Any Val's Plotting Page

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Any Val's Plotting Page


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The Dog Park
Welcome to my official plot page. I've decided rather than splitting out my plots into M/M and M/F pairings, I'm going to dump all of them here instead.

What Is There To Know About Me?

- I am fairly active, and will be on pretty much daily until I go back to school in May. Then, I will be on every day to every few days.
- As you can see, I'm fairly literate. I will use proper English with correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling to the best of my ability.
- I will respond in kind to the posts I get. If you write three paragraphs, you'll get 2-3 back. If you write one sentence, expect 1-2 sentences back.
- I am not a novella writer! Do not expect more than four to five good, meaty paragraphs at a time, and those are usually reserved for starters and plot motivation posts.
- I am very easy going. If you feel like you have an idea you'd like to try with me, or want to do one of the plots I have listed here, please just message me! I don't bite.
- I am an avid RP'er, and have been for the last, oh, ten years or so.
- I am very open to new ideas, UNLESS it is something listed on my absolute No-Go list. Just ask me, and I'll let you know if I'm interested!
- I will always play male, male appearing, or AMAB non-binary characters. As much as I'd love to play a female for you, it causes me severe dysphoria, and just isn't possible.
- If the LGBT+ community in any way makes you nervous or squeamish, I'm not the RP partner for you!

What Do I Want From You?

- Literate, with good grammar, syntax, capitalization, etc. We're not perfect, so I just expect you to try your best.
- Open to new ideas. I love plotting! Give me your ideas, and I'll share mine. I love new/weird ideas.
- Partners playing male, female, non-binary, intersex, etc characters. I have certain characters with certain sexual proclivities, and those characters will ONLY have partners that match them. But luckily, I have a character for every gender variant that exists!
- A good post length. Really, so long as the plot is progressing, anywhere between three sentence and four paragraphs is good. Please don't leave me a whole book to read, or only a couple of words. Other than that, I'm not picky about post length.
- Respect. Let me know if you're not enjoying the plot, if you have new ideas, if you're going offline for a few days. I will give you the same respect in turn!
- PLEASE send me a PM if you are interested in a plot or RP with me! I tend to lose track of comments too easily.

So What's Off The Table?

I will absolutely NOT RP the following:

- Cannibalism/Vore
- Watersports/Toilet Play/Vomit
- Hyper-anything
- Fandom Rps
- Age Regression/Baby Play
- Foot Fetish
- Mpreg*
- Giant/Giantess
- Female x Female or Female presenting x Female presenting

* I will absolutely consider biologically possible MPreg scenarios. For example, a Trans male who still has reproductive organs, or an intersex/non-binary person. So long as there is a uterus involved, I am okay with it.

Okay, So What CAN We RP?

Pretty much everything else is to be considered. I don't KNOW all of the sexual fetishes that exist, so I may learn something new. If you think we could both enjoy a RP with it, just shoot me a PM, and I'll be glad to consider it!

Things that I enjoy:

- Subbing male characters in M/M scenarios
- Switching
- Non Con
- Dark Themes
- Interesting Scenarios (i.e. things out of the ordinary!)

So, WHO Am I RPing With?

My characters are listed below, each in an independent spoiler.

Name: Curtis MacArthur
Age: 24
Eyes: Blue (Blind in Left eye)
Hair: Strawberry Blond. Long, covers left eye. Cut ragged around neck and ears.
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 145 Lbs
Species: Human OR Werewolf (depending on Plot)
Build: Thin, angular, and lanky
General Style: 90's Grunge
Personality: A bit snarky with a penchant for sarcasm. He's a bit conceited, and loves to show off his many talents. He has a history of drug abuse and other foul behavior which he tries to keep ahead of by moving around constantly. Tends to get defensive easily. Attempts to look like a gentleman, though he has a fair number of his own flaws to cover.
Sexuality: Pansexual

Name: Jason Kieran Key
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 145 lbs
Sex: Complete Post-op FTM - PLEASE NOTE - Ask me about what this means for RP purposes
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male preference)
Hair: Dyed blood red, naturally ginger
Eyes: Green
Skin: White
Build: Slender/curvy
Personality: Fun-loving and boisterous. Hot-headed and hard to control. Loves horses to death, and dreams of becoming one of the world's greatest trainers. Highly opinionated, and will NOT bother to tell you when you're wrong.
Identifying Marks: DI incisions on chest. Hysterectomy and phaloplasty scars. Self harm scars on arms and legs. Tattoo of horse skull on right shoulder. Diamond/foliage tattoo covering hysterectomy scarring. Lip piercing and eyebrow piercing. Speaks with a strong Irish brogue.

Name: Kyrian Laurel Stark
Sex: AMAB (male)
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: He/they
Sexuality: Uncertain - suspects they might be gay
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye color: Lavender
Hair: Silver, long, usually braided down their back
Species: Fey (Or human, depending on plot)
General Style: Light, bright colors. Loose, flowy.
Personality: A trickster by nature. They love a good joke, and will do absolutely anything for those they trust. A bit too open and loving. Easily taken advantage of. Very sweet, overall.
Defining Marks: None

PLOTS (The Fun Part)

Each plot is sub-sectioned by WHICH character I would like to use. While I have this set up in a particular manner, I AM flexible. If you'd like to do plot A with character C, just message me, and I'll let you know if it's possible!

The role I would LIKE to play is going to have a * next to it. Plots in bold are ones that highly interest me.

Unspecified/Genras I like:

Modern Fantasy
Slice of Life
Dark Themes

Plots For Curtis:

- Newcomer to town*/ Welcome Wagon
Curtis has rolled into town, and need someone to show him around. But will you get along? Will you become friends or enemies, or simply pass away like ships in the night? Open to Male, Female, or Other characters.

- Cop/Criminal*

Curtis's, uh, *snort* habits have caught up with him, and the fuzz is on his tail. How will you react to this charming criminal? Open to Male, Female, or Other

- Musician*/Fan

Maybe you're a little too interested in Curtis's band when they roll into town, and get a little bit...crazy over the lead singer. Open to Male, Female, or Other.

Plots For Jason:

- Pet*/Master
Jason has been living on the streets for a while, and YC decides to take him in. But only on the condition that he does as he's supposed to. Open to Male or Female characters.

- Victim*/Rapist - Please note, this plot needs to be discussed IN DEPTH before I agree to RP it out.
When Jason goes out to a party, his 'secret' is accidentally discovered. YC decides to make an example of him for others who would dare lie to them. Open to Male characters.

- Captive*/Captor
There are honestly a lot of ways this could go, so I'm not going to bother putting a description for this one. Open to Male or Female Characters.

Plots for Kayden:

- Confused*/Veteran
Kayden is attempting to come to grips with their sexuality, and doesn't really understand much. They need someone to show them the ropes, and help them figure out their confusion. Open to Dominant Male characters.

- Fairy*/Human
Your character has stumbled across the fact that the Fey exist. What are they going to do about it? Note: This does NOT have to be a romantic plot. Open to Male (romantic) or Female/Other (platonic) characters.

- Seelie*/Unseelie

Kayden comes from the Light Fey court. What would happen were they to fall for a fairy from the Dark Court? Open to Dominant Male characters.

Don't See A Plot You Like?

Just shoot me a message with your plot idea, and who you'd like to RP it out with! I'll let you know if I think it will work!
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