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- Today 11:07 AM
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- 12
- Age
- 36
Name: Don't bother askin', cos I ain't tellin'.
Nickname: Most folks just call me Urchin.
Gender: What's it look like ta you?
Age: Ain't sure. Never 'ad one of 'em birthday things. I'm guessin' maybe 18? 19?
Race: Mostly human, with a little bit o' dwarf thrown in on my Ma's side.
Height: 5'4... Yeah, I know, I'm a midget. It's the dwarf in me.
Weight: 110. Really need ta put some meat on my bones. Ya got anythin' ta eat?
Hair: Rusty Red
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale an' freckly
Occupation: Look out, errand boy, an' dirty, rotten pick pocket ta boot.
Genres: High Fantasy an' Medieval
Huh? Really? Ya wanna know 'bout me? Okay, but it ain't very interestin'. I grew up in an old brothel a couple of towns over. Ma' were usually busy with customers, so I pretty much took care o' myself. Learnt 'ow ta steal pretty early on, so I could keep myself fed while Ma' was workin'. Was a pretty good childhood, I guess. Could've been a lot worse. Things were fine until I were maybe 10 or 11. That's when I lost my Ma'. She got real sick from one of 'em nasty diseases one of 'er clients gave 'er. After she were gone, well, I weren't really welcome in the brothel no more. Had ta set out an' make a life for myself... So, 'ere I am!
Nickname: Most folks just call me Urchin.
Gender: What's it look like ta you?
Age: Ain't sure. Never 'ad one of 'em birthday things. I'm guessin' maybe 18? 19?
Race: Mostly human, with a little bit o' dwarf thrown in on my Ma's side.
Height: 5'4... Yeah, I know, I'm a midget. It's the dwarf in me.
Weight: 110. Really need ta put some meat on my bones. Ya got anythin' ta eat?
Hair: Rusty Red
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale an' freckly
Occupation: Look out, errand boy, an' dirty, rotten pick pocket ta boot.
Genres: High Fantasy an' Medieval
Definitely the runt of the litter, me. Short an' scrawny an' pale. Hair's always messy and usually dressed in clothes what're way too big for me, since I probably stole 'em from some poor sap's washing line. Most of my clothes are old, patched, dirty rags an' I 'ardly ever wear shoes since all the shoes I nick end up bein' too big for me.Skills:
No magic, 'fraid to say. Reckon life would be a breeze if I knew 'ow ta use magic. Can't really say I'm good at much, 'cept stealin' stuff. Real light fingered, me. Could snatch the shirt right off yer back before ya noticed. I'm a fast bugger too. Can outrun any guard in the city, an' that's a fact! Real good at climbin' an' jumpin' too, which comes in 'andy when outrunnin' them guards. Also I make for a surprisingly good scrapper in a bar brawl.Personality:
Ain't sure what to say. I'm a simple guy. Pretty laid back. Can get along with most everyone, 'cept for the city guard an' any bugger what catches me with my hand in 'is coin purse, or cheatin' 'im at cards. My biggest problem is I dunno when ta keep my mouth shut an' always seem ta end up sayin' the wrong thing at the wrong time. Please dun take it personal, I just says whatever pops inta my 'ead without thinkin'. Also, Ma' always said I were a dreamer an' I l let my mind wander too much, but I dun think I... Oh look, a butterfly!History:
Huh? Really? Ya wanna know 'bout me? Okay, but it ain't very interestin'. I grew up in an old brothel a couple of towns over. Ma' were usually busy with customers, so I pretty much took care o' myself. Learnt 'ow ta steal pretty early on, so I could keep myself fed while Ma' was workin'. Was a pretty good childhood, I guess. Could've been a lot worse. Things were fine until I were maybe 10 or 11. That's when I lost my Ma'. She got real sick from one of 'em nasty diseases one of 'er clients gave 'er. After she were gone, well, I weren't really welcome in the brothel no more. Had ta set out an' make a life for myself... So, 'ere I am!