Character(s) Vuroe’s characters (ง •̀_•́)ง (Will add more soon!)

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Character(s) Vuroe’s characters (ง •̀_•́)ง (Will add more soon!)


Fairy Quadmother
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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[REF PHOTOS BELOW ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ]

Name: Arlo McQueen
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical Characteristics:
Age: He has the youthful appearance of a 21 year old, though he's been on the earth for around a century.
Height: 172cm
Build: Arlo has a lithe build, lacking the physical aspects of 'strength'. Due to his lack of concentration on his own health over the many years, it explains his thin figure. This isn't to be underestimated, though. His temper is mighty.
Skin tone: Arlo has a milky white skin tone, pure. A juxtaposition of his nature.
Hair: He has dirty blonde, nape length hair, with lighter streaks through his hair.
Facial features: Arlo has a flurry of freckles adorning over his straight nose.
Eye colour: He has grey eyes that appear to always be tearful. Mostly due to his angered temper tantrums.

Arlo's personality is often marked by a quick and aggressive temper, which is easily set off by the slightest provocation. In times of stress, he is prone to throwing temper tantrums, showing a lack of impulse control and an incapacity to deal with emotional situations. This often results in him getting flustered and frustrated, leading up to him crying out of sheer desperation. However, despite his erratic behaviour, Arlo often seeks out his own company and prefers to keep others at an arms-length. He is also an avid lover of white wines, using it as a coping mechanism and a way to escape the harsh reality of his eternalness. Although his behaviour may be off-putting, Arlo still has a soft spot for some individuals, showing loyalty and care toward them in his own unorthodox way. He is a complex and multi-dimensional character, with his own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Immortality - Arlo was cursed with a bite at the ripe age of twenty-one in his home town San Leo, Italy. Therefore, he can never age.
Enhanced speed - He possesses quick reflexes, and has the ability to sprint across the room in under a second.

Arlo McQueen was a doting older brother to a sister, Valeriya, and had two supportive parents, his mother and father. His childhood was normal, as normal as any kid could be. Of course, he had the occasional sibling argument, and a parents disagreement, but who doesn't?
Arlo was eager to be a veterinarian when he grew older. His passion for taking care of animals was fuelled by a positive flame. He took the company over sn animal instead of a humans in any given moment, yet his serotonin was given each night, taking a solo walk along the pier, gazing up at the cool night sky. Yet, this all changed all too quickly.

Arlo was lost in thought in his peaceful walk, enjoying the solitude. Contemplating the direction of his life, when he heard a rustle behind him. With little time to check over his shoulder, there was an undeniably seering pain of heat in his neck as it was punctured. To this day, he can still remember the dry, cold as ice lips on his skin, yet the heat of the fangs tearing into his skin.
In just two days, Arlo's life had been flipped upside down.

Upon waking up, young Arlo was in an alleyway. Dried blood was stuck to the side of his neck, and upon feeling where his attacker had bitten him, he was surprised to find no signs of marks left. Clearly, he had been attacked. There was blood on him. His blood. So, how was he alive?
Then, the realisation of his dry throat and mouth. It felt like a dessert, and his saliva did nothing to quench his thirst. A shaky, croaked inhale as new scents filled his nostrils. Iron. Blood.
It wasn't until hours passed, Arlo's senses came back to him, and he tore himself away from the corpse beneath him. A man, covered in blood. Arlo felt a mixture of emotions. Disgust with himself, confusion, fear. But most of all,
With an unsteady urge to contain his hunger, Arlo left his hometown behind, going between different continents until he eventually settled down.
To this day, the memory of his first kill haunts him.​


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[REF PHOTOS BELOW ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ]

Name: Dimä Tintos
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual?

Physical Characteristic:
Age: Dimä is 23 years of age. However, she still get's ID'd for redbull.
Height: 165cm
Build: Dimä has a lean build. With a consistent workout routine, she has well-renowned upper body, and lower body strength. This is mainly hidden by her fashion sense, consisting of oversized sweatpants and hoodies.
Skin tone: Dimä has an olive skin-tone.
Hair: Her hair is a wild set of curly waves she refuses to brush. To avoid any hassle, she's usually seen having her hair up in messy buns or ponytails.
Facial features: Dimä has a visible beauty mark on her the left side of her cheekbone, just across from her lips.
Eye colour: She has a hypnotic set of brown eyes.

Personality: Dimä is a headstrong and determined individual who knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to fight for it. She is deeply connected to her family, and values them above all else. Dimä is fiercely loyal to those she cares about, and loves just as fierce. Speaking of love, her love-language is heavily concentrated on eye-contact. It shows how much she values meaningful connections, and intimate moments. She is likely someone who isn't afraid to speak her mind, and not one to back down from a challenge.
Dimä may be intense and passionate, but beyond that walled up barrier is a playful side to the woman, shown to those who she trusts and loves dearly.

Abilities: Dimä is skilled in sword-fencing. She took it up as a hobby when she was 17, and hasn't given up since. She also took up dancing when she was 14, first ballet, then to classical. She likes to implement both activities together.

Growing up in the rough edges of Los Angeles wasn't easy. In a lousy apartment with her father, with the very obvious lack of a mother figure, Dimä had to work from a young age to help support her father pay the rent. Despite struggling in her youth, she never lost sight of her passions - ballet. Juggling between school, a part time hostess job on the weekends, and her ballet classes would weigh heavy on any sixteen year old. But her determination and strong-will pushed through.

At the age of seventeen, Dimä discovered a local sword-fencing studio that offered classes, and she fell in love with the art form. She immediately began practicing as much as she could while balancing her other responsibilities. Her discipline and dedication to her craft paid off, and she was chosen to represent her school at a national sword-fencing competition. With years of dedication and commitment, Dimä continued to hone her skills, eventually combing both ballet and sword fencing to strengthen her talent. A select few of audiences, signing an agreement of boundaries and secrecy online, get to see the young woman perform more than just her talent. Whispers of desire fill the large club she works in.


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Name: Kuuji Sung
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay

Physical Characteristics:
Age: 23
Height: 5'9
Build: Toned figure - baby muscles!
Skin Tone: Tanned
Hair: Black, shoulder length, messy
Facial Features/Beard:
Eye Colour: Brown
Markings and tattoos: He has a full leg tattoo of a floral design, with a shaded snake curled between the stems of the flowers.
Additional notes:

Personality: Kuuji Sung is a strong and determined individual, with a sense of justice and a strong moral compass. He is a confident and charismatic person, with a quick wit and sharp mind. Previously, he got into the action of being apart of the local police force. Climbing his way up to the role of a Deputy. This has made him extremely skilled in combat and investigation, which he has used to solve many cases in the past. Overall, Kuuji is a complex and multifaceted person, with a strong sense of justice and a determination to always get the job done, no matter the cost.

Abilities: Kuuji is skilled in the field of interrogation. He's also well trained to handle guns, and hand-to-hand combat.

Kuuji Sung served in the police force for many years before being promoted to the role of deputy. During his time in the service, he witnessed firsthand the horrors that people were capable of inflicting upon one another. But it all changed one fateful night, when he encountered something truly beyond his comprehension: a supernatural creature, something that defied the natural laws of this world.

The encounter left Kuuji shaken and determined to understand what he had seen. He began his own investigation, which led him to uncover a vast and complex world of supernatural entities and the hunters who fought against them. He realized that he had been called to serve a greater purpose and that his skills as a law enforcement officer were better suited to tracking down and capturing these creatures.

Kuuji left the police force and became a bounty hunter, using his expert tracking skills and knowledge of the supernatural to hunt down and capture these creatures. He soon gained a reputation among the law enforcement community as one of the best bounty hunters in the business. Despite his dangerous profession, Kuuji remained a committed and reliable force in the fight against the supernatural and dedicated himself to upholding justice, no matter the cost.


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Name: Ida Trilonee
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight

Physical Characteristics
Age: 20
Height: 5'5ft
Build: Her frame is skinny, with dark circles under her eyes, and slightly sunken cheekbones that expose her lack of nutrition. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, and her lips are a soft, stained pink.
Hair: Black, ending just above her elbows.
Eye colour: Black
Markings/tattoos: As a marking of her role in the kingdom of Ventri, she has a branding mark on her lower back of the city's symbol.

Personality: Ida exhibits the characteristics of a reserved and quiet personality. She is not one to speak unnecessarily and tends to keep to herself. However, despite her quiet demeanor, Ida is not apathetic or detached. She displays a sense of compassion and concern for others, especially those who may be in need of help. She is willing to offer her assistance, even if it may not be readily solicited, to those who may require it, despite her lower social status as a maid. She is an altruistic individual.

Ida was born into a harsh and cruel world. She was brought to the city of Ventri as a baby and initially viewed as livestock, to be used as a source of blood for the vampires who ruled over the city. However, she quickly proved her worth and determination by taking care of herself and others, even in the midst of this dark and unforgiving environment. She showed her resilience and determination by up keeping the castle and offering her assistance to the vampires who held power over her.

Despite her difficult circumstances, Ida managed to earn herself a position as a maid, which granted her a certain level of protection from the knights and other vampires who sought to feed on her. However, this protection did not come without its own challenges. Ida was still subjected to the whims and desires of the vampires in power, who viewed her as little more than a resource to be exploited. Despite this, Ida continued to demonstrate her selflessness and willingness to help others, even when it meant putting her own safety on the line.


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IMG_0303.jpeg Katla Dalgaard
Age: 22 (Twenty Two)
Race/Rationality: English
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Jarl's daughter

Height: 167cm (5.5 foot)
Weight: 109lbs
Hair: Tawny blonde.
Eyes: Olive-green

Traits: Strong-willed, Understanding, Fair
Loves: Children, Rain, History/Stories, Words of Affirmation
Dislikes: Ignorance, Mean spirited humour, Fish

Katla was a quiet girl, born along the river's of England in a village that prospered with farmers, and labourers.
The village was known to be placid, quaint. So, when did it all go wrong, exactly?
When her mother, Frida, decided to have her voice be heard, and attempt to protect herself during a raid that was set on the village years ago.
Unfortunately, that would be the last time her voice would be heard.
Her father, Sten, was the Jarl of Elk Clan. Where it wasn't known for it's warriors, but for it's grain, and decent earnings.
Her father's mournings were at the bottle of a mead bottle, and with his heavy fist. Her resemblance to her mother was strong.
With once big bright eye's, a laugh that could turn any sad man happy, and gentle words - her confidence died at fists thrown to her, and a quietness instilled within her.

Katla's teenage years were spent outdoors. She'd gained a little crush - her first ever crush. A boy, Uthrid, sandy blonde hair, and russet eyes she struggled to keep eye-contact with. It was never her strong point - eye contact made her nervous. Sometimes in a good way. Sometimes bad,
Although Sten never wanted her to talk to any boys, she'd go on secret little adventures. Carve their initials into an oak tree at the bark, and Uthrid would tell her all what he wanted to achieve. Even proposing they run away.

Of course, Katla laughed at the idea. Finding it silly, and unrealistic. Her father would never let her do such a thing - she had a duty. A reputation as a Jarl's daughter to uphold. Even if she didn't want to. was a nice idea. They'd agreed to meet days later, under the same tree to simply reminisce. It wasn't until the next morning, one of the farmer's banged on the door of the home, shouting curses whilst the mother sobbed, cradling a traumatised Uthrid by her hip. Peaking around her father's hip, her eyes grew wide at the sight of Uthrid's missing left eye. Sten's comment to the farmer still made her blood thin.
"If I catch that boy staring at her again, or even try to talk to her.."
"I'll cut out more than just his eye."

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