Umm... Hi.

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Umm... Hi.

How bad was my writing/Literacy/Grammar

  • 1-2 (I suk and typ lik dis)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3-4 (needs a lot of work Mah dude!)

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Today 12:13 AM
Philly Pennsylvania
Hey I'm Max,
When I was like 13-15 I used to role play online all the time. I started on neopets, probably like most of us haha, and sometimes on Habbo hotel. Then I found a forum and used to role play on there. My vocabulary and literacy grew really fast and I was pretty decent and proud of myself. But I stopped and haven't roleplayed in years.... I'm 23 now and as you can obviously see my literacy and vocabulary suck major giraffe abortions... but my love for role playing has never left! So I found this forum and hopefully I can get back into it and build my literacy again and make some new friends in the process.

So yeah... um I guess I can tell you about myself?

My full name is Maximus. At first I thought it was the dumbest thing ever but being the awkward geek I am it grew on me. Oddly enough I'm not a big buff Greek looking god. I'm extremely skinny and kinda short. I weigh 125lbs and I'm 5 feet short. I'm socially awkward in person. I find it incredibly hard to get what my mind is thinking out into words. Online I can think about it for a while but even then I don't always get it right. I don't have many friends. I just moved to Philadelphia Pa from Jersey from NYC. So I was raised in NYC then moved to Jersey in high school. Made who I thought were friends who turned out to be extremely fake and horrible people and then I met a girl on a fetish website (fetlife for anyone interested;) haha) moved out to philly with her. That didn't last but I love this city so I stayed.
Ive always been hugely in love with animals and have had so many kinds of pets. From rats to pigs to lizards. so I'm extremely grateful for the occupation I have which is reptile breeding as well as educating children either at parties or sometimes schools on reptiles, amphibians, etc.

My interests include role playing obviously haha
Video-games, but mostly hack and slash, adventure, story-driven, kinda games. Like my all time favorite video game series of all time is the ElderScrolls. Those kinda games just really get me. I love to become my character and really immerse myself in that world. I enjoy other games as well. The last few games I've played and loved are Death Stranding, Kingdom Hearts, Dying Light, Outer Worlds, LA Noire, to name a few.

I enjoy Wicca, occult things, making up spells at my alter and meditating on things I want in life that also benefit others, that way it's not a selfish request that leads to negative energy shooting back at me.

hmm uh... I'm trying to think of what else I like... video games, role playing, occult, animals, I play guitar.... I feel like there's more but damn I can't think. Ah well. I'm sure that's plenty of info. And I'm sure I've got a TON of grammatical errors as well. Like I said before I'm wildly out of touch with online role play and just writing in general. So I'm extremely sorry about any grammar mistakes and I hope I can grow and get better and be tolerated until then.

okay! So yeah that's me, Max. I look forward to talking to some awesome people and having fun role playing as well :)
Welcome to the Sanctum Max! I'm sure you'll find some like-minded people, while I'm not Wiccan I am a witch and I can tell you there are a handful of us running around. Don't go selling yourself short on your writing skills, you did a lovely job introducing yourself. I hope your muse behaves and you find great writing partners while you are here.
Welcome to the Sanctum Max! I'm sure you'll find some like-minded people, while I'm not Wiccan I am a witch and I can tell you there are a handful of us running around. Don't go selling yourself short on your writing skills, you did a lovely job introducing yourself. I hope your muse behaves and you find great writing partners while you are here.

hey! I didn't think anyone would reply that fast. Thank you. Happy to meet another witch, although I prefer being called a warlock since it's just waaaaaayyy cooler to say for a dude heehee
But thank you very much :) I hope we can possibly meet again in a role play :)
Very nice to meet you as well :D
My pleasure. You are welcome to send me a message if you have questions or would like to chat.
Thank you so much. I will definitely hit you up!
As much as I'd love to jump right into it and talk to people online and start rping, I've had a long day and want to sleep. So hopefully I'll get to talk to you and get to know you more tomorrow as well as the others on this site. Thank you for the welcoming and help. Talk to you soon! Have a lovely day or night :)
Welcome to the Sanctum. It's nice to see another of the pagan Faith's. May your time here be blessed.
Welcome to the Sanctum! I hope you enjoy yourself :)
AAAAAAA! Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here! You're among like minds!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I hope you enjoy it here! I'm sure you'll fit in quite nicely... ❤️

(I grew up with a Pagan/Wiccan mum, so you'll find more and more of us are familiar with the occult and the like. You'll find quite a few takers out of the gates, I'm sure of it!)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
It's wonderful to meet you, Max and welcome to the sanctum! It's amazing to meet another hard-core animal lover, be it reptiles or mammals, I can't seem to get enough of them as well. Haha. I hope to see you around on the site, perhaps engaged in similar roleplays. Happy hunting!
Fellow Magick user here! Glad to have you here! Hope you find the sort of RP you're looking for, and a supportive partner to write with. Your writing was not bad at all! Keep at it, and it will only get better!
Welcome and Blessed Be.
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