Ummm... Yo?

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Ummm... Yo?


Local time
Tomorrow 1:54 AM
Hey everyone.

My names Wellidot, but I'm cool with Dot or Elle, but don't worry, my OC names are better and sometimes more creative. I promise lol

I'm obviously new here. I started roleplaying on Google+ and I loved to roleplay. I would often have 2 or more going at the same time as it was my main form of expression through writing. But, I slowed it down when I got closer to graduating high school.

I haven't roleplayed in a while, but my main genres are romance, action, and adventure with a dash of fantasy from time to time.

I can't promise I'll be super good right away, nor that I'll be able to figure out how to reply right away, but I can promise that I'll try my best.

Um.... Other than that nice to meet ya, I guess.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
I saw 'yo' in the thread title and had to stop in to say 'yo!' back :P
Every 'yo' deserves a friendly return 'yo' :P
I never knew people RPed on G+ wow.
Welcome to the site, Dot. I think you'll find a lot of great writers here.
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