Unspecified Welcome to My Humble Abode

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Unspecified Welcome to My Humble Abode

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Today 12:52 PM
Greetings and salutations!

Hey there, guys! The name's Viv and I'm excited to be here of all places. I have roleplaying for well over about 4 years so I think it is safe to say I am used to this sort of thing! If you ever want to discuss plots or just talk, my PM's are open so have at it! I promise I don't bite and I do have a knack for telling terrible puns when needed so beware, you have been warned. Ok, so first thing's first, before we get into all the nitty, gritty, details, let me outline some of the rules I personally have when it comes to roleplaying. Please give these a glance as these are some of the expectations I will have for my threads regardless of content! :)

Da Rules and Guidelines

1) Please try to match my posting length to a reasonable amount. What I mean by this is that if I give you like a 1 or 2 paragraph reply, don'r reply with just a couple of sentences as that is one surefire way to diminish my interest very quickly. I generally aim for at least a minimum of 2 paragraphs but can go less or even more depending on the person but just make sure to match my pace or if you can't just DM me so we can work something out!

2)If you are going on a hiatus or need a break, let me know. Don't just disappear off the map as that will make me less inclined to thread wtih you. Communcation is key to roleplays so it is better to keep everyone in the loop, I am very understanding that real life happens, just make sure you shoot a message my way so I'm aware and I promise to do the same if something happens on my hand.

3) I will not roleplay on any another platform aside from the site. I add this as a learned lesson from another site I have roleplayed on. It just doesn't vibe with me so please if you want to thread with me, keep it on-site. Thanks!

4) I am generally open to almost any sort of roleplays(Slice of Life, fantasy,smut, romance, etc..) so don't try to turn the theme into something else than what it orginally was planned for.

5) Have fun!! I promise to make it an enjoyable experience for all I run into so looking forward to it!


Have at it. Here is the link to my f-list below so you can get a general idea of my do's and don'ts within roleplays. Please take a look at it. Also as a general role, do keep in mind I do not partake in any watersports or vore-related themes so just keep that in mind!

-F-LIST: F-list - Warning

Plots and Pairings!

- Caged Bird(MxF): A correctional officer working in a local federal holding facility has been tasked with overseeing the Supermax Unit which is recieving a new inmate to it's ranks, a former gang member arrested for murder. However over time, it seems that the officer is interested in more than just the criminal's charges.

Note: This would be somewhat of a drawn out roleplay with a good amount of plot and smut respectively so keep that in mind.

- Flames of War(MxF): Lady Evelyn Blackstone serves the King of Altwood acting as his advisor in royal matters. However, the attention of her childhood friend, the captain of the guard has her distracted. The oncoming war leaves them all in a dilemma and the captain wrestles with whether to confess to the lady before the battle.

Note: This would be plot heavy and involve very little sexual themes if at all any.

- A Helping Hand(FxF): A lone college teenager on her way home from work finds herself relatively helpless after her old, run-down Honda Accord stalls. Another motorist stops by to help but the girl has no way to repay the kindness.

Note: This would be a rather quick roleplay with a smutty, lesbian experience and if you want to draw it out, we could even throw in some more heavy plot depending on how the thread goes.

- Product Checklist(MxF): Working as a valet for a high-end casino place, Rachael accidentaly messes up some big hot-shot's car and keeps quiet about it. She learns to regret this when the next day, she is abducted and driven to a run-down part of town where the man who's vehicle she messed up identifys himself as the ringleader of a cartel and they discuss about what to do with her.

Note: This would probably contain for most of the parts some rape/smut scense so if you're uncomfortable with that, this is not for you.

- They're All Around Us(FxF): A she-elf on a hunting trip in the forest of Driarwood spots some elk and after giving chase winds up lost deep in the forest with no way how to get back to her village. She meets a mysterious witch who promises to aid her as long as the elf does some simple tasks.

Note: This will be both plot and smut-heavy so be prepared for that.

Please do
NOT post in this thread if you want one of these ideas. PM me instead and we can start planning. Additionally, if you want to do a plot and I have not suggested it yet, please message me! Aside from that, have at it and hope we can all have some good fun!
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