Imagine this. You, whoever you are, just got dropped off in front of a school you really don't want to be in by your debatably abusive mother (or father) and your very rich, definitely abusive, new step father (or mother). And someone in the distance is REALLY going ham on that bass guitar. You're in your "favorite" brown leather jacket, with blue slacked jeans and some tennis shoes. It's spring and school just started, at least for you that is.
Disclaimer: Everyone within the Academy is 18 or over. It's going to be a college. But a weird one? Look I just need a reason to keep you within the campus grounds for act one and to have a school uniform but i'll probably ditch the uniform because the mechanic was weird and barely worked anyways.
Does this sound familiar? To some, maybe. To others, a possibly interesting hook to a slice of life/drama/action/I don't know what to put here so I'm going to skip the rest of these, roleplay based around the videogame produced by Rockstar Games, Bully. (Scholarship edition, for anyone that cares.) This intro is the start of the main character, Jimmy Hopkins. A boy that would become legendary to the school within his year there. But, for this roleplay, Jimmy didn't stand in front of those gates with Miss Danvers ushering them into the school. For in this roleplay, it's you. I'm looking to flex my Dungeon Master skills in recreating the game within a forum roleplay setting. This will for sure be very long term with maybe a very, very slow burn for those who are interested or not for that type. Enough explanation, as I will get into the requirements and nots of this experiment for mainly myself.
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
Quick overview of me because I don't want to come up with my own way of introducing myself and I'm going to use the default text to guide me. It's 4am, I'm lazy.
I've been writing Rp's for at least on and off, a few years now. So my experience is middling as of playing. As of DM'ing though, pretty much zilch. This will be a train wreck, so expect one most likely. This is one of the main requirements of this idea. Take it easy on me and at minimum watch the train wreck happen, or be just as inexperienced as me, and help me crash it myself. It'll be fun either way... probably.
How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
Again, kinda flip flopping here, I tend to write at minimum a decently sized paragraph to possibly several over stuffed paragraphs in a normal post. Depending on the mood, ideas, and what I am given of course. With DM'ing, me to write at least several per post, with all most for sure bloated novels being the max. I am usually avalible all day, all night, 24/7. But obviously I have times that the body requires sleep, but past that. No obvious times that I am taken up. As of my own requirement for my partner, I wouldn't mind a post every few days (lets go with 2-4 days, per post) at minimum. Of course more are appreciated, and are allowed different lengths per what is happening. Again, a huge, huge experiment for me that I will for sure fuck up on, and you're of course allowed to be twisting up too. Oh, yeah. Don't worry too much about length, you're free to fluff as much as needed if you personally feel. Strive for maybe a paragraph, and i'll understand past that. (You're also welcome to message me for ideas, as well, or just some general help to get past my quality postings tm)
What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
Violence! As Dr. Crabblesnitch would say, "This is a SCHOOL HOPKINS!" We're not expecting death, major wounds, or anything extremely extreme. (Other than a few scenes, vets of the game, you probably know what ones.) The worst that would most likely happen in normal altercations, would be bloody cuts. But I might change that, depending on the mood, tone, ect. ect.
Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
For the lewds, you can refer again, to above from our doctor. Then again, that is only taking from the game itself. Personally, I am fine with writing such scenes but it for sure will not be the focus, far from it actually. People seem to like their percentages, so I would most likely give it a solid 80% Story to 20% Lewd. Again, negotiable but at least as of my personal plan that is in my head currently, minimal lewds.
Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
Here the guide kinda loses its usefulness for me but it did remind me of something. Who are you? I'll refer back to the game here, the main character is Jimmy Hopkins. Shorter than average, a little rough attitude and for sure a bigger one for anyone that doesn't give him respect or at least anyone that doesn't treat him with dignity that got kicked out of many, many schools because of that same behavior. But you? I don't require much from your personal character. Hell, you can even be female if you wish, and I'll either switch some genders or stay the course and employ some sneaky smart DM stuffs. The only thing I require is that, you do have a decent reason to have been sent to Bullworth, and maybe that whole standoff-ish dick-ish nature to a point. Past that, anything should be good.
Let's see, anything else? I'll do a quick rundown, and then maybe how to approach this post if you are interested.
Welcome to Bullworth, it's a shitty private school that you're going to attend for the next year. I'm going to try out DM'ing this, and you're welcome to join if you're interested or if you just want to see how bad this will turn out. This will probably be decently railroaded, as I don't know what i'm doing at all. Or it'll be pretty free roam-like and we can make up a decent amount of our own stuff, we can talk about that later though. I'd like an okay sized paragraph at minimum for post length. Gore is probably not going to happen much and violence is going to be semi-minimum. This is a school, not a warzone. Lewds will also be minimal but we can see about that one. You're free to be who you want, but I request that you have a reason to be a semi-dick head to about everyone you meet and you will face, and like, the consequences.
Thank you for (presumably) reading all of that! If you are still interested or would just like to flame me for even suggesting that Jimmy isn't the best boy around, please message me. You are welcome to ask any questions about the game, the roleplay itself, or anything else. It would be really cool if you could send maybe some sort of a mock character sheet though too. Add whatever you feel necessary! Thank you again, and enjoy your time within Bullworth. It's for sure, not, for any reason, turn to shit within the first two days of living there. Oh yeah, I think i'll only be taking one person for this experiment as it'll be a lot of research and hard thinking that's too much for my smol brain.
(Thank you Microhexa and Lore for helping me with the post, you're super cool.)
Disclaimer: Everyone within the Academy is 18 or over. It's going to be a college. But a weird one? Look I just need a reason to keep you within the campus grounds for act one and to have a school uniform but i'll probably ditch the uniform because the mechanic was weird and barely worked anyways.
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
Quick overview of me because I don't want to come up with my own way of introducing myself and I'm going to use the default text to guide me. It's 4am, I'm lazy.
I've been writing Rp's for at least on and off, a few years now. So my experience is middling as of playing. As of DM'ing though, pretty much zilch. This will be a train wreck, so expect one most likely. This is one of the main requirements of this idea. Take it easy on me and at minimum watch the train wreck happen, or be just as inexperienced as me, and help me crash it myself. It'll be fun either way... probably.
How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
Again, kinda flip flopping here, I tend to write at minimum a decently sized paragraph to possibly several over stuffed paragraphs in a normal post. Depending on the mood, ideas, and what I am given of course. With DM'ing, me to write at least several per post, with all most for sure bloated novels being the max. I am usually avalible all day, all night, 24/7. But obviously I have times that the body requires sleep, but past that. No obvious times that I am taken up. As of my own requirement for my partner, I wouldn't mind a post every few days (lets go with 2-4 days, per post) at minimum. Of course more are appreciated, and are allowed different lengths per what is happening. Again, a huge, huge experiment for me that I will for sure fuck up on, and you're of course allowed to be twisting up too. Oh, yeah. Don't worry too much about length, you're free to fluff as much as needed if you personally feel. Strive for maybe a paragraph, and i'll understand past that. (You're also welcome to message me for ideas, as well, or just some general help to get past my quality postings tm)
What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
Violence! As Dr. Crabblesnitch would say, "This is a SCHOOL HOPKINS!" We're not expecting death, major wounds, or anything extremely extreme. (Other than a few scenes, vets of the game, you probably know what ones.) The worst that would most likely happen in normal altercations, would be bloody cuts. But I might change that, depending on the mood, tone, ect. ect.
Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
For the lewds, you can refer again, to above from our doctor. Then again, that is only taking from the game itself. Personally, I am fine with writing such scenes but it for sure will not be the focus, far from it actually. People seem to like their percentages, so I would most likely give it a solid 80% Story to 20% Lewd. Again, negotiable but at least as of my personal plan that is in my head currently, minimal lewds.
Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
Here the guide kinda loses its usefulness for me but it did remind me of something. Who are you? I'll refer back to the game here, the main character is Jimmy Hopkins. Shorter than average, a little rough attitude and for sure a bigger one for anyone that doesn't give him respect or at least anyone that doesn't treat him with dignity that got kicked out of many, many schools because of that same behavior. But you? I don't require much from your personal character. Hell, you can even be female if you wish, and I'll either switch some genders or stay the course and employ some sneaky smart DM stuffs. The only thing I require is that, you do have a decent reason to have been sent to Bullworth, and maybe that whole standoff-ish dick-ish nature to a point. Past that, anything should be good.
Let's see, anything else? I'll do a quick rundown, and then maybe how to approach this post if you are interested.
Welcome to Bullworth, it's a shitty private school that you're going to attend for the next year. I'm going to try out DM'ing this, and you're welcome to join if you're interested or if you just want to see how bad this will turn out. This will probably be decently railroaded, as I don't know what i'm doing at all. Or it'll be pretty free roam-like and we can make up a decent amount of our own stuff, we can talk about that later though. I'd like an okay sized paragraph at minimum for post length. Gore is probably not going to happen much and violence is going to be semi-minimum. This is a school, not a warzone. Lewds will also be minimal but we can see about that one. You're free to be who you want, but I request that you have a reason to be a semi-dick head to about everyone you meet and you will face, and like, the consequences.
Thank you for (presumably) reading all of that! If you are still interested or would just like to flame me for even suggesting that Jimmy isn't the best boy around, please message me. You are welcome to ask any questions about the game, the roleplay itself, or anything else. It would be really cool if you could send maybe some sort of a mock character sheet though too. Add whatever you feel necessary! Thank you again, and enjoy your time within Bullworth. It's for sure, not, for any reason, turn to shit within the first two days of living there. Oh yeah, I think i'll only be taking one person for this experiment as it'll be a lot of research and hard thinking that's too much for my smol brain.
(Thank you Microhexa and Lore for helping me with the post, you're super cool.)
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