Vandalism 101: An Introduction

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Vandalism 101: An Introduction

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Today 4:26 AM
Grim tidings fellow belletrists and scriveners. I have come with a song of sorrow and the most joyous macabre. A dirge like a death rattle. Sure to chill the spine and light the senses. With grand show and the appropriate flair I introduce myself: Vandalous Dirge. To those who wish you may call me Vandal or Dirge, both are acceptable, but I also encourage friendly nicknames of the sort.

Who is this weirdo? You may be rightfully asking yourself. Well it is both my duty and pleasure to tell you. I am a devotee of the arts of fiction. If a story is but an internal reflection of reality as we would wish to see it, then I say let our lives be a lively terror. Ever since a child fairy tales and horror would fold hand in hand struck my dreams with wonderful thoughts. Thoughts of moonlit forests and vast endless caverns of the unknown.

Those predilections for the thoughts that vandalize the mind and leave a haunting mark have been a pursuit. Like everyone I suppose I just truly long for a good story. From movies, television, books, videogames, and all sorts of entertainment I thirst for a depth. A lush and spacious tale where both word and character resound with symphonic elegance and orchestral declaration. Which is why I roleplay - for the experience.

By day I am a humble Warehouse worker trying to do the best to make life a comfortable place. Alas life is always unexpected, and as I suspect like many of us escaping these dire times just the same. Returning to or discovering a hobby to help us soothe and cope. Reaching out to others closing the distance with our virtual clarion calls. To that statement I most certainly hope to find friends here to share conversations and tales with, so that in the pursuit of my own experience we can share the small joy of what we create.

As a roleplayer and writer I am fairly versed. My preference is the 3rd person perspective except for when it may stylistically make sense to shift tense and set scene. As for limits? I tend to pride myself in refusing to place them. A good story I have found many times has characters with beliefs and actions I personally detest and do not enjoy. So are there elements I am not interested in? Sure; however, if those elements are included with a reasonable enough story and content it would not phase me. As Game of Thrones has shown me... a good character can take you long way. Jamie Lannister I am looking at you.

What I do enjoy to write is something fantastical and I am never opposed to horror. Genre is hard to limit so lets just say I am game. As for fandoms (I enjoy many) they can be selective, but if you mention Star Wars you could probably launch me out of a shallow grave to reply.

There is so much else to say and consider; nevertheless, those details will be better suited for a Request Thread when I get around to it. To my new friends and co-writers I hope pen some wonderful tales soon.
Hello and welcome to the wondrous Sanctum! I must admit, I am curious enough to take a peak at your request thread once it is up. *offers milk and cookies*
Your introduction was nothing short of exemplary. It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome, I do hope you love it here :D
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
*leers from the corner of the inn, eyes almost seeming to peer off in unrelated directions as she murmurs to herself in some strange dialect, bubbles accumulating on her lower lip from the numerous hard syllables. Eventually she peers over, straightens up, and waves with a big, dorky smile ... then goes back to muttering at the distance*
*stumbles onto a page filled with such wonderful words written in such a way that her heart stops as her eyes fly across the screen, absorbing the script for a moment*

Welcome to the Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy your stay and may your Muse sing sweetly for you on this day and many more to follow!
Welcome to such an amazing, I'm sure you'll find plenty of lovely partners to weave fantastic tales with.
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