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MxF Welcome to the Abyss


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Today 9:11 PM
Your darkest and most fantastic dreams are within your grasp. Simply close your eyes, and sink deeper into the Abyss.
Thank you for taking the time to look over my request thread! I've been roleplaying on and off for around eight years. I have a passion for writing, and I have found that cooperative storytelling has a profound way of breathing life into a tale in a way solo writing does not.

What you can expect from me:

  • Literate replies.
  • Lengthy and detailed paragraphs. I write anywhere from one large paragraph to several, depending on my muse and my partners preferences.
  • At least one reply per week unless otherwise specified.
  • A willingness to explore new ideas.
  • Friendly and willing to communicate.

What I expect from my partners:

  • Literate/grammatically correct. I don't expect perfection, but I need to at least be able to comprehend!
  • At least one detailed paragraph per response. No one liners, please.
  • Willing and able to build upon a plot with me, lets make it a co-writing experience and not one sided.
  • If you lose interest in a story, just let me know. I promise I don't bite.
What I look for in a Roleplay:

  • Third person POV only.
  • Dark, heavy, fantasy related themes.
  • Romance; but it must NOT be the sole purpose of the plot. I prefer romance to blossom naturally without being forced.
  • Smut isn't my favorite thing, but I understand that sex is a natural part of most relationships. Should our characters get to that point, it's fine- but I won't write a Smut-centric plot.
  • Details! The more the merrier.


I enjoy a plethora of genres, usually with some underlying fantasy/supernatural themes. Slice-of-life and strictly Realistic plots bore the hell out of me. I like to think Roleplay is an escape from the mundane nature of life. A few base genres and themes (assume fantasy is a tag line on each):

  • Modern
  • Historical (medieval, Victorian, Elizabethan)
  • Dark/Gothic
  • Supernatural
  • Horror
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Dystopian
  • Science Fiction
Again, I love romance as a sub plot! But if we can not describe the storyline without the romantic elements, than it's not for me.

A few pairings I enjoy:


Arranged Marriage


(I.E. Vampire, Werewolf, Witch/Warlock, etc)

There are many more, and I'll add them as I'm able!

Thank you for making it this far, I look forward to writing with you.

PM with interest.
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