Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Last update: 4/01/22 (Added The Satyrus Order)
Hello, I go by Venari as a penname. I've been writing since i was in elementary school, I started roleplaying on roblox ages ago when it was still new and exciting... And when I was young enough to be interested in it. Then I moved to a few animal RP games and gradually moved out of that towards some Discord RPs. From there I moved towards roleplaying in WoW for a bit and eventually towards forum sites.
I write primarily fantasy, however I'm not opposed to other genres, it's just what I'm most familiar with. I tend towards romances, my favorites being complex relationships, characters that are more black and white, things of that nature. As far as smut goes, I don't like putting a percentage on what I'm looking for like I see a lot of the time. I don't really care how much is or isn't in the RP, I want a good story. If it's an orc with a slave that he took because he thought she was pretty? Sure, probably gonna have a lot of sex... But I want to see that dynamic grow too.
I tend to send anywhere from a long paragraph, to 2-5... It really depends on what inspiration I have, what my partner's giving me to work with, and the situation. I mean if they're talking there's only so much I can say before a long post just takes away from yours. That said, if I'm playing a straight forward male character? I'm probably not going to go into his emotions as much as some of my others. Some of my brutes have a deeper side, but some don't.
Gore and violence don't bother me. I'm fine with leaving them out if need be, but I don't like good characters all that much. Sometimes sure, it really just depends on the RP. But if I'm playing an honest to god demon, I don't think he'll care about torture all that much. That said, I do plenty of nonviolent RPs as well, and plenty that just don't get into that kinda detail. :p
That all said, I will mention that as far as actual kinks go I'm very much open to about anything. I do tend towards more story rich RPs, but some times I do enjoy simply having something kinky. So that said, I'm a sucker for deep throating, I find I do enjoy playing dominant characters, but I can certainly play a rebellious sub as well. I love a bit of body worship from me or you.
I'm into a lot more honestly, but I'd say that's probably my favorite, but I'd rather not just write about all my kinks. My only real hard limits are bathroom play and some of the more hardcore unrealistic stuff like vore, or gore being a part of the sex it's self. I can do some noncon, though I'm not a huge fan. Even with some of the slave/master RPs I've done in the past I tended towards dubcon. Never anything forced, but clearly later on it's understood what the other character needs to do and that they're doing it to survive. Though if I'm given a story I like enough I'd be willing to play just about anything to bring one of my characters to life.
I work in maintenance and am on call every other two weeks, so my schedule shifts. Some days I can reply tons of time during the day, other days only one or two. It all depends on how busy my work, or for that matter how much I have planned after work.
As far as fandoms are concerned, it's not really a focus of mine. I've never really done one honestly as most of the ones people request aren't ones I know.
That said though, I wouldn't mind trying something in one of the followings.
William D Arrand books (I've read pretty much all of his stuff, so uber familiar with his world. Very much male fantasy though so doubt many folks have read it on here. Of them though Fostering Faust is one of my favorite darker ones.)
Last Kingdom (I have actually started a RP before based off this one, I like the setting though it's more historical fiction than a fandom in my opinion.)
Buffy the vampire slayer (Lol loved that show as a kid, would be kinda funny to play something similar)
Xena (Though I warn you, my memory is fuzzy on that one, and I'd want to play a male, so either as an addition to her group or maybe a male Gabriella?)
So as far as pairings go, here are a few I have Characters I want to play are off to the left. (For all dragons, shifters, and anything else that could have sex in another form. All sex will be preformed in their human form.)
Orc x Anything
Dragon x Anything
Werewolf x Anything
Demon x Anything
Any x Succubus
Any x Harem (Guilty pleasure)
Knight x Noble Lady
I will be updating this later on as more ideas strike my fancy, but for anyone who would like to see my writing style, or some sample plots I've worked up in the past, take a look at my lost musings in my signature. I've started quite a few RPs on there that I'd really love to see continued at some point. I don't really have any plots other than those right now that are on my mind though I'd love to discuss starting something with anyone interested.
Plots I'm Seeking
General themes I'm interested in.
I've been doing a lot of straight dom relationship RPs, which are great. But I recently got it in my mind it might be fun to do some dom/sub roles, but with the sub as technically his boss, or someone he's supposed to protect, or something of that nature. Could be that he's straight up a slave to her to, point is it would probably need the two to be more switches than anything, but with my character more towards dominant.
Thank you all for reading through my post!
Hello, I go by Venari as a penname. I've been writing since i was in elementary school, I started roleplaying on roblox ages ago when it was still new and exciting... And when I was young enough to be interested in it. Then I moved to a few animal RP games and gradually moved out of that towards some Discord RPs. From there I moved towards roleplaying in WoW for a bit and eventually towards forum sites.
I write primarily fantasy, however I'm not opposed to other genres, it's just what I'm most familiar with. I tend towards romances, my favorites being complex relationships, characters that are more black and white, things of that nature. As far as smut goes, I don't like putting a percentage on what I'm looking for like I see a lot of the time. I don't really care how much is or isn't in the RP, I want a good story. If it's an orc with a slave that he took because he thought she was pretty? Sure, probably gonna have a lot of sex... But I want to see that dynamic grow too.
I tend to send anywhere from a long paragraph, to 2-5... It really depends on what inspiration I have, what my partner's giving me to work with, and the situation. I mean if they're talking there's only so much I can say before a long post just takes away from yours. That said, if I'm playing a straight forward male character? I'm probably not going to go into his emotions as much as some of my others. Some of my brutes have a deeper side, but some don't.
Gore and violence don't bother me. I'm fine with leaving them out if need be, but I don't like good characters all that much. Sometimes sure, it really just depends on the RP. But if I'm playing an honest to god demon, I don't think he'll care about torture all that much. That said, I do plenty of nonviolent RPs as well, and plenty that just don't get into that kinda detail. :p
That all said, I will mention that as far as actual kinks go I'm very much open to about anything. I do tend towards more story rich RPs, but some times I do enjoy simply having something kinky. So that said, I'm a sucker for deep throating, I find I do enjoy playing dominant characters, but I can certainly play a rebellious sub as well. I love a bit of body worship from me or you.
I'm into a lot more honestly, but I'd say that's probably my favorite, but I'd rather not just write about all my kinks. My only real hard limits are bathroom play and some of the more hardcore unrealistic stuff like vore, or gore being a part of the sex it's self. I can do some noncon, though I'm not a huge fan. Even with some of the slave/master RPs I've done in the past I tended towards dubcon. Never anything forced, but clearly later on it's understood what the other character needs to do and that they're doing it to survive. Though if I'm given a story I like enough I'd be willing to play just about anything to bring one of my characters to life.
I work in maintenance and am on call every other two weeks, so my schedule shifts. Some days I can reply tons of time during the day, other days only one or two. It all depends on how busy my work, or for that matter how much I have planned after work.
As far as fandoms are concerned, it's not really a focus of mine. I've never really done one honestly as most of the ones people request aren't ones I know.
That said though, I wouldn't mind trying something in one of the followings.
William D Arrand books (I've read pretty much all of his stuff, so uber familiar with his world. Very much male fantasy though so doubt many folks have read it on here. Of them though Fostering Faust is one of my favorite darker ones.)
Last Kingdom (I have actually started a RP before based off this one, I like the setting though it's more historical fiction than a fandom in my opinion.)
Buffy the vampire slayer (Lol loved that show as a kid, would be kinda funny to play something similar)
Xena (Though I warn you, my memory is fuzzy on that one, and I'd want to play a male, so either as an addition to her group or maybe a male Gabriella?)
So as far as pairings go, here are a few I have Characters I want to play are off to the left. (For all dragons, shifters, and anything else that could have sex in another form. All sex will be preformed in their human form.)
Orc x Anything
Dragon x Anything
Werewolf x Anything
Demon x Anything
Any x Succubus
Any x Harem (Guilty pleasure)
Knight x Noble Lady
I will be updating this later on as more ideas strike my fancy, but for anyone who would like to see my writing style, or some sample plots I've worked up in the past, take a look at my lost musings in my signature. I've started quite a few RPs on there that I'd really love to see continued at some point. I don't really have any plots other than those right now that are on my mind though I'd love to discuss starting something with anyone interested.
Plots I'm Seeking
I don't really have a set in stone plot I want for this one. But essentially I want to play around with a pantheon that me and my partner will make up. It could be the romance of a pair of characters or more, I do have my own custom pantheon that I can loredump info for if anyone's interested, but they're all really interwoven into a custom world I built for dnd, so might be more complicated than it's worth.
But with that all in mind, what I'd be looking for is for the two of us to create some gods and play around with all the typical drama you might expect from very humanized deities.
But with that all in mind, what I'd be looking for is for the two of us to create some gods and play around with all the typical drama you might expect from very humanized deities.
(Side note, this is not intended to be a breeding RP, this is intended to have other characters be turned as the story progresses.) So, for this one what I'm looking for is something fairly simple. I've been doing quite a few RPs with my character Darion, and for this next idea it doesn't have to use him but he's there if anyone's interested in him. I'm looking to do an RP where our characters are essentially young werewolves that think they can do what they want. Not necessarily young young, but probably around mid twenties. The idea really just being that for whatever reason we decide they are starting a pack from scratch. This would likely include us playing multiple characters and perhaps doing multiple romances among them.
Elizar Brightwood gdocs Character Sheet
So first of all, this is a character I initially built for comedy, and while I totally expect that to arise from it, that isn't necisarilly what I'm going for with this one. So my character Elizar Brightwood was built in my original world fantasy setting, however he pretty well plugs and plays anywhere with the way I wrote him in. I'm using him in a more serious dnd setting if you wanted to take a look at the Adventures of Thresk to see more or less the way I play him. He's meant to be very much a straight shooting young kid that has yet to see the evils of the world despite his hardships in the academy for his order. While I've done RP's with him before, I've yet to do one soley focused on his knightly order.
That said, The Satyrus order is inspired by a myth I ran into a while back about an ape that always gives birth to two children, and will always love one and hate the other. So the thought behind the name was that the magi in the order, who normally came from nobility and were rather pampered, were the children the order loved, while the knights were the children it hated. More for the sense that the knights had to endure far more difficult training. Elizar's background goes into it a bit, but essentially he lives in the Granbell Kingdom. The Granbell Kingdom the way I invisioned it when I wrote him was going to be a very high magic lawful Neutral sort of a place, possibly even lawful evil. In it every family is allowed one heir to remain with the family while the rest are sent to the Satyrus Order where they will be trained as soldiers. The best and brightest of those soldiers are then made into Satyrus Knights and given a mage to protect.
This could be anything from a high adventure campaign, to a political campaign not dissimilar to the mages in the witcher. Whatever we do, I am hoping to have a bit of a romance between Elizar and his Mage partner, I'm totally fine with making him a bit older than 18 too, but the entire point of him is he's a young hot shot that doesn't understand the way of the world outside of his training (He's also really short which at the time I found funny when I randomly rolled his height, and given it was a comedy RP i figured I'd keep.)
So first of all, this is a character I initially built for comedy, and while I totally expect that to arise from it, that isn't necisarilly what I'm going for with this one. So my character Elizar Brightwood was built in my original world fantasy setting, however he pretty well plugs and plays anywhere with the way I wrote him in. I'm using him in a more serious dnd setting if you wanted to take a look at the Adventures of Thresk to see more or less the way I play him. He's meant to be very much a straight shooting young kid that has yet to see the evils of the world despite his hardships in the academy for his order. While I've done RP's with him before, I've yet to do one soley focused on his knightly order.
That said, The Satyrus order is inspired by a myth I ran into a while back about an ape that always gives birth to two children, and will always love one and hate the other. So the thought behind the name was that the magi in the order, who normally came from nobility and were rather pampered, were the children the order loved, while the knights were the children it hated. More for the sense that the knights had to endure far more difficult training. Elizar's background goes into it a bit, but essentially he lives in the Granbell Kingdom. The Granbell Kingdom the way I invisioned it when I wrote him was going to be a very high magic lawful Neutral sort of a place, possibly even lawful evil. In it every family is allowed one heir to remain with the family while the rest are sent to the Satyrus Order where they will be trained as soldiers. The best and brightest of those soldiers are then made into Satyrus Knights and given a mage to protect.
This could be anything from a high adventure campaign, to a political campaign not dissimilar to the mages in the witcher. Whatever we do, I am hoping to have a bit of a romance between Elizar and his Mage partner, I'm totally fine with making him a bit older than 18 too, but the entire point of him is he's a young hot shot that doesn't understand the way of the world outside of his training (He's also really short which at the time I found funny when I randomly rolled his height, and given it was a comedy RP i figured I'd keep.)
So this is a particularly cliche theme in all honesty but still one I find myself enjoying. So it would probably make the most sense in a medieval sense, but I could see the overall idea in a few other settings. So the original idea is for my character to be a knight in service to your character who will be a noble lady who has been given away to an arranged marriage. For whatever reason we decide, your character does not love whoever she's forced to marry, but has always been close to my character who has been her personal guard for most if not all of her life, so there would be a bit of an age difference, I think we could say 4 years might work? Could do that they have pined for each other for years, or that her failed marriage really made him stand out.
General themes I'm interested in.
I've been doing a lot of straight dom relationship RPs, which are great. But I recently got it in my mind it might be fun to do some dom/sub roles, but with the sub as technically his boss, or someone he's supposed to protect, or something of that nature. Could be that he's straight up a slave to her to, point is it would probably need the two to be more switches than anything, but with my character more towards dominant.
Thank you all for reading through my post!
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