MxF Unlimited Erotic RP and Fandom Ideas! Writers wanted!

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MxF Unlimited Erotic RP and Fandom Ideas! Writers wanted!

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
  2. FxF
  3. MxFxF
Content Warning
  1. Kink
  2. Graphic Violence
  3. Sexual Assault
  4. Incest
  5. Substance Abuse
  6. Narrative Bigotry
  7. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Fandom
  2. Romance
  3. Erotic
  4. Fetish
  5. Sci-fi
  6. Slice of Life
  7. Historical
  8. Crime
  9. Modern
  10. Other

Jack Stalker

Happy Birthday!!
Local time
Today 8:09 PM
Hi, I'm a detailed and enthusiastic writer who is looking to write plots which heavily feature erotica and erotic scenes, seeing as this is an adult erotic writing site. :)

If you wish to write any of these ideas with me, then please send me a PM! Thanks!

Please note: I only write in 3rd person in actual forum threads, not PM's, no exceptions.

PLEASE make sure that you check my O/O's at the bottom of the thread.

Most of these stories requires a player to portray the indicated face claim, (personality is up to the player). I simply believe that when writing erotica it's a good idea to find the character you are playing opposite to be attractive. Exceptions will be indicated in the relevant ideas. You can decide the appearance, age and any other aspects of my characters as you see fit (if you want to). :)

1. General Plots
2. Other Erotic Scenarios.
3. Assorted Blackmail ideas.
4. Picture plots: Suggest an idea to match the picture/face claim.

Any mention of students refers to college level.
All characters are considered to be at least 18, or aged up to 18 in the case of certain Fandoms where there might be some doubt. Usually they are expected to be a similar age to their face claims.



Set up
Looking up Selena Grant realised, immediately, that it wasn't her personal trainer who had let himself in... it was someone else. The look of leering lust in their eyes was unmistakeable, as was the eager hungry grasp of their hands as they slid one hand up under her sports top, groping eagerly at her tits, while the other dragged down her yoga pants. The feel of them violating her caused her to lash out and scream, but the sensations that ripped through her could not be denied.

Even though she was being brutally raped, she got off on it, the feel of it, the sounds, the smell... she couldn't stop herself from gushing hard and she came in record time, shaking violently, experiencing an orgasm harder than she'd ever had in her life. Even her rapist sensed the shift in her... and thus began a coupling and partnership that would surprise some and shock others... as she committed herself to the person who had ransacked her young body and made her come like a whore beneath their driven assault.

Someone to portray Selena Grant. Her occupation, home, the identity of their assailant... can all be discussed.


Set up
Press secretary Catherine Meritt was on fire, delivering the facts to a grateful American people about the new administrations plans. Her single mistake was her ego, fired up by the presidents praise and her own successes with the media she had agreed to an impromptu meeting in her hotel room, without any supervision. With her bodyguards out of touch the heated argument left to an explosion of emotion... where she was violent taken and screwed hard by her interviewer. The thing was that, after they had finished with her, she realised she had experienced the hardest orgasm of her life.. and wanted more...

Now she needed to organize more meetings, and keep the facts pf her violation secret.

Someone to portray Catherine, personality is up to the writer, but she is expected to be hard right politically. The individual who has violated her into a twisted affair? I'm thinking a hard left supporter, possibly a trans man, reporter known for activist views, the president himself, a top secret service aide, whoever you would prefer.

The tale will be about her need for them, coupled with her obvious need to keep things secret.


Set up

Anne Hoffman performs at a cabaret in Berlin, 1940, the Second World War is just beginning! Anne needs to conceal her Jewish heritage, as well as her lesbian relationship with the shows compere, stern and androgynous looking theatre owner Emily Bauer. She also needs to conceal her role as a double agent inserted pre war by the British, to gather incidental intelligence from the many Germans who visit... to both watch the shows which go on and to use the place as the high class 'brothel' it secretly is.

Instructed to extract as much info as she can in pillow talk or during erotic private dances, Anne must deal with all that is thrown at her either with diplomacy, cunning or sex. She also needs to extract what she can from Michael Fellman, a German officer who has become obsessed with her, while she finds herself falling for him.

I'm looking to play Anne's lover, Emily, as well as Michael. I'm looking for someone to portray the face claim of Anne (Anne Hathaway), personality is up to the player. Numerous opportunities for a variety of sex scenes are on the table, as well as the possibility of introducing other characters if desired. The game will feature stereotypical portrayals of the characters and situations of the time.

Everything is negotiable and up for discussion.


Set up

Several women are scheduled to come to the Auditions for a sensational new project helmed by Michael Schmidt. A Vampire movie which is the third in a series of blockbuster billion dollar movies. Competition is fierce... with rumours that the director is often swayed with his choices by how receptive the applicants are to his advances.

Using flattery, flirting and sex to get what they want, an assault course of tasks lies ahead. The director is looking for more than just a sexual conquest or partner, he's looking for a companion to travel with, to take to prestigious events and have on his arm before the paparazzi. He's also looking for someone who can be discrete about his more secretive deals and what transpires behind closed doors at his masquerade parties, special club meetings and even on set in between takes within his luxurious trailers.

A sexual adventure through Hollywood's elite playground awaits!

I'm looking for someone to portray one of the above face claims (in order: Natalie, Elle, Cara, Maddie, Kristen). I will portray the director (you can decide on their appearance) and/or possibly an assistant. You also have the option to 'audition' with a face claim of your choosing, however Michael heavily favours the options above.


Set Up

A depraved wealthy mobster has too many mistresses and a desire to settle down, however his financial situation... combined with the fact that the women in his life know too much, means he has decided to modify his relationships by marrying one of his girls, keeping the other on as a mistress and killing the last.

Which will suffer which fate?

A spectacular marriage ceremony and honeymoon awaits, as well as some sneaking around and discrete cheating with a mistress or a terrible and fatal fate.

I'm looking for someone to portray one of the face claims above 9Nicole, Naomi, Keira). You can either decide which fate you wish for the character you portray (Marriage, mistress duties, victim), or leave it to random chance! Alternatively you could select to play all three... and since I don't think it will damage the chances of anyone embracing one of my ideas, I might as well throw that crazy option onto the table as well! :)


Set up

Famke and Jeff Price are a wealthy couple who hate each other... or at least Famke hates her husband. However each time she gets on his nerves he roughly takes hold of her and puts her in her place, giving her hard brutal sex sessions that leave her panting for more. As much as she cheats on him, as much as he cheats on her, as much as she loathes him, she can't leave him because of a pre-nup she needs to figure a way around... and because he makes her come harder than any man ever has in her life!

A massive party is due to take place their palatial hill top mansion, what shenanigans are likely to unfold there and how will Jeff respond to them? Why are some of the guests unfamiliar to either host? Does it have something to do with Jeff's business running casinos and amusement parks?

And how will Famke respond when she learns she's going to have to accompany Jeff on a tour abroad, ending up confined with him in a hotel, a yacht, a private jet and on caravans through exotic locations?

Looking for someone to portray the face claim of Famke. Jeff can be tailored to your liking. A love hate relationship unfolds, with cheating, brattish behaviour and maybe even assorted murder attempts resulting in explosive and brutal sex sessions which all involved absolutely love!


Set up

Keira Knight felt the offer was unorthodox, but the money was too much to ignore. Travel to a clients secluded property to help them prepare for a special event they had scheduled. Alas, the special event is a lengthy sex session with her nubile body... without her prior knowledge! A former client (and ex lover) of her gym has become obsessed with her and intends to indulge themselves with her body until she likes it.

Trapped in the middle of nowhere, maybe she tries to escape and is hunted through the woods and taken face down in the dirt. Perhaps she is jumped upon the first night there, with her bed intruded upon, or she gets caught in the shower or just leaving it. Perhaps she tries to leave and is grabbed in the pick up. Maybe a hike or tour of the locality turns carnal, or a training session devolves into inappropriate touching and fucking?

Either way, she will end up loving it, but will it be short or long term?

With her marriage scheduled for a weeks time, they will have to work fast to either convince her or fuck her into submission!

I'm looking for someone to portray Keira Knight. I can portray a character appearance of your choosing in a torrid and sex driven adventure as the young trainer is persuaded to return to her previous love through extensive sexual antics.

Set up.
They'd spotted each other on a singles night during a cruise, both travelling alone for unknown circumstances, drawn into the events by curiosity or boredom, both not planning to do more than flirt and play. He'd followed her back to her cabin after the event, both a little drunk. She said no, he held her down forced himself into her and screwed her hard... until she liked it.

Back on land he expected to be arrested, instead she turned up at his place of work unexpectedly.

They were in his office for hours, he'd wanted her gone, she threatened him with arrest... then straddled him and screwed him until he knew blackmail or revenge was not on her mind, only primal lust.

They married after a whirlwind romance and a ceremony in Vegas, but obsessive and possessive, jealous of even a word spoken to another. Friends who thought it was crazy have been abandoned. Sex, whenever and wherever they can get it, is their normality, as they seek to fold themselves into each other as much as possible.

The RP should involve risky or public sex, opportunistic hook ups, exhibitionist and voyeuristic couplings, sneaking away to put their hands on each other during parties, work meetings, walks on the beach or in the park, during trips, etc, etc.

It can also involve flashbacks to any of the previous encounters. The first night on the cruise, her visit to his office, etc, etc.

They can have been two strangers thrown together, adulterers escaping marriages, siblings, whatever is preferred. They can be any occupations we desire. (Normal folk, Business exec and pop star, Teacher and student, Priest and Parishioner, police and criminal, Assassin and Prey, Driver and Client, Your suggestion x Your suggestion).
They can be in a contemporary setting or a futuristic one.

I'm looking for someone to portray one of the suggested name/face claims Left to Right: Olivia Waters, Natalie Porter, Naomi Watts, Keira Knight... (their personality and quirks are up to you, I'm just looking to RP opposite a face claim I find attractive). In return I'm open to portraying any claim you'd like to RP opposite for MC.


The hired hand on the farm has to deal with the advances of the Vicars daughter, Elle Farnsworth, who has obviously been deprived of the sort of contact her young nubile body needs by an overprotective father.

When the opportunity presents itself, the hired hand takes full advantage of the situation, and a secret and dangerous affair begins where he seeks to explore her flesh every chance he gets.

Plenty of opportunity for encounters all over the farm, at the local church and on excursions, where Father Farnsworth foolishly enlists the hired hand to look after and watch over his daughter, oblivious to the sinful urges he holds towards her and the wanton attitude his daughter has when her parents aren't around.

We decide who the hired hand is and can discuss the possible scenarios they become entangled in with Elle. Looking for someone to portray Elle's appearance, personality is up to the writer.


Kristen Steward was out to get as much attention as possible for her new film, but she quickly attracts the attention of a particular paparazzi.

Developing a relationship where she tips them off as to where and when she is going to be out and about, when her car breaks down and she needs a ride things quickly snowball into a feverish and lust driven coupling.

Soon Kristen is more interested in getting attention from her favourite photographer than promoting her movies, agreeing to private photo sessions, special appearances and to wearing whatever she's asked to... effectively employing him as her personal photographer, but in reality falling into a torrid affair with the man.

We can have either of them married and cheating on partners, or free and single and looking to hook up permanently,, open to discussing any ideas.

Looking to portray a photographer of your choosing, looking for someone to portray Kristen's appearance, personality is up to the writer!

Any mention of students refers to college level

Selma Blake had been studying in the advanced College English lit class for only a week when she found herself in her teachers apartment, facing the wall and taking it hard. She'd only get seen to if she used derogatory names, if she insulted her teacher, but when. she did she got it hard... and when she came it was godly, almost a religious experience.

She wanted more.

The next two weeks she did everything she could to attract her teachers attention again... over and over, but she was ignored.

Until today.

Today she found herself up against the wall again, except this time she had no idea what was going to happen. He'd called her, told her what to wear where to go, what to do when she got there... and that unless she did as she was told she could forget about passing anything.

She obeyed... swallowing hard, hands against the wall, legs spread, heart pumping... more excited than she'd ever been.

Who is her college teacher and what is going to happen to her? We decide!



Keira Knight had her own private island, a small secluded getaway that she could retire to, in order relax and get away from the hassles involved with being a super popular actress.

Then, one day, a paparazzi found her. She could feel his lens on her from his boat off shore, his watching eyes raping her with an unwavering gaze. She posed for a while, teased him with her antics, but he didn't give up, returning day after day to photograph her on the beach his lens even intruding into her beach house... she could feel in on her each time she passed a window.

Eventually she decided to swim out to his boat to give him a piece of her mind and tell him that he should leave her alone, he moved in on her, shutting her up with his hands, his mouth, his tongue, his fingers and eventually his cock as he ravaged her senseless before tossing her back into the water... telling her to make sure to give him a show the next day.

Never having been taken so brutally and passionately, Keira waits to give him the shows he wants, sporting skimpy bikini's for his lens, enticing him to come ashore, or occasionally swimming out to accost him and face the consequences of her foolishness.

Day after day the sinful and depraved couplings between cameramen and subject grew more and more intense, to the point where she never wants to return to civilisation... why bother when all the cock she will ever need is right here at her island getaway?

Name: Hard Justice!
Depraved sex acts with a Judge drunk on his own power.
Accused of embezzlement and fraud, Emma Watkins looks to be going down for a long time, but the Judge calls for a recess to discuss new evidence in his chambers with her, where he proceeds to let her know that her body will be the ticket to freedom.

Faced with no other alternative, she in now locked into a deal with the honourable magistrate which will see her used and abused as he sees fit in order to secure her continued freedom, starting right now and continuing when and where she is summoned.

Setting: Judges chambers at court, law offices, toilets, possibly a jail cell, empty courtroom between cases, etc

Requirements: Someone willing to portray this female characters appearance.

Other info: Suggestions/input welcome.


Olivia Waters was married with kids, but one day she decided that she had wasted too much time in a worthless marriage, as well as too much of her life looking after kids she despised.

So, as a selfish streak surged up within her, she decided to strike out and enjoy life. She ditched her husband and kids and took off, looking for excitement. She hooked up with a rock star and devoted herself to travelling the country, supporting his gigs and being there for him before, during and after them... and all the while she looked for and engaged in the wildest sex that she could.

She figured he was using her for sex, a sexy thirty something was a change from the younger girls who likely threw themselves at him every day...

...And to be honest she was using him, using him to give her the kind of sex her bland husband couldn't manage... and she loved every second of it! As long as he kept her interested and she could equally excite him, then theirs was a perfect match!


On a Safari in Africa, Keira Knight found herself falling hard for them. Out in the wilderness with a few crew for the photo shoot she was on, and a few security, bearers and guides, she was in an exotic situation, with exotic people, far from home.

And every time she looked at them she got wet. Soaking. Drenched in more than sweat from the heat but in a rising animalistic desire to be taken, or to take them. Emotions in turmoil as she fought to try and control herself.

Then an opportunity came. Were they alone at the camp, together in the land rover, perhaps out alone scouting for good locations as they searched for that perfect spot... a small waterfall in some recess in the jungle, perhaps a cliff top, maybe a prairie with a view to the horizon. Or even a small native village, abandoned to progress and now just a backdrop for whoever wandered into it.

Whatever the excuse she was devoted to finding a time and place to fuck them, assuming they weren't thinking the same thing... and had decided to fuck her first.

Who are they? We decide!

Dr Naomi Watson sat in her office, dreaming about sex.

They had come to her for help with their sex addiction. She knew it was wrong, but getting them to open up about their sessions an encounters left her soaked to the core. Every. Single. Time.

She had to sit opposite their client, nodding, agreeing, discussing... all the while drenched between her thighs and wanting to fuck them, wanting them to fuck her.

It was wrong, indecent, immoral and against her ethical code, but she had to have them. It wasn't enough to talk about it, she wanted some of what she had heard. she wanted it done to her.

Suggesting that they ween themselves off multiple partners and focus on one was easy. Now she had to focus that sexual energy her client had onto her. It was going to be easy enough, she figured, as her client had been openly flirting with her since day one, she could see in their eyes that it wouldn't take much to tip them over the edge, pushing them into a wicked sinful and principle breaking affair with their Therapist.

Who is her client? We decide.

Natalie Porter was staying with her brother after visiting him in the city where he had a new job. It was a far cry from when they had been at home with their parents, and she was enjoying having him show her the sights.
But she still had needs.

She hid a box of 'toys' in her room, then whenever he was out she would sneak into the bathroom to abuse herself. And every time she came on the end of one of her buzzing vibrators, or throbbing plugs, she saw his face... imagined it was his cock driving into her, desecrating her, robbing her of her purity and innocence.
Every. Single. Time.

Natalie got so caught up in it, plundering her tight flesh and hot body, that she didn't realise how loud she was being...
...or that her brother had come home.

She was almost on the edge of her hardest most violent orgasm yet, when she heard the knock on the bathroom door! He had heard her... she scrambled to shove her toys out of sight, but it was too late. He'd heard her almost coming, moaning his name, and now she was going to be caught red handed!

Natalie soaked herself right there, creaming out her panties as she resolved that she would not let this opportunity pass by.
She was going to fuck her own brother. Right now.


Every night was the same, ever since they had ended up alone together.

Natalie Porter tried to distract herself, but she could hear him through the paper thin wall, the slapping of flesh on flesh until he groaned out her name, a strangled gasp bleeding through to her room as he orgasmed, grunting and gasping out her name.
She had found pictures of herself on his computer, taken surreptitiously, sneakily, without her knowledge.

He'd kept notes on how many times he'd jerked off to them, staring at her changing in her room, showering in the bathroom, swimming in the pool in the back yard.

He had even snagged a picture of her on his phone, in her bed, fingering herself.

She was so wet, soaking through her creamed panties as she listened to him jerking off, pushing towards another orgasm. One of them had to crack, it couldn't go on. He would either have to come in here and fuck her, or she would have to go next door and let him know, let him know he wasn't the only one driven crazy with lust.

Tonight.... it had to be tonight, she was so drenched and turned on, she wouldn't be able to last one more day without fucking her own Father/Brother.

Charlize Sheron had read the texts.
The first told her to leave work early... to head home, get changed and to dress sexy. The second told her to drive out of the city, to take a highway less travelled. The third told her to pull over at the remote gas station. No one knew her out here. No one recognised her leaving the car park, driving through the stop signs, parking up out of sight of the road, entering the gas station bathrooms.

Now she waited, because the hold he had over her was inescapable... she had to obey every command and follow every text... if she ever wanted to get those incriminating pictures from him, the ones which would surely end her career.

Where does she work, what does he have on her, how far will she have to go?
Let's find out!


Second Chances!

Debbie Gibbs had been a teen sensation in her youth, not pushing fifty she still had the looks of a girl half her age, and she wanted a second chance at fame, a second bite of the apple. In the entertainment world it wasn't going to be easy, but a chance networking party put her in the sights of a mogul who was obviously drunk with lust over her looks.

What was even more surprising was that after they met he wanted more than a simple one night fling with false promises. He got her a concert performance and a single blasting towards the top of the charts. The only con, if it could be deemed to be one, was the thirst and hunger he had for her body. Can she keep up with his insatiable lust?

Lets find out. You can decide who he is and any other details you desire.

Sandy Beach!
Naomi had hit the beach with a group of her friends, splashing about, catching a few rays, relaxing in the sun. She watched as her friends vanished into the surf, adjusting her shades and looking down at the magazine in front of her, shielded by the shadow of the multicoloured sunshade which cast a shadow across it. Surfing wasn't her thing. Suddenly she felt the warm lips on her shoulder, a powerful hand sliding its fingers down her spine to her ass. Next she heard a gravelly voice in her ear, "Next time wear a string bikini, it'll make this easier."

Then the fingers were stroking over her ass, trapped between swimsuit and skin, until they were in position to sink between her thighs. All she could think about now was whether anyone would see her, whether anyone would come back to the secluded location she had selected. She never thought about why he should stop, because her gritted teeth and deep hissing moans told the true story. She wanted this... even though he was her... ...Friend, family member, boss, a stranger she just met at the beach? We decide!
Appearance: Naomi Watson

Keira is always trolling about the place inappropriately dressed. One day she takes things too far when her Father/Brother/Uncle/Friend is feeling horny and her teasing is punished on the spot with brutal unforgiving sex. Now that she has awakened a beast her body is no longer safe, as she is followed and taken whenever and wherever her new lover decides. OR she is caught red handed, literally, as she masturbates herself half blind over the object of her lust.
Appearance: Keira Knight

Brutalised Ballerina!
Natalie is a ballerina, dancing each night to a packed audience, but behind the scenes she must dance a different tune. Each night before and after her show she must debase herself and give in to the wild and depraved antics of her director, fucked to rags and back in her dressing room, behind the set, above in the walkways or even in her limo going to and from the theatre. Occasionally in an alley outside or perhaps in a reserved box while watching her understudy. Wild consuming lust fuels her debauched partner, how much more can she take… or does she simply love every second of it?
Appearance: Natalie Portia

The Main Attraction: Cinema tales!

Anne Farraway uses her body to get ahead, keeping her head down during the height of the #measwell movement, now she's back to getting work the old fashioned way, by screwing Actors, co stars, directors and producers. Except that this time she's gushing over her intended target, looking for more than just a quick fling. Still, wild sex is a good start, so at a private viewing in a cinema, it's time to make her move. Can she get everything she wants from the man in her sights? It looks like it as he planned to entice her into using her body to get a bigger role anyway!

The Greatest show on earth: Depravity at the gallery!
Anne Farraway knew she had to have the art critic, security guard, artist, fellow viewer at the art gallery show. Staying behind until everyone else had left, at their request, now she has to use her flesh to (depending on who is with her) escape being charged with trying to steal an art piece/ get her work displayed at the next show/ get someone to let her take credit for their work...

Twisted Victim of her Chauffeur!
Emma Watkins a rich socialite, was brutally raped by her chauffeur/security guard... after teasing him way too much. However, despite the rough sex which lasted for an hour in the back of her limo, she loved every second of it. He expected to go to jail, but now realises that she wants more.. as she teases him constantly, twisting things so that if wishes to escape jail, he has to service her needs when and where she wants, under the nose of a controlling father.

Shoplifters Dilemma!
Maddie Zimmer caught shoplifting. A future in tatters, expelled from college, disowned by a rich family to avoid scandal, it could all be avoided by screwing the security guard/shop owner... and why not? She was only shopping here on the way to the party because he had caught her eye previously. She anted attention, craved it, and dressed to fuck and get it. Now that she had willing thrown herself into the lions den, could she withstand the beast that she had aroused?

The Wrong place to trespass!
Maddie Zimmer took the shortcut through the construction site all the time. She liked the wolf whistles and seeing the powerful and muscular men falling over themselves to gawk at her. that evening the foreman had enough, sealing the gate. One look in his eyes and she knew she was going to have to screw him to get out of this mess... and that wasn't such a bad deal in her eyes. If only she knew...

Game, Set and Match!
Malin Anderson caught cheating on her husband with fellow female tennis player, Malin is blackmailed by the PI into abandoning her weekly tennis games to serve up something different to what she might be used to. Bent and twisted to his desires, she soon forgets about the matches and succumbs to his craving for her body.

Falling Upwards
Malin Anderson wanted the promotion, badly, the boss made it easy. Sex for favours and a route to the top that she had always wanted. The tasks increased and her presence was required more and more until she realised, the deal would never end. Every day she came into work she had to service him, doing whatever he wanted. Even threats of blackmail only seemed to make him rougher and more hungry for her... and deep down she realised the truth, that she wanted it that way.

Body of Cash!
Kate Becker didn't have the money to pay her blackmailer. Her marriage, job, home it was all at risk. She had no choice but to use her flesh to get what she wanted. It was only when she started she realised how she loved the rough brutal treatment, how she loved the way it almost seemed like rape when he screwed her!

Pick a pictured character to portray, pitch me your idea for a scene/story with them and away we will go. You can ask me to portray a name/faceclaim of your choosing as well.

A sentence is given to suggest a scene, but you can change things up and pitch any idea you want to go with the picture... let's see if we can work something out that is mutually fun!

Keira Knight (Keira Knightley)
She wanted the job, real bad...
She knew what she had to do to get his attention, waiting in his bed...
The piano lessons left her soaking.
She was desperate to ruin his marriage, so she ambushed him one evening.
She wanted to be on the cover, no matter what.
Caught playing with herself... because she wanted to be caught...
She was waiting when he got back to his hotel room...
She showed up at his work desk, because she was horny.
Busted for busking, her body would have to pay the fine.
He woke to find her in his bed, what happened last night?
She had sneaked into the high society party, now she needed to get the hosts attention.
The Kings bedchamber, to negotiate peace for her country.
She was waiting for them to get home, because she wanted it... bad...
Room service was going to take on a whole new meaning!

Natalie Porter (Natalie Portman)
The Counsellors office?
Win the race, win her.
She wanted their eyes on her at the premiere, she got what she wanted...
Fun at the beach, away from the eyes of the family...
Theatre dressing room antics, the director needed to listen to her!
The display of leg was designed for only one thing, to get the host to screw her hard.
Cuffed and awaiting interrogation.

Naomi Watson (Naomi watts)
A sinful rendezvous, parked up in the woods?
The audition was everything, she knew what she had to do.
The getaway in the woodland cabin
She wanted the lifeguard and was ready to show it.

Olivia Waters (Olivia Wilde)
The garden party had come to an end, but one guest was looking for more fun...
Exotic dancer needed to impress the big spender, and didn't hold back
The scout was here, and she needed to get that role in Vegas no matter what...
She knew she'd been bad, and she was desperate to be punished!
The gas station was in the middle of nowhere, how would she pay for the repairs?
The car was wrecked, options were few, but she knew all about the rules of the road...
She washed up on the private island... the rules were different here, as she would soon find out...
She'd agreed to go with him to his private island, they were just friends.. weren't they?
She'd worked hard to get her body in top shape, when her ride arrived now she had a chance to use it...

Kate Baxter (Kate Beckinsale)
Stood up at the bar, she still intends to have fun tonight...
She was eager to see him, driving to the rendezvous had gotten her horny...
She intended to have a wild time at the music festival!
She was dressed to screw and the director/producer was her target!
It was going to be easy to get a job with the pop group, seducing the lead singer was going to be easy!
She wanted the life guard at the pool, and she knew how to get him!

Maddie Zimmer (Maddie Zeigler)
The car in the driveway got her excited...
The desert was secluded enough for them to have fun with no interruptions...
The other guest had gotten her writhing, as soon as she got to the dressing rooms she was going to go wild...
Skipping college class better be worth it, especially as it was with the professor!
The game was over, she lost... and now she had to pay up...
She'd gotten into the VIP area on the club roof... now she had to earn the right to stay there!
She needed more money and knew how to get it from her daddy...

I'm into many Fandoms, here is a short list.

Mass Effect (looking for many couplings. Miranda x Jack, Jack x Miranda, Shepard x Miranda or Jack, etc.. Sample intro Shepard x Miranda = )
Fallout (TV)
Until Dawn
Detroit Become Human
Dr Who (season 9 and previous)
Star Trek
Battlestar Galactica
James Bond (Pre Daniel Craig)
Buck Rogers
The X Files


Dirty talk and foul language
(from my characters, not necessarily yours).
Giving Verbal Abuse (Directed at your character)"Take that you whore... and you, you slut!", etc.
Rough stuff! Spanking (Giving), Whipping (Giving) Biting, Scratching, Piercing, Hair pulling, Choking, Gagging.
Submissive partners.
Small tits
Lingerie, Dressing up, Role playing, Toys
Talkative Partners (Voicing their enjoyment)


Overly Dominant or Bossy women.
Male Homosexual characters.
Toilet play.
Massive tits, titfucking and Big fat asses.
Harrowing rape scenes, genuine Non Con and the aftermath.

Game Killers

Engaging in my offs, or showing me that you haven't read them.
Writing for my character, speaking for them, conducting actions for them.
One or two paragraph replies.
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