Varied Salutations!

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Varied Salutations!


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Today 7:50 PM
The name's Joel, and I've been roleplaying on and off for many years; started out in the wild, untamed lands of Neopets forums well over a decade ago, and steadily bounced along to Avidgamers, Proboards, and a whole mess of chatrooms and other outlets that rose and fell over the ensuing years. Eventually my energies turned more towards trying to write stories by myself, which culminated in a Doctor Who x Star Trek novella I'm still pretty proud of, and then I sorta took a break from writing as a whole. It's been awhile since I've thrown myself into anything particularly complex or story-heavy, and for the longest time I didn't even really have access to a keyboard, but as I recently purchased a predominantly gaming-oriented PC, I've been feeling the need. The Need For S-okay, that has nothing to do with anything.

Truth is, at the moment a large part of my motivation comes from one particular fandom pairing that's been rattling around in my brain, based on the Bioshock franchise. One can inevitably expect my enthusiastic thread on that topic to spring up sometime tonight. Aside from that, I'm likely going to be stretching my legs gradually, shaking the rust off, meaning I'm less likely to post a large number of request threads, and more likely to approach those who've posted interesting topics of their own!

I look forward to settling in here!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum!! I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do! The staff here is amazing, and the members are awesome! (Bioshock is a fantastic series, Kudos to you ;) )
Thank you very much, and indeed, the original Bioshock is perhaps one of my favorite games, and as a younger fellow it was definitely at the top of the pile. The setting, the atmosphere, it also helped that it was one of the first games in that particular console generation that I tried, with the graphical leap between my old PS2 and my at-the-time-new Xbox 360 feeding the dark, oppressive atmosphere to a delightful degree. Such heebie jeebies, such fun. Ironically I've literally never considered using it as the basis for a roleplay setting, can't even hazard a guess as to why.
Bioshock was one of the first games I played on the Xbox back in the day. First real "horror" game I played also. It does have a certain appeal for an RP story, that's for sure. The little girl was creepy AF, and some of the monsters make me question if the one that created them was on drugs at some point. (Totally kidding, I know they probably had an overactive imagination.)

If you have any questions, just throw them in the chat, and someone there can help you out or point you in the direction of the peep that can answer the question. :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hi and welcome! Hope you'll like it here ^.^
Glad to see your path has led you to us!
Happy writing! Let me know if you have any questions.
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