Character(s) Vintage Dresses in the Wardrobe

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Character(s) Vintage Dresses in the Wardrobe

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Ophelia Ravenwarin


"If you enjoy the fragrance of a rose, you must accept the thorns which it bears" - Isaac Hayes

✿ Basics ✿

Age: 115
Gender: Woman
Sex: Female
Race: High Elf
Orientation: BiSexual

✿ Appearance ✿

Height: 6'0"
Build: Tall, thin, straight
Skin: Pale white
Hair: Snow White
Eyes: Rich Gold
Style: Visual Board

✿ Personality ✿

Temperament: Gentle
Alignment: Lawful Good
Traits: Reserved, proper, polite, gentle, sweet, mild, apathetic, emotional
Likes: Crystals, rainbows, sunshine, the color white, jewelry, flowers
Dislikes: Hot weather, black tea, shoes with heels

✿ Threads ✿

Fager en som Ros - SapphicSphinx

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