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Hello everybody! Thank you for taking the time to read my ad here! So as you read, yes this is all fun times with gayness. Like they said in The Producers "Keep it Gay!" and that is my intent! We have a little of everything here folks. Canon worlds, original ideas, crazy stuff and of course we can't forget the cream filling! Now that's the stuff! Hostess! OK need to stop showing my age and get on with it. Side note, I'm a bottom subby boy. Yes I know there are thousands of us. Sorry, but that's me. Side note side note (last thing I swear) if you see anything here that violates Writers Sanctum's rules contact me IMMEDIATELY! Pretty sure there isn't after looking through the thread myself, but mistakes can be made. Don't want to cause trouble here.
A New World
Character A has a handicap. Character B has a perfect bill of health. One falls for the other and they have to learn how to be in a relationship with this limit over their heads. This idea has appeal because something about people with a handicap, no matter what it is makes me want to hug them. Missing an arm, a foot. They could be blind, deaf, can't speak.
Bound for winter
A character was born with a rare disease. This makes their bodies the opposite of humans in the way that their bodies need to be cold instead of hot. They live in the arctic often going around with little clothing to keep their temperature at a low enough rate. This idea is a bit more of a character thing rather than a full blown plot, but thought I'd include it for the lol's.
Case of Mistaken Identity
Character A looks like a girl. Character B is a "Heterosexual" male. Character B falls for A and thinks they are fully female. From this point B could be confused about his sexuality, A could hide the truth afraid of the fallout or possibly something else. We can really play with sexual orientation with this one.
Doctor Doctor Give Me The News
Character A is very sick. A can have some rare disease or some type of illness they need to be watched over. They see their doctor Character B often. The doctor secretly longs for every time they come in as they have fallen madly in love with A. B is afraid of making a move, but knows he can't let the opportunity pass up. Regulations be damned!
Character A is a human. Character B an alien. Character A is abducted upon a ship and is going to be subjected to many experiments. A is going to be on many different adventures now leaving his home planet. How much he will change is still up to be seen. This is sort of basic, but really want to do some alien on human stuff.
Fight Turned Right
Character A and Character B hate each other. Despite said hate they have to see each other often for any particular reason. One day they get into a big fight. Fists are flying, brusies appear and then all of a sudden things stop once Character B is on top of A and kisses him on the lips. It gets even weirder after they suddenly have hot passionate sex right afterwords. What does this mean?
Character A is a ghost and Character B is still alive. The spirit is wondering around on this earth still not able to fully pass on with business on this plane of existence still needing to be taken care of. B learns of A's existence. They learn all about them and fall for them. Yet how can you have a relationship with a being when you can't physically touch each other?
Heart of Texas
Character A is an openly gay student and B is a tough American southern boy with a thick accent and enjoys wearing overalls and going around barefoot. Character A moves to a southern town where B lives and thanks to being out B and his friends often make fun and bash him. B does everything to try and make A's life a living hell. Finally one day A confronts B to leave him alone. The shock on A's face is extreme once B gives him a nice, deep, wet and passionate kiss.
Hot for Teacher
In a society where all must graduate college no matter what Character A is stuck in college. Character B is a Professor who is starting for their first day. Character A is a total failure of a student until B came along. B praises A's accomplishments, but A is wanting more then praise.
I Am A Freak
Character A looks like your typical person. If you passed them on the street you wouldn't look twice at them. Deep inside though they are not what they seem. Powers beyond this world which they can't control, a race of beings not from this planet. This guy would be gold for any FBI agent. His goal is to hide from the world and not let on to who he really is.
Law and Order
Character A is a cop. Character B is a criminal. A arrest B and locks them up in jail. Simple right? Not so when you add in the feelings involved. What if B was an ex? A family member? Perhaps a lover? It could be they don't know them at all, but their charms make them worm into the officers heart and fall for them. How complex of an issue when a cop is fallen for his inmate.
Monster of Love
Character A is a picture of beauty. The ads you see on billboards, the covers of websites and magazines. The ideal version of the perfect guy. Then you have character B. Ugly, wrinkled, old and gray skin. They are literally a monster. What if A fell for B? What if B kidnapped A out of love?
The Life and Death War
Anubis the Egyptian god of the dead. Sealed in a tomb for what seems like eons to him, but only it has been a few millennia. The worship for him has deteriorated as time went on. This angered him and decided that he would cause war on the living. The death god needed to be released from his prison. A foolish young thief who is an atheist would do the trick, in fact, one just happened to want to try to steal the jewels from the black-skinned god's sarcophagus. Once released he offers the one who releases him to be his slave and help him wage war on the living to get his revenge.
Love Is Never Language Bound
Character A is an English speaker. Character B is not. Imagine the two deserted on an island far away from civilization. All they had was each other to rely on. After a while they get intimate with each other. (This is preferred with someone who is bilingual.)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I like the idea of falling in love with someone who is not mentally right. Not exactly someone fully into murder and a downright psychopath, but someone who is not mentally all there and would protect you with their life, but if you separate from them they will go full on bonkers and show how unwell they are. Family urging me to not be with him for my safety and I fight for him and his honor.
Saving a Life
Character A is out of town camping in the woods. It was meant to be a simple little trip to make things relaxing and unleash stress. All of a sudden Character B is seen in the middle of the woods bleeding profusely. Rather it was due to animals attacking or something else there was little time. Character B is picked up by Character A and treated with care while they recover. (psst. I'll let you in on a secret. You might of noticed I didn't mention in that summary if B was a human or animal or what. I did that on purpose. ;) )
Secret Time in the Confessional
Homosexuality. In the Christian religion, it is a taboo that is never to be done. If done you are to purge yourself of its evil. Though what about a priest? What if he fell in love with another man? Another priest no less? Second thought what if that priest loved him back? If it's so wrong why does it feel so right?
Why Won't You Love Me?!
Character A is gay and Character B is straight. They are good friends. A is attracted to B, but doesn' t tell him out of fear what will happen. Time after time B goes to try and find himself a girl and they fuck him over. Leading to him coming over to A's home. Possibly drunk off his ass. The typical routine of complaining about the woman he knows and how she is fucking him over. It tears up A inside and he just wants to say "I WILL TREAT YOU BETTER GOD DAMN IT!" to his face.
The Wild Man
Somewhere deep in the wildlife of Africa (Can be somewhere else, but Africa is the first place that came to mind.) there is a man who is a rebel against society. He does not take baths. His hate for technology is great and there is not a single shred of clothing upon his body. Very little is known about this man, but it is believed the animals have been tamed by his hands and are at his command. The wild man may not be the cleanest creature around, but he sure as hell is strong. Almost superhuman like strength. This wild man is very lonely and sad. Despite how the man may feel about humans someone taking up his ways while he 'saves' them is always something he fantasies about.
My Blood Sacrifice
Character A is a vampire who doesn't enjoy drinking blood. He hates taking blood from others mostly because he knows the reaction he will get revealing the truth. He is slowly dying and slipping away. There was only one option. Kidnap someone and keep them in his house to be a permanate blood bank. Thing is Character B is not aware of this and isn't going to like it.
Life Plot Twist
Character A wakes up and comes to a upward position. The man takes a look at his Husband, Character B and his son Character C and they are giving him breakfast in bed. "Happy Birthday!" They scream at the top of their lungs. Only one problem. A is single with no children, his birthday is months away and he remembers dying the previous night.
The Underground
Homosexuals never had their rights movement. Stonewall wasn't a thing, no country ever legalized gay marriage and everyone thinks it's a mental disease. They all escaped into the underground. A secret passage way where all of the gays live. If you know the right codes then you can get in.
Life, Take Two
Character A was tossed between foster family to foster family. He's never stayed in one place for too long. Now on the day of his eighteenth birthday something rather curious happens. Character B, A gentleman in a limo pulls up. He says to the boy. "You've past your test. Come sire, your country needs you."
Character A is a stage magician. He's able to do all the old classics including some new stuff nobody has ever seen before. Bringing the art into a new age is something few have been able to do. Only thing is, this guy is the real deal. He can perform real magic and uses the stage schtick to keep people off his trail.
My Eyes they Doth see
Character A is a boy with autism. He is very quiet and withdrawn. Often times he doesn't look into another eyes, but for good reason. With a second of eye contact A can learn everything that person knows. Language, science and even the places they have been. Though, some things are best not to know.
Hush my lover, you will wake the dead.
Character A is on Tinder. Fiddling around he looks at a profile that seems to match. Character B. His profile pic is great, they have similar interest, their life goals are the same, political status aline and even enjoy the same TV shows. A scrolls down and see's his job description as "The god of death." and A laughs this off thinking of it as a joke. It's not.
A surprise text
Character A is bored. Literally nothing they could think of excites them. For a laugh they pull out their cellphone and decide to enter a bunch of random digits. Send a message, see what happens. Before he can do that though, something disturbing happens. There are ... at the bottom of the screen. Whoever this person is, they are texting him as well.
Press A to Warp
Picture if you will the last video game you played before bed suddenly becomes the world you wake up tomorrow. What world would you end up in? A zombie apocolypse? A future society? Fantasy? Do you think you can survive?
Love So Right It's Wrong
Character A and Character B known each other for as long as they could remember. They grew up together and helped each other with homework. In Summer they would spend all the time together and now that they are all grown up they want nothing more to be in a relationship. If only they were not related.
Based off of a song of the same name Character A lusts for Character B. They do all they can to drop hints. A's only problem is B is thick headed and can't pick up on the hints at all.
Last Friday Night (TGIF)
Based off a song of the same name Character A is throwing a weekend party. They send out invitations to everyone and make sure this will be a total smash success. Character B is a total nerd and recluse. Secretly A made this party just to get B to come over. He comes over and offers a total make over and a great night. The tab is on A.
The Final Countdown
Based off a song of the same name everyone is crowded around their smart phones, TV's and clocks. The world superpowers have made threats of nuclear war and all intend to go through. Time was running out as the Final Countdown to the nuclear amegedian is coming. Some were lucky to get out into space. Not all were that lucky though.
When you're Evil.
Based off a song of the same name. Character A challanges the King of Hell to a fight. A wins and now is the new ultimate ruler of all things vile. The living are screwed.
A Gorey Demise
Warning. The following idea has some extreme themes in it. Proceed with caution. This is based off a song of the same name. The Day of Mortes is known to be a day where everything goes to hell. Nobody knows why, but for 24 hours on this day nobody is safe. The undead rise, electronic devices break, cars are uncontrollable and more. Staying alive is the name of the game and avoiding a very grizzly end.
Rebel Boy
This is based off of a book ... OK that's a joke another song, but it's originally named girl not boy, but gay so. Anyhow Character A and B have always been outcasts. Whenever one was there was the other. Tighter than a knot. A looks up to B. See's him as a king. They are like big brother and little brother.
Yep. List of fandoms I like to play in and as. Two notes here. The first character is who I'd like you to play and the second is me. Finally, any character in this list who is underage will be aged up for our RP ideas. Good? Good!
Ace Attorney
⦁ Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Larry Butz x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Tateyuki Shigaraki x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Teikun O x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Hershal Layton x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Acro x Bat
⦁ Jean Armstrong x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Edgeworth x Gumshoe
⦁ Bobby Fulbright x Simon BLackquill
⦁ Phoenix Wright x Apollo Justice
⦁ Shi Long Lang x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Jake Marshall x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Will Powers x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Clay Terran x Apollo Justice
⦁ Sokka x Aang
⦁ Jet x Aang
⦁ Iroh x Aang
⦁ Zuko x Aang
⦁ Boomie x Aang
Comics (DC/Marvel)
⦁ Batman x Superman
⦁ Beast Boy x Robin (Dick Grayson)
⦁ Beast Boy x Superboy (Jon Kent)
⦁ Beast Boy x Robin (Tim Drake)
⦁ Aquaman x (open)
⦁ Gorilla Grodd x Flash
⦁ Batman x Robin (Dick grayson/Jason Todd/Tim Drake/Damian Wayne)
⦁ (Conner Kent) Superboy x Robin (Tim Drake)
⦁ (Damian Wayne) Robin x Superman (Jon Kent)
⦁ Martian Manhunter x (open)
⦁ Zod x Superman
⦁ Kilowog x Hal Jorden
⦁ Static Shock x Gear
⦁ (Miles Morales) Spider-Man x Spiderman (Peter Parker)
⦁ Iron Man x Captain America
⦁ Wolverine x (open)
⦁ Thor x (open)
⦁ Black Panther x (open)
⦁ Luke Cage x (open)
⦁ Cyclops x (open)
⦁ Beast x (Open)
⦁ Namor x (open)
⦁ Quicksilver x Flash
⦁ Gambit x (open
⦁ Iceman x (Open)
⦁ Nightcrawler x (open)
⦁ Deadpool x Spiderman (Peter Parker)
⦁ Charles Xavier x (Open)
⦁ Hulk x (open)
⦁ (Open) x Wiccan
⦁ Star Lord x (open)
⦁ Rocket x (Open)
⦁ Magneto x (open)
Dan Vs
⦁ Dan x Chris
⦁ Dan x OC
Death Note
⦁ L x Light
⦁ Taichi/Tai x Yamato/Matt
⦁ Izzy x T.K.
⦁ Yamato/Matt x T.K.
⦁ Weregarurumon x Yamato/matt
⦁ Henry x Takato
⦁ J.P. Shibayama x Kanbara Takuya
⦁ Tadashi Hamada x Hiro Hamada
⦁ Quasimodo x (open)
⦁ Beast x (open)
⦁ Kristoff x (Open)
⦁ Li Shang x (open)
⦁ Flynn Rider x (open)
⦁ Mr Incredible x (Open)
⦁ Miguel x (Open)
⦁ Dash x (open)
⦁ Maui x (Open)
Dragon ball
⦁ Vegeta x Goku
⦁ Frieza x Goku
⦁ Piccolo x Goku
⦁ Piccolo x Gohan
⦁ Goku x Yamcha
⦁ Trunks x Goten
⦁ Raditz x Goku
⦁ Yamcha x Goku
⦁ Champa x (open)
Fairly Oddparents
⦁ Chester McBadbat x Timmy/Timantha Turner
⦁ AJ x Timmy/Timantha Turner
⦁ Sanjay x Timmy /TimanthaTurner
Fire Emblem
⦁ Prince Chrom x Robin (male)
⦁ Vaike x Robin
⦁ Asugi x Robin
⦁ Azama x Robin
Final Fantasy
⦁ Wakka x Tidus
⦁ Kimahri x Tidus
⦁ Auron x Tidus
⦁ Jecht x Tidus
⦁ Snow x Hope
⦁ Zell x (open)
God of War
⦁ Kratos x (open)
⦁ Kratos x BOY!
Harry Potter
⦁ Ron x Harry
⦁ Draco x Harry
⦁ Weasley Twins x Harry
⦁ Karkat x John Egbert
⦁ Gamzee x Tavros
⦁ Gamzee x John Egbert
⦁ Sollux x John Egbert
Invader Zim
⦁ Zim x Dib
Kid Icarus
⦁ Dark Pit x Pit
Kingdom Hearts
⦁ Riku x Sora
⦁ Axel x Roxas
⦁ Aladdin x Sora
⦁ Tarzan x Sora
⦁ Hercules x Sora
⦁ King Triton x Sora
⦁ Beast x Sora
⦁ Mufasa x Sora
⦁ Simba x Sora
⦁ Jack Sparrow x Sora
⦁ John Smith x Sora
⦁ Li Shang x Sora
⦁ Flynn Rider x Sora
⦁ Kristoff x Sora
⦁ Peter Pan x Sora
⦁ Mr Incredible x Sora
Legend of Zelda
⦁ Ganon x Link
⦁ Ganondorf x Link
⦁ Dark Link x Link
⦁ Sidon x Link
⦁ Dampe x Link
⦁ Pipit x Link
⦁ Groose x Link
⦁ Draunia x Link
⦁ Link x Sheik (Male)
⦁ Bowser x Mario
⦁ Donkey Kong x Mario
⦁ Luigi x Mario
Metal Gear
⦁ Snake x Otacon
⦁ Snake x Raiden
⦁ Vamp x Raiden
Miraculous Lady bug and Cat Noir
⦁ (Open) x Cat Noir
⦁ Cat Noir x (open)
⦁ Cat Noir x Male Ladybug
My hero Academia
⦁ Toshinori Yagi x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Ejiro Kirishima x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Tenya Iida x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Mashirao Ojiro x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha
⦁ Kakashi Hatake x Sasuke Uchiha
⦁ Gaara x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Kurama x Naruto
⦁ Jiraiya x Naruto
⦁ Rock Lee x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Killer B x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Kiba Inuzuka x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Choji x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Iruka Umino x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Doomfist x (open)
⦁ Genji x (open)
⦁ Mccree x (open)
⦁ Hanzo x (open)
⦁ Roadhog x (open)
⦁ Winston x (open)
⦁ Lucio x (open)
Ranma 1/2
⦁ Ryoga Hibiki x Ranma Saotome
⦁ Tatewaki Kuno x Ranma Saotome
⦁ Akihiko Sanada x Yu Narukami
⦁ Junpei Iori x Yu Narukami
⦁ Yosuke Hanamura x Yu Narukami
⦁ Kanji Tatsumi x Yu narukami
⦁ Ryotaro Dojima x Yu Narukami
⦁ Daisuke Nagase x Yu Narukami
⦁ Kou Ichijo x Yu Narukami
⦁ Green/Blue x Red
⦁ Aaron x Ash
⦁ Alder x Ash
⦁ Archie x Ash
⦁ Barlow x Ash
⦁ Professor Birch x Ash
⦁ Brawly x Ash
⦁ Brock x Ash
⦁ Bruno x Ash
⦁ Brycen x Ash
⦁ Buck x Ash
⦁ Bugsy x Ash
⦁ Cameron x Ash
⦁ Cameron x Ash
⦁ Chuck x Ash
⦁ Cross x Ash
⦁ Drake x Ash
⦁ Flint x Ash
⦁ Guzma x Ash
⦁ Hala x Ash
⦁ Hau x Ash
⦁ Heath x Ash
⦁ Jimmy x Ash
⦁ Kiawe x Ash
⦁ Professor Kukui x Ash
⦁ Luis x Ash
⦁ Marlon x Ash
⦁ Marshal X Ash
⦁ Aqua Admin Matt x Ash
⦁ Paul x Ash
⦁ Richie x Ash
⦁ Primo x Ash
⦁ Provo x Ash
⦁ Ritchie x Ash
⦁ Roark x Ash
⦁ Sidney x Ash
⦁ Sophocles x Ash
⦁ Todd Snap x Ash
⦁ Palace Maven Spenser x Ash
⦁ Stephan x Ash
⦁ Lt surge x Ash
⦁ Tierno x Ash
⦁ Tommy (EP034) x Ash
⦁ Tupp x Ash
⦁ Volkner x Ash
⦁ Crasher Wake x Ash
⦁ Professor Willow x Ash
⦁ Wulfric x Ash
⦁ Charizard x Ash
⦁ Arbok x Ash
⦁ Sandslash x Ash
⦁ Nidoking x Ash
⦁ Ninetales x Ash
⦁ Arcanine x Ash
⦁ Machamp x Ash
⦁ Hypno x Ash
⦁ Typhlosion x Ash
⦁ Feraligator x Ash
⦁ Ursaring x Ash
⦁ Sceptile x Ash
⦁ Blaziken x Ash
⦁ Swampert x Ash
⦁ Slacking x Infernape
⦁ Emboar x Ash
⦁ Greninja x Ash
⦁ Incineroar x Ash
Power Rangers
⦁ Tommy x Jason
⦁ Tommy x Billy
⦁ Zack x Jason
⦁ Tommy x Rocky
⦁ Tommy x Justin
⦁ Andros x Zhane
⦁ Carter x Chad
⦁ Alex x Trip
⦁ Max x Danny
⦁ Anubis Cruger x Schuyler
⦁ Nick x Xander
⦁ Xander x Charlie Thorn
⦁ Chase x Riley
Punch Out
⦁ Aran Ryan x Little Mac
⦁ Bald Bull x Little Mac
⦁ Bear Hugger x Little Mac
⦁ Disco Kid x Little Mac
⦁ Don Flamenco x Little Mac
⦁ Donkey Kong x Little Mac
⦁ Great Tiger x Little Mac
⦁ Mr Sandman x Little Mac
⦁ Piston Hondo x Little Mac
⦁ Soda Popinski x Little Mac
⦁ Super Macho Man x Little Mac
⦁ Von Kaiser x Little Mac
Resident Evil
⦁ Albert Wesker x Chris Redfield
⦁ Chris Redfield x Leon s Kennedy
⦁ Chris Redfield x Barry Burton
⦁ Jack Krauser x Leon s Kennedy
⦁ Billy Koen x Chris Redfield
⦁ Chris Redfield x Steve Burnside
⦁ Luis Sera x Leon Kennedy
Sailor Moon
⦁ Nephrite x Zoisite
⦁ Tuxedo Mask x Zoisite
⦁ Tuxedo Mask x Fish eye
Soul Eater
⦁ BLack Star x Soul Evans
⦁ Death the Kid x Soul Evans
Star Fox
⦁ Starwolf x Starfox
Street Fighter
⦁ Ryu x Ken
⦁ Zangeif x (open)
⦁ Balrog x (open)
⦁ Sean x (open)
⦁ Dhalsim x (open)
⦁ Birdie x (Open)
⦁ E.Honda x (open)
⦁ T. Hawke x (Open)
⦁ Dee Jay x (open)
⦁ Yun x (open)
⦁ El Fuerte x (Open)
⦁ Rufus x Ken
⦁ Guile x (open)
⦁ Knuckles x Sonic
⦁ Shadow x Sonic
⦁ Sonic x Tails
⦁ Silver x Sonic
⦁ Scourge x Sonic
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
⦁ Donatello x (Open)
⦁ Raphael x (open)
⦁ Leatherhead x Michelangelo
⦁ Leonardo x (open)
South Park
⦁ Craig x Tweek
⦁ Eric x Kyle
⦁ Stan x Kyle
⦁ Goth Kid x Stan
⦁ (open) x Butters
⦁ Asgore x Frisk
⦁ Mettaton x Frisk
⦁ Asriel x Frisk
⦁ Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins
Yu Gi Oh
⦁ Atem x Yugi Moto
⦁ Duke Devlin x Yugi Moto
⦁ Seto x Yugi Moto
⦁ Joey x Yugi Moto
⦁ Noah x Mokuba
⦁ Bakura x Marick
⦁ Mako Tsunami x Yugi Moto
⦁ Johnny Bravo
⦁ Duke Nukem
⦁ Nathan Drake
Plant creatures
Personality/Body types
Chubby (Difference from chubby and fat)
Country boys
Facial Hair
Never give up attitude
So here is a list of genders I shall accept rping with me as well as playing with. Pretty simple I think right? Here we go!
Ftm Transgender men
Intersex men
Intersex female
Okay so this list is going to be rather long. This is stuff I am into doing some is more crazy than others. If you have questions please ask and I'll explain. I promise there is a reason for everything. Even the more extreme stuff.
Age Differences
Being shaved
Male Pregnancy
Power relinguishing
Stockholm syndrome
Video recording
Weird romances
Wound Licking
A New World
Character A has a handicap. Character B has a perfect bill of health. One falls for the other and they have to learn how to be in a relationship with this limit over their heads. This idea has appeal because something about people with a handicap, no matter what it is makes me want to hug them. Missing an arm, a foot. They could be blind, deaf, can't speak.
Bound for winter
A character was born with a rare disease. This makes their bodies the opposite of humans in the way that their bodies need to be cold instead of hot. They live in the arctic often going around with little clothing to keep their temperature at a low enough rate. This idea is a bit more of a character thing rather than a full blown plot, but thought I'd include it for the lol's.
Case of Mistaken Identity
Character A looks like a girl. Character B is a "Heterosexual" male. Character B falls for A and thinks they are fully female. From this point B could be confused about his sexuality, A could hide the truth afraid of the fallout or possibly something else. We can really play with sexual orientation with this one.
Doctor Doctor Give Me The News
Character A is very sick. A can have some rare disease or some type of illness they need to be watched over. They see their doctor Character B often. The doctor secretly longs for every time they come in as they have fallen madly in love with A. B is afraid of making a move, but knows he can't let the opportunity pass up. Regulations be damned!
Character A is a human. Character B an alien. Character A is abducted upon a ship and is going to be subjected to many experiments. A is going to be on many different adventures now leaving his home planet. How much he will change is still up to be seen. This is sort of basic, but really want to do some alien on human stuff.
Fight Turned Right
Character A and Character B hate each other. Despite said hate they have to see each other often for any particular reason. One day they get into a big fight. Fists are flying, brusies appear and then all of a sudden things stop once Character B is on top of A and kisses him on the lips. It gets even weirder after they suddenly have hot passionate sex right afterwords. What does this mean?
Character A is a ghost and Character B is still alive. The spirit is wondering around on this earth still not able to fully pass on with business on this plane of existence still needing to be taken care of. B learns of A's existence. They learn all about them and fall for them. Yet how can you have a relationship with a being when you can't physically touch each other?
Heart of Texas
Character A is an openly gay student and B is a tough American southern boy with a thick accent and enjoys wearing overalls and going around barefoot. Character A moves to a southern town where B lives and thanks to being out B and his friends often make fun and bash him. B does everything to try and make A's life a living hell. Finally one day A confronts B to leave him alone. The shock on A's face is extreme once B gives him a nice, deep, wet and passionate kiss.
Hot for Teacher
In a society where all must graduate college no matter what Character A is stuck in college. Character B is a Professor who is starting for their first day. Character A is a total failure of a student until B came along. B praises A's accomplishments, but A is wanting more then praise.
I Am A Freak
Character A looks like your typical person. If you passed them on the street you wouldn't look twice at them. Deep inside though they are not what they seem. Powers beyond this world which they can't control, a race of beings not from this planet. This guy would be gold for any FBI agent. His goal is to hide from the world and not let on to who he really is.
Law and Order
Character A is a cop. Character B is a criminal. A arrest B and locks them up in jail. Simple right? Not so when you add in the feelings involved. What if B was an ex? A family member? Perhaps a lover? It could be they don't know them at all, but their charms make them worm into the officers heart and fall for them. How complex of an issue when a cop is fallen for his inmate.
Monster of Love
Character A is a picture of beauty. The ads you see on billboards, the covers of websites and magazines. The ideal version of the perfect guy. Then you have character B. Ugly, wrinkled, old and gray skin. They are literally a monster. What if A fell for B? What if B kidnapped A out of love?
The Life and Death War
Anubis the Egyptian god of the dead. Sealed in a tomb for what seems like eons to him, but only it has been a few millennia. The worship for him has deteriorated as time went on. This angered him and decided that he would cause war on the living. The death god needed to be released from his prison. A foolish young thief who is an atheist would do the trick, in fact, one just happened to want to try to steal the jewels from the black-skinned god's sarcophagus. Once released he offers the one who releases him to be his slave and help him wage war on the living to get his revenge.
Love Is Never Language Bound
Character A is an English speaker. Character B is not. Imagine the two deserted on an island far away from civilization. All they had was each other to rely on. After a while they get intimate with each other. (This is preferred with someone who is bilingual.)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I like the idea of falling in love with someone who is not mentally right. Not exactly someone fully into murder and a downright psychopath, but someone who is not mentally all there and would protect you with their life, but if you separate from them they will go full on bonkers and show how unwell they are. Family urging me to not be with him for my safety and I fight for him and his honor.
Saving a Life
Character A is out of town camping in the woods. It was meant to be a simple little trip to make things relaxing and unleash stress. All of a sudden Character B is seen in the middle of the woods bleeding profusely. Rather it was due to animals attacking or something else there was little time. Character B is picked up by Character A and treated with care while they recover. (psst. I'll let you in on a secret. You might of noticed I didn't mention in that summary if B was a human or animal or what. I did that on purpose. ;) )
Secret Time in the Confessional
Homosexuality. In the Christian religion, it is a taboo that is never to be done. If done you are to purge yourself of its evil. Though what about a priest? What if he fell in love with another man? Another priest no less? Second thought what if that priest loved him back? If it's so wrong why does it feel so right?
Why Won't You Love Me?!
Character A is gay and Character B is straight. They are good friends. A is attracted to B, but doesn' t tell him out of fear what will happen. Time after time B goes to try and find himself a girl and they fuck him over. Leading to him coming over to A's home. Possibly drunk off his ass. The typical routine of complaining about the woman he knows and how she is fucking him over. It tears up A inside and he just wants to say "I WILL TREAT YOU BETTER GOD DAMN IT!" to his face.
The Wild Man
Somewhere deep in the wildlife of Africa (Can be somewhere else, but Africa is the first place that came to mind.) there is a man who is a rebel against society. He does not take baths. His hate for technology is great and there is not a single shred of clothing upon his body. Very little is known about this man, but it is believed the animals have been tamed by his hands and are at his command. The wild man may not be the cleanest creature around, but he sure as hell is strong. Almost superhuman like strength. This wild man is very lonely and sad. Despite how the man may feel about humans someone taking up his ways while he 'saves' them is always something he fantasies about.
My Blood Sacrifice
Character A is a vampire who doesn't enjoy drinking blood. He hates taking blood from others mostly because he knows the reaction he will get revealing the truth. He is slowly dying and slipping away. There was only one option. Kidnap someone and keep them in his house to be a permanate blood bank. Thing is Character B is not aware of this and isn't going to like it.
Life Plot Twist
Character A wakes up and comes to a upward position. The man takes a look at his Husband, Character B and his son Character C and they are giving him breakfast in bed. "Happy Birthday!" They scream at the top of their lungs. Only one problem. A is single with no children, his birthday is months away and he remembers dying the previous night.
The Underground
Homosexuals never had their rights movement. Stonewall wasn't a thing, no country ever legalized gay marriage and everyone thinks it's a mental disease. They all escaped into the underground. A secret passage way where all of the gays live. If you know the right codes then you can get in.
Life, Take Two
Character A was tossed between foster family to foster family. He's never stayed in one place for too long. Now on the day of his eighteenth birthday something rather curious happens. Character B, A gentleman in a limo pulls up. He says to the boy. "You've past your test. Come sire, your country needs you."
Character A is a stage magician. He's able to do all the old classics including some new stuff nobody has ever seen before. Bringing the art into a new age is something few have been able to do. Only thing is, this guy is the real deal. He can perform real magic and uses the stage schtick to keep people off his trail.
My Eyes they Doth see
Character A is a boy with autism. He is very quiet and withdrawn. Often times he doesn't look into another eyes, but for good reason. With a second of eye contact A can learn everything that person knows. Language, science and even the places they have been. Though, some things are best not to know.
Hush my lover, you will wake the dead.
Character A is on Tinder. Fiddling around he looks at a profile that seems to match. Character B. His profile pic is great, they have similar interest, their life goals are the same, political status aline and even enjoy the same TV shows. A scrolls down and see's his job description as "The god of death." and A laughs this off thinking of it as a joke. It's not.
A surprise text
Character A is bored. Literally nothing they could think of excites them. For a laugh they pull out their cellphone and decide to enter a bunch of random digits. Send a message, see what happens. Before he can do that though, something disturbing happens. There are ... at the bottom of the screen. Whoever this person is, they are texting him as well.
Press A to Warp
Picture if you will the last video game you played before bed suddenly becomes the world you wake up tomorrow. What world would you end up in? A zombie apocolypse? A future society? Fantasy? Do you think you can survive?
Love So Right It's Wrong
Character A and Character B known each other for as long as they could remember. They grew up together and helped each other with homework. In Summer they would spend all the time together and now that they are all grown up they want nothing more to be in a relationship. If only they were not related.
Based off of a song of the same name Character A lusts for Character B. They do all they can to drop hints. A's only problem is B is thick headed and can't pick up on the hints at all.
Last Friday Night (TGIF)
Based off a song of the same name Character A is throwing a weekend party. They send out invitations to everyone and make sure this will be a total smash success. Character B is a total nerd and recluse. Secretly A made this party just to get B to come over. He comes over and offers a total make over and a great night. The tab is on A.
The Final Countdown
Based off a song of the same name everyone is crowded around their smart phones, TV's and clocks. The world superpowers have made threats of nuclear war and all intend to go through. Time was running out as the Final Countdown to the nuclear amegedian is coming. Some were lucky to get out into space. Not all were that lucky though.
When you're Evil.
Based off a song of the same name. Character A challanges the King of Hell to a fight. A wins and now is the new ultimate ruler of all things vile. The living are screwed.
A Gorey Demise
Warning. The following idea has some extreme themes in it. Proceed with caution. This is based off a song of the same name. The Day of Mortes is known to be a day where everything goes to hell. Nobody knows why, but for 24 hours on this day nobody is safe. The undead rise, electronic devices break, cars are uncontrollable and more. Staying alive is the name of the game and avoiding a very grizzly end.
Rebel Boy
This is based off of a book ... OK that's a joke another song, but it's originally named girl not boy, but gay so. Anyhow Character A and B have always been outcasts. Whenever one was there was the other. Tighter than a knot. A looks up to B. See's him as a king. They are like big brother and little brother.
Yep. List of fandoms I like to play in and as. Two notes here. The first character is who I'd like you to play and the second is me. Finally, any character in this list who is underage will be aged up for our RP ideas. Good? Good!
Ace Attorney
⦁ Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Larry Butz x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Tateyuki Shigaraki x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Teikun O x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Hershal Layton x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Acro x Bat
⦁ Jean Armstrong x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Edgeworth x Gumshoe
⦁ Bobby Fulbright x Simon BLackquill
⦁ Phoenix Wright x Apollo Justice
⦁ Shi Long Lang x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Jake Marshall x Phoenix Wright
⦁ Will Powers x Dick Gumshoe
⦁ Clay Terran x Apollo Justice
⦁ Sokka x Aang
⦁ Jet x Aang
⦁ Iroh x Aang
⦁ Zuko x Aang
⦁ Boomie x Aang
Comics (DC/Marvel)
⦁ Batman x Superman
⦁ Beast Boy x Robin (Dick Grayson)
⦁ Beast Boy x Superboy (Jon Kent)
⦁ Beast Boy x Robin (Tim Drake)
⦁ Aquaman x (open)
⦁ Gorilla Grodd x Flash
⦁ Batman x Robin (Dick grayson/Jason Todd/Tim Drake/Damian Wayne)
⦁ (Conner Kent) Superboy x Robin (Tim Drake)
⦁ (Damian Wayne) Robin x Superman (Jon Kent)
⦁ Martian Manhunter x (open)
⦁ Zod x Superman
⦁ Kilowog x Hal Jorden
⦁ Static Shock x Gear
⦁ (Miles Morales) Spider-Man x Spiderman (Peter Parker)
⦁ Iron Man x Captain America
⦁ Wolverine x (open)
⦁ Thor x (open)
⦁ Black Panther x (open)
⦁ Luke Cage x (open)
⦁ Cyclops x (open)
⦁ Beast x (Open)
⦁ Namor x (open)
⦁ Quicksilver x Flash
⦁ Gambit x (open
⦁ Iceman x (Open)
⦁ Nightcrawler x (open)
⦁ Deadpool x Spiderman (Peter Parker)
⦁ Charles Xavier x (Open)
⦁ Hulk x (open)
⦁ (Open) x Wiccan
⦁ Star Lord x (open)
⦁ Rocket x (Open)
⦁ Magneto x (open)
Dan Vs
⦁ Dan x Chris
⦁ Dan x OC
Death Note
⦁ L x Light
⦁ Taichi/Tai x Yamato/Matt
⦁ Izzy x T.K.
⦁ Yamato/Matt x T.K.
⦁ Weregarurumon x Yamato/matt
⦁ Henry x Takato
⦁ J.P. Shibayama x Kanbara Takuya
⦁ Tadashi Hamada x Hiro Hamada
⦁ Quasimodo x (open)
⦁ Beast x (open)
⦁ Kristoff x (Open)
⦁ Li Shang x (open)
⦁ Flynn Rider x (open)
⦁ Mr Incredible x (Open)
⦁ Miguel x (Open)
⦁ Dash x (open)
⦁ Maui x (Open)
Dragon ball
⦁ Vegeta x Goku
⦁ Frieza x Goku
⦁ Piccolo x Goku
⦁ Piccolo x Gohan
⦁ Goku x Yamcha
⦁ Trunks x Goten
⦁ Raditz x Goku
⦁ Yamcha x Goku
⦁ Champa x (open)
Fairly Oddparents
⦁ Chester McBadbat x Timmy/Timantha Turner
⦁ AJ x Timmy/Timantha Turner
⦁ Sanjay x Timmy /TimanthaTurner
Fire Emblem
⦁ Prince Chrom x Robin (male)
⦁ Vaike x Robin
⦁ Asugi x Robin
⦁ Azama x Robin
Final Fantasy
⦁ Wakka x Tidus
⦁ Kimahri x Tidus
⦁ Auron x Tidus
⦁ Jecht x Tidus
⦁ Snow x Hope
⦁ Zell x (open)
God of War
⦁ Kratos x (open)
⦁ Kratos x BOY!
Harry Potter
⦁ Ron x Harry
⦁ Draco x Harry
⦁ Weasley Twins x Harry
⦁ Karkat x John Egbert
⦁ Gamzee x Tavros
⦁ Gamzee x John Egbert
⦁ Sollux x John Egbert
Invader Zim
⦁ Zim x Dib
Kid Icarus
⦁ Dark Pit x Pit
Kingdom Hearts
⦁ Riku x Sora
⦁ Axel x Roxas
⦁ Aladdin x Sora
⦁ Tarzan x Sora
⦁ Hercules x Sora
⦁ King Triton x Sora
⦁ Beast x Sora
⦁ Mufasa x Sora
⦁ Simba x Sora
⦁ Jack Sparrow x Sora
⦁ John Smith x Sora
⦁ Li Shang x Sora
⦁ Flynn Rider x Sora
⦁ Kristoff x Sora
⦁ Peter Pan x Sora
⦁ Mr Incredible x Sora
Legend of Zelda
⦁ Ganon x Link
⦁ Ganondorf x Link
⦁ Dark Link x Link
⦁ Sidon x Link
⦁ Dampe x Link
⦁ Pipit x Link
⦁ Groose x Link
⦁ Draunia x Link
⦁ Link x Sheik (Male)
⦁ Bowser x Mario
⦁ Donkey Kong x Mario
⦁ Luigi x Mario
Metal Gear
⦁ Snake x Otacon
⦁ Snake x Raiden
⦁ Vamp x Raiden
Miraculous Lady bug and Cat Noir
⦁ (Open) x Cat Noir
⦁ Cat Noir x (open)
⦁ Cat Noir x Male Ladybug
My hero Academia
⦁ Toshinori Yagi x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Ejiro Kirishima x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Tenya Iida x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Mashirao Ojiro x Izuku Midoriya
⦁ Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha
⦁ Kakashi Hatake x Sasuke Uchiha
⦁ Gaara x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Kurama x Naruto
⦁ Jiraiya x Naruto
⦁ Rock Lee x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Killer B x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Kiba Inuzuka x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Choji x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Iruka Umino x Naruto Uzumaki
⦁ Doomfist x (open)
⦁ Genji x (open)
⦁ Mccree x (open)
⦁ Hanzo x (open)
⦁ Roadhog x (open)
⦁ Winston x (open)
⦁ Lucio x (open)
Ranma 1/2
⦁ Ryoga Hibiki x Ranma Saotome
⦁ Tatewaki Kuno x Ranma Saotome
⦁ Akihiko Sanada x Yu Narukami
⦁ Junpei Iori x Yu Narukami
⦁ Yosuke Hanamura x Yu Narukami
⦁ Kanji Tatsumi x Yu narukami
⦁ Ryotaro Dojima x Yu Narukami
⦁ Daisuke Nagase x Yu Narukami
⦁ Kou Ichijo x Yu Narukami
⦁ Green/Blue x Red
⦁ Aaron x Ash
⦁ Alder x Ash
⦁ Archie x Ash
⦁ Barlow x Ash
⦁ Professor Birch x Ash
⦁ Brawly x Ash
⦁ Brock x Ash
⦁ Bruno x Ash
⦁ Brycen x Ash
⦁ Buck x Ash
⦁ Bugsy x Ash
⦁ Cameron x Ash
⦁ Cameron x Ash
⦁ Chuck x Ash
⦁ Cross x Ash
⦁ Drake x Ash
⦁ Flint x Ash
⦁ Guzma x Ash
⦁ Hala x Ash
⦁ Hau x Ash
⦁ Heath x Ash
⦁ Jimmy x Ash
⦁ Kiawe x Ash
⦁ Professor Kukui x Ash
⦁ Luis x Ash
⦁ Marlon x Ash
⦁ Marshal X Ash
⦁ Aqua Admin Matt x Ash
⦁ Paul x Ash
⦁ Richie x Ash
⦁ Primo x Ash
⦁ Provo x Ash
⦁ Ritchie x Ash
⦁ Roark x Ash
⦁ Sidney x Ash
⦁ Sophocles x Ash
⦁ Todd Snap x Ash
⦁ Palace Maven Spenser x Ash
⦁ Stephan x Ash
⦁ Lt surge x Ash
⦁ Tierno x Ash
⦁ Tommy (EP034) x Ash
⦁ Tupp x Ash
⦁ Volkner x Ash
⦁ Crasher Wake x Ash
⦁ Professor Willow x Ash
⦁ Wulfric x Ash
⦁ Charizard x Ash
⦁ Arbok x Ash
⦁ Sandslash x Ash
⦁ Nidoking x Ash
⦁ Ninetales x Ash
⦁ Arcanine x Ash
⦁ Machamp x Ash
⦁ Hypno x Ash
⦁ Typhlosion x Ash
⦁ Feraligator x Ash
⦁ Ursaring x Ash
⦁ Sceptile x Ash
⦁ Blaziken x Ash
⦁ Swampert x Ash
⦁ Slacking x Infernape
⦁ Emboar x Ash
⦁ Greninja x Ash
⦁ Incineroar x Ash
Power Rangers
⦁ Tommy x Jason
⦁ Tommy x Billy
⦁ Zack x Jason
⦁ Tommy x Rocky
⦁ Tommy x Justin
⦁ Andros x Zhane
⦁ Carter x Chad
⦁ Alex x Trip
⦁ Max x Danny
⦁ Anubis Cruger x Schuyler
⦁ Nick x Xander
⦁ Xander x Charlie Thorn
⦁ Chase x Riley
Punch Out
⦁ Aran Ryan x Little Mac
⦁ Bald Bull x Little Mac
⦁ Bear Hugger x Little Mac
⦁ Disco Kid x Little Mac
⦁ Don Flamenco x Little Mac
⦁ Donkey Kong x Little Mac
⦁ Great Tiger x Little Mac
⦁ Mr Sandman x Little Mac
⦁ Piston Hondo x Little Mac
⦁ Soda Popinski x Little Mac
⦁ Super Macho Man x Little Mac
⦁ Von Kaiser x Little Mac
Resident Evil
⦁ Albert Wesker x Chris Redfield
⦁ Chris Redfield x Leon s Kennedy
⦁ Chris Redfield x Barry Burton
⦁ Jack Krauser x Leon s Kennedy
⦁ Billy Koen x Chris Redfield
⦁ Chris Redfield x Steve Burnside
⦁ Luis Sera x Leon Kennedy
Sailor Moon
⦁ Nephrite x Zoisite
⦁ Tuxedo Mask x Zoisite
⦁ Tuxedo Mask x Fish eye
Soul Eater
⦁ BLack Star x Soul Evans
⦁ Death the Kid x Soul Evans
Star Fox
⦁ Starwolf x Starfox
Street Fighter
⦁ Ryu x Ken
⦁ Zangeif x (open)
⦁ Balrog x (open)
⦁ Sean x (open)
⦁ Dhalsim x (open)
⦁ Birdie x (Open)
⦁ E.Honda x (open)
⦁ T. Hawke x (Open)
⦁ Dee Jay x (open)
⦁ Yun x (open)
⦁ El Fuerte x (Open)
⦁ Rufus x Ken
⦁ Guile x (open)
⦁ Knuckles x Sonic
⦁ Shadow x Sonic
⦁ Sonic x Tails
⦁ Silver x Sonic
⦁ Scourge x Sonic
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
⦁ Donatello x (Open)
⦁ Raphael x (open)
⦁ Leatherhead x Michelangelo
⦁ Leonardo x (open)
South Park
⦁ Craig x Tweek
⦁ Eric x Kyle
⦁ Stan x Kyle
⦁ Goth Kid x Stan
⦁ (open) x Butters
⦁ Asgore x Frisk
⦁ Mettaton x Frisk
⦁ Asriel x Frisk
⦁ Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins
Yu Gi Oh
⦁ Atem x Yugi Moto
⦁ Duke Devlin x Yugi Moto
⦁ Seto x Yugi Moto
⦁ Joey x Yugi Moto
⦁ Noah x Mokuba
⦁ Bakura x Marick
⦁ Mako Tsunami x Yugi Moto
⦁ Johnny Bravo
⦁ Duke Nukem
⦁ Nathan Drake
Plant creatures
Personality/Body types
Chubby (Difference from chubby and fat)
Country boys
Facial Hair
Never give up attitude
So here is a list of genders I shall accept rping with me as well as playing with. Pretty simple I think right? Here we go!
Ftm Transgender men
Intersex men
Intersex female
Okay so this list is going to be rather long. This is stuff I am into doing some is more crazy than others. If you have questions please ask and I'll explain. I promise there is a reason for everything. Even the more extreme stuff.
Age Differences
Being shaved
Male Pregnancy
Power relinguishing
Stockholm syndrome
Video recording
Weird romances
Wound Licking
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