MxF Under The Fangs Of Despair (Dasyra 'Viper' Nightwind)

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MxF Under The Fangs Of Despair (Dasyra 'Viper' Nightwind)

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
Content Warning
  1. Gore
  2. Kink
  3. Graphic Violence
  4. Sexual Assault
  5. Self Harm
  6. Substance Abuse
  7. Narrative Bigotry
  8. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Erotic
  3. Fetish
  4. High Fantasy
  5. Slice of Life
  6. Medieval
  7. Horror
  8. Political
  9. Crime

Rose Thorne

⸸ She was drowning but nobody saw her struggle. ⸸
250 Likes! July Challenge Participant Happy Birthday!! 250 Posts!
Local time
Today 6:05 PM
She / Her
Dasyra 'Viper' Nightwind
"I keep chasing
bad feelings
I keep breaking down
I never deal with it
Drown 'cause I don't wanna swim
I'm good with bad habits"


Massive Trigger Warning: Drugs, Alcohol, Suicidal Thoughts/Attempts Mentioned, Strong Language, Murder, Torture, etc can be mentioned with this character.

Theme Songs
Bad Habits (By) Silverstein, Intervals
Quiet Hours (By) Letdown.
Bedroom Ceiling (By) Citizen Soldier


Elven Years: 100
Human Years: 20




Siver Nightwind, Maria Nightwind, and Dasyra Nightwind (Shadowphoenix)
Wanted: Alive
Gold Price: 400k Each
Wanted By: Daren Nightwind (Father)

Siver 'Nightingale' Nightwind (Half-Sister)
(PLEASE READ ABOUT ABOVE PICTURE: Siver would have red eyes, elven ears, and a collar.)
Maria 'Mercy' Nightwind

Viper is not like sisters when it comes to aura. While her sisters are powerful enough to have a large noticeable aura of power Viper does not. Viper doesn't call on her magic as often as her sisters nor is she as proficient in the family magic. Though for those that can read emotions through the mask of fake happiness there would be a strong feeling of sorrow, anger, anxiety, and severe depression. The feeling would be so strong that some people might wonder how the emotions hadn't overwhelmed the one feeling them.

Viper sports the Nightwind pure white hair, which is almost always put up into a ponytail with a few short strands handing down around her face. Due to her illusion Viper look a small bit different than how she actually looks without it. For starters, her eyes are a bright gold-like her sisters either is or use to be. A family trait that she never got. Instead, her eyes are heterochromia, meaning each eye is a different color. Her right eye is a gorgeous bright blue, while her left eye is emerald green. Her reason for hiding her eyes is due to how people look at her when she doesn't hide it. Most people look at her as a mutation, oddity, or a half-elf, which is looked down upon. She is in fact fully elven. Due to the illusion, she also seems to have a perfect complexion, no scars, no blemishes, just a perfect complexion on her face to match the rare illusion of golden hue eyes.

Viper is much like Siver and is hardly ever found without armor or at least something that covers her skin. Though if for any reason her skin was revealed to someone they find her body to seem perfect. She's a smaller woman, so she has little to no breast and barely any ass but she seems like a picture of health. Though this is only thanks to illusion magic. If she ever let the illusion magic fall to reveal her true body one would see just how sickly she was both physically and mentally. Her arms, legs, stomach, and thighs all have self-harm marks, and her ribs would visible from her eating disorder.

Viper's armor is of high-quality thanks to her sister, a dark brown with black leather pants and plenty of decoration throughout her armor to show wealth and skill. The top is like a corset with a thick black cloth undershirt that is skin tight. On the corset is decorative chains and buckles. On her shoulders are shoulder plantings made of fine leather that go down her arm to her elbows. When out in public some of the time she can be seen wearing a hood that hides the bottom half of her face, and trails down over one of her arms. The legs of the outfit are tight-fitting black leather that has weapon holsters running down each leg with a pair of boots that reach halfway to her knee.

Like all of the members of the Ashborne Cartel, Viper also wears a sigil on her outfit/uniform.

A good majority of the time Viper is either drunk or drugged up. Her personality during that time is much like her old personality before her mental health got so bad, bubbly, cute, seemingly innocent with a hint of perversion at times, joking, and a bit of a clutz when having a good time. Though when she is coming down off the drugs or alcohol she starts to show her true feelings, how her sober mind truly is. Depressed, angered, anxious, are just some of the negative feelings that she shows when she's not using a vice to mask it. Viper of course has a sweet and loving side that in the end just wants love and attention. Now sometimes when Viper is able to be strong and mask her emotions when she is sober she can be what some consider a bitch, rude and short with a person. Some would refer to her as a bit of a hothead at times.

Viper has the ability to make potions, poisons, and can make and enchant weapons. She has two swords with runes etched into the blades that give the blade of the sword a white mist-like glow with occasional lightning strikes going through the mist. The blade on contact will shock the person or thing it made contact with, in some cases stunning them for a few seconds. The blades also have an active poison that she puts on every day, a lethal snakes venom that causes blindness and paralysis over time.

On her thighs is two daggers, one on each thigh holstered in the decorative material made to hold them. The blades of the daggers glow with the same white mist though the only enchantment on them was that when thrown they could be recalled. The blades are coated in the same poison as her swords. She also has smoke bombs, small grenades, throwing daggers, and a skinning knife.

Magical Abilities

Magic Just Runs In The Family
Like the rest of the Nightwind family, Viper is mediocre in the manipulation of the shadows (A broader term for such is 'Shadow Magic') and Illusion Magic. Illusion Magic is constantly on her when out in public or around people. She uses magic to hide many different things like her heterochromia eyes since they are looked down upon as an oddity, mutation, or making her seem like a half-elf, which is also looked down upon. Facial features are where the majority of her magics would be used, hiding scars on her face, when having more of her body revealed any skin would also be covered in the illusions to hide the self-harm scars that litter her arms, stomach, and legs. With the Illusionist magic, it would make her face's complexion look absolutely flawless, not a scar or blemish anywhere.

Along with those they also know how to use Telepathy rather well though it is limited by distance. Siver can only contact someone using Telepathy if the person is marked or in the same region as her. She also has a small ability like her sisters to make a small flame on her index finger when she snaps so she can make a fire or light a cigar but that's as far as the fire will go.

Growing up Viper never had a very stable home. She lived in a small village that fended for its self against the harsh climate and other raiding villages of the area. Her whole family had at one point died off before the age of six other than her Mother, who was plagued with the same mystery illness that had killed off the rest of her family. A slow painful death took its toll and in desperation Viper's mother would write her father, at the start it was only once every three months, then once a month, then once a week, then it was every day. Viper would be told to take the letter to the mailbox. Viper was only six and had no clue what the letters were for or who they were for. Her mother and she weren't very close, but they still loved each other. One day Viper's mother did something that raised suspicion. During her usual handing over of the letter and instructions of what to do with the letter, her mother had pulled her in gave her a long tight hug and a kiss on the head. She told Viper she loved her to which Viper simply smiled and nodded, leaving the house. It was only as she got halfway to the other side of the village that she think about how odd it was for her mother to do that. Viper deciding that the letter could wait made her way back to the house and as she pushed open the door she watched her mother sobbing, a gun to her head, and she pulled the trigger. This was only the start of Viper's downward spiral into depression. She walked over to her mother's lifeless body and grabbed the gun putting it to her head and cocking it back just as she had seen her mother do. Tears streamed down her cheek and the door burst open and arms swooped her up forcing her to drop the gun.

Weeks past and she had been saved by her mother's friend who had suspected this would happen. She took Viper in. At one point Viper had tucked away the letter and read it every night, the letter explaining everything. Rage filling her she no longer wanted to be a child, she wanted to train, to fight, to kill the man responsible for making her mother take this way out, for leaving her to die or be an orphan. Throughout all of her childhood, she trained with some of the village's best warriors, learning the basics of almost every weapon she could and slowly practicing with them till she was skilled at using them. When she reached an age where she could care for herself if she left she would pack what she needed and travel to the city after city. Training with some of the world's best warriors, assassins, spies, and many others. By the time she was nineteen, she found her sisters, though at the time she was not accepted with welcoming arms. Her lover at the time was the brother of her oldest sister's at the time lover who was fighting over power and family problems. Betray ran deep as her oldest sister Siver ordered Mercy to find her and keep her away from the man she loved so that Sivers lover could kill his brother. A bounty was placed on Viper's head by Siver as well.

Betrayal from her sisters wasn't the only thing. Viper had found her lover had been cheating on her. In order to keep him, she offered to share him so she didn't have to lose the only person who 'loved' her. Though over the months he cared less and less for Viper who had finally located her father and was working on an assassination mission. The mission failed and she came crawling back to him for help to a location he had been hiding out just outside of a city. He made her crawl back, bleeding out and dying, and left her at the gates of the city to die. So close to safety and help yet so far. Luckily someone found her and a healer had gotten to her in time.

She took the last name of their family after making up with her sisters and joined them in the cartel work. Though she was spiraling into depression and had multiple suicide attempts all of which had been caught and stopped before she managed. During her time in the cartel, she had met a man and fallen madly in love, though there was one catch. She was pregnant and he was married. Again just to keep someone around who loved her she offered to be a secrete. During a rescue attempt, she lost the child due to how severely she was injured which ultimately killed the child. She lost both the child and the man she loved. She still works for the cartel though her depression has only gotten worse and she has resorted to hurting herself, drugs, alcohol, and one nightstands to keep her from remembering the pain.

Information On The Family
Siver 'Nightingale' Nightwind is the oldest of the three Nightwind Sisters. She's known as The Guard Dog. A fierce and unforgiving killer for those she loves or those who work for or with her. She's an Elven Vympry that is still oddly enough living. She works for a powerful man known to many as the Doctors who some assume is a Reaper, (Immortal being). Siver was made Vympry by him to up her power level so she may more efficiently run the cartel the sisters work for. She is currently in the process of being transformed into a reaper herself to better please her Master. Siver was a slave for her entire life after their father willingly allowed her to be taken by a very powerful nobleman after a failed attempt to kill him and his family. She was only five (human years). After finally escaping she spent her days bouncing from freedom to slavery, and from job to job, before finally finding her master who turned her from some petty thief to a powerful cartel leader.

Mercy is the middle child and by far the most caring and level-headed sister. She works for Siver as a captain with her own fleet of ships, that haul all the legal and illegal merchandise for the cartel. She deals with her own slave trade, a side business she had kept from her late fiance. Mercy came to the cartel after her first crew had been killed and her husband slaughtered in front of her. She was supposed to be a slave for the captain of the crew that killed her crew but with them becoming comfortable they gave her the perfect opportunity to escape and while they had their night out on the town, Mercy had killed off each crew member, possibly missing a few from the crew before killing the captain in the middle of the capital. After that she was wanted and had a large bounty on her head, moving from the capital she would be a stowaway on other ships till she found her sister joining her cartel.

Her Spot In The Cartel
Viper has not really had a specific spot in the cartel to call her own, she has bounced from one seat to the other in the cartel trying to find the right thing for her. From Mercy's first mate to Siver's assistant. Though now she has a position that Siver thinks she will be the best out and at times Viper has proven that she is the one for the job, while at other times she let her mind get the better of her and was too drunk or high on drugs to get her job done. Her job is as Siver's Spy Master and the leader of her Guards. Spy Master was picked due to Viper's past history with spying and assassin work for money her damn near spotless record of little to no fuck ups or failed missions. The leader of the guard and weapon specialist is also due to her training in almost all weapons and her ability to train others how to use weapons, fight, defend, and her ability to strategically move men around to best defend or win battles.

Cartel Information
The Ashborne Cartel is publically known as The Ashborne Trading Company. They are all a bunch of thieves and criminals. Though that seek protection and refuge seek out the Leaders, pet Siver 'Nightingale' Nightwind, who runs the cartel. A fierce and stern cartel leader with a hunger for blood. She works under the thumb of a Reaper known as The Doctor who has a reputation for being the world's best doctor that no one can seem to explain his kind of magic. Of course, his ability to do so comes at a great cost. Siver who is currently only Vympr is slowly training to be the one to take over the Cartel fully and take her spot as the reaper, collecting souls owed to the Cartel. Despite their rough reputation of being a bunch of cut-throats with stern rules and horrid consequences those that respect the ranking and leadership and work well with the other are seen as part of the family. Each member would die for the other.

The products of this 'Company' can range from Legal things such as herbs, actual medication, legal weapons, ammunition, and various other things. Though for the most part this company only ships drugs in the form of 'medical' purposes. Along with Illegal weapons, cult supplies, and many other things. Mercy runs her slave operation separate from the Cartel.

I would like to start this out by saying. NONE of the art above. (Including the OOC Information picture) is my art. Credit goes out to all the artists who made these.

Alright! So hi! My name is Rose Thorne. I'm a literate RolePlayer who does Para to Multi Para posts. (On occasion I might do one-liners if there is just nothing but speaking going on with no real change in the environment around them. My characters are heavily used in World of Warcraft and these characters are used for a guild over there that I Co-Gm for. For this one Viper is going to be the main character, with Mercy and Siver as sideline characters that make an appearance now and then. I don't really have a specific direction or theme I want to keep for this one. I assume something military, assassin, spy, cartel, maybe pirate, etc. She is a very severely depressed and mentally fucked up individual and could use some love that benefits her as well. Right now the storyline for any of the three is they are being investigated due to their fathers medaling to take them down. They are trying to kill him due to past issues and trauma along with the fact that he has been attacking them and the people around them for a while now. Their father made a deal with lady death and the only ones that can kill him now are the three sisters. Viper and mercy are still yet to do their training with Sivers master so that they can actually kill him. They must have three different types of magic. Blood which is Siver, Flesh which will be Viper, and Soul which will be mercy. Viper must find it in her to rise to the level of power needed to defeat him, Siver must learn not to overshadow her sister's powers with her own, and Mercy must find a way to bind the three magics together in order to defeat their father.

Now as for what I am looking for in a partner. I'm looking for someone who will direct the story with me. If we need to speak OOCly about the direction we wish for it to go I'm totally down for that. I do like to have some contact with the writer OOC since I expect my partner to also help direct the story in a direction and take lead from time to time. This is so I'm not trying to lead us down one path and overwrite your idea or vise versa. As a side note, the writer will need to be able to write at least one paragraph per post.

I have a variety of ways the characters could meet and I am also open to listening to your ideas! I would like to read about your character before we begin the RP though. I have a very detailed list of things for my character above, I don't expect anyone to write that much for one character as I have. Though learning the basics about your character, a brief history, personality, appearance, age, race, what type of magic they use... etc. Important things that I should know about your character that makes your character -your- character.

DM me if you wish to start an RP so we can discuss how to start!​
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