Both Needed Venturing to the East: A Mythical Period Piece

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Both Needed Venturing to the East: A Mythical Period Piece


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[[[Seeking highly skilled, long-form, narrative-style writers only!]]]

| Introductions |

[Hello! I am new to this site and am still learning my way around, so don't hesitate to make corrections to my thread in the event that I missed anything.]

My intention of this story is relatively open-ended. I'm seeking two individuals with a passion for magick and mythics, especially when it comes to Aether creatures (elves, the fae, elementals, nymphs, etc.).


| Rating |

For violence, adult concepts, and graphic erotica

The thread will be heavily focused on storytelling and plotline. However, the sub-thread will be an eventual three-way romantic relationship between myself, another woman, and a man. There may be interludes for graphic erotica, with the main focus still being on the plot.


| Beginning Plot |

Alavara of Tidesdale is the daughter of the Queen of this beautiful, mystical water Kingdom. In the Western Hemisphere of this planet lie four Elven Kingdoms, ruled and inhabited by the elven kind. Dissimilar to the average tales of the race, these elves were also bound to elementality, with the abilities to rule the elements - Making them both Elves and Elementals. With their great collective power, they ruled all the Kingdoms of the Eastern Hemisphere, lest those deep underground or in the forest who continued to claim their sovereignty by force or hiding.

All was well until a warring age began when the Gods and Goddesses determined that the elves had far too much power, thereby dividing the ruling land into four distinct continents by force of an unearthly quake. Now, each continent ruled over just one particular element - Earth, Air, Water, or Fire. With broken power, the Elves lost stronghold over most of the Kingdoms of the Eastern Hemisphere, except for a few, ultimately allowing these other territories to either fall into total chaos or rebuild their lands.

The four Elven Kingdoms were at peace with one another by word of the Gods and Goddesses, but this was soon to change (to be developed in the story thread).

- Elven Continents -
Gaea (Earth)
Aetherrock (Air)
Tidesdale (Water)
Moltenmar (Fire)

Alavara had a dark secret, which was at risk of being revealed upon the death of her mother. Upon the death of Tidesdale's Queen, Alavara was to gain the throne, but she could not risk the revelation of her secret. She was forced to flee by the wise advice of her counsel, ultimately leaving the Kingdom to fend for itself, and fend for herself, with only her panther Beilu at her side.

Now, she began her journey anew. The young, beautiful elf had never journeyed outside of Western Hemisphere, nor even the walls of her own Kingdom. She could not face the other Elven Continents, and thus, under duress, would embark into the Eastern Hemisphere. It was here that she would discover her new identity, new landscapes and Kingdoms, new species and races, new friends and new romance. She would discover the world as she had never anticipated in her entire life.


| New Characters |
This thread will have a total of three creatures - two women and one man.

**Seeking one man and one woman**

As you can see above, the Eastern Hemisphere holds entirely new territory. That means it is up to you to decide your character, your race, the background history of your area or Kingdom, and so on.

The only thing I ask is that you acknowledge and allude to the plotline of the Western Hemisphere and the four Elven Kingdoms (described in the section above).


| Requests |
My wish is that this thread will be full of fun, adventure, surprises, romance, action, sex, kinks, violence, and much more.

Posting Style
Highly preferred if written long and narrative, with high-level language, in fantasy novel style.

Posting Order
I'd like to go in order - Character 1 first, then Character 2, then Character 3. *We can switch the order as the plot unfolds so long as it's notated somewhere in your post as separate note.* Obviously, the characters don't always need to be together. You can spend a lot of time writing about and developing your own plotline.

I love kink, hence the fact that the intent of this thread is to have a romantic three-some. I am requesting interludes of potent, graphic erotica, but would still like that the thread focuses primarily on the plot, with sex falling naturally into the plotline.

As this will be a high-level thread, extreme violence is okay at times, especially in battle.


| Character Profiles |
[If you would like to join, please post your Character Profile in this thread along with any other questions/notes and I will let you know if approved!]

Character 1

Name: Alavara of Tidesdale
Nickname: Ala
Gender: Female
Race: Eleven/Elemental
Age: 106
Markings/Piercings: 3 nose piercings and 5 piercings along left ear, all made from Elvish silver. Large Water Kingdom crest across back (it shimmers blue like water).
Skintone: Very fair white
Height: 5'5
Weight: 100 lbs

At first, Ala is shy and has a firm wall up. She is tough, quick, and volatile. But when she becomes trusting, she is warm, giggly, and sweet. She is fragile in her heart and can be easily betrayed by trusting too much, but she is a strong fighter and tough-willed. She is very young and naive, and does not yet know the world or herself.

Water Bending - From her Elemental genes
Dagger/Sword Wielding- From her Elven genes
Communication with her Familiar - From her Elven genes

Destruction of Natural Order - From her Incendi genes (to be revealed later)


Incendi Genes/Incendi Ghost (to be revealed later)
Naivety/Quick to Trust
The Element of FIre

Ala most desires to discover her identity and move forward from her chaotic roots and her secretive past. Her highest hope is to discover herself anew and immerse herself into new corners of the world. She is afraid t
hat she will be betrayed and also fall into chaos that may be occurring in another Kingdom. What she fears most is her inherent abilities from her Incendi genes, passed on by her father, which can bring about further and most extreme chaos to the natural order of things.

Kinks: Threesomes, all things taboo, light bondage, being dominated, watching others
Sexuality: Bisexual

Beilu is a Water Panther, with markings that shimmer blue, like water and like the crest that covers Ala's back. He has been with Ala since a cub, finding his way to her from the forests of Tidesdale, just as a true familiar would. He lives to protect and advise her, and also has the ability to bend water himself.


Happy Writing!

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Can I use Ancient Korea as mine? I'm gonna be the king...
This soulds like fun mind if I use my ice/air eleven tailed kitsune shifter?
Name: Colden
Nickname: fox, coldy
Gender: male
Race: ice/air kitsune
Markings/Piercings: tribal markings on his ears and tails even in human form
Skintone: Pale white

Personality: Can be very withdrawn when others first meet him but once others get to know him he can be sweet and very kind to others even going as far as to fight full-on monsters if he sees someone in danger or being attacked

Abilities: able to manipulate ice whether it be full-on ice sheets or soft snow he can manipulate it as needed and even form it from his body, is also able to use the air and form it in any shape or form if he needs to for whatever reason even if it is to attack

Weaknesses: fire, being in large crowds, loud noises, being in enclosed areas

Fears/Desires: being found by the master of the fight ring he had been in since he was born, fire, being found by humans, being in enclosed areas / wants to find a mate, fully escape his old master, and be away from any humans in the world

Kinks: none that he knows of as he has been in a fighting ring all his life
Sexuality: straight

Familiar: none

View attachment 16515

His kitsune form and tribal markings View attachment 16516
I'm very intrigued by this if the female position is still avaiable! I have a Selkie character I've been messing around with who I think would be perfect for this! I will post her profile tonight as soon as I get off of work!
I'm very intrigued by this if the female position is still avaiable! I have a Selkie character I've been messing around with who I think would be perfect for this! I will post her profile tonight as soon as I get off of work!
It is available indeed!! Yay!
Name: Murdina
Nickname: Dina
Gender: Female
Race: Selkie
Age: 57 (Looks 23)
Physical Appearance:
Human form:

-Skin tone: Dark tanned skin with even darker spots scattered about her shoulders and face.
-Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black.
-Hair: Long, straight glossy dark brown hair.

-Clothing: Unbleached shoulderless shift, leather stays, tattered petticoats and boots. She keeps her seal skin wrapped around her waist.
-Height: 5'7
-Weight: 120lbs

Seal form: In her seal form, Murdina is nearly twice the size of a normal seal. Her fur is dark brown with black spots. She has large fangs.

Cocky and confident. Murdina is a wild spirit who is acts on impulse and is often considered borderline insane for it. Highly seductive by nature and sly, she'll lie thru her teeth for no reason making her untrustworthy and unpredictable. She loves to tease and joke and always keep someone guessing what she'll do next. Her favorite thing to do is to sing. She'll even sing in conversation making it difficult to judge when she's using her powers or not.

Seduction (Selkie Song)- As a Selkie, Murdina is naturally very beautiful. It is her singing, however, that contains a powerful spell to control her victims and bend them to her will.
Shape Shifter- Murdina can slip into her selkie pelt at any given time and transform into a large seal.
Heighten Senses- Even in human form, Murdina has a heighten sense of smell and night vision.
Weapons: Murdina has a large staff that she is very skilled with. She also has throwing knives that are hidden on her body at all times.

If Murdina's pelt is stolen or goes missing, she will lose her ability to speak. The longer she is kept away from her pelt, the weaker she'll become. Too much time kept away form her pelt will eventually cause her death.

Her largest fear is loosing her pelt. Murdina also fears being trapped in one place, unable to roam freely or do as she pleases. She desires to be in a constant state of adrenaline rush, always find some sort of excitement. Although she isn't looking for anyone to tie her down, she lives to make strangers fall for her. Want her. Give themselves to her.

Kinks: Domination, mild sexual pain, orgies, anything different
Sexuality: Pansexual
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