Any Vampire Diaries or Supernatural

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Any Vampire Diaries or Supernatural


The Fool
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Today 2:57 PM
(Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

Call me Inkara. I am 29,female,est time zone. I have been writing on and off for 15 years.
°I have recently starting writing and role playing again. I am looking to improve and challenge myself

°I often match, or try to match, my partner's style of writing. Now, this does not happen on purpose. it is very much like " an eye for an eye". the more details and such that you write, will inspire me to do the same and have more to go on.

°I am in no way a perfect writer. I am still learning so much. if you grant me patience, I can show you wonders. I would do the same for you.

°I can play both genders and I am able to double. I prefer to play female characters, but I do not mind playing a male character. as I said, I like to challenge myself in any way.

°I prefer romance in all stories. I am alright with smut as long as they go in the right category.

if you have an idea, I am all ears and eager to hear them!

How long do your replies tend to be?

•at the least a couple of paragraphs.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

•I have high tolerance for both.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

•I do but I tend to be more submissive when it comes to my main female lead who I often have be a virgin. I also prefer if the story is more important than smutwant to add?
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