Currently reading:
Toga Himiko


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Today 5:00 PM
Himiko is a relatively petite girl with blonde hair, which she wears in messy styled buns on both sides of her head. She also sports straight bangs, cut in an uneven hime cut-like style, and two stray strands of hair on each side of her face. Her eyes are yellow and somewhat squinted, with vertically slit pupils and dark circles under them, and she has pronounced cat-like canine teeth. She's described by others in the manga as having a very pretty face, at least to the standards of the speakers.

She wears a Japanese school uniform with an oversized cardigan that covers most of her skirt, and cuffs that cover the palm of her hands. She also wears knee-length black socks and classic Japanese school uniform loafers. In her right pocket, she carries what appears to be a number of trinkets on either a keychain or a cellphone.

Himiko is a very cheerful girl, to the point of smiling even after having presumably killed someone, displaying apparent sadistic tendencies. Even when danger is imminent. She's also frequently seen blushing, though seemingly out of excitement rather than embarrassment, giving her a permanent somewhat lovesick look on her face. That said, she has shown that she can easily be embarrassed, such as when she thinks people are coming on to her or when she is naked when copying clothes of the people she has transformed into.


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*Waves* Hello there, Himiko. Welcome to the Inner Sanctum.
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