Same goes for the other three. It's hard to tell what's true and what's false, and it's hard to tell who is who. Gaea and Odins stories over lap. As Odins technically Posidon and Neptune, but Gaea is goddess of the land and sea, which is typically Posidons job. So nothing is as it seems with these gods.

Your Character
Your guardian angel would have died an honorable death, protecting someone they love or care about, or maybe they died for someone they didn't even know. Their death and personality determine their power. They only have one, but it generally has no limit. BUT, they gain power with age. So the younger your character, the less fire power they have. Their wings correspond to their power. If your character has the element of fire, he/she will have gold or red wings.
Guardian angels NEVER have pure white, grey or black wings. There MUST be color to their wings, and it must be prominent. Their wings also always take after the wings of and actual birds. The bird you choose will determine your Guardians flying abilitys. A falcon or hawk will mean very quick but wings are not good for fights. Fire Angel's always have falcon or hawk wings Eagle or Vulture means large wings meant for fighting. Not super fast, not the best for gliding, but in an aerial fight you can smack your opponents down with your wings. Owl wings are great for stealth, and agility. Hummingbird wings are extremely quick and agile but theres a very good chance tou will break them if they hit anything, they are the only wings that can hover in place. Electric Angel's always have humming bird wings. Duck, goose, albatrosses wings are exclusive to water Angel's. They are water proof and are perfectly medium. They kinda fast, and good for long distance. There are many other birds and abilitys. If you have a question. Feel free to ask.

There are multiple different kinds of angels in this rp. This is a list and basic understanding of the different types.
Risen Guardians: Put 'Hatter' in other if you have read this far. Risen Guardians are the only kind of angel you will be rping, just because a guardian is risen, does not mean they are the good guy. It only means that they obey the god over seeing them. Very prideful and arrogant that they were chosen.
Fallen Guardian: Only have white, grey, or black wings, some loose their power, but they all reject the gods wishes. They are not good or evil, they do what they think is right. They have faced the grim reality of their existance.
Dark Guardian: corrupted Guardian angel. Corrupted by a mortal throguh dark magic. Or succumbed to one of the seven deadly Sins. Guaridans fight with these daily, but overcome them easily. It takes a evil spirit to fullt corrupt them. Extremely Dangerous, they retain all their powers as a guaridan but take on more abilitys based on the sin or magic that corrupted them.
Pure Angel: Born angels, the angel kind that the gods made, basically humans with wings, rather weak but they always move in swarms. Pure angels are known as 'Pures' by guardians, and there is a strong rivalry between the two.
Dark Angel: Humans given a new life by a mortal. The gods reject these angels because they are always dark souls, all humanity is gone and they are dangerous.
Arch Angel: rival to the Guardians. Extremely rare but are basically powerful, Ancient Pure Angels. They really dont like Guaridans. But the Guardian ignore their existence.

Guardian Weaknesses
Remember how your character died? well Guardian angels CAN die again, but ONLY if they are killed the exact same way. if your character was shot through their head, they must be shot through the head, at the same range, by the same kind of gun. its very picky. Making guardian angel basically immortal. (Gods hate this) They are super strong and super fast as well, the type of power you have will help determine your speed and strength. pm me for details. Put 'Mad' in Other if you have read this far. While Guardians are hard to kill, a powerful enough hit can knock them out. it all depends on how they were killed. once you submit your application, ill pm you details.

1. Be nice to others, you may hate the character, don't hate the rper.
2. No over powered characters, or ill send a god in to put your character in their place.(I prefer not to rp them. more character sheets. >.>)
3. You must produce at least 5 sentences per character, and you must be active. We will rp in roatation.
4. You must use proper punctuation. I need these "" when your talking. I need this , When there is a break in the sentence. And I need . When the sentence is over. We gotta understand what you are saying.
5. If you read this, put 'The' in Other in your application.
6. Let me know if you will be away for a few days, ill understand and ill update you when you get back!
7. I will be rping a lot of extra characters who are not guardians or who are older than the rest, this is purely to keep the rp going and to provide assistance or training to guardians.
8. Please no unrealistic hair colors, feel free to say your character dyed their hair! Its a pet peeve of mine..
9. Role play will be done in 3rd person so there is no confusion. If you rp more than one character, put their replies in different paragraphs sepperated by a few lines.
Mark walked into his room, he was tired and needed a nap.

Travis stood around outside, unsure what to do.

I hope you get the point of that. Either way, just make it clear who you are rping by including their name regularly. This is just to prevent confusion.


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Fill out this Character Application and PM it to me

Something the character lives by, it could be d be inspirational or something they happen to say alot. Newer or less rped characters wont have these. I'll discover them throguh rp. (Optional)

Will include their first and last name as well as the type of angel they are.

I'll list their sex as well as sexual orientation. This will.not be a romantic rp but if you want romance then it can happen.

I will list how old they physically appear as well as their actual age. 200 years or younger

This is a harder one to explain, but I will do it in two segments: Reputation VS Character. Reputation is how people will view the person. First impressions and often correct(or incorrect) assumptions of a person. Then I will go into their Character. Who they are and what they stand for, what makes and breaks them as a person. Or you can just have personality. Up to you. They must be atleast descent people with good morals. They can be a bitch but they cant murder children. They know the basics of what's right and wrong.

I will will always provide a picture to go with them. As accurate as possible. I will also either describe or provide a Picture of their clothing choices, tattoos, scars and accessories. I would prefer you provide both a picture and brief description. Wings count as an appearance. There is no limit to what their wings can look like. No shaded, black white or grey wings. Even if the bird you choose has solid white wings, you must change the color. You want rainbow wings! Go for it, but no two Angel's can have the same wings, and the color matches their power.

How did they die? DETAILS.

Optional. How did they live?

Their fire power and element would be listed here. Will varing degrees of intensity. They only have one, and Angel's cannot have the same powers. Exept for mine. The two OCs I'll be rping are wind and electric powered. If you want those you can have them and there will be 2 angels with those powers, but that is the only exception. First come first serve. If you have a question I'll explain it better.

Your characters wouldn't have any. They are all less than 200 years old, and haven't been in any massive fights. This is their first. Leave this blank to be updated. Or you could list their fighting stragity if you want. Up to you.

Theme Song
optional. Could be character inspiration or what they live by.

My characters as a reference.

"The center of the universe has been discovered, and it doesn't revolve around you."

Marcus(Mark) Reaver- Arch Guardian Angel

strait male, would never be with another man.

1087 Years old, appears 23

Reputation- cranky old man to say the least. With his thin stature he is mistaken for a teen often. No facial hair and no serious body mass, he just looks like a tall, lanky 18 year old. In reality hes nearly 1100 years old. He comes off as tense and serious. Usually in a pissy mood and seems to enjoy dragging people down with him. He half asses everything... but when shit gets real you better got out of his way. Guardian Angel's dont usually live over 300 years old, theres a reason hes three times that age.
Character- Mark's very laid back and doesnt like to be pushed. In his time he has more than proved his worth. With his ability to stay calm and cool under pressure hes one of the elites even among the all powerful guaridan Angel's. Respected by all except those who oppose his existence, he wants to fix the world. And hes aware he cant do it on his own. He comes off as an asshole but hes really a big softy at heart; yet it's not afraid to throw his weight and authority around.

Mark is about 6'3 with platinum blonde hair and sky blue eyes, his is stuck right between pail and tan, but it's a good look for him. I'm describing Marks body, one would first day thin or slender, maybe even skinny. But upon further inspection, Mark is rather ripped. Even for such an old guardian, he takes very good care of his body. Mark uses magic to hide his death scars, they cover his whole body as burns and deformations from his flesh falling off his body.

(Very old and out dated, will rewrite)
Mark was born when factories were popular, so he, like many other young people his age; works in a factory. Marks factory was a generator, more specifically, it dealt with new, cleaner nuclear energy. Unfortunately, the work was very dangerous, people constantly passing away from radiation poisoning.

Mark went to work one day, and they locked down the facility as always, Preventing the radiation from leaking out. A few hours into work, Mark went to lunch to a facility outside the factory, where the radiation was in nonlethal doses.

He heard the sirens, the radiator was melting down, and Mark was the only engineer on duty who knew how to fix it. The radiation level flew sky high even where Mark was. He got up and sprinted toward the locked down factory. He swiped his card to enter, but it was on a security lock down. The melt down was worse than Mark had thought.

He knew that the world had been destroyed once by nuclear radiation, it seemed like that may happen again... No, it couldn't! marks family was out there some where and there was no way he would let his city go down because of this.

Mark turned, the door was open! factory workers were rushing out, some already showing signs of radiation poisoning. Mark hesitated, just a moment, he knew what would happen if he entered... He ran in anyways. Pushing through the workers as they desperately tried to get out.

He lunged into the control panel just over the reactor. His skin was on fire, bubbling and turning red, sparks flew everywhere in the hot electric air. He could barely think as he worked to put the factory on cool down. There was a sick slump, Mark didn't have to look to know his skin was peeling away and falling off. He could feel it.

He saw the panel turn green, and knew things would be better soon, once the radiation died down, the other engineers would return to finish Marks work.

He collapsed against the controls and slid down, feeling his blistery skin stick to the smooth metal and pull from his body as he sat down. At least he had stopped the melt down.

It is a fairly common ability, he can call lightening from he sky to strike opponents. Or he an generate it himself. Being 1000 years old, he could power several major city's all at once. But he tends to he on the lazy side of fighting. Typically picking off enemy's with minor electric attacks. Only when faced with a worthy opponent, can one see his true power.

Generator- as the Arch Guardian, he has limitless electric energy; but me must be careful or he could kill innocents.

Ruling God/Goddess

Built like a humming bird with a beautiful, agile, thin build. His wings are a brilliant gold, sparking constantly with electricity whenever in motion. When folded by his side or against his back, they are a shiny gold. The instant he commands them to move they begin to spark and sparkle. They are absolutely stunning in direct light. Yet glow radiantly in the dark.

Theme Song
Nice To Meet Me- Zach Hemsey

"If you don't know what's right, then so what's reasonable."

Travis Windhaven- Senior Guardian Angel

Strictly Gay Man

I will list how old they physically appear as well as their actual age.

Reputation- the dad or daddy ;) of the group. Hes a light hearted and kind soul. The caretaker and the foundation. He is a study surface for other Angel's to stand on or lean against. Hes dependable and honest. Always there when you need him. Very few dislike him... but he can be a tad on the touchy feely side. Giving a hug or a affectionate touch. Not sexual but doesnt realise when hes gone too far. Never mind the fact he can be FULL of sass.
Character- hes lonely. Hes always there for people but feels no one if there for him. He takes death hard.. he always surrounded by it in his line of work. He wants to help and protect.. but sometimes he feels hes just bot good eanough and it wares him down. Wishing he was stronger. Wishing he was braver. To stand up for himself and others. Instead he just waits and comforts after damage is done.. He only steps in when he knows hes the authority. Against demons or humans.. almost always backing down to other Angel's and gods.

Travis is a whopping 6'8, wind guardians such as Travis need large bodies for the wind to work around, making it easier for the wind to maneuver his long limbs in more area for precision. Aside from that. Travis is big built and muscular, he shaved his head on the sides and let's it grow long on the top and back. He is a natural red head, but dyes it aqua blue for fun. He is rather pale as well with big brown eyes and freckles all over his body, but they are only noticeable if you are really looking. The only unappealing part of his body, would be the scar that wraps all around his body. Slightly diagonal, from where he had once been cut clean in half.

Travis held on tight to the tree trunk, the hurricane was sent by the gods to end the way happening to the lands... at this rate, it would destroy both sides. Travis watched his friend clutched desperately to the grass, about 5 feet from the tree Travis clung too.. it was clear his friend would not last much longer. So Travis did the only thing he could think to do... He crouched down and extended his hand, grabbing his friends wrist after stretching himself out.
He dragged his friend to the tree.. then it began to happen, the tree was bending under their weight. It would snap at any moment.
Travis looked to his friend... the tree would break soon, and his friend had a daughter to return to. It took several long moments before Travis finally removed his clammy hands from around the tree, and was hurled high into the air.
He flee around helplessly for a while, watching the winds tear up everything in their wake... He never saw the metal sheet coming.. well not until it was too late.
The metal sheet empaled his chest, and slid through. A clean cut. Severing Travis's body clean in half. Travis flew through the air alittle longer, watching his lower body fly away from him.. then causioness slipped away.

He can create horrific tornados and winds effortlessly, he is the base of the team. He helps the others to fly and to prevent them from crashing. He can create up to 9 massive tornados at once, but in creating more than 4 tornados, he must just float ont he air and focus on what's around him. While the winds can protect him. He cannot move. The wind element is the physically strongest of all powers. But wind is also by far the rarest element to gain.


Ruling God/Goddess

Massive Condor wings. Their color changes with the sky. From the dark blue, swirling with grey for a horrific storm. To a beautiful light blue with the occasional white sweeping throguh the tips of his feathers. They are huge and powerful, built for a fight.

Almost anything, but hes a good guy.

Theme Song
Dangerous- Left Boy
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Opener to the first chapter of the rp, just for information.
Chapter 1: Ciel Castellum

Location and Routine
The Arch Angel is the lead angel, their word is final over all risen guardians. He or She coordinates patrols and shifts as well as finalizes any work from the shift before. They oversee all training and once they die, their spirit chooses a new arch guardian. Some Arch Guardians, develop a Ability, it is where they are able to develope a particularly powerful ability.

A Grand Castle sat in the clouds, it was pure white. Made of perfect ivory marble and curved flawlessly. The walls were smooth and cool to the touch yet had pure powerful magic laced through them. The castle was known as the Ciel Castellum, the guardians call it the CC for short.
The Ciel Castellum is shaped like a diamond ring. The main section is where the control room is located. Guardian angels go out in groups of two to three every day to patrol human civilizations and protect them. All Guardian Angel's are telepathically linked. They can't read each others minds, but they can send each other messages. Not in words or pictures. Just knowledge. Its downloaded instantly into the Angel's brain.

The morning also starts in the control room, all the guardians(except the night patrol) meet up and give briefings of the night before. Then they are split up by the arch guardian and sent out on patrol. The control room is outfitted with multiple large screens portraying all the largest human city's. The control room panel grants easy access to the data of every guardian, their past life, basic current physical information such as age, sex, and size, their level of power and the god or goddess that rules over them. Any guardian can access this information, but it is mostly used for the gods to communicate to them. This is also where the Arch Angel can be found closing patrols for the day, obtaining and submitting any important information to the gods as well. Guardians do not know how each other died. It is privet information that only the Arch Guardian knows.
Within the main section, there is also a large living area, connected directly to the kitchen and a dining room with 20 chairs. There is always a guardian chosen to cook for the whole group each night, they take turns so every guardian knows how to cook. The castle also has two main wings.
The left wing is where all the guardians younger than 200 years live, as they are considered to still be in training, powers not fully mature. The right wing is where the older guardians live, they are known as official guardians.. Yet every room is always kept and clean, well taken care of without exception because of the magic in the castle. There are always fresh, clean clothes in dressers according to the guardian's body and style. Every bedroom also has a private bathroom and closet. Every bedroom is also customized to fit each Guardian and exactly what would make them happiest.
Between the wings of the castle, is where a massive court yard was built for training. It is outfitted with the most high tech training equipment, even the castle in the sky is on soil and grass. The great walls tower over a mile high, forming a ring around the yard, inside the walls there are small animals, dogs, cats and rabbits mostly. A few goats and horses, in the corner are electrical generators, ice rinks, ponds, lava pits and a ledge, during the day, the ledge provides shade, at night, the ledge provides light.

Brief History
Year 201,741
Current Risen Guardians: Ariana Strum(Arch Angel), Mark Kaiper, Travis Windhaven, Mary Tohru
New Guardians: Christopher Hasbro, Brandon Frost
There are only 3 locations are capable of living, the lands once called United States, Russia, and China. The gods are the gods of earth, they are mixtures of human lore and for simplicity, they are called Jupiter, Odin, Lucifer and Gaea. They are very traditional, believing homosexuality to be a sin, women weaker to men, believe the human race is worth more than any other, as well as many other traditional beliefs. Travis is tried for his homosexuality, before a punishment can be dealt, Christopher steps in. The gods take this as a act of rebellion and dishonor against them, Chris is made a fallen angel. Stripped of his water ability and cured with a a black and white set of Vulture wings. Treason rises within the guardian as Mary attacks a human known as Violet Greyson. She is struck down by Brandon as Alivia dies and is risen as a guardian. Mary had been corrupted by the Spirit Envy. While put down, she is a reminder of what can happen to even the best angels. Jace Williams was one of them. Corrupted by gluttony except advanced far further than Mary, a true dark Guardian. Transforming into a full windigo. Hearing his ally being struck down. He begins to make more appearances.

Year 201,821
Current Risen Guardians: Ariana Strum(Arch Angel), Mark Kaiper, Travis Windhaven, Brandon Frost
New Guardians: Alivia Hasbro, Tyrone Jackson, Blu Blesson
Tyrone and Blu are killed by Jace, demons allied with Jace hold back risen guardians in a grave fight. then the risen guardians have sustained monstrous damage, Jace corners Ari and strikes her down, then Chris bursts in and distracts William. Ari is killed by tumbling rocks in her weakened state. Chris goes on to drive off Jace, and become the new arch guardian.

Year 201,863
Current Guardians: Christopher Hasbro(Arch Angel), Mark Kaiper, Travis Windhaven, Brandon Frost, Alivia Hasbro
New Guardians: Violet Greyson
A Dark Angel is summoned by one of Jaces colleagues to strike back at the guardians. Summoning an angel who has a powerful effect on Brandon, he is weakened quickly when Violet appears. A unknowing guardian with demon like abilities. She strikes down the dark angel and joins the Guardians after a life in the shadows. . Christopher challenges the gods, goes to war and lost; at the price of Alivia. Chris steps down as Arch Angel, and Mark takes his place.

Year 202,246
Current Guardians: Mark Kaiper(Arch Angel, Travis Windhaven, Christopher Hasbro, Brandon Frost, Violet Greyson, Conall O'Shea, Raoul Baines
New Guardians:(names here)
The sea tribes report to the gods that an island appeared in their land, and moved overnight to a new location. Odin orders the guardians to investigate. Mark takes all fully trained guardians with him except (enter names here)to keep watch on the new guardians and to manage patrols. Only Mark and Travis return. They describe airplanes… jets attacking and capturing them from the skys. They assume everyone is dead.

Year 202,248 Guardians
(age is based off time of being a guardian)
Mark Kaiper(Arch Angel)- 1087 Year Old- Thunder Guardian- Odin
Travis Windhaven- 689 Year Old- Wind Guardian- Odin
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