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[REF PHOTOS BELOW ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ]
Name: Arlo McQueen
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical Characteristics:
Age: He has the youthful appearance of a 21 year old, though he's been on the earth for around a century.
Height: 172cm
Build: Arlo has a lithe build, lacking the physical aspects of 'strength'. Due to his lack of concentration on his own health over the many years, it explains his thin figure. This isn't to be underestimated, though. His temper is mighty.
Skin tone: Arlo has a milky white skin tone, pure. A juxtaposition of his nature.
Hair: He has dirty blonde, nape length hair, with lighter streaks through his hair.
Facial features: Arlo has a flurry of freckles adorning over his straight nose.
Eye colour: He has grey eyes that appear to always be tearful. Mostly due to his angered temper tantrums.
Arlo's personality is often marked by a quick and aggressive temper, which is easily set off by the slightest provocation. In times of stress, he is prone to throwing temper tantrums, showing a lack of impulse control and an incapacity to deal with emotional situations. This often results in him getting flustered and frustrated, leading up to him crying out of sheer desperation. However, despite his erratic behaviour, Arlo often seeks out his own company and prefers to keep others at an arms-length. He is also an avid lover of white wines, using it as a coping mechanism and a way to escape the harsh reality of his eternalness. Although his behaviour may be off-putting, Arlo still has a soft spot for some individuals, showing loyalty and care toward them in his own unorthodox way. He is a complex and multi-dimensional character, with his own set of strengths and weaknesses.
Immortality - Arlo was cursed with a bite at the ripe age of twenty-one in his home town San Leo, Italy. Therefore, he can never age.
Enhanced speed - He possesses quick reflexes, and has the ability to sprint across the room in under a second.
Name: Arlo McQueen
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical Characteristics:
Age: He has the youthful appearance of a 21 year old, though he's been on the earth for around a century.
Height: 172cm
Build: Arlo has a lithe build, lacking the physical aspects of 'strength'. Due to his lack of concentration on his own health over the many years, it explains his thin figure. This isn't to be underestimated, though. His temper is mighty.
Skin tone: Arlo has a milky white skin tone, pure. A juxtaposition of his nature.
Hair: He has dirty blonde, nape length hair, with lighter streaks through his hair.
Facial features: Arlo has a flurry of freckles adorning over his straight nose.
Eye colour: He has grey eyes that appear to always be tearful. Mostly due to his angered temper tantrums.
Arlo's personality is often marked by a quick and aggressive temper, which is easily set off by the slightest provocation. In times of stress, he is prone to throwing temper tantrums, showing a lack of impulse control and an incapacity to deal with emotional situations. This often results in him getting flustered and frustrated, leading up to him crying out of sheer desperation. However, despite his erratic behaviour, Arlo often seeks out his own company and prefers to keep others at an arms-length. He is also an avid lover of white wines, using it as a coping mechanism and a way to escape the harsh reality of his eternalness. Although his behaviour may be off-putting, Arlo still has a soft spot for some individuals, showing loyalty and care toward them in his own unorthodox way. He is a complex and multi-dimensional character, with his own set of strengths and weaknesses.
Immortality - Arlo was cursed with a bite at the ripe age of twenty-one in his home town San Leo, Italy. Therefore, he can never age.
Enhanced speed - He possesses quick reflexes, and has the ability to sprint across the room in under a second.
Arlo McQueen was a doting older brother to a sister, Valeriya, and had two supportive parents, his mother and father. His childhood was normal, as normal as any kid could be. Of course, he had the occasional sibling argument, and a parents disagreement, but who doesn't?
Arlo was eager to be a veterinarian when he grew older. His passion for taking care of animals was fuelled by a positive flame. He took the company over sn animal instead of a humans in any given moment, yet his serotonin was given each night, taking a solo walk along the pier, gazing up at the cool night sky. Yet, this all changed all too quickly.
Arlo was lost in thought in his peaceful walk, enjoying the solitude. Contemplating the direction of his life, when he heard a rustle behind him. With little time to check over his shoulder, there was an undeniably seering pain of heat in his neck as it was punctured. To this day, he can still remember the dry, cold as ice lips on his skin, yet the heat of the fangs tearing into his skin.
In just two days, Arlo's life had been flipped upside down.
Upon waking up, young Arlo was in an alleyway. Dried blood was stuck to the side of his neck, and upon feeling where his attacker had bitten him, he was surprised to find no signs of marks left. Clearly, he had been attacked. There was blood on him. His blood. So, how was he alive?
Then, the realisation of his dry throat and mouth. It felt like a dessert, and his saliva did nothing to quench his thirst. A shaky, croaked inhale as new scents filled his nostrils. Iron. Blood.
It wasn't until hours passed, Arlo's senses came back to him, and he tore himself away from the corpse beneath him. A man, covered in blood. Arlo felt a mixture of emotions. Disgust with himself, confusion, fear. But most of all,
With an unsteady urge to contain his hunger, Arlo left his hometown behind, going between different continents until he eventually settled down.
To this day, the memory of his first kill haunts him.
Arlo McQueen was a doting older brother to a sister, Valeriya, and had two supportive parents, his mother and father. His childhood was normal, as normal as any kid could be. Of course, he had the occasional sibling argument, and a parents disagreement, but who doesn't?
Arlo was eager to be a veterinarian when he grew older. His passion for taking care of animals was fuelled by a positive flame. He took the company over sn animal instead of a humans in any given moment, yet his serotonin was given each night, taking a solo walk along the pier, gazing up at the cool night sky. Yet, this all changed all too quickly.
Arlo was lost in thought in his peaceful walk, enjoying the solitude. Contemplating the direction of his life, when he heard a rustle behind him. With little time to check over his shoulder, there was an undeniably seering pain of heat in his neck as it was punctured. To this day, he can still remember the dry, cold as ice lips on his skin, yet the heat of the fangs tearing into his skin.
In just two days, Arlo's life had been flipped upside down.
Upon waking up, young Arlo was in an alleyway. Dried blood was stuck to the side of his neck, and upon feeling where his attacker had bitten him, he was surprised to find no signs of marks left. Clearly, he had been attacked. There was blood on him. His blood. So, how was he alive?
Then, the realisation of his dry throat and mouth. It felt like a dessert, and his saliva did nothing to quench his thirst. A shaky, croaked inhale as new scents filled his nostrils. Iron. Blood.
It wasn't until hours passed, Arlo's senses came back to him, and he tore himself away from the corpse beneath him. A man, covered in blood. Arlo felt a mixture of emotions. Disgust with himself, confusion, fear. But most of all,
With an unsteady urge to contain his hunger, Arlo left his hometown behind, going between different continents until he eventually settled down.
To this day, the memory of his first kill haunts him.
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