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FxF To this end, I am at thy side



"Welcome home, Ashen One. Speak thine heart's desire."

Before I say anything, I would much prefer it if you PM me with any interest in RPs. Call it an old habit, but I love to have a mostly undisturbed place where people can reference.

If I may also note, I have not partaken in creative writing or roleplay in a very long time. Consider me extremely shy and timid, so please, I implore your patience. I will make efforts to reply at least three or four times per week and would happily accept the same in kind, given the circumstances of a working life, social life, and personal hobbies, etc. If I can reply any sooner, I will.

You may call me "Exodus" or "Ex". My preference lies with all things fantasy - real life is my bane and escapism my blessing. Medieval, sci-fi, post apocalyptic, even modern fantasy. It's my strongest writing passion and love. Knowing that, please look below for some lovely segmented stuff about what I like, what I don't, and essentially all things me;

What to Expect From Me

  • I am a submissive type and very rarely go to a dominant stance for any reason. Once upon a time, I might have even entertained the idea, but I don't have that kind of mindset anymore.
  • I only play female characters. I possess no males characters or any desire to create one. There is potential for me to play a futanari character, but it really isn't my preference. To clarify, this does not exempt me from having male side characters, just not a main character. As much as I'd love every world to be solely dominated by the fairer sex, I often struggle with the concept of that being feasible even in fantasy.
  • Despite how much I talk and write, I'm pretty bad at conversation! While I love chatting about roleplays and the likes, I'm bad at initiating discussion or maintaing them. If you're gonna talk to me, do so with a purpose behind it! Idle chatter is really difficult for me to upkeep and I mean this with the most genuine of sincerity - it's really awkard. Please, spare me. ;-:
  • Planning, planning, planning! I love planning things out before we start. We can talk over how we're going to do things - how to start, how to keep going, even how to end it. The start is the best time to tell me all about your character. Their flaws, fears, traits, aspirations, loves. Anything and everything that you think might be important, as well as the details of their body, too! I mean, hey, I kinda need to know. I'll do the same for you, of course!
  • Long introductions; if I end up being the first to start, or perhaps even the second, please note that I pretty much always have a lot to say in the first post or two. I absolutely love world building and the beginning of an RP is the perfect opportunity to engross any reader into the story by setting the scene. What I just want to make you aware of is; first and foremost, the potential scale of my first post and the fact that you are in no way obliged or expected to mimic it, but also to let you know that you shouldn't expect grand posts from me every time. I'm good at putting out two to four paragraphs on the regular.
  • Character sheets; oh boy, do I just relish having character sheets on-hand. It often provides an excellent summary of a character which I tend to be able to create fairly quickly to get my point across. As you can tell by my Character List, I'm quite fond of them for even minor NPCs in the story. I wouldn't ask you to create one equally as complex as mine, but if you can do something similar, I'd wholeheartedly appreciate it. It boils down to having a good reference point in case I need to know anything about your character.
  • Faceclaims; I'll be totally honest in that I'm straight-up bad at finding faceclaims, so it's probably best if I just avoid them entirely. I don't mind at all if you want to match one to my description on your own, but please don't think of it being necessary. In kind, I have no plan to ask for any, either.
  • Post times; I already covered this above, as well as how much I tend to write, but I just want to reiterate this because it's quite important. I will try to reply once per day. However, please do not fret if I do not. At bare minimum, I will aim for three or four replies per week. If I've said absolutely nothing during a week, and I haven't talked to you about what's going on, please give me a nudge. I might have honestly forgotten to reply. It's happened before!
  • Descriptive, unadultered gore and sex; it matters to me not what the topic at hand is, but by God if I can describe it, I will. I love epic scenes and I love romance scenes. The more passionate in either, the better. I'll do my best to get into every little detail about a character's death, or the steamiest tingling sensations that rattle across a character's body. Whatever it is, I'm totally on-board. If there is anything that you can't deal with, you may want to let me know before I get carried away.
  • At present, if it wasn't obvious from everything in this thread, I am not feeling particularly confident enough to engage in many roleplays at any given time. I don't have a set limit in my head, but I reckon I can only manage a few at my absolute best right now. For the cost of my sanity, please be gentle!

What I'd Like From You

  • Female or futanari characters; when playing with partners, I would humbly request that you play one or the other. I do not romance or have sexual encounters with males in my roleplays.
  • Dominant characters, or a Switch at the very least; given that my personality lends to submissive behaviour, I don't do well in putting my characters in an opposite situation. I have created dominant characters before, but it wears on me very quickly. To save any of that nonsense, I feel it's best for you to take the reigns in the romantic or sexual encounters.
  • Story / Sex; I'm not good at putting down a ratio, but if I quite comfortably say that I am way more interested in a compelling story than I am of sex, that probably gets my point across. That said, I am partial to a nice romance, so there's that!
  • OOC (Out-of-Character); I would never press someone to talk OOC, but I do very much appreciate it! Running ideas past each other, talking shop, having the collaborative writer's connection. It's a wonderful expression of passion and intrigue when someone asks you how they can help improve or adapt your story with you. It's flattering and wholeheartedly welcomed. The only thing I will forewarn you of is that I'm not particularly strong in conversation, so please don't be offended if I'm quiet - I promise it's never personal, I'm just bad at it.
  • Third-Person Only; I prefer to keep things between characters so there is no personal development between writers. So I would feel much better if you wrote in a third-person perspective like I will.
  • Fluent speech is something I prefer. While I can read practically illegible text (to some), having easy-to-read text makes everything gel together a whole lot easier.
  • Post length; Whether you write in single paragraphs or multiple paragraphs, either way is perfectly fine by me. So long as I have something to actually work with, and not just a single line, I can live with it. Given that I'm a little bit rusty at this, I'd really appreciate it if we bounce the story together rather than having it dragged by only one of us.
  • Diversity and depth of character make a significant difference to the story. Please don't have any bland characters that are just drafted up to have sex and be binned. If you have flaws as well as admirable traits, then it makes the story increase in depth and progress in better ways than without.
  • No God Modding; It's not something I'm particularly familiar with, but I'd rather it didn't become a problem. Please don't kill off the main characters of the story unless you plan to end the roleplay there and it needs to be climactic - even then, in all cases, discuss it with me.
  • Examples of writing; in an age past now, I had some issues with people and how they wrote. It was extremely uncommon, but it could definitely happen. I'd really appreciate it if you could show me something you've written, either by link to a thread onsite or copy / pasting it in a PM to me. Such a small thing could save us both a lot of hassle if we end up not being a good match.
  • Ghosting; quite possibly the worst feeling. I won't do it to you, so please don't do it to me. I'm not going to bite you if you honestly tell me that you're not feeling it, or you're not interested. I would so much rather know and put it to bed then and there, rather than wait for half a year wondering if you'll ever come back.

Sexual Likes and Dislikes

Basically all of those little wants and needs can be contained within >> this << little list. If I'm totally honest, it hasn't been updated in a little while and I don't have the heart to comb through it all again, but just ask me if something piques your interest.

For the sake of a quick summary of the major good and bad points...


- Futanari / Hermaphrodite Females
- Anthropomorphic Creatures
- Exhibitionism / Voyeurism
- Restriction / Binding (Preferably only one of either the arms or the legs, not both. Confined spaces are bad ju-ju.)
- Demons
- Corruption
- Tentacles
- Multiple Penetration
- Sweet, sweet, delicate and caring romance


- Submissive Partners (At least be a switch!)
- Vore
- Pregnancy / Birth / Breeding
- Unbirthing
- Pain / Food Play
- Heavy BDSM
- Any bodily fluid that isn't semen (Vomit, Urine, Blood, Faeces)
- Any kind of needle that has ever existed

I would like to reiterate that I really don't like blood during sex scenes - it makes me physically ill at the thought and worse in actual sight, please avoid it if at all possible. Same goes for needles or injections or anything like that. Massive phobia, please just don't.

Note; this doesn't mean there can be no blood and gore in the roleplay, behead and dismember other characters to your heart's content. It's great, I love it. Just please do not take it into an area of sexual interaction.

Storylines and Concepts

I won't pretend like I have a thousand different stories ready and waiting to be used, but I can list a few vague plots and see how they turn out. If you want to send a plot to me, by all means, do. I find that roleplays are a little more interesting with a spontaneous approach as opposed to an on-the-rails feeling.

As I mentioned, these are rough outlines of a plot and are fully available for adaptation and change. I draw a lot of my inspiration from various games that I have played and loved.

Also note that I will mention a main character (marked with [M]) who will be the character that I will play. While, if specified, I would prefer it if you played the character marked with [P]. If a [P] is not listed, the character is ambiguous and you may create them however you wish. The names will be decided upon starting the roleplay.

I will edit these if they have already been done. They will be marked with "IN PROGRESS" or "CLOSED" and a strikethrough to indicate if they are in-progress or I am not looking for that RP type at this moment in time, respectively.


The Guardian - (IN PROGRESS)

Whether in the medieval times of yore or the energetic bustle of the modern era, there exists a peaceful spirit which guards the natural balance of the planet Earth [M]. This celestial creature is one with the ground in which she walks, feeling the vibrant echoes of every soft footstep - a giver of life and a protester of violent ways or actions.

Might as she may be foreign to the eyes blessed with technology in the strange new world, she was once revered by the people who came to see her walk freely amongst the trees and meadows. Legends still tell of such an ancient being with timeless knowledge of the world around the humans that vastly populate it. Now, in a time where she is all but forgotten, there are still some that search for her; some with a desire for the knowledge which she holds, for good or evil; some with a desire for the lush world to be restored over the abhorrent creations of man; and some with a desire for the fame and glory that would come with such a discovery.

In the end, the path taken is yours to choose...

[An original concept. Please PM me for the path that you would rather select, be it from any of the above to one of your own creation. Please do not feel intimidated - I humbly accept creativity and diversity in thoughts.]


The Lost Book 陰影 [Shadows] - (OPEN)

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Avatar: The Legend of Korra anywhere up to the beginning of Season Four and, by extension, possibly beyond. You have been warned!

The year is 173AG. Since Harmonic Convergence, new Airbenders have been gifted unto the world by the reintegration of spirits and some of that power has since been abused. After Zahir and his motley crew nearly killed the Avatar, she has been rehabilitating herself in the Southern Water Tribe over the past two years but has now come forward to venture out into Republic City again, only it seems as though she hasn't been seen anywhere after she departed.

It was a difficult task, but these new Airbenders were trained under the watchful eye of Jenora and Tenzin to become peacekeepers in the Avatar's stead, bringing new life into the Air Nation and giving people a very positive view of benders again.

Even still, some like to consider it oppression and a means of controlling the world. It has been a number of years since the Equalists held any kind of power, but over this arduous period they have been secretly recruiting new followers to overthrow the bender threat. With a new leader having assumed leadership following the great betrayal of Amon, his swift and decisive rule has bought him a seat of power amongst non-benders, power that has gained him powerful and wealthy allies. They convene in secret or hide in plain sight, but this radicalised extremist movement has no indication of revealing themselves to the rest of the world like their predecessors had done - this time, stealth and training would win the fight.

All was not centred on this new rising threat, however, as an entirely new face approached the frey. The Spirit Wardens, self-proclaimed "Warriors of Spirit", destined to return benders and non-benders alike back to a time since passed - when Lion Turtles carried and sheltered humans from the dangerous Spirit Wilds and bending was a gift seldom given. They believe that humanity does not deserve the gifts that they have squandered over these past years and that the spirits are right to be furious with how they had been locked away by the power of the Avatar. Some spirits remain in anguish after Avatar Wan closed the portals, deep cuts that have scarred them for eons to come and a vendetta against humankind that threatens the balance of the world once more.

And at the centre of it all is not the one we might expect; a Waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe, yes, but not our dearest Avatar. No, the girl in question is a calm, polite and timid individual whom has tried all her life to learn offensive techniques in her bending, but cannot bring herself to bring harm to another. Though, her secrets tell a different story. Very strong in Bloodbending, the moon judges her frightening capabilities and allows her to exact her whim upon those whom cannot do so themselves. It twists her personality, distorts and changes her, though she has kept it under wraps for many, many years now. Despite her best efforts, however, there is a uncharacteristic trinket of which she fails to part with - a bizarre and seemingly spritiual item of apparel that calls to her upon the rise of the moon. A call which, up until now, has been ignored for too long.

That is not all that remains a mystery with this girl, however, for she possesses a completely unique type of bending unfound in any benders save for the Avatar. Energybending, the ability to bend one's life-force, or that of another's. She may give life, or she may take it - to hamper her bending ability, or to strengthen it. An innocent, naive individual that holds the power of life and death in her hands yet, to this day, does not even realise that she has it. In a world soon to be thrown into chaos, it is one that should be quickly revealed and decisively practised in the right way, before someone teaches her differently.

[An original concept based on the pre-existing world of Avatar: The Legend of Korra.
This one is another complex plot and requires someone that will teach our to-be-heroine in the best or the worst forms of bending. You can assist her quest in stopping the Equalists and the Spirit Wardens, or you can aid one of them, maybe neither of them. Perhaps you sympathise with the Great Uniter, Kuvira, as she undertakes the beginnings of her great quest and would like to enact your will upon our Water Tribe denizen.

You may take whichever approach you would like with the situation, but ultimately, please do not interfere with the positions of any pre-existing characters that are in the story. For example; Asami must still contract Future Industries to work on Republic City's infrastructure. Bolin must assist Kuvira in her grand quest to unite the Earth Kingdom. And Mako must remain as a cop in Republic City. You can interact with any of these characters, but please ensure that by the time that Season Four's timeline approaches (a year in the time of Avatar), they would be in the correct place.

Korra is strictly off limits unless we end up going far enough along the time period to introduce her into the fold and, even then, it is unlikely we would see much of her as she would be busy dealing with the Kuvira problem.

This is a large plot, one of the largest one-on-one plots I've considered, but it is a world I really want to explore. So please, try something unorthodox, pick an approach that brings out the most interesting story. I really want to see this unfold and for all avenues to be tried and tested. It doesn't have to be a happy-go-lucky ride and it doesn't have to be a dismal, dreary hellcage either. Try one, try both, try them all! I look forward to exploring options!]


The Tide of the Galaxy - (IN PROGRESS)

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers ahead for... well, yeah, a game made in 2004! This story follows the very end of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, specifically the restored content mod. If ever you cared, now's the time to turn away!

Manufactured by a particularly notorious Hunter-Killer class droid on the planet Telos, a unique and specialised machine was born into the world, destined to be the femme fatale of none other than HK-47. After the events of Malachor V, however, HK-47 returned to his manufacturing plant to find the partner he had spent so long perfecting absent.

Despite any and all attempts to track the whereabouts of this one-of-a-kind droid, it was lost for at least a decade - the reality of the situation being that Czerka Corporation, having heard of the reactivation of the plant, set out to seize an unprecedented prototype that had been mentioned in rumours that only scratched the surface of Telos. After trying to transport it off-world and into the clutches of their headquarters on Korriban. Not being the only one interested in the prize, a band of highly trained mercenaries under an unknown employ made attempts to hijack the vessel during transit, yet both factions met ill success.

All ships related to the endeavour were destroyed in bout after bout of war, whilst the pod containing the prized HK-51 droid had cascaded across the stars long before the fight had even ceased. Unknown to most bar the inhabitants of the planet, it crashed spectacularly on Dathomir, waiting to be released from its perpetual slumber by any daring to claim such precious cargo.

[An original concept based upon the fandom of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

This story is intended for anyone interested in FxF or FxFuta, perhaps even no sexual interaction at all.

While it leans more towards having a Dark Side user obtain the assassin droid for their own personal uses, perhaps even swaying the direction of the Galaxy by assassinating high-priority targets within political or military bodies, anyone for any reason may stumble upon the wreckage - be it offworld or onworld.

Admittedly, my plan was to have a True Sith maintain order and balance with such a droid, but grow a certain fondness for it - perhaps even go so far as to install some... unruly modifications to the chassis. But that is entirely at your discretion. As a droid that serves its master nigh unconditionally, despite its unrivalled distinction, I would have my droid obey orders as commanded unless there is reason to disagree. It does not have a name aside from HK-51 and possesses little capacity for the hybrid protocol functions installed. It relatively mirrors that of HK-47, only visually and audibly more female, but lacks any of the experience and knowledge that he possessed.

All of the above, however, can be substituted in a discussion with me if you so choose. I give you free leeway to hash out the idea with me and figure out what it is we'd both like to settle on.]

Character List

You can find my Character List in >> this << lovely little thread! It's an ever-expanding list that will essentially catalogue more and more of my characters that show up in the roleplays that I do. If you want to understand what kind of characters I'm capable of making, or if you find any in particular that you like, maybe we could work something out!

The only thing that I'd ask is that you keep things in accordance with the 'What I'd Like From You' section, in that you don't request any of the male characters - I'm more than comfortable to keep them as nice and distant side NPCs.

Examples of My Writing

I don't quite have the same old collection I used to have, but if it is of any consolation, I don't type much differently here than I do when I'm writing. At worst, I'll probably embellish a few details and make a grand spectacle of things - it's one of my more frequent hobbies in a story.

As I begin to write, I'll link my threads here so you can look for yourself! Until then, stay tuned.

Speaking of, they're beginning to show now! Follow along with me~

The Guardian - in collaboration with Darklaz.
Royal Secrets - in collaboration with Elf Kitty.
The Tide of the Galaxy - in collaboration with Angel of Mercy.

That's all for now. If you've read all the way down to here through the rest of my plethora of text, then hell mend you. A commendation for your valiant effort.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I'm basically an open book.

NOTE: If you wish to query about a story that is already in progress, please don't hesitate if you really want to, but just be wary that I might not say 'Yes'.

At present, I have three ongoing roleplays which is more than enough for me. I'll make one sole exception right now, and that is for my remaining storyline / plot above. With the utmost appreciation, even still, please do not request additional roleplays from me unless it is regarding that plot.
Last edited by a moderator:
Changelog: 7th December, 2019

  • Added a new Character List section.
  • Added a link to a new roleplay in the Examples of My Writing section for: The Guardian.
  • Updated status of The Guardian in the Storylines and Concepts section to be IN PROGRESS.
Last edited by a moderator:
Changelog: 11th December, 2019

  • Added a new What to Expect From Me section.
  • Repurposed and renamed the existing What I'm Looking For section to a new and better suited What I'd Like From You section.
  • Added a link to a new roleplay in the Examples of My Writing section for: Royal Secrets.
  • Embedded links to the on-site threads for The Guardian and Royal Secrets for past, present and future changelogs. Any roleplay that is mentioned by name in a changelog or in the Examples of My Writing section will have a link attached to it that you can follow to the source.
Changelog: 13th December, 2019

  • Added a link to a new roleplay in the Examples of My Writing section for: The Tide of the Galaxy.
  • Added a note to the bottom of my request thread stating that I am no longer looking for roleplays with the sole exception of those interested in The Lost Book 陰影 [Shadows].
It seems so quick to go from one to full, but I feel like it's best to keep myself sane. Three is amazing so far, and four would be just perfect enough. I'd just really like to play with The Lost Book because it's an idea I've been toiling around with for some three years. If anyone would like to make that happen, I'm all yours~

For those of you still interested in roleplaying with me outside this storyline, I'm really sorry but I hate to disappoint. This is something I really want to do and if I'm gonna take on only one more, I'd like it to be that one. Hope you understand!

Note: This does not in any way, shape, or form, affect any of my current roleplay partners.

Gentle post-New Year's bump~

Just checking to see if anyone might be interested in a fandom RP based around the Avatar: The Legend of Korra animated series. Experience is welcomed, but not absolutely necessary. Even if you've only seen the original Avatar: The Last Airbender, most knowledge is transferable. If you haven't seen any, that's okay, too!

If you do happen to be interested in an RP like that, please look up at my original post for The Lost Book 陰影 [Shadows]. It's a special little thing for me and, currently, the only one I'm looking for at all. Give me a PM if it captures your interest!
Bump~ 26th January, 2020

It is a brand-new year, and with a brand-new year I bring tags! Glorious tags! I normally get crazy descriptive with most of the things that I do, especially when I try to take into consideration what people are going to type to help filter things, but I'm limited to ten. So! What I ended up doing was devising the best use of my tags to make it as clear and discoverable as possible.

For those of you that might be reading this just now, hiya~! As I'm sure you may have seen from the above post, or even just this one, I'm hoping I might find someone to help me fulfil a distant dream in the realm of Avatar. I have lots of plans, lots of thoughts. If anyone is interested, please give it a read or talk to me about it - I welcome conversation on it. ♥
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