Any Welcome to my Candy-Store!

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Any Welcome to my Candy-Store!


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Hi, how are all you lovely people? I've had a few ideas in my head for a while, but never know how to approach people about them - so I'm taking the initiative and asking if anyone else likes the sound of my ideas (of course it's all open to change, if you have any suggestions or alternatives, don't be scared to let me know and we can talk about it in PM's).
So About Me
I prefer writing longer pieces, I can do shorter replies when it's necessary but I thrive with RP's that have a bit more meat behind each post. Now, I don't expect you to write ten paragraphs for every response, nor do I expect you to 'match' my lengths (I don't really like matching, sometimes replies are longer sometimes their shorter). Either way, length isn't the most important thing to me and I have had roleplays of varying length, from 5 lines to 5 paragraphs - I'm pretty flexible if you really like an idea! As for my writing, I'd like to say I'm competent. I'm online most days, and if it's going to take me more than four days to get a reply out for whatever reason, I'll make sure to PM you so you aren't waiting on me for ages. A more active partner would be great, but I'm a college student and am well aware that life can get in the way sometimes, especially with my exams right around the corner. (Justpleasedontghostmeyoullhurtmyfeelings)
Now the fun part! The idea:
Cops & Robbers: Taken
Quick Summary: Romance/ character driven

The story would take place in the 1930s, Detroit-style setting. The city is rife with crime and incompetent police. Bribes are common occurrences and there isn't a street that doesn't have a protection tax forced on its shops, not even residential areas are free from the occasional collection. There are three main gangs around the area: The Riches, The Underdogs and Blood Brothers Bunch.

While crime tends to rule the streets, there has been a small group of detectives that have banded together and have begun making slow but steady progress to tackling the issue, and there are constant shoot outs between the Detectives and gang members. One particular high ranked officer has been particularly active in the events (MC), often seen as one of the brightest on the team - though his aim could do with some improvement … the problem? He's dating one of the most feared of the gang leaders (YC). This inevitably causes problems for both of the couples work lives, as (YC) tries to not get their lover killed by accident, while still keeping the respect of his fellow criminals, while (MC) strives to stop the other two gangs and keep his relationship from being discovered - and his significant other out of jail.

Is it the best situation? No. Should one of them just quit their current job? Probably. But they make it work, because as much stress and anxiety as it causes the two, you can't help who you fall in love with...

The pairing could be:
MxM (preferred)
or MxF, I'd even go for FxF if you're really craving it.

So as you'll be able to see, it's a romance plot, with an already established marriage relationship. It's mainly a character-driven plot - Do they have arguments over the others safety? What about their morality? Will it end in tragedy? That is for us to decide! The best approach I can think of, is if we have our main characters as seen above, and one other from the opposite side (e.g. If you decide that you want to be the cop, you'd also have a character working for the Gang leader, so we can get some interactive dialogue going when the two aren't together).

Dragon Riders Taken
High Fantasy / Character driven

Made in a fantasy realm in which dragon riders are the strongest warriors and best healers. The wisest leaders and most skilled musicians all have their own dragon - namely because a dragon's egg will only hatch when it meets someone with potential and drive, perhaps it's the raw skill that encourages the egg to open, or the dedication in the individuals hearts … it isn't really known what the dragons are looking for in a rider; all the people know is that if you have a dragon by your side, it's for a reason.

Dragon's can spend hundreds of years unhatched, waiting for the right owner to come along. The bond between a dragon and its rider is strong, with limited communication between them possible through a small psychic connection, but sentences on the dragons half is usually broken. With that being said, every dragon is different, as if to suit the needs of their riders. Sea captains have leviathans, war-lords had metal plated dragon scales, and healers have been known to have small grassland dragons with effective noses for herbs and plant-life. Unfortunately, the current king is beyond distrustful of dragons, hunting down anyone that could be a threat to his power.

Every adult is given the chance to try and hatch a dragon egg, but with only 20 dragons known to be in the world currently, most people don't keep their hopes up … so (YC) was just as surprised as everyone else when an egg begins to hatch in your hands …

So the actual storyline would be created along the way as (YC) tries to work out why you now have a dragon to take care of, while trying to keep away from guards trying to hunt you down, considering you a threat…
I just … really like dragons okay? Now for obvious reasons, any romance in this will have to come from another character that we could introduce along the way. No loving up the dragons! It's a traveling story, as we go from place to place, running into the few others that also own dragons. Some will be hostile, others will want to help and others will shed a little light on what dragons really look for in a rider.

Flower Shop Gun Wars
Slice of life / Light Hearted
*Disclaimer there are no guns in this roleplay*

This is a little less extreme than the title would suggest. The premise would be that two similar flower shops have opened up right across the street from one another, which is - obviously - bad for business. The two owners have to compete for customers, coming up with ideas that grow in grandeur to entice people to their shop and away from the competition, much to the amusement of the other businesses on the row. Some sabotage is attempted, but it seems the harder they try to ruin the other business, the more it backfires and helps the other.
Let the battle of the flowers commence!
A fair few of my ideas could be considered as dark, often surrounding magical elements or generally bad things - this one subverts that. This one is a nice, relaxed setting with a fun plot. A simple style that can give you a break from the more intense RP's~​

My Genie Taken
Fantasy / Plot Driven

As a note (YC)'s background is up to you, whether they come from wealth or rags will have an impact on where the story goes, both would be an interesting route. As for what happens … Set in a time without electricity, and beliefs of Greek gods and architecture dominate most of society, there is a great divide between the rich and poor. Half of society lives in luxury without knowing hunger, while the other half struggle to survive. It's hot, which makes physical work labouring. Off the coast of the main city, there's a small island, with caverns that drop hundreds of feet down - it's said the water at the bottom is enchanted. Some even say the gods themselves rest in its deepest tunnels. For one reason or another, (YC) decides to go down there. And when they do, they end up waist deep in the purest water they've ever seen, not that they can see much without a light source. There's treasure down here in abundance, piles and piles of golden coins and jewels beneath the surface, but something catches their eye. An out of place silver lamp. They take it (of course) but realize there is no way out. The way they came in was steep, and now that your wet, it would be impossible to climb your way back out, the four tunnels to choose from lead down and seem to stretch on for an eternity…

For when (YC) does rub the lamp, the rules are a little different to how you might have thought them. The rules being as followed:

You have 5 wishes only
They cannot change the past, only the present.
The wish will not be fulfilled if it causes direct harm to the master of the lamp.
No wishing for more wishes - but you can earn them …
You can't put limits on the genie's power.
This one is open to romance, but I feel it would be much more fun as a buddy up story. Romance could be worked in if your itching for some, but it doesn't have to be integral. The main interest I have with this idea, is the consequences of the wishes and how (YC) would react to those choices - unless you'd rather play the genie, I could accommodate that too ^3^​

Hackers Companion
Sci-fi / Action

(YC) is a known professional hacker in the distant future. The world is built on technology, not a single household will ever go without electricity (for those with homes) or connection to the virtual world 'Paradine'. People spend most of their time here, spend most of their money here too for cool avatar accessories or virtual activities.
The base appearance of each avatar reflects the real world individual, it is illegal to try and alter this appearance - meaning physique and body proportion are all identical to real life. Things that can be changed are eye, hair and skin colour for a hefty price. (This law is in place to encourage physical fitness and make tracking down criminals easier). Hacking is also illegal, but only if they catch you doing it.

Now, virtual 'non-player' characters do exist within Paradine, but there are only four made by non-staff, two of which YC created. The NPC's as society refers to them as, are programmed to experience emotion to better understand the players, but are treated as robots and often shown abuse. It's possible to kill an NCP, their code will be reset or deleted if they are found to be useless or their files corrupted.
Speaking of corrupted. The system in place is corrupt. In Paradine, you have 5 lives (more can be bought for an excessive price), once that reaches zero you lose all your progress you've made, whatever level you were is set back to 1.
High ranking members are viewed as superior (often the wealthy) while low levels are forbidden from entering certain establishments through the world, which limits the enjoyment and the opportunities to win credits and perks. As most of a person's life is spent within Paradine, it's somewhat of a traumatic experience having all that progress and value set back to nothing.
The real world is designed like your stereotypically futuristic world, its sleek and white and perfect, except ... mentally the population has never felt so isolated and depressed. Most don't have work, since it can all be done automatically without human intervention, the only good jobs going are jobs in coding or engineering and even then it's all very competitive. Those who can't work are forced to live on the streets, usually cold and forgotten, their only escape is in Paradine with many people dying of exposure in the real world as they try to ignore the outside world until their dying breaths.

A few of the poorest don't even have access to Paradine. These are known as the 'Coalers'.
So for the story. I'd be playing the two "NPC's" your character created, which you can talk to and receive help from in the real world through your portable tablet. MC's can intetract with the technology in the near vicinity and offer guidance.

YC was a high level in Paradine, one of the only high rankers that weren't part of the wealthy elite - which made you a target. Through a series of targeted attacks, your lives reached zero and all of your progress was returned to zero - now, with the help of your two NPC's, you try to regain your former status while taking revenge on the ones who sabotaged your progress, both in Paradine, and in the real world.
This one's story-driven could be up for a comedic undertone, with instances of high drama. I have 5 main 'Villains' for our characters to come up against so far. It's all up for discussion!

Picture Perfect
demons and stuff

This one is a little 'out there'. This is a deal with the devil goes right but goes wrong. (MC) is sick of feeling rejected by the world and turns to the dark arts to try and get some recognition. After finding a pretty old book in the local crazy shop, they perform a ritual for fame, fortune and irresistible good looks. It works, they become an internet sensation overnight, some random relative they never heard of sadly passed away and left them a large sum of cash with no strings attached … but when they look at their reflection - it isn't them. It's something (or someone?) else. (MC) has named them the demon in the mirror. This demon can leave the mirror at night, but during the day they're confined to the reflective surfaces, following them around as (MC) bask in their new life.

There are two main routes I can think of for (YC). They could be the helpful demon trying to show (MC) that a bit of fame and money isn't worth eternal damnation (and subsequently go on a journey trying to undo the deal) or they could be the complete opposite, trying to push (MC) further into bad habits and thought patterns.

Once again, we could always flip the characters, if you wanted to be the summoner.

Any and all pairings for this one, MxM, FxM or FxF
Not much to say about this one, it was just an idea that came to be that I thought could be either really dark or really comedic depending on which route we would decide to go down.

Someone else's paradise
Survival / Monster

A tropical paradise has everything you could possibly need. It has free, 24-hour Wifi, unlimited fresh fruits and foods, and desserts at meal times, constantly friendly faces and weekly medical check-ups to make sure you're in tip-top condition. So why did everything feel so … off, all the time? Maybe it was all the rules. No surfing after dark, no climbing the trees, no eating any of the natural fruit on the island, no open wounds in the garden… There were dozens of them that were small and insignificant, but the two staff members always stressed their importance. They were all for their own safety, only the group of inhabitants didn't realize that before it was too late and the mystery begins to unfold behind every rule, slowly but surely revealing the unbelievable nature behind the monsters that they share the island with. This wasn't a paradise for the people on the island, and things only get worse when the list or rules kept on the front desk are taken away ... Did anyone take a picture?
This one is a horror idea. It starts out great, but quickly goes downhill as the group of people (I'm thinking of four main characters that we play) and around 16 not-that-important-characters monster fodder as they get picked off, breaking the rules either on purpose (for others to see what happens, think a villain that forces people to break rules so he knows why he's avoiding them). Monster goodness and gory ends lay here.

Sirens Don't Fly Taken
Romance / plot driven

Everyone knows that humans fight, it was a fact of life and the other species never dared try to take their land from them in worry that the same wrath they show to one another would be transferred onto them. Sirens and mermaids ruled the depths of the sea, living in relative peace between each other, but fiercely protective of their seas, so much so that humans avoided traveling the waters. The Tenshi owned the skies, palaces built in clouds, floating paradises that keep them far away from the two other species. They're usually prideful, and keep their wings in tip-top condition.

Tensions were always bubbling between the three until those tensions turned to wars. It wasn't over land - in fact, most didn't even remember how they started to begin with. The young were raised to be wary of the others and hate them and kill them when they had the chance. Which made it more than tense when two of the three happened into one another. A storm had ravished the coasts of France, wrecked buildings and forced the humans to take shelter in caves and the castle grounds. It just so happened both a siren and a messenger Tenshi had had the exact same idea, barely making it into the beach cavern in time to avoid devastating turbulent weather. Forced to share the same space, they're also forced to confront one another. Fighting would be hard given the confined space didn't have deep enough, stable water to drown anyone, rendering the siren defenceless, and there was barrel enough room to jump, let alone fly...
Wouldn't mind doing this one with two or three people - you have your pick of which you'd prefer to be - human or siren or 'Tenshi' (fancy way of saying, angel). As said it is intended to have romance, with the story being driven by the war, and how the two handle it once they've met each other.

Shoot me a PM if you're interested~
Or post a reply to this thread if you'd prefer~
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OKAY! so the original of this page was both boring and … well boring. I've added FIVE new plots (because I can) and actually really like them all. Very proud of myself ~
Fandom Ideas:
Do books count as a fandom? Well, I am a fan so we're going to go with yes!
This section is for all the established franchises that I'd love to add to in some way, whether that be with characters of my own, other peoples characters, or just exploring aspects of the story with pre-established characters.

Bram Stokers Dracula
Alternate Universe
*Spoilers for the book*
So Bram Stokers Dracula is one of the classics, I enjoyed reading it very much. I think it would be fun to imagine an alternate version of the book. What if the gang didn't succeed in killing Lucy, and she escaped to Pennsylvania? Would that have convinced Mina to join the ranks of the vampire, and ultimately cause Draculas victory? What happens to Johnathon and the gang? What happens indeed.
The story would start with YC venturing up to Castle Dracula. Characters fates will be discovered as YC sneaks in. Who do they meet first? The count himself most likely. And he doesn't kill you (reason to be discussed when plotting~) which gives YC a chance to explore the same rooms that Johnathon was once trapped in.
I'd be more than happy to play Dracula and any of the gang! No prior knowledge of Dracula is needed for this to work, it just adds a little history too where the RP would kick start. With that being said, YC could be an already established character from the book looking for revenge, or a completely new character altogether, with reasons for venturing to castle Drac being up to you!
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I'd like to maybe start a RP with you.
I liked "My Genie" and "Sirens Don't Fly" most I guess.
Or maybe "Someone Else's Paradise" :')
If you want I can message you?
Hi there~
I'm glad you liked some of the ideas, a PM would be great so we can work out which one we like best, and plot from there.
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