Trigger warning: physical/emotional violence, abuser-abusee dynamic, strong sexual content, depictions of mental illness(es), possible depictions of or implied suicidal attempt, drug use, 'being cheated on/abused but they keep taking them back because they're somehow still genuinely in love' trope.
Basic info about the plot:
Genres: drama, angst, domestic violence (NEVER sexual. Mostly physical, verbal, emotional, psychological etc.), LGBTQ+, (a truckload of and more) angst, and oh did I mention angst, or angst?!
- I would prefer the male character(s) to be masculine and female character(s) to be feminine, at least in terms of how they present themselves - i.e., cis-gendered.
- Only monogamy. (1x1)
- 50% story, 50% smut. BUT I DO NOT DO KINK-ORIENTED SMUT. I do want it all played out in full (so no fade to black), but will be vanilla and intimacy/emotions-focused.
- This plot mainly focuses on the (changes to) characters' psychology as their relationship deteriorates (or improve, depending on how it goes).
- Because of the nature of BPD that is characterised by polarised thinking (amongst other symptoms), there will be times where M/C will put Y/C on a pedestal, thinking they're the best--only to think at other times that Y/C must hate their guts, that Y/C is a whore, etc. So it's not 100% toxic but also not 100% romantic/fluffy.
I like realism in my RPs - even just a little touch of it - and will be doing my research to ensure that the toxicity of their relationship, as well as M/C's mental illnesses are kept pretty realistic (It would be great if you could do the same for either the victim's perspective, or, if you think Y/C will have a condition of their own, that could be looked into as well!).
So in a way, you can expect this to be a depressing slice of life soaked in angsty drama.
Our characters have been together for a number of years, despite there being more than enough red flags - all because of M/C, who suffers (mainly, there may be more) from their clinically diagnosed BPD. They were and still are genuinely in love with one another, however one might wish to define 'love', but it's taking an immense mental and physical toll on Y/C, who is trying to find a reason to continue enduring the emotional/physical abuse that M/C subjects them to in the heat of the moment.
But the fact that M/C genuinely feels guilty for everything they unintentionally do, and tries to make up for all the unjustifiable mistreatment and cruelty, is keeping Y/C stuck in this endless cycle.
That's the basic premise of the plot. At the beginning of the RP, I think we could show just how toxic the relationship is through showing multiple different occasions on which Y/C is abused - verbally, emotionally, or physically (but not sexually) - and likely even a combination of all three at times. M/C is going to be one hell of a loser in so many different ways, and we can figure out if there's going to be a happy ending waiting for them or if things should end in misery (maybe just for M/C, or in some ways both of them - who knows?)